WILMETTE LifE ·---·········-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------··· RADIOLA 17 R~1diolJ 1~ JllJrks Jn epoch in rh,· progrc . )s of rccciv:ng set design. ('I~ ploys the new RCA .. A. c:· This rcc~ivcr Radiorrons .lnd is cornpletch· .. A. C ... Opl'f a ted. This scr is rhc culrninarion of vcars of rc~carch in set .1nd t ubc design ain1ed to produce. for a rnodcra.te price ..J rccciv_cr complcrcl\' "A. c.·· operated with a rnin·itn urn of op,·r.HinR controls. This .1i1n h.1s indrt.·d be,·n .lchicYcd tn t ht· R.u.iioL1 17. Radio/a I i on di~pla4 at WM. G. BEYRER ll J l L'cn tral 4-\ venue ··-------------·-----------------------------------------------------·--------~--------------------------·· IT'S GOOD, MOTHER! ·.\·cd thJt . lug .ll vour .1pron litrings ... rnorhet. lt'4i vour little child. And wh.H do vou suppose ~he w.lnts? Mort.' Milk from the \Vinth'rh..\ SanitJrY 0.1irv of (OUr~t.': Pure and \\' hnle~on1e . WINNETKA SANITARY DAIRY Co., ~=--_;;;::·=:;:.__......:::=--___:..:___ __:;:.---=:::::._ -----'-. Ph'-Hlt' \Vinnetka I ) 7 ·5.w1 '-~~dn,- ~l,f ""' "---3·· '· ·· - - ~- When you hear the words 6.'-99·44/100% ,a pure" what do you think ol! Ivory Soap! 111 .We use Ivory exelusively in washing il your elothes here. That's just one ol II many good reasons why earelul ·home· II makers prefer this laundry. Liberal li diseount lor bring·and-eall. II I -· a .II NELSON LAUNDRY 1210 Central Avenue I! 'li li Wilmette ······· ···l·l