Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Nov 1927, p. 3

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November 18, 19.27 WILMETTE LIFE BANIS TO DISTRIBUTE $IS4,600 XIAS SAYING I More Than 3,000 New Trier Reai· dents Use Euy Method of Saving :\ total ui ~15-'JJtMJ was saidy tlh:kcd a\\ ;ly i~1 l 'hri:o.tlll;ls sa\·ing-.; an:ouuts in Hurt h :-.h~trt· hauk!'l dnrins.:- the past year, an ittrrt·a-.. ~.· ,,j ~23,1100 tllun.: than was dqH1:--itt-cl i11 thi~ typ...: of s;n·ings in 1' -)' 1. Tltc :-.t·\' t· tt J,atd.-:- in thl~ north :--hurc \ ilbg~:.., t·i \\.ihudtc, \\ 'i nn~:tka. ~iu l'!nding lluhk1rd \\'uutl:-1 < uul Clcnr(·c rq·ort ;, h·t;d ui 3,0113 L'hri:-.tllla:o- :-a\'ltl~.., dq~t,~itt~ r :- tl1c p~1~t , -l·;u·. t :J whum, i11 :t . . !,,·It tlllt~·. thcr ~\ill hl·!-!iu the.: d t-.trilll llitoll ttl t!J,. hi.liJd.,IIIIIL' ; 11111 f\:· llillll\..! 1:··:1 1 tl 1 1~ i!ldt·a ..,i tll..dy i"·pular : 1. r i: t t. u . . ~ 111 1,. Augments Xmas Cheer "Uncle John'~ Rests MASONS' TURKEY DAY Di·aer Thia Eweabaa Ia laaaaecliate "Sell Out"; MoYie Pro1raaa to At· tract Larae Crowd Turkey dinner, ~lasonic temv1e, Friday. ~o,·c mhcr 1~. l'J.a, 7 1· ..\l. ( 1'-· scr\'atiuns· lor this dinner dosed ~lon da,· at 6 P. M. because no more can he. cn·ditahly :-.cn·cd than the rc:n:n a tion:o; then tn.f· That tl.'fsc.·ly put information readily indit:atcs that tonight':-. Turkcy dinner and clltl'rtaiumcnt ior \\'ilmdtc ~la ~ou:- and thL·ir iamilit.·=- is })\· waY uf ~u l'trct.·cling iu intcrc!'lt ami att~n<lancc ju:-t al11 1Ut anything lucal ~~ a:.oury has c\·cr \'clltUrl.'d 111 the uaturc ui :'uc ial alTair:- . ll11· .. :-<:11-out'· ior t hc di111ll'f d~tt·: llut, h :l\\t"n·r, pn:n:tlt thu:)c uniortunalt' \'lldtlldt tu 1~~.· ~.:outltl'd out a . . tho.: Turkt·y gnc-.b, i r\1lll Yic\\· in~ the ctttcrtainttlt·nt t11 ioll 1,,. \\ llidt \\ill include..: ..... til\' lllU\·ic:- ui a . . t rid IY lllt"al r~tlur ;.m d thl· uftirial (~p\·cn;ntc nt :-'iL!.ual l· :,rp:- pi ctll r\·.., taken at tht· :-t:Cllt':o- ,,j thc \\. ~trld war. llH:I' \' will IH· pkll t y oi r .. ulll in t lit· audi tllrium iur t hu:-<.· \\ lt11 plan tt, -..n· tlw 11111\·i..-.... though. in tht· cn·n t tht· caparity ui that rol)m is 11\'l·rtaxt.:tl. tlhl:->l' in ch~tr~c Ill tht: pr,J. 1-!r:ttll protni:--t· a rq1t"at pt"riortllal\l'l' it~ the -malkr h;dl un tlw i·1ttrth tlutlr ot the ktliJIIt- jn-.t tiittTtl 11111\tttt·-.. ht·lti!td tlw dt~\\' tbtair~ :--chl'duk. T ht.