Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1928, p. 18

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Ll Prcblislletl weekly by the school childreK of Wilmette NKtltr Hf'ttrvisioK of Wilm~tte Playgroufld mul Recreati(m BtHJrtl. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JANUARY Zl, 1928 Told by . t the Pupils JUNIOR LIFE With this issue WILMETTE LIFE 'presents the second edition of a permanent weekly f~ature provided exclusively by the pupils in the Wilmette schools. It is entitled "Junior Life" and is sponsored by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board as a venture in journalism and a distinct phase of the playground and recreation activity supervised by the. board. The various school faculties are lending their enthusiastic co-operation in this enterprise. It is the hope of the Recreation hoard that every child in the public and parochial schools in the village will take an ac. tive interest in JuNIOR LIFE. Dudley ·C. Stone, assistant to Daniel M. Davis, Wilmette director of recreation, is giving his personal attention to JUNIOR LIFE and will be pleased to explain details to the children. Kick-ball Game Furnishes Real "Kick" for ·Girls The girls' 8A team of Howard played the 88 team of Howard in a kick-ball game Monday afternoon, January 16. 8A won by a s_core of 38 and 88 lost with a score of 8. . The girls of the 8A team are : Lauretta Anderson, Isobel Haskins, Edna Stiles, Louise Eldredge, Vera Dangerfield, Chadotte Harvey, Helen Green, Ruth Smith, Flora Holm Hansen and Janet McConnaughey. The girls from 88 are Lorraine Haigh, Marie Skoag, Olive Chase, Ma~get Melton, Margret Ludiger, Ela1!lc Alberga, Betty Jane Haigh, Dor1s Goode and Carnileau Kneefer. Ruth Smith is the captain of 8A and Marie Skoag is captain of 8B. Alice Edmonds was referee and Kelly Welters, score keepe-r. -Janet ~cConnaughey, 8A Howard. I Basketball . ~ · Form New Clabs at H owartl School; . Elect Officers Class SA Howard cagers again met the Logan Fifth graders Tuesday, January 17. It was a knockout and Logan went home with another victory. Dave Haas, Logan, did his stuff with good support from his teammates. .Ludwig Skoag was the best that SA put on the floor. Final score 5 to 0. WUmette Life Plant is Visited by Eighth Grade Tuesday .aftern90n, January 17, the ,-s and gtrls from both eighth grades f Howard school visited the Wn.M£TTF. lh plant. ' After we arrived we were shown into e office of Mr. Hollister, the pubs~e~, and the other offices in the wldmg. Next we were taken into a ~ge room where the linotype maChanes. are. Everyone was very interested m the operation ~._,f this machine as we have been studying about it in our Social Science work at school We were shown how circulars, blotters' and other .small pieces of printed m'atter are prmted. Later we went d6wn to · ! he room where the big printing press · The men showed us how it is operated and the different parts of the press. The visit proved very interestinS as well ·as instructive to all of us. ...janet McConnaughey, 8A Howard. Hank Von der Hoff showed himself up in his room's (7A Howard) game with St. Francis on the same day. Hank has an idea that a good basketball player should keep his heavy sweater on during the game. In spite of his persistency, his arms move very fast. He was always on the job. His gang was rather slow but the baskets they made were good ones. Little Octsjf' Tolles was another batch of dynamite. Ossie shoots from the hardest places, one-handed, with a man guarding him, and nine times out of ten the draperies swing. He hails from St. Francis. By Girls Furnish Tbrillera I mean 'short.' He is all over in Buketball Encounters 'little' the floor at once. He put on a good The 8B girls' basket tossers defeated fight but lost, 10 to 11. the 8A team by scores as follows : SB-1 (25); 8A-1 (15) and 8B-2 (21); SA-2 SA Howard met 8B Howard on Tues(15). day also. McHale and Wolff, SA, did . ~he first game ~as the most ex- almost all of the work against SB. Wactttng of the two. Ftrst 8B was ahea~ ters and \Varble fought for 88. This and then. SA ; then 88, then 8A untJI game had more fight in it than possia .14-14 he was made. A very queer bly any other grammar school game thmg happened, two guards. ~nd two played at Howard this year. SA held f?rwards on one ball, thus gtVmg both SB in the first half but 88 turned tables s1des a free throw. Palyma Lee Pur- anJ SA won 9 to 6. pee took the free throw for 88 and Betty Wilson took it for SA, both mak- All the teams mentioned above have ing a basket. 8B managed to score met each other before and all the three more baskets before the game g:ames were played at Howard gymnawas over. smm. -John Dernehl, 88 Howard. -Mary Lane, 88. Four clubs \\'ere organized at Howard school Monday afternoon January 16. The clubs are, a Dramati~ club, which is in two divisions an Art Metal club, a Sewing club, and a Travelogue club. The 8A division of the Dramatic club was the only one to have a business meeting. The officers were elected Those nominated for president wer~ Albert Lind, Lauretta Anderson, Charlotte Harvey, and Henry Specht. Albert Lind was elected. Isobel Haskins, Henry Sperht, Arthur Boyajian and Janet McConnaughey were nominated for vice-president and Isobel Haskins was elected. Edna Stiles was elected secretary. Helen Green, Lauretta Anderson, Henry Specht and Edna Stiles were nominated for secretary. Ruth Smith, Henry Specht, and Arthur Boyajian were nominated for treasurer and Henry Specht was elerted. 