N BfD P·c'·rtlll·j~lll.,'f . . . . . D........ s.n.t.,... St~~t~rtly T.Uoru fla ·~ -.., .r.- .. He ..._ N BfiJ Botly TitJII What's the latest wrinkle devised to contribute to the pleasure of the automobilist? One of the latest, at any rate, is on display by the Bondurant Motor company, 1029 Davis street, Evanston. It is a radio-equipped Aub~rn 8-88 Sport Sedan. Right ·on the instrument board is the familiar set of dials and thingamajigs. Just above the windshield in front of the right hand seat is a loud speaker horn. The aerial is built into the top and the power comes from the car's battery. While the auto is buzzing merrily along the concrete the driver can twirl his dials and call from the air a sweet (?) voice or a rattling jazz band, thereby enjoying two of the main pleasures of the 20th century human race at the same time. The radio is a six-tube Heinafone. It can be installed without crowding any of the regular dash features off the board. · Two other special features of the radio Auburn on view are bright red leather upholstery and French side panel mirrors. In order to prepare for the big business expected to materialize in a few weeks now, the Bondurant company moved from 1027 Davis street, where it bad been located for three years, to larger quarters right next door at 1029 Davis about three months ago. Smart tailoring of upholstery in soft pastel shades of imported broadcloth, simplicity in hardware design and en· tirely new body colors· have been used in some of the outstanding custom built cars on the Packard Eight chassis to be exhibited at the automobile show. ·· Chief among these is the new fourpassenger convertible sedan by Diet~ich. This car is destined to be. partJ-:ularly popular because it may be converted into an open phaeton or -chauffeur-driven sedan. It has stand· ard black parts with the body and bon· net of Duco pastel (yellow) and the wheels and striping in Ditzler's permanen! vermillion. It is -upholstered in La 1d I a w broadcloth, which blends beautifully to match the body colm and is equipped with special headlamps manufactured by S t e p h e n Grebel, Paris. The partition above the seat level is not removable an(f forms a kind of tonneau windshield keeping annoying drafts from the passengers on the rear seat. This car will undoubtedly prove to be one of the most striking models at the sh.ow. Other cars on the Packard Eight chassis by America's most famous bod'· builders include an all-weather collapsible town car by Rollston, finished in Duco Safari blue and Valentine's sapphire pegmatic gray and is striped Wilmette Batterv Se....:ce in yellow. lt has a new feature in the ·" · .., · form of a roll belt molding which adds Ia Model of Completeness greatly to the smartness of its lines. One of the few shops on the north It is upholstered in Laidlaw broadcloth shore completely equipped to handle and is equipped with non-shatterab!e all types of automobile electrical work glass and wooden wheels. is the Wilmette Battery and Electrical A six-passenger cabriolet sedan by Service. owned by A. W. Jensen and Le Baron, painted in Ditzler's Lady!ocated at 740 T~elfth st~eet. Testing I smith gray, with wheels and window mstruments spec1ally destgned to en- reveals of Ditzler's . fawn gray and is able the mechanic to fin.d trouble in a striped in a combination of these gene~ator or starter w1th speed and colors. It is upholstered in Wiese certamty are a regular part of the broadcloth and the top is of Colonial eq.uipment ~~ich Mr._ ~en sen main- green leather to match the body color. !ams. Repa1r!ng,_ reb~tldmg or charg-1 The running boards are constructed mg battenes ts hkewt~e a '!art. of. !he of fluted mahogany and nickel plate. . work done and motortsts wtth 1gmt1on or lighting trouble have found a . The Packard sal~sroom m Evanston speedy solution for their troubles at ts at 1735 East Ratlroa.d avenue.. The Mr. Jensen's establishment. north shore salesroom 1s at 925 Lmden In addition to electrical work, Mr. avenue, Hubbard Woods. Jensen also is equipped to take care of tire trouble and has added an electri- DEAL IN CHANDLERS ONLY cal tube vulcanizing outfit to aid in Owing to the large volume of Chand· this. work. He is an .authqrized agent ler sales during the past year, Tom for Firestone tires and makes a spe- Hay and Son, Inc., local Chandler cialty of making an allowance on used dealers, were forced to discontinue the tires traded in on new ones. sale of Pierce-Arrows in order to give ----· --· their entire sales space and attention Grocers and dealers in food produets to Chandlers. in the United States use 147,810 motor ------trucks. They are the second largest Eighty per cent of the cars manufactored i!l 1927 were closed models. users of trucks. ~ . NEVER. CLOSED It has always been our policy to offer the public tbe best possible service that one can render. I" accordance with this policy we remain open nights so that we take care of any emergency calls that one may have. ALSO. - We will wash or tow your car during the night, or care for any tire trouble that might occur. Until twelve o'clock we will do battery work, small mechanical repatrs. and any other light .jobs. During the day we will render any work desired. Out Force of Thirteen Men Ate at Y out Service. · · W'ashing and Greasing · In two weeb the PeoPI~ of tiH North Short will have a fint class washing aad grrasing servic~. Mr. Tucker is now installing tbt latest modern rquipmtnt. ia order to give tbt aatomobil~ public tbt utmost strvice, aad the finest work on tlx Nonh Shor~. Never Closed TUCKER SERVICE STATION formerly Penni!JIWnic Oil SttJtion 739 MAIN ST.