· program. bq.!innittl! ;d X u'd"ck. i:-. announcl'd a~ iollu\\·s: l'art ADYOCEUNESINIAI ON IOSQUD'O IEMCE Cou"ty Jud«e "Sileat Voten" of c-17 Political Sitaataa Jarecki to laf. . .\l.u1·, ,,j iL l · t< tn ·k:- \\ill be r\·dci···--:: ··d i:1 1:1t rn.:uLtr -.;n·i n_L!,. , :tn:ottllt:-. " ' tit, ., ,. ),.t id-.-., it t:- '-"l'tTh:d. awl the r,·IJI.t il:d,-r -.-.ill l,t. u -. 1'11 Ill \':triou.., \\ iiY.., :. , n .. tkt· lll· ·rt· ,·ll v··riul t:lt' arri,·;d oi _l ·· !h 't)d 1-.::·: . . 1-.: ritlglt· Llil hi.., ~lllllllal \'b::. ltct· , ·1 ],,. -n t·n kill~-;" \\ h.~-.t· rluh IIIUll\'.iii r, ,·t·i\l' ..-hcd,-.. j,,r tilt· l'J2/ t.Lr;-::~,;, .. --,t\llll!--. and \\l :i rh art· prt·l !t'l' ,:nrulhltt·ltt <t~ld 1 ·. tl !it< i.,r .1 .. iii! l.ll . -.,t\lP~-- Cll !Ji l;l!l.!ll.., i11r !lJ2K, art· the \\ il!ttvtl·.· ~,;,:,· h;tnk. th·· Ftr-..t ~ati1111,,j 1: .111k "I \\ ' il:t l dt,·. I Jc~lm Bl'nham of Kenilworth, more i:tllliliarh· k1111Wil tll childrt·Jl ni tht· K,·n ih,urth l'nit·tt dmrrh a:- "l..llck _ltolln:· ha.., re:-ignt·tl thl.' -.U\It·rilltt'tHkn 1·y ··i thl· l ·niun chun:h ~unday :-.dLrt~L ~I r. gt·nltam. \\·lw ·i~ mon· than 80 _\t'itr .. oi .1)..!1'. ha:- hn·Jil'llgagc.:d in ~llll ·by . . c!lotll \\11r\.; practically at! hi:-; liit·. The second important step in the business of orf,!'anizing a permanent mosquito ahatc.'ment association in the townships of Evanston, Niles. New Trier and the eastern half of North· ficlrl. wa!'i takt'n at a dinner and meet· ing- hel<l at tlw Skokie Country club, Ckncoe. \\' cdm·s(lay cv<'ning. for the purpni'e of dt·\Tlopin~ plans to raise IJl()lll'_\' tl<:C'n:--ary to defray CX1)CRSCS oi the -.pcciat ckction to he held Dec~·mh~_·r r1. and . to carry on the work until tht a:--sociation's funds are avail· ahl(· next ~pring . He:--idt:nb in tlll' <listri~t have authorizl'<l the ~pl'cial dcction which Count\· rudgc.· E·lmuml K. Jarecki has ;ct f1 1r th ·· I h. ·t·l·mhc.·r date. 'l'he pre· liminan· work, up tn this time. bas ht·t·n r;trri('(l inrward hy a temporary or!.!anizatinn known as the North ~~~Orl' ~I o . . quito .-\hatt·nwnt association, ami \\·ith pri,·atc !"uhscriptions to de-· ir;t\· thl' th~.· \\ 'ttll ldka ·i ~:lllk. th~.· llul,l,;ml \\'uud . . ·1 ;u-: :1nd ~.t,·! nl! ... lt.lllk. tl:c (~knc11c.· ;-:.l.tlt- !1.t11k ;u:d tlll' l. 'ititt·Jb ~Lttt· ,"",!\ !!1!.:, :--:;t!,· h: tllk, the \\.inri.-tk.t Tru-t ;111d k toi t;lt.nl·tiL 'j'iJ,. !.!1.!1 \·r;d ;,l.tll oi :-,t,·iug in till· t . iJr:-UII,I· ~a\ i11g" dub-.. ~.