Sections! nts Qllc~tto:n. Prints on linen. Prints on gingham. Prints on lov~esra~tterned things will Stitched Hats are New! Sport Hats - Dress Hats - Felt, Georgette, Chiffon, and Silk Crepe Hats - all of these you will find changed in texture and character by means ~f stitching. Tu Slitchi"'l · a y be self-colored, or dO.e i· gold or a conlrasli"!! tolor. There are, i· this ttnv ·ode, ·hats frtmJ M eadt1fll- 0 brook, H ol~Qad, lind Hodge. $12.50 lo $18.50 Lord's-secontl Floor School Wear in Regulation Styles Printed Linens will make many Sport Frocks/ $1.15 White grounds, printed in conventionalized floral designs, in brick-and-blue, lavender-blue-gold-and-green, and pinkand-green. 36 inches wide. Jack Tar sends us the best-tailored of all regulation togs--the sort of clothes that are best taste, and most practical for school wear. Navy Serge Skirts Pleated skirts of storm serge, 6 to 14, $3j5. Of French Serge, $5. All on washable. cotton tops. And these tops, by the way, may be bought separately, so you may have extra ones in the laundry all the time ! 45c each. New Jack Tar Suits for Little Boys . Many of contrasting materials interestingly combined. A patterned soiesette, perhaps, with a plaincolored broadclothA Print I;nene with trousers of unbleach twillA rayon and chambray combination of matching color, with the bauuse of silky checked rayon and the trousers of plain .;hambray. Ma11y have bits of colored embroidery do11e by hand. Middies Regulation ones in plain models, of Jean cloth, $1.50 and $1.75. Braidtrimmed Jean cloth, $225. Fine Broadcloth, $2.75. Jean cloth with blue collars and cuffs, $225 . Colors include white, yellow, green, brown, red and still others ! Cooking Aprons Domestic Science aprons, designed to meet the requirements of the Evanston schools, $1.95. Nicely tailored, and edpd wi~b to $3.95 Lortl's-First Floor boilproof red rick-rack braid. Lortfi-GirU' Slaol-$ectn1tl Plotw