This is the Victory Six brougham. It is one of the new Dodge Brothers sixes which are making automobile history because of their unit construction of body and chassis and because of their double wall of steel in body construction. · TO GIVE PUPPET SHOW Mrs. John Zech of Milwaukee is Mrs. William Arndt of 214 Dupee here to spend a few weeks With Mr. place entertained her bridge club at The child and home department of and Mrs. N. P. Zech of 918 Forest her home on Thursday afternoon. the Woman's club of Wilmette will avenue. Luncheon was served. take Theodore Robertson and Jerry Wilson, two Wilmette boys, to Arden Shore camp Saturday afternoon, January 28, to present their puppet show for the boys of the winter camp. Refreshments will be served. The Presbyterian women of Chicago gave a luncheon at the Hotel LaSalle Thursday. Mrs. Charles Kirkland Roys, one of the secretaries of the board, spoke on "Fearlessly Facing Our World." Seven Wilmette women attended. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Stanton are spending the winter at the Lakota hotel in Chicago. BANANA BETWEEN TWO LAYERS OF TOASTED ALMONDS lOLA 28 NOW ELECTRICALLY ·OPERATED F ONen Tdm f« Facv · lceCaaaMHick SNIDER-CAZEL DRUG CO. WILMETTE ' The Famous Eight Tube Saperbtterodyne, completely electrical in all respects. The · iant lladio built today for only- Nothing ,_ to buv. Corwenient pllfJmmta. Ample proof of the ptofitableneu of advertising in WiLMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK and GLENCOE NEWS is shown in the fact that the oolume of advertising in these three papen is going higher ·.· ··