WILMETTE LIFE December 23, 1927 THE Thomas E. Kerwin 'Passes Mother of Mrs. A. B. Roth Away at Wilmette Home Passes Away in Milwaukee WILMETTE CAFE wishes all its customers A fflt'rr!J Q!l~ri!illltnn and Thomas E. Kerwin. for the past 20 years a resident of \\'ilmcttc, passt"cl awav at his home on \\'ilmcttc avcuuc \\ "ihnetll', passed ;l\ray ou Saturday. on \\' cducs()ay of this \\'cck. Follow- Dl·ccn.thl'r li. at thl· hnmt· ni lll:r ing a short J;t·rind in which th~ hod_r daug-htcr, :\frs. \\'.E . Cka~on. in :\fil1:1\' in statl.' at till' ~rhadn Bros. ,,·at;kce. \\.is.. illllowing a n~ry hrid itineral parlors in J·:,·a nston, tht re- illnl'S~. Funl'ral ·st·n·icl's Wl't"l' ronmain-; w·t'rc tak.t·n tu Bdoit, \\'i~ . Fun- dtwtt·cl ir(l111 , till· ~l't·ll Fnnl'ral lltllll\.' l'ral ~l·rvil'l'!'> will hl' rondm:ted irom :tt I J()·J (\·ntral aHntll'. \\rilmette, the thl' St. Thoma~ rliurch oi that city l~>lltl\\itt)..!· .\ltltld;,,·, the l~l'\'. Carl I. this 1111 ·rning with intt-rnH:nt 111 the · ·~nlJ'~'·tt . 11i t hc , . Eng·lish J-:,·angt·lical ih-J()it Cl'llll'tl'f\' . :.111 IH·r;llt rhurrlt (lftiriat ing. Burial \ra·s ~I r. l...:l'r\\·iti i:-- sun in·d h~· lti:' 11 \l1111trnst· rctndery . \\idt~w. ~Irs . ll11pt' 1-.:l'n\ill, a11d Pitt ' \I r:-- . J:nl,;t·s had roidl·d \rit It hn ~i~tn. ~I r~ . J alllt.'S l...:l'l'g·an (II Cary . lau~lttt·-r. \lr:-. l~oth. at tltl·ir \\'ilml'ttl' l11d . I-ll' !tad ht.·t·n ill j,)r ahmtt :1 m·d.: H ·ll.lt' f,,r ~~Ill It' t illll' prn·i, 111s to IH·r prn it Ill~ to hi:-. dcat h. katll a11d had gtltll' 111 \1 il\\·aukn· 111 I --------: i-.it an, ··t ltl·r d:tt1gltt1·r . .\I r~. Cka-.1)11, INFANT DAUGHTER DIES ·, -.llo·rt tilltl' l·l'illl'l' bt·itt .~ -..trirkt·tt ,,·itlt : huH·raJ Sl·n·in·-. l11r till· inia11t 1 :1~.· lata! illnc.-:-. ~Ill' i. -. -.unin·d > .,. I cl:tllgltt,·r ,,f Ct·llrgl' · \\ ·. ~~~·pfH·th oi ~ \I .. hrc·· rl:ttt~· Itt cr-. . . \I r-. . l~ llt It, . r-.. J.;oJ \\ t!tttdk :t\l'tllll'. "J,,, pa-.~t·d . 1 . I \I· \ 1> \1 ·11 .. ni . 1 I 'II 1 I 1I ' "11 .til l . I:-.. . . ' . Ill \I .I a\\:t .' I:t:-.t \\ l'(th'~<:t\. \\t ,,. ll ' t \ . II) I 111 I I'IT 1 · 1 ..; I · 1 I . 1 I . 111'\\lltl ( ar,. .. :till :t '-Oil. 11 IJ', II H · a ' I r ~ ·ttl t lt. · t. : ~ '~ t'J ' t c llll r l ttll: 1 - 1 ~~· ~a I I Fr" tl ' .i :- \.' '· lliVIll \\Ill ht..: :t1 ~t. Jl>'o\'p!t t'l'l1lt'lt'1 :-:. I 1 I ( '; [ Seven New Homes Feature Month's :\1 rs. Tht·r~sa Drr,kcs. mot her of ~~ rs., . Building Record :\. B. Roth oi 819 ~ixtccnth street. \\'ilmctte residences han· nd permits issued in he clt~sing month ot 19.!7. \ to,aJ, of t\\\·h·c huilclin).{ pcnnit..; h;;n. ht.'l' ll issued s'i ncc the lin.t oi De ccn:hcr. ~l'vcn ni which wcr~ for Ill'\\' n·si<lcnn·s costing $7.!,500; lour wen: inr privalt' garages. the total co~t ot \rhidt is gin.~n as !3~00. and thl·re wa:-1)tth· oitt' rl'lllP<klin~ joh, anwuntin).{ t \) $30fJ. Tltl' t11tal alllPlllll 11i building- anthni· i zr <1 ~ i; ttT t ·It l' Ii r :- t n i t 11 c ··n t l 11 tIt i-:- · ll.