Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1928, p. 22

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,Jl#J&ili·r~filil/ tO , z#' · . .~ · ~· SL-ut:sday of t t RfN o Tthe rp ev tt 1 'A rtlm 8b«e &xtlttf ·'~'" ·---- ~ 0 ! Oz. the sec~nd su~. . .181 cbildr · P o be.IPV~n , thas. the J I . WJif . ~ o WJihtletll:a on Wednesclay, FebrUary 8. pla7 will be given that .afternoon o clock, . at · the Sko!de. School ·llitc)l'itlDI, under the auspices . o£ the "'·111Bet'Y School board of t~e Wmnetka club. Mrs. ~est Ba1la~d one of the most mstrumental m iii'Jqging the play ou! .here. Mrs. French, who IS an charge of ets, reports that, although ma~y eady have been sold, there are sttll Y seats left.. The first performance of the play giv~ recently at the ~arris theer, Chicago, and was receaved as enusiasticaUy as "The Rose and the ·ng," the first Junior League play of e season. The principal role, that ot the small boy, "Tip," was played by :Urs. John A. Winterbotham. Peggy Hambleton~ as "Mombi," was a suece fally horrifying witch. Jean Logan wu·Jack, the Pumpkinhead" and Mrs. Murray P. Brush, Jr~, was a beautiful princeu. Many other of· the Junior .Ceape's most prominent actresses had part in the play or helped in the prodaction. North shore mothers seem to appredate the advantage of being able to take their children to as good a play a "The Land of Oz" without the fuss of taking them downtown, according to the number of reservations received so · far by Mrs. Dudley French. The play is being given every Saturday morning at the Harris theater, Chicago, and last week there was a fall house, with many turned away. ek b~ ht one --·The Evanaton group of ~~~e M~ rf!Ceht rtance Ctaae N~ery School auxuary .me to Wilmette society, which drew near- for luncheon and an aftern~n of ly one huq~ed guests to the home work Monday, January 16, With the 9 1 Mt'. ~McKinney, 1035 Che _ chairman, Mrs. George M. Grove~. ut aJ~en e~ _ It was the annua& bridie ·. Miss Nina Ke~J381 of Hull House, . dagiven as a benefit for Arden Shore rector of the Nursery school, spoke to camp with members of the Wihnette the arroup on the "Aims and ~eeds of Arden . Shor~ hoard th~ hostesse,. Mary Crane Nu~sery School. The guests of honor were the super- · Miss Kenagy ts .a mem~er of the intendent of the camp, Miss Anna faculty of the Nattonal Km~c:rgarten Belle Ferrier, and the sextette of and Elementary ~ol~ege r~stdmg at winter camp boys. Hull House. Ass1stmg Mtss Kenagy Following the game of bridge, re- at M~ry Crane are several college f reshments were served and then Mrs. student teachers. Leslie F. Gates, chairm'an of tlie Wil- The auxiliary is. a gr'?up of women mette Arden Shore board, introduced who are co-operatm' wtth the collegj Miss Ferrier, whose informal, iidorma- in its support of thts Nursery sch~ · tive talk was interspersed with charm- On Monday, January 23, the auxahing songs of the camp sung by these ary met with Mrs. Florence S. Capr~: ~ ix ardent advocates of Arden Shore and Mrs. P. W. ·Bradstreet a~ t . whose healthful color and sparkling home of Mrs. Capron,. 1600 Hmm~n eves gave living illustration of what avenue. The group wall mJOet ·, jgak ·"e winter camp actually means in the Monday, January 30, at 1 : h 0 c lives of these undernourished boys, wit~ Mrs. Groves at her orne, and of Miss Ferrier's talk on the Dav1s street. raison d'etre of the encampment. p North ·S hott Wome~ Actioe ClUb Commit!· Ia . '~ inN.,.