Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1928, p. 8

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··= T 0 N W: SHOES THE "LOUISE" u oae of tile larpr . .noml·at....., It 18 at lleart a eommum~ cburcla. Then .are repreeeatatlvee dUferent denom natlona Ia lu mem p. aD4 all tholle wllo do not fta4 · ...,.,. eburcb home elllewlaere are welcome to lt8 feUowllhlp. 'l'bla eburcla. Jaowever, nacbell beyond the dlap Umlt8 and hu In Ita membenhlp many npNMntatlv· of other Nodla Shore commualtle& Prom the lltaadDOIDt of Metbodlam. the Wilmette Parlllla JletbodbJt Bpi_,.. chureh ~~ervea the terrlto17 Wwee-. tllat aerved by the EVIUUitOD chaleheli U4 that of ·the North Shore charch at Glencoe. located at tbe latenectiOJI of Lalre aa4 WUmette avenue& While It Ia ~ M..W Tbe Metlaodllt-· ....-.... ellareh a. =.x.... or.:.:r.; . . . ..frolll·otbel'·alerth :=.:t~ -:.-In&_!.! haft UMt 89611011!8 1D ·thla . a ll....-to ---~· the -..._ or ..... ren1oer. ftla ~ manit,18 eonllall~ lnfttei4 tel . , . _ the ~r read froiD tile poeiU ot John lluefteld after the rtadJ' on the Book Tbe Jrlnt dlvlrlo; will eakertaln tbe of Matthew. He toN the ~-== Secon4 dlvllloD TlaUI'IIdaY at 11 o'ciGck at the home of ..... Dee A. 8t.oker, na and tile 1lll4errtandiDc of _., RIIM- J17rt1e .treet. WlaaetkL . tlea. 'l'be~t to be .taalld ..._ Well-. neM1&7 a t 18 JOJe8 KDme _r. ODe of the 'ftle Third dlvlaloD will entertain the poeiiUJ to late~ Ia the followlftlr: Fifth dlvlaloa at J o'clock 'l'banda7 at GellliattlaeO.... the home of 111'11. R. 3. Bunowa. 11I ·'Oo4 Ia at the orpn; 117Jtle IJtl"e8t. Winne~ I can bear ............. at tile ........... ~ = :r:,:r ~· ...,~..t~1·J =· =·.:vt:.=.nc. \:~a~rl~~~ A DIIPQ JDaalc eclaolq, :rar u4 near. :P The Publlelty committee of the BuildIn· committee Ia now at work preparlq material for tile Dl'lnter. Ia the very near future they wOl have a beautiful new ~tua ready to annouDCe to the chufth anc1 oommunlty the detailed piau of the new church. Ooct I· at the oraan And the lrep An rtonn-.trewn billows Moortaad8. tree& God. 18. at the orp.n: J can bear .A JDII'blY mwde, echol~ Far aa4 near." Tbe l'ourth dlviBIOD will meet on Thunday at 10 :10 o'clock at the home of J1nL William Holmea. ID Central ave- nue. .The Prlen41Y Circle will bold Ita monthly aoclal Tu88daY evenlDa, Jaa...,. Jf, at a o'clock In tbe Youq People's Houae. HORtelllllea: Jlr& C. A. Ji'lelnbW, Mn. L. F. BnaUah, Mn. H. Crlpon, and 11188 Laura Flaher. Tbe aer.rice tor next Sunday morning wiD have· a44ed Interest ID tbe presence of the .Junior alaolr. The m~J~..::; Senior cbol!_,!.lll ~ =~.:;.;,nder" by by Jlosart. ..... ·~ 0 ·~-t GauL The ~r'a theme pll be " ... a Church Bu04111&' JIMD& The Woman'· Bxch·nge Ia open dally. from 10 to I o'clock. except SatunJay when It cl01188 at 1 o'cloclt. The Third dlvlalon will have a BakeQ' aale this SaturdaY moi'DID«, an4 tile Girl Scouts of Troop 11 will IUlve a Foo4 ·le the folloWinc Saturd&J', January !8. The exchance Is now havlq a .peclal aale on curtains and piUoWB. Tbe pbone number Is Wilmette JltL A Trim lulep. Cab.1n HHI. Maclr of Sof1 Kid in dw Nrw Shu Marron GlacE. $8.50 THE "LORNA" The Youq People'· class 18 beginning what promlae11 to be a very lnter.esttng study of ~'ComparatiBibveUcaReu.tl =tute Df~ Voigt, from Gan'ett · the Instructor of thl8 group. The'Y meet every Sunday JPOrDI... at I :10 In the Young People'· Ho1111e. Once a month they have a 8unda7 evenln· meeting tn one of the home& Last Sunda7 evening they bad a very pleaant time In Mr Kinne's home. Rabbi Graubart visIted the group and talked on "Modem Judaism." The next event... meetlntr will be February 11. at which time Dr. Powell who has cha1'1'8 of the Young Peopl~'s Work In the Methodist board of Church schools, will speak. AU young people are Invited to both the momlog and evening meetings. The Methodist High School league Is inviting the leagues of all the Wilmette and Kenilworth churches to be their guests Sunday evening. The aoelal hour begins at 5 :30. Following this Rev. F. c Stifter of the Baptist church will show his stereopticon pictures of Palestine. All the young people who know Mr. Stifter will look forward to this occasion with great pleasure. The semi-annual meeting of the Woman's Home MIBBlonary society of the Northern district will be held Tuesday, January 2f, at the Broadway Methodist church. at the comer of Broadway and Buckingham place, Chicago. Mrs. J. N. Rhodeheaver, national secretary for the students" work. will be the speaker. The women are asked to meet at the North Shore station at 9 :30. SPARTON RADIO -.n. ~J; ... . , . ~ RADIO SERVICE and INST;ALLATION 426 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 4117 - WILME'ITE FOLKS An Instep , Tit that will apptal to tbt yoangtr woman. Short Vamp. Mtdium Spikt Httl. Also Marron Glaci Kid. By .C. C. Ren.neckar ·MOTHER., HOW OI.D WILl. 1 HA"E 10 BE Be:;rim;: I POWOER. $8.50 · TAYLOR'S BOOTERY Phone Wd. 38S One mission of the young Miss is to be attractive. Standard btauty preparations, perfumes of rare, exquisite charm. It's a store for the whole fa~~:tily. · iWN ~T., Wii.IO.TI'E Ridge Ave. Pharmacy Opposite St. Joseph School Phone Wilmette 316

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