Ill Cltiuto 8hor1J . Among the bril&ant exhibits at the automobile show will be the cars in the Cadillac and La Salle lines, shown side by side. Cadillac is stressillg the sport phaeton on Ptdillac 140-inch chassis, powered by V-type, 90 degree, eight-cylinder engine, 341 cubic inches displacement, body built by Fisher; also Cadillac cut-open chassis. Leading the La Salle offerings are the five passenger family sedan on La Salle 125-inch chassis, v-type, 90 degree, eight-cylinder engine, 304 cubic inches displacement, body by Fisher. Also La Salle seven-passenger sedan on La Salle 134-inch wheel · base, same engine and make of body. Following twenty-five years of manufacture, the Cadillac Motor Car company is this year for the first time showing two different cars-the La SaUe and the CadiUac. The La SaUe is the new. car, illtroduced in Karch, 1927, as a companion car to the Cadillac. It is of Cadillac . quality .throughout. The new Cadillac was announced an September 1927, as the largest, most powerful and most luxurious CacliDac ever produced. The engine is said to be bigger ~nd more powerful, the chassis lengthened to 140 inches, the bodies more spacious and their designs, colors and appointments en· tirely new. · · On the La Salle 125-inch wheelbase is exhibited the five-passenger family On the La Salle 125-inch chassis are sedan. produced seven other Fisher body styles and six by Fleetwood. On the same La Salle 134-inc'h wheelbase are produced two other body types-the Imperial five-passenger sedan and the Imperial seven-passenger sedan. The Cadillac four-passenger sport phaeton is exhibited in Tokio ivory with six wire wheels, the extras carried in front fender wells. Striping in gold leaf. All nickel parts brass plated. The top is of Laidlow cloth and the trim is pigskin. A partial list of equipment includes two forward folding windshields, thr extra one with tonneau cowl shieldintt rear seat passengers. Cowl lights on nickel hood band; cigar lighter; dash ·type heat indicator, . fuel quantity gauge ; shoc::k absorbers ; spring covers : power tire pump; one key all loc::ks ; rubber interlined ; double texture, dra~ duck top material; six wirr wheels and fender well ; running board mounted spotlight. On the same Cadillac 140-inch chassis, are offered twenty-five other body styles, 14 of them Fisher cust~-built bpdies, and twelve of them Faaher-Fieetwood creations. Both Cadmacs and La Salles are on exhibition at the CadiUac salesroom~ in Evanston located at . 1800 Ridge aYenue. Studebaker expects great national in . 1~ and is planning its operations accordingly. The aatomoha1e industry expects 1928 to be an excellent year, with big scale operatioas by Ford supplying a substantial part of t~e total output-A. R. Erskine, '!rsadent of the Studebaker corporation. pros~ty BddbU '~ One of Marmon's 1928 offeriap is a "7r line five-passeqer sedan. Expect Ford Crowd H. . York attendance at this shov, averaged A aew record for attendance at indOor nentl was bung up in New York when l,SOO,(MX» ~le qw the a.tomobile show at the Grand Central palace and the Ford Industrial exposition at Madison Square garden, both of which recently closed, according to S. A. Miles, ~~~anapr of the auto show, ~d T~ Rickard, Madison Square'a uapresano. The Ford show is being moved to Qdcago and wiD be located in tht Fint Regimental armory, where the pab6c may view it free. "The New Wll Exceed New York'a 175,000 daily with a peak of more than 225,000. It is expected that this record wiD be exceeded here. Motorists to whom the old car has taken on a monotonous appearance are overlooking a good bet if they fail to take advantage of the accessory novelties that .are available today. A new radiator ornament or some similar device will change the appearance of a car amazingly. America's retail gaso6ne biD for automobile and truck consumption is almost one billion dollars annually. ------- IJI··························· HESS MOTOR SERVICE EXPERT AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Phone Wilmette 208 STORAGE GAS - OILS · Complete Garage Service Towing Day and Night EiJergthing EU~ntitd for the Automobile t advantage, the local orpnizatiou carrying . car · ..bas est.-,lishecl beadquarters at Benson avenue abd Clark street. This location one block north of the I>a1is street "L" station ·and one block from the main · shopping center of Evansgives the company 18,000 square feet of floor space devoted to Nash D· JC. v...... se"ice and display. Temporary showrooms are located at 1015 Davis street. Alterations, representing considerable investment, are changing the building's front at Benson ~d Clark to a display room 100 by 36 feet-one of the largest in the entire state, according to the general manager. Dwight K. Vcweding. . Mr. Vogeding comes to the Nash position from the IUinois Motor Sales. corporation where he has been manager for five years. He was graduated in 1923 from the Univenity of Illinois,. and has lived fifteen years along the north shore. He wiU remove to Evanston to make his home in :May. He has engaged N. L. Howard as. service superintendent. :U:r. Howard was formerly connected with the Nash factories. A considerable sum is also being spent in outfitting the service statioa with the most modem type of equipment known to the trade for the servicing of Nash cars. An advance showing o~ the · Nash models to be shown at the Chicago automobile show is being featured in the Davis street branch display windows. ~ ::1~1:1\~:=~· Incorporated u the EunstOil Nuh company and located to especial · ·~ HUP HAS A NEW EIGHT EialaiJ' Wlaaa. . . . Gin a....... ~_. It Diati.cliDa ..... 1225 Central Ave. Wilmette, Ill. Service Our long experience on Knight moton is our best refermce. If you have a Willys-Knigbt that is in need of repair-bring it to us. A trial is all we ask. Expert Repllira on CADILLACS, FRANKLINS, MARMONS, PACKARDS TOWING WELDING -a- America's railroad cars can seat 2,300.000 people and her automobUes 60,000,000-over 26 times as many. ' ······· , ,,. 'W,.,. . . , ol C.lnll , , ltl ········ The cars manufactared in 19ZI namnered 3,530,000. Of these, 3,GMJJOO were NSSeDger .....a- can. TELEPHONE UNIVERSITY 249 f'.eneral ttacklaa CGDtracton ase 78,- Tbe Hapmubile is handled in E·· 735 of the United Statet' tracb. 'n.e, autoa by the Ridge Motor Salea . :tre lfth 1arae1t ....._ eolilpany, ~82.1 RMIP ····· , -o- sible cause. There is a new eight-cylinder Hapmobile this year known as the Century Eight. It is powered with an al-horsep()wer engine mounted on a chassis of 120-inch wheelbase. All models are low and have the same paneling as the Hupmobile six at the rear, which -conceals the gasoline tank, frame and spring ends. No mechanical parts obtrude at any point. . The radiator is of the deep type. The lamps have narrow bands, and the fenders are one piece. The nameplate is new. Chromium plating is utilized for exterior bright work. The closed· bodies are fitted with onepiece windshield and military visor. The engine is of the high-compression type, providing quick acceleration, speed and biiJ.:climbing ability with aD grades .of fuel. Brakes are of the steeldraulic internal expanding, as on the new Hupmob!le six. Improved riding ease . is obtaaned by new type springs, with shackles at the front instead of the rear, and by shock absorbers. T.he seven body styles are of composate steel and wood type, reinforced at all points of strain. Narrow pillars, strongly braced, give maximum vision. Moldings are stamped into the body metaL . YibratiOn bas been carefaDy studied wath a view to etiminatiog e.ery pos- · ·