to Next Monday Ortb Shore Maaical Society to · . Hear Spaaisb-Frmch Program f at Gtoflian Hotel will hold its next regular meeting at The North Shore Musical society the Georgian hotel, Ennston, Monday, January 30, at 2 :15 o'clock. The hostess for the afternoon is Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, who wiD be assisted by Mrs. H. A. Bash and Miss Dorothy Rae. The prG~ram, which is to be SpanishFrench follows : I Duet-from ..Lakme·· .. .. .. .Dellbes l'raDcell BvaDa Frances Copthome II Walts, C sharp mtoor . . .. . . Chopin Le Cedre ..... .. ......... Cesar Cui Jean MacSbane III Sonata .... . . . . .. .. . . . .Cesar Franck Allegretto lloclerato Allegretto poco 11o1111o Dorothy Macauley IV Fleur des Alpes . .. .. .. . ... Wekerlln Je dis que rlen ne m· epouvante . . . . from "Carmen.. ................. ~ ............ Biset Vllanelle . . . . .. . .. .Eva Dell' Acqua Olive Ahara V Prelude A minor .. . .. .. . .. Debussy Pol1180ns D'Or . ..... . ... .. .Debussy Seguidilla ... ....... .. .... . .Albenls Ernau .Akely VI Arla-11 est doux, II est bon, from ..Herodlade" .. .. .. ... . . Kassenet Psyche . ... ... ... . ......... Paladlne J»arls . . . . ... . ... . ... ...... . llaJmml~ Bllu.beth English . VII Trio Number 3 . .. .. .. .. .. .. Godard Andante Allegro VIvace Elisabeth Welxel, violin 11&17 Huches, 'cello Margaret Huches, plano On Lague Program Neighbors Club l-Ias Guden Club Tella · How Winter Birda ·Interesting Events Enjoy Da.ily ·Food The first cold snap of the w1nter Lakes and Meeting of Music Dtcame without warning and snow folpartr..:ent on Week's Calendar lowed close upon it, hiding all .the grass and weed-seeds that the b1rds have been feeding on during the fall. BY VIRGINIA HEDRICK A telephone call to the butcher The January birthday party at Great brought quick response in the shape Lakes last Monday was a gala day for of a generous chunk of beef suet. A the men stationed there as well as for piece of fine chicken wire fastened the committee· in charge. The en~er around a tree not too far from the tainment was in charge of The Neighhouse, formed an easily prepared and bors of Kenilworth, with Mrs. Gilbert quite successful holder for the suet Kelly and Mrs. James Prentiss acting and the birds' restaurant was estab- as hostesses under the chairmanship. of lished. It should have been ready Mrs. Joseph Joyce. Through the efforts of Mrs. George earlier in the season, and we feared that it might not be discovered very Spangler, formerly of Kenilw?tth but soon. now residing in Glencoe, art1sts and However, within half an hour, a actors from some of the leading plays merry little fluff of gray and black in Chicago gave their service to enterflitted down from a tree-top and al- tain the handicapped men at the stathougb too nervous and restless to tion. stay long, the chickadee and his mate Mrs. Joyce made an appeal !lt The came back time and again until they Neighbors last week for donations of had had a real meal. money and food and the response was Before many moments pa~sed, a very generous. There was plenty Qf white breasted nuthatch and h1s mate · ice cream and more than enough cake with their "quank-quank" came to try and sufficient cigarets to serve the the new food supply. A downy wood- three hundred men who were able to peeker and a brown creeper evidently come to the ball and trays were earsaw the other . birds enjoying .th':m- ried to one hundred .w ard patients . selves and pomed them, c1rclmg Gifts were provided for twenty-five around the tree from the base up, men whose birthdays occur in January. while the acrobatic little nuthatches This celebration is held every month worked away hanging head down. and the men look forward to it with These little fellows showed a true keenest interest. · sense of conservation that we human The department of music held its beings all too often lack. If their . monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. pecking at the suet broke off pieces George Shipman, Warwick road, Kentoo large, they repeatedly took such ilworth on Tuesday morning of this pieces, and, hunting up and down the week. Mrs. Charles Dubsky gave o tree trunk, found little niches into very fine paper on "Folk Songs." which they set the suet particles, tap- Beginning with the twelfth century, 'ping away at them until they were Italian, French and German folk songs securely fastened in. Whether those as well as those of the British Isles caches of food are considered each were discussed. The Italian, French bird's own private supply, or public and German folk songs were illustrated property, we have not decided. by Mrs. Paul Gilbert, Brier street, Realizing that the birds as well as K~nilworth, who h~s a very pleasing human beings must have their bat- vmce a!ld a ~plendtd stage pres~n.ce. anced diet we next built a little feed- Mrs. Gdbert IS a thorough musiCian ing tray ~hich we suspended from a and was very gracious to give so wire stretched slanti~gly from the tree generously .of her talents: The songs to an upper story wmdow. By hang- of the Br1t1sh Isles were Illustrated by ing the tray to a little pulley, we are Hardin VanDuersen who has appeared able to pull it back to the window for on the regular club programs of the Neighbors and deliJrhted his audiences re-filling. Regular cracked grains and bird with his lovely singing. Mr. Van seed seem to satisfy best but scraps _Duersen has been a student at New from