Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1928, p. 36

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Bart SoU s.-wrStoraa Aclveataftl ill Liacola , .... ........., Vmailla lolla ,..,.... . o··,,., .... c.-. ·· Editiaa c_,_s_..T... N. Yl. ,,.,.,.,., CLASS IIEETS TUESDAY The Study class under the direction of Professor Guy Terry of Evanston, met at the home of Mrs. John RathbonQ last Thursday. The next meeting will occur on January 26, at the home of Mrs. Claude Burnham, Roslyn Home and Garden Oub road. Professor Terry is continuing his historical lectures upon the ecoElects New ·Oflicen nomic and political sit1.,1ation in Europe The Home and Garden club met at and England from 1870 up to the the. home of the president, Mrs. Henry World war. Taylor, on Monday of this . week. Each member brought a symbol or Mr. and Mrs. Ira Calif Darling, 256 picture representing some garden Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, and flower and after luncheon prizes were Mr. and ·Mrs. Sidney Y. Ball of In- given to those guessing the greatest dian Hill left for California where number of these. This being the anthey will stay for about six weeks. nual meeting of the club, new officers They may go on to India, although no were elected for the coming year. Mrs. certain plans have been made yet. Theodore Moritz was elected presi-o«}en; Mrs. Charles Erwin, vice-presiMr. and Mrs. John O'Connor of dent and chainnan of the program Kenilworth sailed last Saturday on the committee; Mrs. Henry Taylor, secS. S. Majestic for Europe, where they ond vice-president: Mrs. J. H. Newwill visit France, Switzerland, Spain, port, treasurer; and Mrs. Tom Dix, and Italy. Before sailing they visited secretary. Mrs. William Wheelock Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell in New was elected librarian. York. -oD. A. R. MEETING Mrs. Marjorie Higgins of Toronto, The next meeting of the Skokie Canada, has been spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, Valley chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will be held at of Oxford road, Kenilworth. the home of Mrs. E. D. Snydacker on -oMr. and Mrs. Irving Babcock have Chestnut avenue, Kenilworth, at 2 :30 taken a pleasure trip to New York o'clock, · Monday, January 23. Mrs. City and other eastern cities to be Edwin Hedrick will present a program of war poems. gone a few weeks. -oMr. and Mrs. George Keehn of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware, Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, left last Kenilworth have taken the Knapp Tuesday for a three months' trip to apartment for the remainder of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp are moSouth America. toring with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clark -oFred Little and daughter, Helen, of to California. -oEssex road, Kenilworth, are planning Mrs. Sanford Holden of Kenilworth a three months' trip to Europe in the entertained her luncheon 'Club last Frivery near future. day. The next meeting will be with Mrs. J. C. Carpenter at her new home on Essex road. -oMr. and Mrs. Ralph Hawkeshurst and Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor left Kenilworth last week for a three months' trip to Europe, to spend most of their time in Paris and Rome. --.:oMrs. E. John Hicks of Kenilworth ~ave an informal dinner party for a few friends on Tuesday evening of this Tbt 111011 com,-te booA - week. Confeaioas of an Actor ,... OoUII«r Aa . L,_, TbeMaaMmcken Ebony and Ivory p,_,. · Tar 'T.t~IIJC.. lllera1oo4 An8non I . , . lM Tbe Symphony Play Field, Forest and Farm 1,., Hmri P_, $1.00 Tbe Great Hunger lolm IJojtr THB only real way to conviDce younelf of the cWfereace between a new The Political Life of Woodrow Wilson Where tbe Blue Begins llod.r/ The Divine Lady Thunderstorm Jill B. 1Jaainvt011 G. B. Sttm The Dancing Floor Skin Deep lobn lJadMn B. II. o.w.t4 Neomi Rovcw Smitb Htre and Beyond Blliib Yl,_,_ Dtiaitions . , s. Oln6r North Avmue The Yoanger Married Stt The Dnary Club Case The Mother'· Recompense · .,, 1VIMrt011 .au1111 IJollaiHim G. 8. C6q,_, w-.... Orthopbonic Victrola and an old-fashioned 11111chiw is to play them aide by aide. Let each instrument apeak for ibelf. Oa the Orthopbonic VIC. trola, you'll hardly believe it's the same Vu:tor Record, so rea1iatic is the reproduction. Call oa · to demonstrate .the Orthopboaic Victrola in your own · home. \Ve'll eimply put it beside your old machine and leave it for a few clays. You can comPare the two and judge for younelf-tyOUI' own leUare. No obliption. Come in-loJ.,r Manhattan Transfer loh.OO.P....,. Tbt Loaclon Adventure Ani~~~' 11.,_, . LORD'S BOOKSHOP 1_, ,,.. ,,_ .,,., o.;. Btnd BIJire'D North Shore Tairing Machine Co. 712 a-da Street CHANDLER'S lor B ·O OKS . EYaDatola U.m.r.ity 4SZS 0,.. Eftlliap lt«l on tbt Nortb Shore - ---· ~ .- --~ -- -·' ,_ --- . -· - - Mrs. Geor~re Ortseiten of Kenilw~rth entertained ~t luncheon and bndge Tuesday of this week at her · home, 235 Essex road --o-

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