Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Nov 1927, Inside back cover

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November 4, I<Jl; ........ WILMETTE LIFE l Another Cold Snap en the Way H'\1 I i l I . Is Drug Storing A Poor Business? A preU}' successful bu'iin~ss m.m h{'rt in rhis cornmunit\' sortJ hopped on me the other night on Jccounr Aof the way rhe modern_ d_ru~ ~tor~ was conducted. He cl.1imed th.u they hJd losr th.:-tr tdentll )' an J cloud of "knick-knJcks" and "Specialties" and were ~ow selling EVERYTHING BUT drugs~" So here's what I pomted out to him. Snzi : X' , of Hot Water Bottles A splendid p.anacea for troubled rummies. headaches and cold feet. th!! IJst. an oursr.1nding uust. for cur divoret tvil. We h~ve complete line of b'lnles (not di\·orcts) from 98c ro S1.;o. .,I th .ln . "Do you r{'ali:u. Mr. Citizrn. rhar scuisrico; show thJl only .1 community NEEDS - Medicinrs? Isn't ir .1 fact thlt rhr w.1v dru~ sroreSJ an.· run NO\V wr CJicr to plcntv MORE y,....... 01 D HOT WATER xr' ,.. . BOlTLE Worth SSe! Bring in your old no-good. orntn· look.in~ H. W. B~nle and we'll gi\·e ,·ou ; :;c for it if you buy one of rhese new GuJrJntetd . S :L 50 ones we just gor in. Does thll sl:'cm hir ~ We urry tubing too if the rube vou have is worn rhin. This offtr good for one \\'eck only. · Cold W\'Jtha \\Ill not ,poll \ uur if \'Oil hJH KANTLEEK Hot Water Bottl~s In thr cour\{' of out nun\ \t .tr \ o' -.,·llrn~ DruR Stort' m,·,dund - ~·. \\ ,. hJ\· ~ lli'\' H \Old .l 11101\ \.Ill \ f.1cron· Hot \\'.Hrr Bc,td~ th.tn K.1nllak :\nd ·t WJ'i all J big p1rcr of news to hir-n . H"'d nc\'cr loo~(·d .11 _ 11 111 jusr dlJt war. Once he ROt the idrJ th:>, he \JW the hght Jnd l."ipcci.lll\' when I roo~ him back to mv dt>'ik .md 'ho\\ cJ hun how MY figgl'r'i sh:>wcd thJl wr cuded IN \TOlK itrm<; whrch were SUH.tb~(' for EVERY MEMBER of ;\ ;-.,; Y I.Hn i lv. no m.ma how voung or how old. I BELl EVE hl' \\ ..1\ imprt">'>,·d . Whw I pointed out that 'lt.lti\tic'i ALSO showed that E.\'ER_ Y m,·rnbcr of EVERY brnalr aHrJgcd .lt LEAST ONE \lSI I .1 "cd\ in SOME drug "or~ rh,· vcar AROUND he qun th~ \ ubj ,· n COLD : ~ ' y,\\lr . lhC' drug 1r Ch · hut 11 j., ~tore .hJs rt\ dr.lWhJck'i . like long hour~. r,ur.· a f ricndh· old RJmr to he in and I LIKE· Gl·Nl:. Catch 'em· Young and BUST 'em! Just ler a newly wedded pair of Cold Germs get loc,ucd up uound in your nJs.ll p;assage and 'blee,·e ME you are in for plenty grid! Right THEN is when you wanr a good strong SPRAYER and some KLENZO Antiseptic which if your aim is good will sure chase 'em away! w{' h.lve such for SALE! 25c and 5oc a bortle . It 1 m.tJ,. \Ill 1rrlv rn orh ptt' lt tb.11·., wh\' it CJn · r k1J.. or hrnllin}{ . p.lllhl' \ . .,pl:1 ~ ' - ,,·.tnh Jnd th,· c;toppl.· D ,).., , " molded right 111to tho: rubb.:-r h h.,, no Although 11 · ., ~~u.Junt,· ,·d lor t\\ (J \'t' ·"' · 11 co\1\ onh· Dttva STOIH: $2.50 Ph<lnl'S 2 8- 2t) Only One Store-Central and Wilmette Aves. . ..... We gladly demonstrate c~me in any Evening .!, ~ 1. l '. ' . 'r " . i; ~ ~ l f I I ( A SOURCE OF TRUE SATISFACTION ,. ,. ,. Ill' 1\r: i<t J world of s.ltisf Jcrion in ~\\' r-; i ng .1 rdi.1hlc w .He h. Our timcptc~· c·; .H~ rested hv rhr strrnrsr methods known t3 the ,~~,..HchmJkcrs' science. ' ' L T p· .ffl U ! .~l 'I ~ II, ·tlr 'fil ftl ' ~il :r At\\·atcr Kctlt at1d K()lster, l1elievc, are ·outstatlliitlg i!1 V:\LUl· \\'e \V.Hdxuft i~ rrprcscntrd .lt its best in our co krtion of intcrn.HioauHy known movcrnrnrs. TO:'\i' Ql' .\l.l'I y SIMPLICITY OF 0Pl·H:\ I I<.)~ U~USl'\l BIAl'fY Rt:,l.lt\BI LITY OF M:\ ~ L!J .\( l l ' !\l :~ \Vt.' carry Elyin. Howard. l-/an1i!ton. \Valton, and I he f anJous Gruen watches in stock. II I Adams Electric Shop 5ll-4tll Street Expenenced Radio Serciciny 1: DOMINIC PAGLIARULO J t'CL1tler {1 Opticiun 1 ·· l ·.l: t! ,. f rotl Walmeue Ave. 16 Phone WilmiHe ro61 years in the llclm~ location. ·, · ;-::; :~J!!iU !illii!i~i"fn:i:--:=-==r~::.G::2":;:~:...:::::.:.. - :;::: ......." .. :..:.. a0 . ~:: . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . · ·

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