1he oth~r clubs have not as yet elected tbear officers. The clubs hold meetings the last period every Monday afternoon. · · -Janet McConnaughey, SA Howard . Sick Girl Remembered by Her 7-8 Ouamatea During the Christmas vacation Lorraine Borre had her tonsils taken out. Hemorrhages set in and she was in danger of her life. Her father had to give some of his blood to save her. She is now recuperating at the Evanston hospital. The 7B Stolp School club s~nt her a book through the sick commtttee. She wrote a very nice letter thanking them for it. -Chester Hanson, 7B Stolp. Pupils . Work Out Own Elmer ia Proudest Bo1 in Town With New Pony Delinquency Problema Indian Handcraft Topic Elmer E.-i~ont. 6B Howard, is the The officers representing each room of Stolp School Lecture proud possessor of "Jimmy," the eightyear-old Shetland pony who has been pictured on those yellow signs all over the village. Elmer got 3,171,000 votes · a total of 6,300 tickets. His nearest opponent received 1,100 tickets. He likes the pony 'iery much and he'll give him a good home . -John Dernehl, Howard. a~ Stolp. school hold regularly a coun- sa Pelincauenta DwincDinI . in Stolp School Cluaea The Delinquent class of the Byron Stolp school is diminishing since the teachers have been keeping the children after schtJol for not preparing . ssons, tardiness, or being sent out of the room and for various other rea·.IOils. HEAR PRESIDENT ORNER Friday, January 13, Village President Earl E. Orner talked to the seventh graders who were invited by 7A. He told them how the village has improved and how it has grown and how we could make it better. The talk was enjoyed by all. · -Edward Solomon, Stolp. This is not done as a punishment but ITH GRADERS FORM CLUBS bring the children's minds to bear The Eighth grade of Howard school en the necessity of having their lesIOnS prepared and have them punctual has organized different clubs among at school. themselves. They are the Dramatic, -Robert Fletcher, 7A. Art-Metal,. Travelogue, Sewing and Soap-Carvmg. They are under the diPUPILS MAKE FRIEZE rection of the teachers. The boys and. airls in Miss McPart-John Dernehl, 8B Howard. ln's room are making a frieze of the early colcJIIics, aad the interior of a PLAY ELIMINATION GAME colonial houte. · 8C and 8D will play Friday, January WIN BY LONE POINT ~rank W. Hooper. 3). Everyone is looking forward to a \Vednesday January 4 SB fi t good game. Both tea~s are c~rrying basketball te~m .defeated 'SB seco::d 78 had a spell down. It ended Jan- a clean record. T~e wt.nner wdl play team 1 to Q, the point being made b 17. The best speller in our room ~ for the champ10nsh1p. The loser ~onald Anderson. The game was bel~ )(arjorie Hoaahtene. WID play 8A also. · m Stolp gymnasium. . -Jean Knna, 78. -Geoqre Quinlan. -Junior Anderson, Stolp school. The SA group is very glad to welco~e a new girl, Thelma Kollie into the1r class. Thelma has come 'from Cleveland, Ohio, but we all hope that she will like our school and be one among us. -Margaret \Vegner, 8A Stolp. "BA·TTLE OF THE CENTURY" . William Farlee and Steve Harwood TEACHER RETURNS s~aged a big fight Wednesday. WilMrs. Lucy Stalling, teacher at h~m was on top of Steve at the first wtth a bad neck grip. With a little Howard school was absent from Wedassistance from Riley, Steve turned nesday,, Janua!Y 4,. to Friday, January F.arlee over and got him down. Farlee 13, d';Jrtng wh1ch ttme Miss Johannsen substituted. Mrs. Stalling came back dtd not look so good after the fight. :Monday, January 16. -George Fackt, 7A. -John Dernehl, 88 Howard. ctl meetmg Thursday morning during the reme~ial period.. Colin Finlayson, the prestdent, prestdes, with Miss Haye~ supervising the meeting. Here are dtscussed the ways in which to improve the Stolp school. Such as each room to try not to have one person in the forty-five minute delinquent class l>ecause they did not . abide with the taws of th<: school .and n~ homework to be done m remedtal penod as this is a period e!ltirely. devot~d to helping t~ose low m the1r studtes. All facts dtscussed are taken back to the rooms by the o.fficers and discussed in their room clubs. -Mazie E. Mouat, SB Stolp. M~. Fred Leighton of the Indian Tradmg Post of Chicago gave a leetur~ on "Handcraft of the American Indians and Its Place in American Educ~tion," with an exhibit and sale of Indtan hand-made articles in the Byron Stolp au~itorium, January 24. Mr. Letghton was assisted by B. Begay, a Navajo Indian, who sang Indian songs, in a tribal costume. "7Mazie E. Mouat, 88 Stolp. WELCOME NEW PUPIL NEW CAMP FIRE GIRLS . ~.he Aihe group of Camp Fire girls IDJtaated two new members Dorothy ~eal, _7A, and Elizabeth T~cker, 7A, m thear group Tuesday, January 17 at the home of Alison Burge. ' · ....:.Eileen Burke, 7A.

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