Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Nov 1927, p. 37

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November 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE VENETIAN LILLE LOTION. Unlike m~ny injurious liquid powd~rs. · Lillt Lotion is mildly ~nti septic and good for the skin. It removes blemishes. acts as ~n astringent and is 3 protution ~gainst sun. wind a!'!d freckling. lr is especi.11ly btntfici.1l for 3n oily skin and is a perfect finish for both day Jnd t\'rning. giving the skin an immJcubt" soh .1nd nJtuul finish, wry fbttrring with evening clorhes. Uo;e ir on the face , neck and arms at niRht under powder. It does not rub off. lncomp.1uble for pro· tcction and the relief of sunburn .1nd frcckle'i. Six shadco;: .W hitt, Cream, Naturelle. Special Rachel, Spanish Rachel and Ocr.·. $1.50, $1.. ;o. Exquisite Powders Th~ look of · cue is the rrward not ~lone of clunlintss .ilnd skin health. but also of rhosr final un touches th.u accrnr charm. Wh;1t arr thosr finJI rouchrs? Tht under-powde r ere .1m th.1t makrs your ~kin ~oft .md fin(' : the clt\'rr cosmetic th.lt cmph.1siuc; tht shadow of your eves: the rou~e thJt srimul.1w; vour colorin~ as it w.1s in the 'tecn \'C.H\ . .1nd mo~r imponanr - thc pcrfcct powdcr. All thr'>r cxqui.,itc ptcp.tr.llJOn\ Eliz.t brth Arden h.1c; tnJdr for \'Ou . POUDRE O'ILLU<;IOK :\ Jon I\' purr powder. m.H.Ic for thoc;e \\ho dcnl.lnd the l'Xlrt'llH' of qu.liJt\', It ic; ju<ot h,· .· ,.,. cnou~h <ocenll~d ngu('h· .tnd du rm i ngh·. Tin r., · lllwion \h,Hh· , .1 JH.' .lC b - !1 k,· blend 1 . Nachrl Ucrt '·' \llllhurn \h.ld,· \\'hit,· ..\1 inal'u 1 .1 "Jrm .tnd fl.11 derst~nding tn1ng n .lluul color · . .1nd l~cmur ~u To Remove Lines and Wrinkles VENETIAN MUSCLE OIL A rich nourishing oil for removing · w.HilH'r .liH.I dt'l' P<'t th.1n RadJel'. wrinkle\ and restoring the virility S-;. A g10up of Preparations for the protection of the skin of the faci.1l muscles. whrlhcr the For Nourishing Without folded or lin"d conditiun of the hce VEI':ETIAN ffCNE LOTION . An an·riscpric hulin~ to i\ causrd b,· illnes'i. worry or adFattening lion which f rcrs the skin of pimples. spots .and other eruptions. nncin~ years. This penetrJting It \C.ll rcr'> congestion in the c;kin. dries the eXC(>SS excretions of \'L:\I :· r 1:\:\ \TI \'.\ C l<b\~1 . oil feeds and fills out sunkrn fea t h,· ·nf rncd erik Keep a bottle on hand .1nd apply it liber.1lly ;\ noun,hin ~~ uC.llll 111 .1d,· ,., p,·r1.dh tures. softem lines Jnd wrinkles !O rh,· \pot .1<; \OOn .1\ .1 pimple be~1ns to g.1thcr under rhc skin. fot .1 lull t.H:,· . It 11tll not f.Jtl\11 Jbout the mouth Jnd eyre;. and firms L' \·' .l\ .1 po\\ da foundJtion O\'l'f the affeited skin. S r . .!=j. th~ ti\\lll' ·. bur ll pro\ rd.