Presbi~erilln Church n HELP WANTED-PEXALB On the DOrtheut comer where Greenleaf av·ue cro8888 Tenth street, Is lo. cated th First Presbyterian church of Wilmette. The North Shore R. R. passes our corner with convenient stops at Eighth' street and Tenth street. Free seats and a cordial welcome for every one. The Reverend George P. :Maglll, D. D ·· Is the pastor. :Momtng church worship each Sunday at 11 A. M. Sunday school at 9 :3~ A. M. The quartet wlll give the following musical program next Sunday morning at the hour of worsldp: Organ Prelude---··Andante Cantabile" . ... Tschalkowsky Anthem""The Eternal God Is Thy Refuge," West Anthem.. I Sought the Lord" ... . .... Stevenson Organ Otrertory- · "My Aln Countrie" ............ .. .. Lee Solo..Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled" .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speaks Mr. Mlller Organ Postlude"Moderato" ................. . ... .Weber The Presbyterian women of Chicago will have a luncheon at the LaSalle Hotel on Thursday, January 26, at 12:30 at which Mrs. Charles Kirkland Roys, one of the secretaries of the Board of Foreign Missions, will speak on "Fearlessly Facing Our World." The various SpOkes of the Women's society of the Presbyterian church will meet at .the following places : · Spoke 1- Mrs. Elmer Berol, 414 Gregory · . avenue; January 24. Spoke 2·- Mrs. R. D. Elmer, 2010 Isabella street, Evanston, January 24. Spoke 3- Mrs. Charles Robb, Mrs. E. D. Lyons, Mrs. R. Durham, at the home of Mrs. Durham, 713 Greenwood avenue, January 24. Spoke 4- ;Mrs. William Jones, 1213 Elmwood avenue, January 24. Spoke 5- Mrs. Gordon Hannah, 1120 Elmwood avenue, January 24. Spoke 6-Mrs. Raymond Rapp, 1126 Elmwood avenue, January 24. Spoke 7- Mrs. Roy R. Marquardt, 218 Woodbine avenue, January 24. Spoke 8- Mrs. 'Villiam 0. · Morris and Mrs.. Charles A. Jones at the home of Mrs. Jones, 929 Forest avenue, January 31. Spoke 9-Mrs. Louise Brenner, 1330 Greenwood avenue, January 27. Spoke 10- Mrs. C. L. Ricketts, 807 Ashland avenue, January 24. Spoke 11- l\lrs. H. A. Hallstein, 595 Orchard lane, Winnetka, January 24. Spoke 12- Mrs. Emmett L. Powers, 821 Fifteenth street, January 24. Gi·rl Scouts: Meeting at 3 :30, Tuesday. Our activity for the afternoon will depend upon the weather. Boy Scouts: Troop No. 5, 7 :30 P. M. ln the Sunday school gymnasium. Boy Rangers: Meeting Saturday 2 :30 P.M. The following men are representing our church In a two-day Evangelistic conference of the Chicago Presby~ery being held this Thursday and Friday In the Second Presbyterian church of Chicago. Earl G. Low, Roy R. Marquardt, A. L. Miller, Louis Brenner and Lincoln C. Torrey. The following men of the church have been Invited to attend a compJimentary lunche~n given by the Chicago Presbyterian church Extension Board at the LaSalle hotel Thursday, January 26: Dr. S. E. Beecher, Louis Brenner, David F. Hall, William H. Ellis, Ralph H. Durham, Hector Dodds, Rollin M. Coleman. Clark L. Hayes; Thomas M. Knox, Harold D. Lehr, Earl G. Low, James R. Lyon, Roy R. Marquardt and J. W. Melone. Regular mid-week service Wednesday, 8 P.M. Our Junior church is making flne progress and expects to have its regular election of officers next Sunday. Our Christian Endeavor society has accepted the invitation of the Methodist Young People's society to join with that group and other young people at a special program next Sunday evening at the Methodist church. u COMPEtrENT WHITE GIRL FOR GENeral housework ln small family. With or without washlng-wacea accordingly. References required. Glencoe 1218. . 