We urse tlaat cvcryoac visltins Chicaso during the Claicaao Automol,ile Show, January 28tla to Peraary «Ia, attend the Complete Slaowins of the General Moton IJnc at Tlac Stevens. Upwards of 100 cars includins 14 aaodels of Cadillac and LaSalle. At tlacHotcl Drake Salon, a CadiOac and La SaUc Sptdal Bodies, hy lcadins ·ody dc·fsncn, will he llaowndarinsSiaowWcclc. Cadillac and La Salle will aJ.o cxldhit at the Coli- MOTORS EXHIBIT ~ichisao Avcaac at 8th Street A garage man who would please hii customers _.,ust keep in mind a number of things in plaaniq his service and purchasing his eq\Jipment, according to A. S. Van Deusen, joint owner with J. C. Slown of the Motors Scrrice Inc., locatccl at 721 Main street, Wihnettc. These points, Mr. Van Dcusen continuccl, may be tabulated briefly as service, reliability and cost. And each of these is of course devisible into stiU smaUer units of relative importance~ When a customer wants service he generally wants it because he needs it right at that particular time-regardless of whether it is day or night. For that reason, Motors Service is open both day and night .with a force adequate to handle any situation that may arise. Between the hours of .8 o'clock in the morning and 6 o'clock in the evening mechanics are at hand to take care of any major repair work, such as frame welding, bearing tightening, installation of new pistons or rings or other such work, as well as the lighter mechanical adjustments. From 6 o'clock until nearly midnight any light mechanical work of servicing, including battery work, ignition work, tires, lights, fan belts and the like, is taken care of with speed and efficiency. During the remainder of the night, or from 11 o'clock until 8 o'clock in the morning, service may be obtained on tires, washing, greasing, gasoline or oils or tow-car service, which of course may also be had at any other time of the day or night. In planning for adequate service the proper type of machinery arut tools must also be selected, insuring exactness in fitting of parts and speed in doing the work. The selection of a stock of parts, large enough and inclusive enough to handle the majority of the needs of the garage's patrons and eliminate the delay which would otherwise be involved in obtaining them, must also receive attention. Mr. Slown and Mr. Van Deusen have also inaugurated the policy of dealing personally with all customers that seek service during the day. Thus their patrons deal directly with the owners and may · feel certain that their car will receive the best of attention. In making charges for time and material used the patron may take advantage of one of three methods of . charging. While most patrons have considered it desireable to pay upon a basis of time and material, others have desired to have an estimate made of the ·cost in advance. When this is done, Motors Service makes an estimate of the cost and does the work on that estimate. In case the real charge does not reach that estimate however. the patron is charged the amount actually covering the service. To other patrons who desire to be charged under the flat rate plan as· advocated by many authorized service stations, this method is also available and the charge is made in accordance with the rates set by these service stations. · · · ViUal(e Garaae Buaineu Showa 410 Percent Booat Since James E. Clark took over the management of the Village garage in Kenilworth about three years ago his business has increased by about 400 percent. llr. Clark has maintained the equipment and stock of parts necessary to the proper care of his patron's cars. He has added tools and machinery regu1ar1J, meeting the needs of his business.. and maintaining a high standard in general repair work CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO. . 111o Evanstaft Branch RIDGE AVENUE, EVANSTON CADILLAC LASALLE and Hr.vicina of cars..