·u ndtll't t·d in tl1·· \:t ri,~u-- h;IJlk-. i:- prat'tirally tht: "all!··. T ht.· r:ttt· ,,j int\·rc..;t j.., thrn.: Jw !'t~·rlt. l'r, ,,i-.i 111 j ... Ill,t dt· l··r \·;1rt11tt.... !:a 1 ! l11 hi:' t·ight y~.·;tr· ... ;t:-...,,Kiation with tltt· l.'11inn church. ~lr. J;L"nham 'ta~ built lljl t1lll.' ui thl· !.~_· . . t ~unday :-.rh··ol:-. in :;ti, !'art 1·i tlh· ..:t~untry. \Vork amung t'hildn·n Ita:- l·t·t·!l hi:-; gr~._·at juy siltl'e \tlllll~ lll:tlllllll·d :tll d tltt· littll' Kenil ~\- Mtll irit·tHl:' havl' rt·n·ivl·d init)rtlla11<1!1 oi hi.., relingui-:hlllt·llt 1li at'tiYt' . . ,_.n· ~· ~..· \\itlt llt11t11 ... t r~..·grl.'t . - · ·- -- --· --- 1-".\m..r·i (·a I;,,. .:-; c l\'··r." 4 ltlkial p it· l\IJ'o·)-< of til· · \\'ll t' ld \\ ;11'. J~· -lt ·as···l b,· th· · 1· . ~- g··\··rnrn· ·lll. !'art :! - " \\' ;. \\'a nt Tut·k· ·y." .-\ J·.,·HI :'lla ~ · · lli·: tLt\· ·"' l!. l'art ::-lt··Uili"ll ··f :'ll;t :-:"Id·· I !I I:.!. ti lrtlt·tl ill .llltlt ·, I !t:! 1. Parts 1,:! and I. 1·; tnlll. pr .. J··· ·tiull . l';trl :~. n·~ular :--tandanl tihu pr(lj· ···ti··tl . mo~quit(l ahat~ment campaign, imHapprn,·;ll of the permanent or· :.:·;mization. wht·n the stJecial election ;·omt·~. and it was for the purpose of fiuanrin!.! th<' dc.'rtion. and the work yl'f t11 lw clone. that Chairman Wil,·l:t:-:~ ,.f iam Edwarcl:; catlc·l the. meeting last cak~ t·nthu~iasm whic.-h has been maniit·"'t durin!.!· till' f1rst ,,art of the expenses. The <·n·nin~. Tht· ~_·ntertainmL·nt i~ pr :.,-i tkd l1y tht· I;;!!,', \I l! t '.t \ · t· . ' . I \ 1·. Start for 1928 T:H- -.,t., :1·;:;' t·l u!,, " hit-il --t. trt tht· tir -: \,,.,.; .. i11 I'> n·t·Hrhv r ar~.· t"uttdudt·d \.'totu.:Tt"L:;tt i··nal church ~ttnda ,. morn1, ·:· :1 ; " :· 1' 11 l ·1! ti i' y \' n .' k..... ( )nt· 111 a.' ing-, . ::\u\·t·mhn 211. at 1t ll\-lnck. :\. prn~ram 11i Thattk .. ~i\· iu~ Tll\1 ;c ha:-. i·;t · ,. ; (· u ·:ti : it ,- t1r:-t \\Tt·k. t\\11 t:t·ttt-; ),~..·~..·n plannl'<l hy :\my l.t· . . . tit.· Toskcy. t~ · ·· ,,., ·n,·l ,.,,,·\- . l! lt.·r,·;l . . illl.! ··llt' ct.·nt , ·; 1·-: . ·: . , ' k 1"r ~ i it ' \,. v d-. , , " h ,·11 t Ih' tlllbi\· dirl'rtnr. ~li:-:o- \\"ath· li\..'YtHar. popular ,-iolini . . t ·>i tht· Cdllccrt - plat --;t\tr ... il l : n t ' l \ t · ::.i!.i ~ . \\ith 3 pl'l'l't'llt n::\·;·,.,; .uldt d. 11 ;til p:t_\ illcllt:- ar~.· inrlll. will ht' tht· guc:\t ~olui:'t oi the day, and \\ill )'Ia,· at tht· tlllll'lling- ~~.·r tr. uk ;·c..:uhrl~ i11 .tdLllll't'. 