~'!l plattlll'd ~cn:n lll'W ~~3)00. I . \ 'illagt· authnritit'· -. arl· not antil'ip:tt i 11 u · i tlr t llt' r a l' t i ,.it y i 11 t 11 i" l i II(.' 1111 t i I a(~t·r :!11· lir~t 11i tltt· ~- t·ar . 'J'!J,. lln\ ·h 11 ildin~-. aut!Jtlri:,t·d at tlti-.. t itt!\' \\ill ill' r'tlti;JIIt-!t-d Uti (lr hciPrt· \Lt~· l. 1; l. ,,r ~ \· 1-:ucnH'r is l>uildittg :t t>tll ' -t··n in·i,·k n·nt ·t·r rl·-.icknrc · 111 tl tt · \c·rilt l:rattdt rt·arl. t't t)rtlt ,,j !~kt t\il"\J'll:trl. · ('11-.lill~ ~~. 1 )00. t ; tl,t·t t 11111 : · J·t·t'ltl i \Ia ' :-:cllil·!,t· lt:t" '<It Wr will br closrd SundJy. Ore. j,,r a l\\(1-'-ll·r\· ],rick \ ' t ·1t ·· l · r r, ·,jd , ·tll · :tl 17.:;1, lli~ltl:~lld :t\'\"llll\', ('ll-.ti lt~ .~] 11 . ' lOll r>rh ,·:, CI J'l' \' (~llll'.th\" I'- ht!ilclitll! :1 ::.:'1. 1)1 111 l·ri r k ~~·tltTl' rt· -.irll ' l l\ ,. i1 1 till' l tHii.tl ll i 11-. 1 ·>, Lt t c . . \ Jwrlllil Ita ... J,, .,·n i-.-.u\·d t1· 1 :.. 1. j,_:,. , tltl ·h- !.. r a 1\\ .. - -.t .. n ],r j,·k "' II ·'· 1 r nidvill: t. :1t u .: ;ll \-..!Jl:t 11; ! :1\1·1 1!1 . I' " ; it tl! S IO.~IlO. I!. ;-:,·lt ,,;!ll i-. h1t ildi1 · .1 l· r i,!.. r. -1 dt·llt'<' toll IJlit lllj-. J' 1l,l.j . l·· IJJ~t.: . ·'.'111)11 II. l!ill-. lu-. i;tl,v!J 11\ll . t :t ~JUliJO ln·irl' , . \ .11\ 1· !· r. ]H tl: li ,H , : .1, ·' lJJ:; ~\ · t~t· r a r11~td . ~vn·r;ti GET TRACTOR BIDS bids rn·l'i\·,·d h.\· tltv \ tll.t..: · Meals that satisfy BALSAM CHRISTMAS TREES I·P:trd in rc-..p(ll!-.,. trl an :td\1 · rti-.1 · tn·· : · ior !Jid., lltl a r:ttt·rpill:tr tLtt·t .. r "Ill hrirlgt· p;t rt .' · ahk J11r \ . illa~t · ptthlir · \\"rk-. dv p:tr ' Tttt·-..d:tY . 1' ll' 11 t u-., .. \' ,. r l' r' ·ad at t It 1 · ttl\:1 ·1i 11 ~ , tit, · l~<· : trd ,,j trthlt't·-. Tut><l:t\· :t1 111 r , it·t-rt·d tn . t ht· -..trvct-. and ali\·,·-. 1111 1:. tlitttT 111r ittn·-.tigari~·n at1d r~.·,·, n !'r 1· 1 .. iliA', From North Woods · in All Sizes and Prices S.eauty Lies in OUR SATISFIED CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST. R ECOM- Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES thJr mJJ...es them br."lutiful. RJthn. it's tht' glow which r.IdiJtrs f1om them. Unleo;s b.cpt J!WJY~ clc.ln Jnd hrJhhy. EYES bck this lllur ing lu srrc. Milliom of women throughout ·he world promote EYE hr.alrh Jnd bc.luty with Murine . It cleanses EYES of irri1.11ing p.1~ ticll"i and keeps them clcJr and hrighL ContJins no bciiJdonnJ . MENDATION Iti the Shadow of the Christmas Tree You'll usualty find a IJox of our tasty Candy. It makes a mosf Jcceptablc gift. both becJusr of its delicious fbvor and its purity. Chocolate-covered nuts. creams. filberts. fruits , and, cJramels. Attractivrly boxed. ~ · WILM.ETTE CONFECTIONERY L. M . . MENGHINELLI. Prop. The Murin· e Company Dept. 3 }. Chic.1go Our iltwrratc·d books o n "l:'t;l' Carr · or "[yl' 13r<Juty" an· F/{EE un fl'fJUCJf. Near Stat'! Bank Village Chocolate Shop Village Theatre Bldg. Phone Wit. 4 36 1204 CENTRAL A VENUE Phone WilmetH~ 4 7 4