I·. , 'I' , ", · l · ' · .! · I ENJOY. THE WINTER WHE· E·IT'S SUMMERTIME HOLLY HILL INN Mab your home at the Holly Hill laa--trlrct aad reasonable -a rraclrzYoas of rdanarnt and aodtm appoiatarnt~--rxcrU rnt cuisine--a baYtn of rat · and cordial ~itality--aajoy tbr tbrillina saution of tbr aporty · 8-holr miniatare aolf counr on the Ian aroancls-amona tropical acttinp-witb miniature araa areras. traps. buaken and water · hazard-an anuaal treat-:--a aeauiae_ surprise. Play on the bwa sba.boarcl-bwa bowliaa arera or ctoqaet-Yisit tbr aorarou rose aardeas. Life is aU a-bloom in this paradise of sport, rnt and play. Join those who mab DaYrnport their suamertime land ia winter and tbr Holly HiD Inn at Danaport their winter home and braclqaarten. Write or· wire for yoar rnrrvatioas. Come aow. It's only two mornings from winter to summertime ia Florida and wonderful aolf. Come to Florida--where cara art banished and warm. balmy clays 'rtYi'Yr the spirit of yoatb--wbrre aolfrn frolic OD the II'HD sward of the fairway---where anglen cut to the waitina bass and the call of the buaamaa is ia the air-where the joys of life are supreme and Iowen are bloomiaa aad oraaaa are ripe, sweet aad juicy-their rich juice liYiaa health and happilltii-Come now to this fayortd land of Poace clr Lroa-wbosr romaatic lqrnds still prrdomiaate--<ome to Florida--where life is all 'you want it to be. Spend the winter at DaYmport amona rolliaa bills and turqaoiR lakn--Fioricla's faYorrcl Wiater Golf Rnort-wbrre 18 maani6cent aolf bola of 6,623 yarcll await the aolfer-wbrre broad. ama, andalatiaa fairways--fast, ~potty, arau arerns aad marYelouly KDiptorrd traps. baaken aad water bazarcls--amoaa caayoas of eYeqma aiana of the fornt beckon yo-wbtre Nature has· done her best and man ·bas creattd a muterpitc~ome play the Holly Hill aolf count. HOLLY HILL INN DAVENPORT, "In the Hills of <>rangeland," FLORIDA "Florida's Favored Winter Golf Resort" CHICAGO OFFICE 58 E. Wubiapoa Sueet Phone Central og22 THE VERANDA