, LACK HILLS E XPErii-i·~-.· -:~,:,. _ for BOys and Young Men .Summer 1928 I ' I An Educational Venture-worthy of Consideration. Four Camps of two weeks each. Side Trips Exploring·and Sight Seeing, Athletic Sports, Honeback Riding and Fishing. (No bunting) Theu bills their ucreta will revHI To be who llftlu the" lore For, Piontttl in dqa long PGit H IIVI traverw them before. Full Particulars of the Expedition Will be Given in a .Three Reel Film of the Scenic Black Hills to be Shown at the Community House Winnetka Monday Evening, January 30th-at 7:30 P. M. ·Everybody Welcotne !-Adm.ittance Free! 1505 B e I I Bldg., 307 For Informa- N; Michigan Avenue, Chicago tion, apply to Black Hills Expedition. Phone Dearborn 2918 · Pictura will be Mr. wbo is For the . Aaaaal Coolidge year. IICCOmptllliM ·"" · WOttl pidan ol Tbt . BIMI& Hilla "" lit. w.,.r PutnGm. C LocldaYta TroatR.apid Caek-t ~ lbs. Wamtr .Pataam, Elatera R.cpr.atatiYe of The Aaociatrd Clubs of thr Black Hills thoroughly familiar with that ftliOD dariag its pat twaty yean deYtlopiDeat. MYtral yan Mr. PatiiDI bu bad dwae of thr actiYitia of the lacliaaa at the oaadap or R.oclto btrd ia Belle Foaldle, So. Dakota-die oae Plllidtar aad Mn. atteadecl bat J aly. Tbt maabtn of ·'The :Jiack Hilli Expedidoa" will attnd it thia ...,... to eeL 1, IIIPII. . ~ ,_ . . . . . . . . . . .