Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1928, p. 10

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, daughter of llrs. ' lODe Kerolatic·l Willlllltrn Taylor, Cumnor roact who a week or two and · at the home of lin. E. D. ·student at the Art institUte of will mit her daa8bter, dacker in Kt!nilworth last Monday has done some very beautifUl . ..,.._ who is atteadiag Stoneleiab with a fti'Y good attendance. Kn. pairiting of scenes at Glou·.- IOCII." at Jbe, N. Y. Kts. Korrady, Edwin Hedrick pYe a program of , Mass., which are now hung in M ...llelf with Mrs. Reta Palmer, has representative poems of the nrious her mother's home. The writer was interested in the "Book- wars froiD the Re-volutionary period informed that friends were invited to of Winnetka and spends a part to the present time. The next meeting step in and see the pictures and this each week there. · · in February will be at the home of iraformation will interest many of the Mrs. Harry Street, in Winnetka. residents of Kenilworth. .... .. ........ .... ,.... -~ Mr. and Mrs. ]. C. Carpenter are ~ leaving Kenilworth early next week Ill tile New Yorlt Ufe. Ratell Yel7 for a visit to Washington and New llnr at theee J'OUDC . . - . Pbone wn- York. While in Washington they ..ae 17, or write ~- 11:. Swift Teal, 1017 expect to go onto Bluement, Va., O.tral Ave.. WUmette. were they have a summer home in the Rlue Ridge mountains. . . . . . . . . .IH11111IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHintniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,HIIIIIIIIIIIIItutlllllllllllllllltiiiiiiiiHHI11111! ,. pt RecaJar Life luuranee PoD· ~ ON SHOPPING TOUR Mrs. Edgar Stevens of Kenilworth is in New York at the present time buying merchanC:ise for the. new Edg:lf Stevens store which will open the first of March in Evanston. Mrs. Stevens will continue her activitie ~ in connection with the store after her return. for a time at least.· Mrs. Bentley McCloud and Mrs. A. L. McDougal of Kenilworth are giving a tea and kitchen shower for Miss Dorothy Foresman next Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. McCloud on Kenilworth avenue. Miss Foresman will be married about the middle of February, to Warren 'McCracken of Barrington, Ill. Cards baYe j stag sa~ ti on Friday evetting, February 3, at the ICenilwqrth club· Last year's stag party was a tremendous success and the committee is planning for even a creater one this year. ] ul~ Peterson, fornler president of the club, is in charge of the party and all reservations are to be sent to him: The dinner . hour is 'I :15, and reservations are to be in his hands by February 1. The invitations are very gay and tend to make the wives of the male members of the club both curious and envious. ~ They are printed in gay color th the "For men only" quite conspic ously placed. First Church of Christ, Scientist Trnth Strret and Crntral Avrnur SERVICES A. M. Wtdanclay Tntiaoaial Mtttiag--8 P. M. Saaday School Extlrist 9:4 s A. M. SUNDAY SERVICES 11 SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT Wilmrttr, Ill. Delta Gamma Mothers In Plana for Calendar Tea The Delta Gamma Mother's. associa-· tion has undertaken a Calendar tea to be given at the sorority house on February 4. This tea consists of plan to raise ·money for the needs ·of .the new house. The · president of · t~e Mother's association, Mrs. John · );feaker, acts as the year, and she appoints twelve months and they in: turn appoint four. weeks, who, each in turn. find seven days. At the close of the campaign, which· · will be February 4, all of the days, weeks, months, and the year are cordiaUy invited to a tea to be giveri at the house which will then be open for inspection to the guests, and a speci;ll entertainment will be offered. a i I~~~~~~~~~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uH~~hoo~~~um~urney i===- This evening--the Kenilworth club presents to its members,, Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell, the famous missionary of the Labrador, who tells his story of RH4ing Room-1 16 J Wilmette A11mue the hospital work on the Labrador coast, illustrating with stereopticon HOURS: pictures. · Daily (except Wtdna-f~y and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.: --o-Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M.: Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. The Study class met at the home o+ The Biblt and Worlc· of JltmJ Balcer Eddy tmd oll other authorized Mrs. Claude Burnham, Roslyn road. Chriatian Scim~ Literature may bt rrad, borrowed or purcha.d. ~== Kenilworth, Thursday of this week, too late for a report in this issue. A THE PUBLIC JS CORDIALLY INVITED TO A1TEND THE ~ report will be given next week. · CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM -o. Mrs. Grant RidJ!way and daughter, - Jane, have joined Mr. and Mrs. AlexIIIUII._..III..............IIIIIIIUIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIE d to California and will remain in the West for some weeks. -oMrs. Sidney Eastman of Kenilworth is at home again after several weeks' illness at the Presbyterian hospital. Judg-e Eastman is still at the hospital. January 29, 1928--Subject: "Looe" Miss Ethel Berger is recovering from an operation for appendicitis at the Illinois Masonic hospital and the . family is makin~ plans to bring · her home the last of this week. E. John Hicks has just returned a t~~ weeks' trip through Ohio. havmg v1s1ted Ironton, his old home. -oMrs. B .C. Hawkes entertained eight J!'~ests at luncheon on Thursday of th1s week. at her home in Kenilworth. fro~!' -~ Planned Saving I 0 01:10 01:10 01:10 Put your saving on a ·business basis~ Handle it j~st as you would your most important business affairs. Be as prompt in yc;>ur payments to . . your savtngs account as you are tn the .p ayment of your bills, and you will amass a surprising reserve fund in less time than you would imagine possible. Let us help y~u plan your · savtngs. . ·D 0 I I a 0 0 Does Your Property Need oaol I 0 0 0 Any Repairs All Grades of Stone, Brick and Crment Work Chimneys and Fireplaces Carpentry Work Re-stucco and Waterproof Brusbcoat I I · J. BO T _ R IDGE I u21 AVE. .... .... ... ·-· RICHMOND '· PH. KENILWORTH 2735 0 ~ ~rompt Service IRST NATIONAL BANK of Wilmette

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