32TNf5·ltc E..~PERIENCED MAID WANTED FOR general housework. No washing. Good salary. 235 Hawthorne, Glencoe 1312. 32TN-f6-ltc GENERAL HOUSEWORK MAID. REFerences required. German or Scandinavian preferred. Call Wlnn. 2843. . 32TN45-ltc WANTED - NEAT MAID FOR GEN hswk. Must like children. Refs. re: qulred. Call Sunday aftemon. Wlnn . 1879. 32TN45·1tc WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GENeral hswk. to go home nights. Refs. ONE OF WINNJDTKA'S :IN'l'ERE8'1'ING brick houaes In choice But II8CtloD. & bedrooms: J baths: b. w. ht. : J-car garage: on 2-5 acres of superbly wooded grounds: IULlf waT between !Me and transportation. tao,ooo wtll buy lt. All cash might pt It for lea. 120 Elm St.. Winnetka Phone lit &JLTNtl-ltc HUBBARD WOODS. OWNER LEAVlng city. Seven room COlonial bOUIIL Four glued porches. Two batbL Sealed garage. Wooded lot. Winnetka From Need to Find in a hurry through .the Classified Pages it - FOB BENT-BOO: )N W ANTED-PBKA.LB FURNISHED ROOM FOR private home, with mother ter. Near transpor. For couple. Kitchen privileges. 278 or 1167. WELL APPOINTED LIGI keeping and sleeping room. all transportation and ate Glencoe 770. FOR RENT-FURN. RM. "V bath and kitchenette. Wll LARGE FRONT ROOM FOI and $7.00. Phone Winn. 192 LARGE, FURN. WELL HEi near tranap., private batl 1543. FOR RENT-2 FURN. F light housekeeping, private 3241. .f! N p p p E E E E E N I N D D D D 38 ·LLEGE LADY DESIRES overness. First class referll Sup. 3110 after 6 · P. M. ne. 36LTN16-1tc R. 16 YRS. EXPERDDNCJDot car, do all my repa.ln. v. and garden. Beet of refs. 37LTN16-1tc ~DRY I dellver. TO DO AT HOME. Phone Mrs. Cole36LTN16-ltp 3055, after 5. .R ELIABLE, WHITE WOM· to take care of chlldren by r 3 days a week. References. 36TN45-1tc 60. ION WANTED-MALE ·-- ., Furnaces, Trees T A K E N DOWN, WINN. 37LTN15-tfc lY the hour, window cleaning WANTED BY COL. MAN. FOB BENT-APARTMENTS FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN2-tfc 3 ROOMS, HOT WATER HEAT. CALL Glencoe 301-M. 42N1-2tp ff or general housecleaning. Call Glencoe 987. A-1 worker. 37TN45-ltp CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN., etc. Drive, wash cars. Winn. 1552. 37LTN11-tfc CHAUFFEUR, HOUSE AND GARDEN work. Best refer. Call Wlnn. 1'108. 37LTN16-ltp SIT. WTD.-JIALE .t FEMALE FOB BENT-HOUSES FOR RENT-7 ROOM HOUSE, 3 PORCHes. Attractive lot. Near schools and transportation. $160. Concessions. Tel. Wlnn. 680. 44TNf5-ltc U FOB RENT-FUBN. HOUSES SIT. WANTED-MAN AND WIFE FOR gen. hswk. and cooking. Wllllng to Jive on premises. Refs. Douglas 6872. 38N1-ltp MAN WANTS WORK BY DAY OR week. Also woman wlll get dinners In the evening. Best refs. Phone Glencoe 1557. 38LTN16-1tc FOR RENT IMM. UNTIL APR. ATtractive furn .· 8 rm. home. Janitor If desired. Reas. to responsible party. Phone Wlnn. 1692. 45LTN16-1tc JUST CALL WILMETTE 4300, WINNETKA 2000 OR GREENLEAF 4300 GLENCOE MOVIES "The Road to Romance," a picture of the . good old swashbuckling buccaneer days when pirates and "pieces of eight," "Long Toms" and "John Silvers" held forth, will be presented at the Glencoe Union church next Friday. Roman Navarro is the feautred player. H. Hillman of YJ7 Washington avenue returned the latter part of this week from a ten days' stay at Martinsville, Ind. where he went for a rec;t and recuperation. W.ILMETTE LIF· E WINNETKA TALK GLENCOE NEWS For the convenience of advertisers wishing to cover the Evanston territory we will'also accept Want Ads for THE EVANSTON REVIEW.