Elected to C. of C. Posts. e Saturday, January 21 · UBBY'S BLACK LABEL FRUITS H111uit1t Svrup - Ltugnt No. 2 }4 Can· California Yellow Cling Peaches, 3 for ...... 95e Reg~lar price 40c. Ha\vaiian Sliced Pineapple, 3 for ........... 98e Regular price 40c. California Apricots, 3 for .............. $1~05 Regular price 45c. . Libby's Del4uxe Yellow Cling Peaches, 3 for .ase No. 2}4 cans-7 halves to the can. Regular price 40c. Libby's Fancy Red Alaska Saln1on, 3. for .. $1~9 . 1 pound flat cans. Regula r price SOc. Libby's California Asparagus 'fips, 3 for .. $1.05 l po~nd square cans. Regular price 40c. Libby's Delicious Pork and Beans, 3 for .... S9e \Vith Tontato Sauce. l pound 2 ounce cans. R.egular price 2 for 2Sc. D. Vlce-PJ'Iealdent E.~ Jr. Emil Nonl President You are invited to sample these specials at our Demonstration-Saturday SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, JANUARY 21 MEATS Young Tom Turkeys, 12 to 16 lb. average, per pound ........................... sse Young Hen Turkeys, 7 to 10 lb. average, per pound . ·.......................... 49e Fresh Dressed Roasting Chicken, per pound .. Me Fresh Dressed Stewing Hens, per pound .... Sse Prin1e Rib Roast of Beef-Rolled or Standing, per pound .................. Me Pork Loin Roast, 8 to 10 lb. average· whole or half, per pound ............. sse Boneless Rump Corn Beef, per pound ....... ISO Boneless Brisket Co. n Beef, per pound ..... SSG Plate Corn Beef, per pound ............ : . . soe SSEMBLED' in this group are the countenances of officers and NeGra.. directors of the Wilmette Chamber of Dr. F· Director Commerce, elected at the annual meeting of the Ohamber Monday of last week. Reelected to office were President Emil A. Nord, and Treasurer J. M. Budinger. D. E. Allen, Jr., was chQsen vice-president, and the other four in the group to serve on the bo~rd of directors to fi II expired terms. Mr. Nord is serving his second term as. president of the Chamber of Commerce, having np opposition in last Monday's election. Mr. Budinger was also the unanimous choice of the membership to serve a second term as Carl Reaaecbr treasurer. A. Peanou Dlrf:ctor Mr. Nord is of the firm of Schultz Director and Nord, tailors; Mr. Budinger, cashier of the Wilmette State bank; Mr. Allen, of the real estate firm of Eddington and Allen; Mr. Renneckar, owner of the Ridge .avenue pharmacy; Mr. Carrico of the drygoods firm of WorthenCarrico; Dr. McGrath, a physician; Mr. Pearsons, owner of Pearson's Market. A Willett Lectures Attnct N. J. Conrad Purchuea to Union Church Meetings Residences in Winnetka 1'he Kenilworth Union church was filled to capacity with an intensely interested audience last Wednesday evening to listen to the second lecture given by Dr. Herbert Willett in the series of lectures occurring every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The first lecture was on "Zoroaster, the Enlightener of Persia," the second, "Confucius, the Sage of China," and next \'Vednesday he will speak on "Gautama, The Buddha." Dr. Willett is a brilliant speaker and is especially at home with these subjects. He is one of the most eminent living interpreters of comparative religions. N. ]. Conrad of 914 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, has purchased the Walter D. Main residence at 1099 Pelham road, Winnetka, for an undisclosed consideration. The home, located on property of more than an acre in area, is of brick construction and contains ten rooms and three baths. R. M. Johnston and company represented the purchaser in the transaction, while Frederick B. Thomas and company were the brokers for the seller. Catholic ClUb to Have Mallinckroclt Alumnae Makes Plana for Bridge Mallinckrodt High school alumnae will give a bridge party in St, Joseph's school hall next Friday evening. Those active in the arrangement of the party are Susan Mick, Anne Butzen, and Betty Phillips. Euchre and five hundred also will he played during the evening. Proceeds of the party will go to the building fund of the new Mallinckrodt High school. Prizes are to be donated by the Sisters of Christian Charity and members of the alumnae. Monthly Meeting TueaclaJ The Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette will have its regular monthly meeting at the Woman's club Tuesday, January 24, at 2 o'clock. The program will consist of a talk on "The Italian Renaissance" by Miss Catherine Murphy of the New Trier High school faculty, and music by Miss Elizabeth O'Donnell, soprano. The hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. E. Hunt, Mrs. W. O'Donnell. Mrs. G. Osborne, Mrs. G. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. G. Schilbach, and Mrs. F. Widger. WBITB Grocery and Market 4 Frw DeliUtrit1 to Wilmettt and Kenilworth Ridp Ave. at Lake Tela. Wil. 113-114 lt, · with her mother. w~ek. ·~·-~····-~--~~-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d~ . ~~~~~~~n~~ Miss Marie Flentye, who has been Mrs. F. H. Seubold, · 981 Sheridan confined to her home with a severe road, has just returned from SeymQur, cold, was. able to return to her stu-