Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1928, p. 41

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8)111111 ..uHt···, ... - ... Notice 18 here" alven to all Pti'IODa interested tbat tM ~dent and Bo&r4 or · TrUateea of tlii VWace of Wilmet~ in the Count)' of Cook and State of IW· nois, haviDC ordenMl that a CODDeCted o\JYStem of PortlaDd cement concrete aidewalks ftve (6) feet and four U) lnchea wide, shall be conatructed ancl Jald on the north aide of Tbomwood Avenue from the weat line of Rld&'e Avenue to the east line of Twenb'-thtrd Street, ucept acrou the central twenty-two {23) feet of Twenty-ftnlt Street, &Jso on the south side of Thornwood Avenue from the west line of Rltke Avenue to the east line of . Twenty-tli1rd Street, except acroBB the central twent)'-two U2) feet of Twenty-flrBt Street, aad except from a line ten hundred flfty (1060) teet east ot Twenty-thlrcl Street to a line eleven hundred . (1100) feet east of Twentythird Street, where walk is now laid. Also on the east. aide and on the west side of Twenty-ftnlt Street from the walk herein provided to be laid on the north side of Thornwood Avenue to the walk nf)w ln place on the south side of Chestnut Avenu_e, the ordinance for the same being on me In the oJDce of the VllJace Clerk of said VUJage and said VlJ.Jaie having applied to the County Court of Cook County, Dllnola for an assessment of the coat of aald Improvement, according to beneftta, ud an aaeBBment tnerefor having been made and returned to said Court (Docket No. 209), the final hearing thereon wlll be had on the sixth day of February, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M. or as aoon thereafter as the busineBB of the Court will permit. All persona deslring may file objections in said court before said day and may appear on the heari.Dg and make their defenae. · Sa1d Ordinance provides for the collection of said 8.88eBBment in ten (10) annual Installments with annual lnterest thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum aa provided by law. Dated Wilmette, IlUnols, January 20, ~U thereoQ wlU ·be had on tbe alxth c1a7 of .J'e~, A. D. 1»38, at ten o'clOCk A. J1. to the North ·liM of Teabella . . . _ Uld or u aoon thereafter as the bualneu of tne roauwa7 between the autter QMa 01 mtersecUDc atreeta to the ouw UDe or the Court Will permit. of Pralr1e Avenue ahaU be paved ·- All persona desirtnc may file objections Unes with sheet U»halt ad otherwllll Im1&1 aald court before said day and 1_D8.Y on the hea.rlng and make their defeDie. Bald Ordinance provides for the coltection of said auessment ln ten (10) .t.nnual installments with annual lnter~st thereon at the rate of six per centum &)er annum as . provided by Jaw. Dated Wilmette, llllnols, January 20 · A. D. 19Z8. · ' CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of tne Board of Local Improvements of tae Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois to make said assessment. Ll7-2tc c~.ppear 1 SPECIAL ASSESSIIBNT NOTICE VWqe of WU.e&te Speelal .A.sae11aea& .No. IU . Notice is hereby given to all persona anterested that the President and Board at Trustees of the VIllage of Wilmette .n the County of Cook ud State of 1111! ··ots, having ordered that the central twenty-eight (28) feet of Foreat Aveaue from the east line of. Fifteenth Street LO the southwest line of Sheridan Road. .:xcept across the right of way of the ...!hicago and Northwestern RaUway, and "'xcept across the tracka of the Chicago North Shore and M:Uwaukee RaUroat( .~ond Including the roadways of inter.:Jecting streets (except llaln Street) to .:he outer line or lines of Forest Avenue, .ihall be paved with sheet asphalt and .>therwlse improved. the ordlna.Jlce for the ~e being on file in the omce of the village Clerk of said Village and said village having applled to the County 0ourt of Cook County, Illinois for an .