1 1r, ··lit Jll.t\ r, \·,·r-. l· t h,· .~nkr 1>i \'kt·. Tlw '-·hoir will ~ing- tltl· antlll'm "l'rai:-e Y~..· the Father:· 1)\· Goun"d: ;t:t_\!lw:\t- .tllol ·-l: tr ! \\ith ~II Ct'llt-. th,ft:-t ,,,.,.J.: , jt]J,,..-.i:~~.: \\ltlt -t'l rent-. thl' "Thattk-. Bl· t\> Cud." h,· Di:-..·nt. will l~t· .:.!i\·l·ll 1)\· tht· quart~·t: and ~I r~. , ,., · , qll ! \\\I k, :!l i d ' " 1111. ( )r, ··Ill' lll:l.\ ~I ida .\ndl.'r,nn. :-11prano . . o)oi . . t. will -i:trt \\ it ;l :111 : · ;t:l !"!llll. iti\Tt·;bi!l~ 1.1r -.iug ··.\ ~on~· t~i Thaitk.;gi,·ing:· h~· d1' r· ·.l . . llll: . f lr. , lltt· 11 1: 1~ p:ty a ti :<-d'd :\llit:-t·tl. ··Thankinl Ht·art:-.." \\·itl bt· ;,n;··l!tli ,·, t\· !t \'.t'tk rur ftit _ , \\t't"h>. ;~.., tht" :IH'lllL' ··i tht..· Thank . . gi,· in~ :-l·rtttt'll .~~:lilt, :··~:· ilJ·':ttlt'l' . .!~ t't·tll .... ~~~ l't·llt:-, hy l>r. ~tt·t 'l ltt.·n :\. l.lnyd. Tilt· public . ..:1. ~~- ~111 ·· ~r 111\1rc. i:-. ,·,~rdi;tlh im·ilt'cl t11 attt.·n<l tlti.., :-t·r.\ -inq.J,. dl'P·":t ,q- ~2 \\n·kh· in a l 'ltri--till:t" ~:t\itt~-- dttl· i·. ·r tiity .\\tTk ... J·t'l'jlillt ' ' ' ·I ll' td llltTI ~:tllta (Jau-.. \\ith .til nt'll ~IIIII. o~11d a littk itttt·n·~t. Congregational Men Hold \,.·-i(k-. Club Dinner November 21 !\II : ;, ,. !1:t11k-. in tht· 1111rth :--horl.' Tht· ~tl·u·~ dtth Pi tht.· Fir ... t t·,IJI '·lJ,t~, - . . !ll.t;n:.tit!. at llt\ --tu.dl ~..·xpt · n,~_~ g-rq.:ari .. nal rlturrh ,,ill l11'hl thl'ir t"1r:-t ttl :11t'liJ-.,·ht·'. t l11· l"llri . . tlll:l, ~;n·iug . . dub dinna oi tht· ntiTt·nt dmrch \'l'ar tkpart:lt\'111..... It i-. a tndhtld ,,j :-.;l\·ing- \lt~tulay c.·n-ning·. Xonmh\·r 21, in- the \\llldl i . . ~.:r··\\illL: in Jl"l'ttLtrit~ t.,·,·ry parlnr:- 11i t lw rhnrd1. The.· dinner will , ,.;ll. it j.., :-:tid. a11d. in 111an\· in . . t;mrt· ..... be :-' t'I'Hcl at 7 o'dork. thl' :'\' ..,fl'lll j.., ht·inl.! l'lllpln_,· ~·d uot only J. C. Cro:-.:-h·y. prt·:'idc.·nt oi tlw dtth, 111 in-..urt· ~'hri:-.tlll:t" iund-. i1H· :-Pt'lldingha~ annnutH'l~.t that rl'~en· atiun~ for the.' :tt t ltc ;q ·p:-1 ~;~rhiu~ holiday :-t·a:-.on. hut di111wr lllU"t lw · mad~.·. hy ,·altin~ \\"ilal-..ol ;1 .. a lll\';lll' ni Jll'rlllalll'lll :-.:t\'illg". mrth' r1.tR not latt·r than ~ttnday. Xo\'t'mher 20. Kenilworth Board Sets :\ prot!ram of motion pidun·~ wilt Thanksgiving Spirit to Pervade Sunday Service Kenilworth Board Votes to Tla: .. pirit of Thank:..