Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Oct 1927, p. 35

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1 1 '"·H·r ~. 19Z7 - WILMETTE LIFE 1 .. ··· 1 ~'1hl !UIiii I!II:iiiillflllllllllllt II tlillltllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll . i ; ; § ~ = Desirable Vacant in Winnetka :; -acr.: tract Within the of Winnetka. one of the ll'\\ 1c1llaining de()irabl~ tracts in the \'illJge. It is Jess than a mile fron1 one ">tat ion ~1nd c.1 littk~ n1orr than c.1 tnilr frotn the other. overlooking the beautiful Skokie \'~1l . lev ,tnd C~nn1n1unity C:iolf C~0ursr. ~rhrre blocks to grade school and :~·~~: t>1 n h.1l f m i k to .I u n ior Hie:h On part of this tract I plan to build a ! c l : = = .~ h.1n~ JUSt .lcquin~d limit~ _ _ · .: 11 = ;;:: _ _· - I 1)1~ pr~.)lh'rt r h ,l, br". n .h:quin:c..i .~t .1 iHil.'~._' wh1ch ~o·ILlbl\.·\ rnr tn dispose of ,1 p,Ht l) f j t i I1 t ro 11 L1 ~l'\) 0 f I 7) f l.'l.'l Or tllOrl' tn .1 '""\. d~.:~ir.lhk .1pplic1nts .11 ~1 pric"· :u nsid~.· r.1hh· Ju,,·"·r th.1n ~ln\·thing l.'qu,1ll\· d~,.·\trl1hlc ~.:,ln h1.: 1)bt.1incd d~~.·wht'r'-' in \\·in nl'l h .L pri(( ..lpproxirn.Hing or lo\\:~r th,ln whJl roo fo(H fronc. 1 ge equally dl.'~i.rabll' can I'·' ,ll-(j lll. fl'lf f()f l'}S'l'\\' 1 tlt~ro. " "' = - 1 h.l\'\.' g<.Hh' to considl'r ..lbk cxpl.'H"il' to = -~ one ut thl.' 1n..ln\· luuking tn 1 '"h' n'-·r ln(.lli~)n ir1 \\'innt.·tk .1 ..1nd qu.1li lt~.·d tn ktH'\\ ' r~.-.11 \",1llll' ,,-}ll'n vou Sl'l' it · th1-.. oll\.·r\ .111 l':\Cl'ption.ll opportunitY . I1 \·o u .lrl· I L1\·ing li\·~,· d 111 \\'inth:tk.1 fqr n1on· thJn tl·n \""'.1r\ . l'l'.1lizin~ it'i n1..1ny ad\'.111ttlg'-'" llhl kno\':ing tlh' pri(l"~ .1slu·d .1nd ob t.1in"·d for dl'\ILlhk , .,1c.1nt prop~.·rt\ \Ur ~" ~und~.· d h\' hon11.·s r.1nging in \',lhh· frotn l(.)rt\· to ,1 !ntndr~..·d thous.1nd dollars or !1hH\.' I kno\\' th.ll thi\ i~ bv far tlw b"·st . and · "' LHHisclpl' artist' sbO\\·ing ho\\' this prop · '-·rt \' ,,·ill look \\'hl'n built upon. By loll()\\·ing this gcnl'ral plan your nligh b1.)l·~ houSL' will bl' fron1 90 to 112 fl'l't fnJn1 youro\\·n . I an1 not a contr ..1ctor nHt n1 .1y h,1\'l' your 0\\'11 ,1rchit~ct and hl'ild~:r ~.·tnbody ,·o ur 0\\'11 ideas. f louse~ do not h.1\·"· to cost unrc,1sonJbk 'illll1S: ()11lr rr~1son~1bk r~.·stri(tions \\·ill be rnad~.· to \,1 f\.·gu.ud 111\' ('1\\·n ,1'\ \\'L'll .1'i 111\' nL·igh bor'i· intL'r"'"t . h,l\'"' .1 pJintin~ n1Jc.k h\.' 'an architl.'ct = = = = = prnpL'rl\' in \\'innetk.1 .1t ,1nrthing ncJr tt'i prtc~.· Sine"· I . 'in1 willing h) sell p .1t'Cl~S \)f thi~o~ tr.1ct .H prices lo\\'l'r than the prop '·'~" t \' \\' ill b r i n g a t p u b I h. offr r i n g . I r l.' thl· right to select tbos( ,,·hon1 l (('n~idL·r (ksir.1hk .ls neighbors. 'il'r\·,· I ..1lsu knu\,. fn)n1 pLT~l)JlJl'-·xp"·riL·nc\.· JrHI th~.· ~.·xpcri"·n(l' pf 111,111\' friends . th.H t hL· big· n1ist~1k"· tl1l)~l nf th tn ·n1 ..1d"· i t I th .ll the\· did not .1cquin· sufficicnt fron tage upon \\'hich to build hon1es for \\'hich they spl'llt frorn t\\'l.' nty to fortv thol. tS~1nd doll.lrs. For this reJson the ~nl.llkst front .1gt: oiT"·rcd \\'ill bc 17) fret. But this 1 T1 feet c1n bt.· .1cquired Jt .1 l f you a rl.' in tercst(·d, .1nd soon plan to build . : hon1e for yoursc~f \vhcn.~ you \\·ill hJ\'l' m.1ximun1 privacy and quit:t-nff thl' ro.1ring su·~rts and on .1 privatl' dri\'l' -trll n1r '"'·ho you Jrc ~1nd I shall be pkasl·d to giw you full inform,ltion . · ~ A o oR E s s B. C. G.. C A RF W 1 1. rv1 E T T 1: L 1F E I i 1111111111111111111111111111111111!1111111111111101111111111111111111 UIIIIIIUIIIUIIIUUIIIIIUIIIIIIUW IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIUIUIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIII !IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIUIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIi II I

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