Me·llbe:rs of the the KenUworth League of Women, VQters. Pans are heine made for a lecture early in February an~ a Citizenship School of one day. oo March 13. It is necessary · to make plans many weeks in advance for the citizenship schools because the speakers which the state le.ague send. are in great demand · and their time is limited. Further announcement of these two events will be made later. This week the Kenilworth league, together with the other north shore leagues, gave support to Commander Richard Byrd's lecture at Orchestra hall. · Snj-~. ·e.w~iaed Chareh e E. D. Comforter last Wednesday was a great success. There were forty-five tables of · bridge, delightful refreshments, whac)l were donated by members.of the organization, were setved. and a sum of about $300 was realized for their charity fund. The ~ity ~· Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Thalmann have returned from a three months' tour of the Pacific coast, ·including · Catilin3 island and Mexico, and expect to make their home in Wilmette. Thev are staying temporarily at 2311 Lake avenue. · -o-B. C. Hawkes is recovering from a tonsil operation which he underwent M.r. and Mrs. Frank Ketchan1 of last week. He will soon leave for a Sheridan road, Kenilworth, are win- short stay at Hot Springs, Ark. tering at Biloxi, Miss. -o-oMr. and Mrs. Ira Darling of KenilMrs. Arthur Adair entertained her worth avenue, have gone to Chandler, sewing and luncheon club last Monday. Ariz., for an indefinite stay. llllr.r-.,..._,.,.,.._,._,._,._,._,._,._,._IIIL.IIIL.IIIL.,._IIIL.~ ,.,.............._..._..._...rJIII": -·)JBIUII lfe11rg C.Lgfton I s.e ..rjecbaa-auc.., OrriDgbJa . . ~-a ....... In Our Evaaston Shop BVARSTOR Con. tinuing .Our ·January · sa}£ of· - #~· co :J/ With f;ot~t, Y est, Long Trousers arul Knickers The ·Woolens Were Purchased at · a Decisive Saving-They Were Tailo~ed During the Dull Season. For Business, ' Motori~g, Sports and Goll. Two and Three Button. Rich Imported -5 and ·-6· 1 'The Stores That Floor the Nation" ~olf Hose, $3.95 Greenleaf 1941 An 101'18 of attractive patterns. Sizes 10~ to 12 Our Representative Will Call and Give Estimate Without Obligation