~Aui~li.yGroap~ · Sponao _i~~ge 4ts J B G . &niOI' Ball at N. U. E wnt of Late March Late March has been set for the thne of the Senior ball at Northwestem university, plans for which will begin to unfold immediately after midyear examinations, it has been announced. Miss Evelyn Gibbs, social chairman of the senior class, will be in charge Of the affair, with a committee con.. ting of Gertrude Rollins and Ellis Temple to Be Scene of Schmidt, who will select the programs V audeoille and Muaicale and favors; Margaret Law anti Alma A vaudeville and musicale is on the Smith, in charge of refreshments: Nellie Gibbs, Leland Lewis, and Phillip program at the Wilmette Masonic Erbes, decorations; Dorothy Tinley, temple for Saturday evening, January 28, at 8:15 o'clock. Fine artists have t4ckets and finance. been engaged for the evening, one feature of which will be the appearSttlte Chi Omega to Mett ance of the Indiana Male quartet. Dancing will follow immediately ·The IUinois Alpha Chi Omega assoCiation wiD be entertained Saturday, after the perf9rmance and a superior · ebruary 4, at the home of Mrs. Ar- orchestra will play during the evening. ur Foster, 812 Oakwood avenue, A. E. Miller, who was in charge of Wilmette. Those who will assist the the successful affair given last June, hostess are Kiss Hazel !RusseU · of heads the committee on arrangements ICftllltort, Mrs. Catherine Smith of for Saturday evening's entertainment. Hubbard Woods and Mrs. M. E. O'Brien of Evanston. Announce Bettotbtll Announcement, of an engagement of emorilll .IJmdt.WednatlGJJ interest along the north shore is that The aaaaal card party for the Sarah made by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stevett SteYealoa memorial will be ens of "The Meadows," Highland lleld at the Edpwatii- leach hotel Park, of the betrothal of their daughedaada.J, Pebraary IJ. at 2 o'cl~k. ter, Eleanor, to George Champion, 'lin. GeorD H. Blxb~ U»lmabus 2888, III., of New York City. Miss Stevens Ilia llartba J. Universit.v was graduated from Smith college in are Ia charge of the sale of the class of 1926 and her fiance is a Dartmouth grad·uate. btl. From the East comes word of a recent marriage in which one of the varticipants was formerly a resident of Wilmette. Miss Geraldine McLear, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ·Robert E. McLear of Bronxville, N. Y., has become the bride of Jacob Baur Greiner, Tr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Baur Greiner of Greenburgh, N. Y. The ceremony was performed in the prest>nce of a few friends, in Grace Epis~opal church, the Rev. Frank H. Simonds, rector of the church, officiating. The reception following was held at ..Fenstone," the Greiner home nn the Saw Mill River road. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Greiner, the brideJrroom's brother and sister-in-law, were the only attendants. The bride was a popular member of the younger set in Bronxville, and attended the Martha Washington seminary in Washington, D. C. Mr. ~reiner is an alumnus of Washington and Lee university where be was a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. · · tftnet, t., eul Girl from Btonxoille, N. Y. J w-~ Winnetka Girl Choaen to . p uad v IIUIU Junaot tom Miss Beatrice Ripley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ripley of Winnetka, has been ch~se!' to lead ·t~e grand march in the JUniOr prom m Febtuary at Vassar college. This is the greatest social honor the col1ege can bestow and goes only to students scholastically high and personally popular. In additiolf to her other social ar .t academic achievements, Miss Ripley is president of the junior class. Many of the younger set of the north shore plan to attend the annual junior prom at Poughkeepsie as there are many north shore girls at Vassar. Among those prominent in arrangements for the prom are . Cynthia and Suzanne Kohlsaat, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Kohlsaat of '/77 Bryant avemae, Winnetka. · Another evening card party spon., sored by the ways and means committee of the Woman's cluiJ of Wilmette for the bentfit of the building fund will be given in the clubhouse Satur~ day evening, February 11. T~e need of a larger clubhouse was· forctbly emphasized at the last club meeting when; the attradive program ~!ew a lar.g~ audience, taxing the seatmg capactt1 to the utmost. Many could not be' accommodated at the luncheon