Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1928, p. 1

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VOL. XVII, NO. 18 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JANUARY '0, 1928 ._ RE1AR1ABLE OCIAI Two Ministers Leave AT SUNDAY EYE. ClUB . Wilmette Patorates ·_ .· Sllore 11aia . ~ Mrs. Lloyd plan to leave · Wihnette Wednesday, February 1, to make their A program of unusual interest and ·permanent home in Pontiac, Mi~., value is promised at . the · . Wihnette where, as previously announced tn Sunday Evening cl~b, January 29, Wn.M£TTJO: Lt~£, Dr. ~loyd assumes when Prof· Alexander Meiklej()hn~ the pastorate of the Farst Congregadirector of the Experimental college tional church at Pontiac. Dr. Lloyd .at the University of Wisconsin, is .to has been minister of the \\T ilmette be ·tbe speaker, and Florence Macbeth chu(~h for pine years. · of the Chicago Civic Opera company~ Tuesday of next week the Rev. greatest of American sopranos, will be Francis Carr Stifter, pastor of the the soloist. Wilmette Baptist church for eleven 'l'he . new Experimental C!ollege at years, relinquishes the pulpit of that h is church. Whil~ he has. resi~ed ~s the ·university of Wisconsin, whic· commanding the intensive interest. of pasto.r, ~r. S!dler an~ hts ~amtly. wt~l all who are· interested in progressive remaan m Walmette. mdefimtely, tt 1s ·experiments, will be discussed by Pro- stated· fessor Meiklejohn, its originator and Regret at the simultaneous leavedirector. Many radical departures taking of two of Wilmette's minis. ·from· standardized college routine and ters has been expressed generally methods are being tried in the ex- throughout the village. A farewell reperirnental college. The coming of ception in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. Professor Meiklejohn to give his ex- Stifter was · given by the Baptist parpositi.o n of the ideals involved is re- ish a few weeks ago at which time · garded as an event of interest to all they were the recipients of many who believe that we are entering upon handsome gifts. A similar event was ·a period of radical reconstruction in he14, Wednesday of this week in honour schools and colleges. Since the or of Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Members of · days when Professor )Aeiklejohn was the Optimist and Rotary clubs-Dr~ president of Amherst college, he has Lloyd is a past president of the Rotary been regarded as one of the pioneering club-joined with the parishioners in spirits. His addre.ss will . be 'followed wishing them Godspeed and success in by the usual question period. their new place of ministry. Ed.catioaal PI'Op'alll FOREIGN AFFAIRS SCHOOL This program of the Sunday club A number of teachers from the represents the annual educational feature of the season's series of lec- Kenilworth and local schools have tures which cover a wide scope of sub- been attending the school of. Foreign jects relating to vital issues of the day. Affairs which has been conducted Miss Macbeth needs no introduction each Thursday evening during the to nortb shore people· Her appearance month of January in the chapel of First Methodist church of Evans·a t the Sunday club this week reflects the ton. A number of noted speakers and great credit upon President W. Frank authorities have spoken at these me :o.tM:cCfure and his associates who form- ings, the last of which was held last ulate the club programs, since Miss Thursday night. Macbeth's services are constantly in dema·nd and her engagements must necessarily be made by her only after the most careful consideration. Her appearance this Sunday is a "ten strike" · for th~ Wilmette Sunday Eve. ·· ning club. Profeelar Meikle~ _. Flew· Dr· Stephen A. Lloyd, minister of, it a part of. the proposed new eace M_... C.. t0 Narda the First Congreptional church, and north shore through traflic route, ·extending from McCormick high- T·estlay. la·ury 31 WiD Widen Main Street North to Elmwood Avenue Widening of Main street to make Girls' Club lnYitea Mothen .to Banquet The . members of thetGirls' club_at New Trier High school are planning to entertain their mothers at· the annual Mother's and Daughter's banquet, February 16. Besides the banquet, there will be toasts, readings, skits, and music. All the entertainment will be provided by the girls. The purpose of the Mother's and Daughter's banquet is to have the mothers meet other mothers and teachers in a social way. As this annual feature of the girls' club has always been a huge success, it is keenly anticipated. CONVALESCING AT HOME :Mrs. Clara Schur: teacher of the first grade in the Tenth street school. is convalescing at her horne, 1024 Noyes street, Evanston, following an operation for appendicitis which took place on January 9 at the St· Francis· hosp~ in Evanston. Prolit See Page 46 (President Wilmette Corn m