~ossessment of the cost of said lmprov_,ment, accord~ to benefits. and an J.ssessment therefor having been made ..1nd returned to said Court, (Docket No. .H2), the final bearing thereon wlU be ··ad on the sixth day of February, A. D . L928, at ten o'clock A. lrL or as soon .:hereafter as the business of the Court Nlll permit. . All persona desiring may file objections ,n sald court before said day and may ..tppear on the hearing and make their defeD&e. · Said Ordinance provides for the collection of saJ.d assessment In ten ( 10) .;:~.nnual installments with annual lnterJst thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum as provided by law. Dated Wllmette, Illinois, January 20, A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois to make said assessment. L17-2tc proved. the orcflnance tor · the ame .,.._ on file in the oftlce of the v~ Cieri' of said Vlllaae and said Vlllqe Jaavbur a.ppl1ed to tb.e County Court of Cooi ..,;ounty, Illinois for u aae-ment of the cost of Mid Improvement, to benefits. and an useeement therefor n_awlng been madd and returned to 11&14 cou,rt, (Docket No. 2U), the ftnal hear·11.1: thereon wUl be had on the sixth claY of February, A. D. 1928, at ten. o'clock A. K. or as soon thereafter as the buai··ess of the Court wlll permit. . All persona desiring may me objections an said court before said cJa.y and 1_D8.Y c~.ppear on the hearing and make their defense. 8atd . Ordinance . provides for the oollectlon of said assessment ln ten (10) annual installments wltb annual Interest thereon at the rate of atx per centum per annum as provided by law. Dated Wilmette, llllnol8, January 20 A. D. 1928, ' CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. Cook County, llllnols to make said assessment. L11-2tc accorcn.- SPECIAL .A.SSESSIIENT. NO'liCB Vlllage of Wlbiae&&e Speelal Asse1smea& No. 115 1!!!!1 UZL · CHARLE& N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local lmprpvements of the Village of Wllmette, Cook County, Illinois to make said assessment. · ~11-Jtc SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE VIllage of WUaette SpeeJal Alltllaea& .No. Ill Notice Ia hereb;- given to all persona Interested that the President and Board ot Trustees of the VU!age of Wilmette, in the County of Cook ancJ .State of Illlnois, havin&' ordered that a concrete sidewalk be constructed and lald In said Village of Wilmette, upon and alone the south side of Wilmette Avenue from forty ( ·o) feet east of Sixteenth Street to the east line of Ridge Road, except across Sixteenth . Street, Central Park A venue, Seventeenth Street and Eighteenth Street, formerly Fernleat Avenue, the ordinance for the same being on file Jn the omce of the ·.Vlllage Clerlt of said Vlllage and ll&ld Village having applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois for an aueSBJDent of the cost ot said Improvement, according to benefits, and an auessment therefor having been made and returned to Mid Court, (Docket No. 210), the ftnal hearing thereon wm be had on the sixth day of February, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M. or as soon the.-eatter as the business of the Court wtll permit. . All persona desiring may file objections ·n aald court before said day and may adppear on the hearing and make their efenae. 1 Said Ordinance }>rovldes for the ~ol .ection of said assessment tn ten (1 0) annual Installments with annual Interest thereon at the rate of six per ·centum per annum as provided- by law. A. D:t3'~eft 'fllmette, nunol., January zo, - I SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Vtuare of WU.ette Special AssessJDeat No. Ill Notice ts hereby given to all persons interested that the President and board of Trustees of the VIllage of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, having ordered that the roadway, oetween the gutter ftags of Park Avenue from the south fine of Lake Avenue .:o the north line of Wilmette Avenue, .md the roadway of intersecting streets, oetween the gutter flags and to the outer lines of Park Avenue, be paved with ~beet asphalt and otberwlse improved, the ordinance for the same being on ftle in the oJDce of the Village Clerk of said vUla.g~ and said V1llace having applled to the County Court of Cook County· illinois for an assessment of the cost of .said improvement, according to benefits, .1nd an asseBBment therefor having been made and returned to said Court. (Docket No. 213), the .final hearing thereon will be had on the s~th day of February, A. D. 19Z8, at ten o'clock A. K. or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court wUl permit. All persons desiring may ftle objections m said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said Ordinance provides for the oollectlon of said assessment in ten (10) annual Installments with annual lntert!st thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum as provided by law. Dated Wllmette. Illinois. January 