be-. cause of the lack of dining room facilities. A very cordial invitation is extended not only to club members, but to any of the villagers who desire to help the club achieve its goal, a new clubhouse, to be present at this party. · Very interesting prizes will be given ·or each table and refreshments will be served. ' Tickets may be obtained from any of the folioing hostesses:· Mesdames Max W. Zabel, Nathan P. Colwell, Ralph Durham, A. J. Woodcock, Frederick w. Bowes, A. J. Mouat, c. A. Kel!er. F. H. Cornell, Charles Broughton, Hubert Holdoway, Harry G. Clark, . f:lifton L. Keith, William Harridge, Elmer A. Claar, and George H. Pattison, chairman. Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell. Wilmette 2922, is in charge of table reservations. £' Benefit Two Large Social E oenta on Shawnee Club Program Moe, Two affairs holding the interest on the social calendar for the month at Shawnee Country club are the large dinner dance ·tomorrow evening to which juniors and young ·people above the eighth grade are invited, and the monthly luncheon and pivot bridge game Monday of the coming week. This latter event is always a source of many parties, both large and small, with club members the hostesses. Mrs. William Holmes is chairman of the afternoon cards committee, of which Young Yeople Will Haoe other members are: Mrs. J. W. H. Gag Dance at ShtJWnee Higbee, Mrs. B. G. Galloway, Mrs. C. Miles McDonald, Mrs. Kerry C. MeaShawnee Country club is to be the gher, Mrs. Robert H. Candlisb, Mrs. scene of another gay dance for young Rollo Gullickson, and Mrs.· Arthur D. people Saturday evening, February 4. Winslow. The young people's committee, headed by Mrs. W. R. Mahan, is making the plans for the affair at ·which juniors To Giw Children's Plag and young people above the eighth Mrs. Alfred R. Bates, president of grade and their friends will be guests the North Shore Alumnae association of the National Kindergarten and of the club. Mrs. Clarence M. Pohlman, Mrs. Elementary college, presided at the Frank H. Wenter, Jr., and Mrs. W. R. meeting of the association which was Mahan. the hostesses, have working held last Monday evening at the home with them a committee composed of of Mrs. Florence S. Capron, 1600 Marshall Corns, Phillip V. Bright, Jr., Hinman avenue, and at the dinner at Helene Seibold, Ruth Krafthefer, Jack t~e Vera Megowen tea room· which Higbee, WaDaee MUter, Jr., Gettrude preceded the meeting. Brown, Catherine Bunte, Lester G. Plans were perfected for the presentation of the College Student Players Wood, Jr., and Helene Mahan. in that very delightful ·children's play, "Racketty, Packetty House," on Saturday, March 3, at Harrison hall. Hoateu lot Committet Mrs. F. E. Parry, chairman of the committee in charge of prizes for the T Q Wed 8atuttlav large benefit bridge the W i I m e t t e Mr. and Krs. George A. Myers of League of Women Voters is to give Stockton, Ill, announce the engageMarch 14, at the Masonic temple, enment of their daughter, Doris Lucille, tertained those assisting her at a meetto Harry Bryson Field, son of Kr. and ing at her home, Q2 Maple avenue, Mrs.· Harry Field, 13)3 Elmwood aveThursday afternoon. Her guests on nue. The weddin( is to take place this occasion were Mesdames Tom Saturday evening, Janua17 28. It wiD Shepherd, E. L. Polfers, J. C. Elder, be a quiet, home affair. G. H. Redding, George Iliff, Marguerite Calkins Taylor, J. W. Robinson, J. A. Borncamp, Earl Lyons, William Dinn« HOlt.., Balhatchet and Paul Leonard Roche. Lorraine_.Keister of 80.1 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, and Miss Mari The Wimette Arden Shore board Koretz, daughter of llrs. Mae II~ wiD hold its next . meeting · all day Koretz, 912 Cherry street, Winnetka, Thursday, February~. with Mrs. Rob- are to give a dinner dance at the North ert StocWanl, 524 Lake a·eaae. Shore. hotel February 4. Dtuxe

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