~iYing will pn··Issue Water Certificates y;ulc tht· wor ... hip :--t·n·irt· at th'-' Fir~t Pa·-t llif!h Pribh nl \\'ihlH'ttl' t'haph'r. }~,~yal :\rrh' \l;t.. . Pil:-. :\n (lf(linann.· pro\'iclin~ tor the i:o~ suanrt~ oi watc..·r certilicatl':; \t) th'-~ am·'ttllt llt'l't':':--an· to ..·on·r the 'l'O:-it ot Ctln-.tructing- a IH~ \\' \\'atL'r pumping atHl tihr:ttion pt'ant f,~r tlw \·itta).!t Pi Kt·Jlil\\-,lrth ,,-a,. p:l'~l·cl lH" the Kt·uih,·nrth Bnanl oi Tru~tt't'~ at it:' rL·gular monthlY llll't'ting- la:-t ~t,mday 11ig·ht . The ad··tttt·rl prn~ram oi ti nan ring- t ht.' l'~'"l"l'iti11n had pr.n·int:..,ly h\t·n... <lerlan·(l lt·t!al h~· \( ;qor l·.<.IL:ar 1·. I oleman. Chicag-o attMill'Y and k!.!al t':\~ lll'rt up1111 municipal ht~ntlin!.!· matter~. It i:- Cllll:'tlil'n·cl prohahlt· that thl' hnard \\'ill Yntt· to acln·rti-.t· i11r hi·b 1111 !ht.· nn\· ~,·,t~..·m at it..; Dn·t·mhcr llll't:lll\1! and th.at tht' c:o11tr:trt will ht· appron·<l at t h t' i 11llo \\' i 11 g :-<f.;~ i" 11. Senator Huebach Preaeat ~~ r. Edwards pre!'idcd. Presiclc.'nt \Y. D. G<·rhcr. of G1encoe. extended a f romal wdretme. Addresses were made h,· i<11·nwr ~<'nator Thurlow C. Essinf!~~~11. (.'nnnt,· Commissiom~r Oscar W. ~chmidt. .-\rthnr Hurral!e Farwell. retll'l':'l'Ht in!!' E\·an:'tnn, Srnator Arthur Hm·l·~~·h. of Brooktidc.l. father of the lllt , .. quit" a hatt·mc.·nt hilt in the state Jtogislatun·. H. \\·. Butll·r. chairman of thl' tinance ··pnHnitt<'t' of the J)retiminan· w(lrk of or~anization. an" :\1. K. ~f t'\·t·r. of \\'inndka. ~nh:-rriJition can!~ for ~il!nature~ of thP:--l' <ll·=--iring to makt· p1c.'dges towar~s th 1· innrl Wl'l'l' t"irntlatc.·cl iUU1 the chstrirt will ltc iurthcr canvasse'l for ittnck \'ill:t:.!·e fu,ar<k Chatnhl·rs of Comillt'JTt' ami !,!'nli ar\·:t r~tmpri ... ing- tlw 1lropos<'d district wilt ht· a~kl'll to ~i\'e towards the tinancial aid n·(tuin·<1 at this time. duh:' throughout the Silver Tone Tenor Artist at Thank Offering Service :\mhro:'e \Vvrirk. ··:'itn~r tone tl'nnr:· ,, il'l ht· tht· g-ttt':-<t arti:-.t ni th.e cl!oir. whidt witt rt'nckr :--pc.·t·Jat 11\U!--Il". fhe :-t·ni, 1r a till juni11r rhoir:'. unclt·r the kada:-.hip uf ').li:'~ .-\dc.·laidc.· Jnm·.;, at:o<o will :o.in~.r. :\ ronliat ,wkonw i=- \.'X- t<.·mkcl to alL Movement Is Crowintr Tht· hill under whid1 the district is hl·in!.! itlr;n<·fl. was introduced in the . . tah: kgi~latur,· lH" gl·nator Arth~r II u,·h ... ch. who pt~r:'<'nally. gave h1s tinw antl dTnrt toward~ ats passa~e. \\"ith tlh· or~anization of th~ J?es· Plaint·" anfl tlw l.akl· Forest dastn~ts, :allll otfwr ~imilar districts now h<'ln" formt.