( ktuheJ' ~. J92i W I ·L M .E 1" T E LIFE ··· , . _........... ·t Long Gold Bead Ropes, $3.00 Antique gold-c0lorcd h~ad~ ~trun~ .1nd woven into a hea\·y ropi! effect . 6o i nchcs long. Highly dfecti\'\' for ( ()~ t umc and sportS\\'CJr. Fir.'> t Fl oor DeVilbiss Crepe Back Satin Perfumizers ·I" his year (getting ready $3.45 · .\ ri.:h . ~ uppl\! drl!ss ~ilk--both ~urf.tc~~ o f which are ofte-n used in contrast. hHt y inches wide- black . navy . potter) red. autumn k . l f brown . lichen grt:cn porcelain blue . slatr blue . pinfn,·,·dlt ·,· retn tan rs , '.=!p.so 11 Agai1l fe (!ustomers Mav ..... lor Christmas) there arc \Cores of exquisite new natterns: both in the :uomizer type. and in the dropper kind. ·ro .1 use in them there arc variety of fine French ·ovember· lll January ,, to p~rfumcs-Roger ~ Gal .. Men's Silk Scarfs .\ ho)l ot th~m to dlo,ht: from : Oh · longs at $2.50 and $3.5o-in solid col o rs. prints. block designs, with printed borders. and embroidered figures on solid w lors. Tans. grayo, . n.t\' Y blu~ . Frtnch hlu<' and white. lcfs Pavon d' Argent. and l.c Jade: D"Amboise Jas· min: Hahna's L'Etrange Fll·tu'\. And many more! thr ( 'h ,istmas Shopping Period Squares. $3.50 to $5 include Fin ; 1-lnor of gi '"ts an Novernber pie Ci"~istmas stocks. thoughtful and on L)~anbcr first so you may review your ay · th~ 1t it \vhollv or in part. if you wish til J l!. itUary. . pay Youth's Flannel Shirts and Blouses The khaki and gray un~~ .n S 2.:; u represent the plain colored groupThe other lot. at $_..25. Jrt! large or small checks in black on tan. dark blu~ . green . orange or red. Guaranteed color~ . Sizes 8 to 14. Nl'w .md (,,mpl~t~ ~tockc;' Blanket 1'\·tme.' All- wool checked blankets. 66x8o. $9.95; size 7ox 8o. $1 1.95· Satine-bound edges in matching colors. Pink, blue. rose, lavender. tan and gold. a Ch.·trge Account impe Matter perso 1 J who art! financially responsible. O~r applica .·b and accord you every courtesy tn Cu~aomers .1bovc is but ~)ne of the many account ltft at Lord's. First 1-/oor 1 Fine Cotton Knit Munsingwear $1.35 Union suits of fine - com~d prn-bodic~ top or round neck styles-knee lengthflesh or white. Good - fiuin~ . lS ;~It Munsingwur is! The ~xtra sizts. $1.65. s~cond Kenwood Slumber Throws,.$9.SO Pure wool in homespun weave, bound with satin. Rose. gold. blue, l~vender. . green. l.orci'!\-First Floor Office- ,&conci Floor floor