u n 1t Y · Chest) Great plans for civic accomplishment are being laid by the Wilmette Community Chest association for 1928· The annual mass meeting open to aU 1927 subscribers was held Fri~y evening, January 20, at 8 P. M. an the Village hall. The assembled mtmbers voted unanimously to recommend to the Advisory Board that it include the Boy Scouts in its 1928 budget. Several hundreds of Wilmette Boy Scouts will rejoice in t)lis. Elect New Directen The newly-elected directors, whose terms expire in 1931, are: :Mrs. Ethel Roche, R. M. Johnston, C. Miles McDonald, Leslie F. Gates, and Dan G. Stiles. . The 1927 beneficiaries were : Arden Sftore Infant Welfare Near East Relief Salvation Army Red Cross Y. W. C. A. ·Volunteers of America Boartl of Local Charities Treasurer Dan G. Stiles reported 1927 receip!~ of $20,189, and expendiPreab... eriana to Hear tures of $20,128.65, leaving a balance 3 "' on hand of $60.35. So much work has Review of FUDOua Book been contributed by Community Chest Dr. George P. Magill, pastor of the officers, that of receipts went to First Presbyterian church, this Sunday charities and only 3~ to ~uch exmorning, will di~uss parts of a new· pe!'ses as printin~ and clera~al help. book entitled, "The Impatience of a Wtlmette subscrsbers are splendid Parson," by the Rev. H. R. L. Shep- credit risks, as nearly all pledges pard, until recently vicar of St. Mar- have been paid in cash. tin-in-the-Field, an Episcopal church Replaeee Nm.- ~rina · in London. This book, published a The Community Chest adea wall save few .weeks ago, has been recommended nine different drives by as ma!'Y sel!for reading by the Editorial commit- -arate organizations. It cornbmes tn tee of the Religious Book club which one drive to r:aise as m!Jch. or more is composed of such great leaders as than these varaous orgamzat1ons have Dr. Cadman, Dr. Fosdick, Bishop done individually. -------Brent, Bishop McConnell, and Miss Mary Woolley, president of Mt. Hot- 'N. T. Tri-Ship Ciuh to yoke college. The writer's plea is nil-. Saturda "for the recovery of vital Christianity." · rn::RDt raaJ' ~ The book is described as stirring and · The Tri-Ship club of New Trier startling in many of the author's state- High school is contemplating the presments. · Fifty thousand copies were entation of a one-act play written by sold the first three weeks after publi- Prof. C. Russell Small Qf the New cation of the book in London. Trier faculty. The title of the play, which will be presented this Saturdav, is "The Dress Rehearsal of the King's N. T. Debaten Prepuina F~eclc1e." The fair heroine is to be For 11aree VerW Tilta olayed by George Glover, and anoth~r New Trier debaters are working feminine role is to be. taken by Davad hard under the direction ()f coach C. Schmid. The hero is to be played by E. :MacLean in preparation for th~ Stoddard Small, and the balanfe of the · first varsity engagement which will co:ast follows: Stlm Moore, Jack Leach, be held sometime in :March. The Geor~ Cogswell, Ray Sullivan, Tom subject to be debated this year is. Hicks, Robert Steffens, Preston Read, "Resolved: That the McNary-Haugen Bob Sanderson, John Iliff, Elmer Rich. bilJ should be adopted." Debates have Towner Webster, and William Gibson. already been scheduled with Urbana and Austin High Khools, both of which will take place in March, and with Cleveland Heights High · school of Cleveland, Ohio, for May 11. The members of the two teams chosen to represent New Trier are as foDows : affirmative. RoDin Simons (captain). C. Duncan-Clark, Pred Pielding and Bob Forrester ; negative, Prank Gilchrist (captain), David Schmidt, Alfred Romqr and Peay _ Gallqher. ··-~----.....,.......~~~~t way to the north Glencoe limits, will be carried through promptly despite a temporary thwarting of the proposition in a condemnation p!'Q4:eedings with ref~rence to the Dempsey tract at the north limits of Wilmette, according to Village President F;arl E. Orner. Since the owners of the property which is in proceedings of condemnation cannot be induced to accept what is regarded as a reasonable fee for the property condemned, the village board of local improvements Wednesday instructed Village Engineer Roberts · to prepare plans and specifications for the improvement of Main street north to the south line of Elmwood avenue. This will mean that the opening of the street north from Elmwood avenue immediately adjacent to the Chicago and North Western railroad, will be abandoned for the present. This will also mean that the new highway in Wilmette will · extend over a dist·ance of 5,000 feet, and will provide the key to a proposed c9mpre'hensive street improvement program now in contemplation. Wa-tte Troopa to ·Be laci1W ia ltzl . . . . . \Ydla EiPt Otlaer Bme&ciariel .,. H.ny c. aa- . . 97'*' n____

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