·d in thi~ part of the stat~. one ~n·at c.hjt·rtin· of the meas~re ··the «?r~anization of \':trious t·o-ordn~atn!~ d1stricts i~ d:-;iotu-<1. ami hy winch at ~as pointt·(t nut th(· rl'a1 work of mosquato They'll Help Wind Up Purple Big Ten Year Thrt·e hig-hly fortunate \\.itnll'tt~ n.·sidl'nt!' will wind Ul) the Hi~ Tt·n Conferen'ce football sl·asnn with the Purple griddc.~rs tomorrow, att l' n cl in~ the Korthwc.~stern-Iowa g-ame as guests- of \\'n. m·:rn: l.tn:. Thl'\' art· the winnc·rs in tht· last of the ·football contl'sts conducted this season h\· \\·u.~tf.TTE l.tr~o:. The luck\' trio includes: Heatrict' Rusch. 511 . Main street. \Vilmette; John St. Clair. 125 Fifth street. \Vi1mette. and Roger ~Palenske. 226 Tenth street, \V.i lmette. Trustee Election Date fc.'atttr<' th<' <'\'l'nin~·s rntc.'rt:linnwnt. :\ spn·ial dn·tittn t11 ht· hdd ior tlw pttrpo . . ,· oi dl·rting a tru~h·c.· lu fill tht.' \·acmn· on tlw \'illaf,!t· B,lard of Tnt~ St. 'Augustine's Men to Discuss Annual Canvass Final plans ior th<' annual c.'\"<'ry111t'lllh,~r can\'a!"~ within th(' pari!"h o· St. Augustit1e'!O Et)i~cot)al chun·h. wilt ht· formulated at a rlimwr attrndt·d ln· the tllt'll of the dmrf'h ~r !lmla" <'Vc.'-nin~. Novemher 21. The annual fund catwass wiU hl' held ~unday. Novt·mber 27. ------- h't'~ o( Kl'nilworth l':lll~t·cl n·n·ntly hy thl' nutimd\· tkath 0f formt.'r trustt.·c.· Alt·xaruh·r ~L l.on·tlak. w:t:-' set ior DC'<'rmht.'r 6 In· tlw Kl·nilworth Village hoard at its . mel'tin){ la!'t Monday night. Tlw cle(·tion will he held in conjunction with the \'Ote on the.' tm.lJ)Osed ·formation of tht· Mo~·auito Abatement association. c.·xtc.·rminatitlll is as:mrc.'t1. ~cnator Hu<"hsdt was extended a ri:'.in!! ,·ntr of thanks for his work. and in his iHI<lre!'s lw sai'l ht· was mo~t gratdu1 for the... many ni<"e thinJ!!\ whi~h ·ha \·c.~ 1)('<'11 said ahout him for the nussion he has don<'. · · The great tno\·,·ml'nt ht· saul IS ~rowin~ throul!hout the !Otah·. and renorts were r<"acl showin~ where the Illinois t,lan is h<.'inl! fo11owecl in otlu·r states. gena tor H ud·~ch saicl it was with som<' forehorfinl!s that h<' first undertook the task. hut lu- said he is ,,articu1arlv gratifit-d :at th<' outlook of seeing ·the entire Chicago .area one great organi1.ation of mosqtnto abatement districts. which ml"ans the per· mant extermination of this pest.

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