10, A. D. l9IB. C~ES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the VDI&Ke of Wllmette, Cook County, Dllnols to make aatd aue881Dent. Ll'l-ztc 1 uent of the Board of. Local Improvements of the Vtllage of Wllmette, Cook County, DUnola to . make said assessment. L11-Jtc ~eraon appointed by the Presl- CHARLES N. EVANS ,S PECIAL ASSESSIIENT .NOTICB VIIJace of Wll·ette Speelal A11;;'.aea& No. Ill Notice Is hereby -;lven to all persona Interested that the President and Board ~t Trustees of the Vlllage of Wilmette, ID the County of Cook and State of Illlnols'- havlng ordered that the first alley nortn of Forest Avenue from the wellt curb line of .Jlaln Stteet to the east curb line of Fifteenth Street be Improved b7 ~lng and paving with concrete and otherwise lmprovma the same, the ordinance for the aame beiDa' on ftle in the ?.!!.ce of the VOlga Clerk of said Vll-.e and u.td Vlllip havfDao applle4 to the County Court of Cook "County, 1111nola for an aa tiiDeDt of the coat of aald Improvement, according to bene~~ and aa &II!IIIDent tberefor having - n made aad ret111'11e4 to atd Court, ~Docket N~. 111), the ID&l ~ SPECIAL A.8SB88liEliT lfOTIC:R VWare of WDaet&e ...... 8,eelal Alttlt·ea& Ko. IU Notice Ia hereby Ktven to all "raons mteretted that the Pruldent and Board lf Trustees of the VJilap of Wilmette, In the Counq of Cook au4 State of 1111nolll, have oi'derecl that the road~ between the cutter -.. ot Prairie Avenue from the eut lliMi ot Jl1fteeDth Street . Notice is hereby given to all peJ110na mterested that the ~stdent and Board '!'rustees ot toe Village of Wilmette, m the County of Cook and State of llllnois, having ordered that the first alley west of Sixth Street and the second alley .vest of Sixth Street from the ·south cUrb .me of Gregory Avenue to the north line ·Jf Isabella Street and the ftrst alley :~outh of Gregory Avenue, connectlnc the ..&toresaid alleys be Improved by ar&dlDc .tnd paving with Portlud cement COD· .:rete, and otherwise Improved. the ordl··ance for the same belilc on file In the Jtnce of toe Village Clerk of aald Vlll8n ,nd said Villace havlDc applied to tlie ...:ounty Court of Cook County, Illlnol8 . or an assessment of the cost of said 1m· .>rovement, accordtnc to benefits, and u .usessment therefor haviDC been made and returned to sakl Court, (Docket No. .H8), the final hearing thereon will be aad on the sixth day of Februa.ry, A. D. .. 1128.· at ten o'clock A. K. or as BOOB .hereafter as the business of the Court .vUl permit. All persons desiring may file objectlona .n said court before said day and ~ .:.tppear on the hearing .and make tbelr Jefense. Said. Ordinance provides tor the ~1.ection of said assessment ln ten (10) .nnual installments wttb annual lnter~ st thereon. at the rate of stx per eentum ~r annum as provided by law. Dated Wilmette, Illinois, .Janua.ry 20, A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS SPECIAL ASSESS:MENT NOTICE Person appointed by the Prealdent of the .Board of Local ImVIllage of lVIIJDene provements of the Vlllue of Wilmette, Cook County, Dlinola . Speelal At1t11aea& .No. Ill to make said assessment. Ll1-Ztc Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested that the President and Board VILLAGE OF WILME'rl'E of Trustees of the V11lage of Wilmette, CALL FOR BIDS m tbe County of Cook and State of IlliBids will be received by the Superinnois, having ordered that the roadway between the gutter ftags of Fifteenth tendent of Public Works for one two u4 Street from the north line of Wilmette one-half ton truck equipped with a four A venue to the nQrth line of the flrat alley )·ard steel body and by-draullc dump. north of Elmwood Avenue, to the wellt didder must make allowance on old one ot Fifteenth Street, shall be paved with !lnd one-half ton Republlc Truck. All bids to be In the banda of tbe sheet asphalt and otherwise Improved, the ordinance for the same being on ftle Superintendent of Public Worka by 'I :10 in the omce of the Vlllage Clerk of aald P. M. at the Vlllace Hall Fe'l1i&l7 'lth, VIllage and said Village having applled 19Z8. The Superintendent of Public Worb to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, tor ·an asaessment of tho cost reserves the right to reJect &DY and all ot said Improvement. according to bene- 'bids. CHARLES C. SCHULTZ, tits, and an assessment therefore having Supt. PubliC Works. been made and returned to aa14 Court, Ll'l-ltc (Docket No. 216), the flnal hearing thereon will be heard on the sixth dayof Februa.ry A. D. l!