<. lh,· !ld,·~. .1nd 'ilrcngthcns the entire hq. ~.tr\' lood, to 1-.,·, p th ,· \ h1n \lliO(lth 1 ht.: Arden Musclc -StrJpping Skin .111d b,·,thb '.. \ ·,·h ·u I\ .111 l' \<!ltl\1(,' · Toning method gently incites the IY ddtt .ll<' o,'Jill \llll··, i f(Jr th ·) ~· impoHric;hcd musclt'i to Jbsorb rhc \liP·' I "'11\111\·' ,ktth II bt(h rd,,[ Muscle Oif. Apply ovrr Orange .ti'.l!ll'>l tr, .t !l11111 H irh otlh'! 01'.11 .1\ Skin Food ··r VelL-a Cream. p.1ning It 1-.ap' thl' ' k1n " ll r .ln,l 11111. the prcp.u.u ion., on rhc lines and 11'\llll\' d \ l ' h , l \ . P.:l I ! :·'<'11 11 . Oil wrinl-..kc; .l'i wdl .1s on the princip.1l tb,· L1cl' .111d n, d, .tlt\t d,.l!l\111·. muc;clr<i. S1. S:!.~o. S4. :-.1.111\ \\O!Il\'11 .hht,,,. \'l.lll t ·.rn :· r.· VENETIA~ JUNE GERAN ~ \1;;1\ In U\IIL'. ()ur' <l \hu· f'u;HI 11 Only One Store-Central and Wilmette Aves. IUM SOAP. The finr"r imported n 1~· h t .111 d \ · It'll 111 r h ,· m >t n t n · bath c;oap. made cxduc;ivel\' for Phones 28-29 tll'.lllll·'llt ot rh,· -.krn (Jr,l/~c/< \/,u· Eliz~1beth Arden . A biv, chubby loud roun,h th, t "' .l!hl tdh our nl-- ..'. fO\\' pink . f r.t~r.lnt of r0\1.' ~cr.lnium. Com1\ttnl.-k'. \ 'dt,l n·Wli \ !J,, \\tthnut l .dt·nln· rn,l , n pou ntkd of pun· \'cgct.lhlc oils which dissoln in rb,· 11\0 <ulllpll~,· .1 p.· rt.,r · t ·. d.ln .. d d,,, · ,., p.,~,Ji'( ·. fll'Jnn \O.lp\· IJLhcr Jnd act .1s .1 prrfrct emollient. ro b.- r.·, .Hnnt.·nd,·d ! c11 rh ,· .1\,· r.l ~·~· 1101111 .11 ' ktn lc.l\'i ng the skin c;oft .1nd white. S 1. ;o the (.lkc. ~ 1 '.,: . h.dt pound p·>l 'S; p0und pot '.>' ·. S) .1 box of n. 1 1 'INVEST IN BOYHOOD Herr Is y" ottr Opportttttit)' t() Back Up Ottr · Bo,·s for the ADVANCEMENT of SCOUTING zn WILMETTF, $1,500.00 Nceded ~------------------------------------------------------------ON THE LINE AND MAIL TODAY . CUT to Cot11plcte Our Share Help Put it Over L.1st ,·r.H thr North Shon· Arc.1 Council included 21 rroops .1nd 424 sront". Now wr h.n·r ) ) troops with 72R registered scouts. The object of thr Scout commiurc ~n Wilmeth~ is to h.n·e L1 progr.1m th.H wtll include all boys. and gi,·c them the very . best instruction possible. We wish to give everyone in 'VilmNte an opportunity to contribute to our budget. . BENJ. WILMETTE'S SHARE in the Character Building Work of the - --- ·----i - - - ._ _ _ ___!, ~-- -·-1001 ~ - 2501 $500 I North Sl1ore Area Cottncil BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA ------ - -·-·0! so 1 - 251 In consid('r.uion of the Servin~ of the North Shore Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America in enriching Boy Life I desire to contribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dollars toward the 1927-28 budget JS my investment in Boyhood Preferred · Name ..... ·Check is attached. ) ( N. Cox. Chairman. A. J. CoBURN STACY C. BENNETT Will be paid Quarterly . D. C. LEACH L. E. MATSON KARL D. KING HENRY FOWLER ROY R. MARQUARDT ) Will be paid on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. R. HARBAUGH H. WARREN SHAW CARL. RENNECKAR Make check payable to Henry Fowler Mail to Benj. N. Cox, 1116 Elmwood Ave.

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