the table crumbs' of bread. Trier and is a student of the Northcrackers, cake g;ound up with a few western '!niversity M~sic school. He raisins or peanuts, fresh meat, apple was a restdent of Kemlworth when h~ cores, a little hard boiled egg, shell and was a young bov. Kenilworth friend~ al~ bring many happy chirping little !ire watching his career with muc !1 customers. mterest. One of the surprising things we have learned is the very apparent EIJanatonian · Next Hostess regularity with which the birds plan lor Wilmette Garden Club their visits to the luncheon counter. Every day within about the same five Mrs. Paul B. WaJrner, 2516 Centr:a1 minutes they come flitting down, hun- street, Evanston, will be the hostess gry~ and sure of a meal. at the next meeting of the Wilmette Just .a word of warning to those Garden club 'Friday, February 3, at who are feeding the birds. The very 2 :30 o'clock. days when we are busiest and most The speakers for the afternoon will concerned about keeping our homes be Mrs. Fred Dolle, whose subject is and ourselves warm are the days when to be "Birds and Their Habits," and birds. are coldest and hungriest. Hav- Mrs. Ralph Huff, who will give a reing once established their confidence in view of Dr. H. S. Pepoon's book, us, we must not fail them when they "Flora of the Chicago Re~ion." need us the most. At this meeting seed will be chosen for comPf'tition planting by members Mrs. Harry H. Hoffman, 411 Tenth of the club. street, Wilmette, was -chairman of a large luncheon given Tuesday afterThe Ladies' Aid society of the St. noon of last week at the Edgewater John's Lutheran church is giving the Beach hotel by the Tuesday Art and second and last performance of its Travel club at which there were 350 play, "The Spinsters' Convention" this guests. A musical program followed evening at 8 o'clock, in the Sunday the luncheon. school rooms. ( CDlllribtdetl by Wilmette Gardefl C:I.W) January Birthday Party at Great Junior Arta Salon Give· Its Monthly Program in Glencoe The regular monthly meeting of the Junior Allied Arts salon was held at the residence of its president, Frances Maydelle Rochlitz, 215 Harbor street, Glencoe, Sunday, January 22. Miss Anna Balatka, well known pianist, and president of the Balatka academy, was guest of honor and played ChoPin's "Military Polonaise." Miss Leila Petersen, a dramatic reader and teacher in the same academy, gave a reading, "Five Cents for Luck." The members of the salon presented the following program : PlaDo Hovering Butterflies .. Jessie T. Gaynor Katherine Jane Lightbody a;:~DJm.t Snowfall ............ . .... . .. . . . ... ... . .... . .James Ruasell Lowell Lois McCallum J»lano ~n's Grand Karch . .... C. D. Blake Louise Teich Photo by Strauu Peylln One of the most interesting meetings of the season for the Wilmette League of Women Voters is that taking place today at the Baptist church Parish House. The occasion is to be a luncheon and meeting, the former to be served at 12:30 o'clock, the latter to have as its special feature, a talk by Miss Jessie DeBoth on "Marketing and Living Costs." Miss DeBoth is an expert. on home eco nomics. Mrs. Frank France, social chairman, is in charge of the luncheon committee composed of Mrs. J. Sheddon, Mrs. R. Armstrong, Mrs. George Iliff, Miss Alice Wheelock, Mrs. J · A. Borncamp, Mrs. }. G. Elder, Mrs. H. D. Lehr, Mrs. H. S. Condit, Mrs. Charles L. Mohr, Mrs. Paul L. Roche, and Mrs. E. M. Sim. onds. Junior Membership Plana for Large Afternoon Bridge · One phase of club activity that gains in interest and scope along the north shore, and which still is in its infancy, is that of junior membership, which offers a definite place in club life to daughters of members of federated woman's clubs. So far three organizations of this kind have sprung into being in these villages, the Junior membership of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette, and the Junior auxiliaries of The Neighbors, the Kenilworth Woman's club, and of the Woman's Library club of Glencoe. Tte first of these is to give an aft~r noon bridge, to which it invites all members of the Mother club to be present and bring their guests. Arrangements for this, the only large bridge party of the Junior membership season, is in complete charge of the young members, under the chairmanship of Mrs. John Pahlman. Miss Olive Oelericb, social chairman, has arranged for the prizes. Miss Stella Pahlman, president of the juniors, will be hostess. Assisting her wiD be Miss Estelle Englehart, Miss Clara Meter, Miss Vivianna Tarnow, and Miss Olive Oelerich. ~AootDays PlaDo ldiUo ... .. .... .... . .. . .. Theodore Lack · Grace Hlrscbberc Bea41ng 8ally In Our Alley ........ Henry Carey JlarSaret Jean Slnclare Henrietta Seumlth Cbauon .. .............. Rudolph Frlml BetUe Dostal PlaDo · Wbat Do We Do on a Dew Dew Dewy Ilia.71 . ... ·.... . .............. . .Berlen Pluo ...... ......_ with Nobody In Jt . .. . .. .. .......... . . .... .. ....... Joyce Kilmer June Orwlc Plano ~ .... ... ...... . ......... .~opln JaDe Orwlar How Orotllw Left the Cutle 11&17 Prance8 Rocere ~oue Jlarlon French . 1!1-P ~ ... .;;ieue. =~ Ferpa Little Girt of Y..tenta7 ............. .. .... . .. · ..·... Oitbella Lawrence Blair Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Joyce, 831 · I that wu You Oakwood avenue, entertained at bridge .......,.. II&J'delle Rochllts last Saturday evening at their home for a few of their friends.