~B.t.. at ten o'clock A. K. or as soon tbereauer as the bustness of the Co11rt wlll ·permit. All persona desiring ma_y ftle obJections tn said court before aald day ud may appear on the hearing and make their Elmer Erickson, son of Mr. and Mn.. defense. ~en Erickson, 215 Seventh street, be· Said Ordinance providea tor the collection of said asaeeament In ten (10) .;arne the proud possessor last week annual Installments with annual Inter- Jf the pony' offered by a group of Wilest thereon at the rate of m Der centum mette merchants in the vote contest per annum as provided by law. Dated Wilmette. IDinol8. J'anU&I'J' 10, .vhich was started several weeb aao. A. D. 1918. Ebner succeeded' in earning the title to .;t Notice ls hereby glven to all .persona .nterested that the !Tes1dent and .Hoara "f Trustees of the VUlage of Wilmette, .n the County of Cook and State of Illl.,ois, having ordered that the roadway >Jetween the gutter !lags of Lake Avenu~ 1rom the east line ot Ridge Avenue to ~.he Northeast" line of Klclllgan Avenue 'except across the tm-ht of way of the ...;hicago and Northwestern Railway and .:xoept across the tracks of the Chicago, .'4orth Shore and .Milwaukee Ratlroad. dnd including the roadways of intersect.ng streets, to the outer lines or line of JAke Avenue (except Main Street and ::;herldan Road) shall .. be paved wtth dheet asphalt and otherwise tmproved, Lhe ordinance for the same · being on 1lle 1n the oJDce of the Village Clerk of said V'Ulage and said Vlllage having applied Lo the County Court of Cook County, illinois for an assessment of the cost .>t said Improvement, according to bene1its. and an assessment therefor havinc neen made and returned to said Court, lDocket No. 215), the final bearing thereun will be had on the sixth day of Febru.try, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. lrL or "s soon thereafter as the business of the ...:ourt will permit. All persons desiring may file objections .n said court before said day and may .Lppear on· the hearlbg and make their defeDBe. Said Ordinance provides for the ool.ection of said assessment ln ten (10) .annual Installments with annual lntert.'Bt thereon at the rate of six per centum ')er annum as provided by law. Dated Wilmette, Illinois, January JO, A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village ot Wllmette, Cook County, llllnois to make said assessment. L17-2tc bltereated- that the t and Board of 1:'ruateea of the VUJap of WUme~ AD, the County of Cook aD4 Stat. of JUl.. DOlL hayJg ordered tbat the ant north of Central Avenue. from the , . curb line of J'lfteenth Street to the . . . line of Sixteenth street be ~ve4 lq' · IP'&din&' and pavlDfr with PortJaiMI .....ooncrete and otherwiae '-Prove4. the ordiDance for tile -.me on Ia the oftlce of the Vlllllae Clerk of aid Vlllace and aald Village h&vq appU.. to the County Court of Cook Counq llllnols tor an asaestment of the COIIt Gl 8&1d Improvement, accordlq tO .,.._ ftta, and an 8.81888ment tllerefor Jl&vblc llcen made and returned to .-.ld ~ &Docket No. 21'1) the ftnal h...._ thereon will be h&c\ on the sixth du cil February, A. D. 1938, at tea o'doak A. K., or as BOOB thereafter u the ballness of the Court wlll permit. All persons .deslrlng may me objectiOD8 .n sai<l court before said day aDd ~ ...ppea.r on the hearing and make theU' defense. ~td Ordl. n ance provides for the colaecuon or said assessment ln ten (10) 41-nnual mstallments with annual lnter~st thereon at the rate of stx per centum per annum as provided by law. JJated Wllmette, Illinois, January 30, A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the Preal· oent of tile Board of Local ImprovementS or the Vlllage of Wilmette, Cook County, llllnois to make said &88e88ment. Ll1-2tc ., .,..... ·:.u......., ..... u Notice 18 ben. . ~ all llti'IIO - an. be._.. me :::.PECIAL At~SEM8JIE:NT NOTICB Vlllag~ of Wllae&te Speelal .A.ssessaeat No. 118 Elmer Ericbon Wiaa Ponr in Vote Coateat CHARLJDS N. BVANS Person appointed by the Presi- ~he pony by virtue of haviq receiYecl dent of tbe Board of Local Im- 6,742 votes. Edward Stancoe Jr., Of pJ'Ovementa of the Vlllan of 1015 Kain 1treet, was seeond 1n the Wlbnette. Cook County, Dllnol8 contest, while J·ck Ales of 1612 WiJ.. to make a.ld .........-t. Lll·lta mette aveaae wu third.

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