} eaters . Old KeatucltJ" 5howiat ··wv .wn~aJ "In Old Kentucky," "The City Gone A ft ·t ... .__ ..._!_ 1 .... a...---L. in ··No lla'· IAml" S~RtMi . . , . , WillfNtte . , ICmilaJOtth Pb·. IC.nilwoab 3980-3981 MA· TINEES SATURDAY, SUNDAY SATUI.DAY W SUNDAY Doon ()pea I :]O Sllow Starts 2 p. ··· Coatiaaoaa Wild," "Get Your Man," "The Wizard" and "Her WDd Oat" are the featore attractions at Teatro del Lago during the coming week. "In Old Kentucky," the film showing this Saturday, is one of the best racing pictures which has ever come to the screen from a directorial, color and acting standpoint. John Stahl never fails to insert all the little human interest touches which make stories seem real and not the figment of somebody's imagination. Thomas Meighan has played jn underworld stories before, but he has never had a crook vehicle as powerful or vivid as "The City Gone Wild," Paramount's new melodrama, which will be presented on Sunday. "Get Your Man" with Clara Bow as the featured star will be the at· Ewningt Daring \V" ' numerable comedy touches for which traction on Monday and Tuesday. he is so renowned. "The. Wizard," playing on Wec!nes~·Her Wilcl Oat" shows :Miss Moore day only is based oa the sensataonal French play, "Balaoo," by Gaston as a little lunch wagon owner who . Leroux and is the story of an eccen- takes her life's savings and spends tric scientist who humanizes an ape every cent on one week of luxury and to do his biclcliq and to revenge him for fancied wrongs. Thrills, mystery, thrills at an exclusive seacoast resort. suspens~ and a fi~e lot'e intere~t hold Her hoped-for splash in society is the a~daence ~ lllOIIlen! dunng the only a ripple, however, and she is showang .of the J!ICture, whale the com- persuaded by a newspaper reporter ~ny .relaef furnashed by the two dar- friend to obtain recognition by imka~s ·n the role of hous~ . se~nts penonating a duchess. After a day. bnngs IJ!UCh laughter whach relieves of worried glory, the pseudo duchess the tensaon o! !he more sombre is exposed, and Colleen's troubles bemoments of thas pacture. gin all over again. . . Colleen Moore, vivacious tional star, comes Th·urs,day day in her latest John Mc:CQtroiick COMMUNITY HOUSE comedy-drama, "Her Wild Oat." "The Thirteenth Hour" and "ShangAn all-star cast supports · Bound" are the two pictures selecMoore in this picture. Marshal:l/1 for showing at Winnetka ComNeilan, famous director, who made munity House on Tuesday and Frisome of the star's outstanding hits, di- day of next week. "The Thirteenth rected "Her Wild Oat," adding in- Hour" is a mystery drama of intense interest and presents Lionel Barrymore and the dog, Napoleon, in the leading roles. Richard Dix is the star in "Shanghai Bound." Do«t OPfn 6: JO Sboal St·t· 1 p. m. ENDING FEB. 1RD .....a,., Ju. . . . Belea Colfelle .... PROGRAM FOR WEEK ....... A.a&"-ot·R7 . Patlle · · · .o... ..,. ... Ga···· &··· .,....,. ...... "CCPmNUOUS Z TO U '111URSDAY,FRJDAY,SA'ruRDAY A GREAT SHOW-BRING '111£ CHILDREN BBLBRB COS'IBLLO WEsLEY BARRY-JAMES MURRAY IN 111£ NEW METRO PRODUCI'ION GLENCOE MOVIES "Frisco Sally Levy," featuring Sally O'Neil, will be presented at the Glencoe Union church on Friday afternoon, February 3. In addition to the regular part of the program, consisting of the feature picture, news reels and shorts, a five piece orchestra will play throughout the entertainment. "Ia Old Xoa. aa· TMI.t l'aa. It aa· II AM "'IBB COLLBGIAR8" IN 1HE LAST CAMPUS COMEDY OF SERIES "Get w ........ Clattle VARSin ORCHESTRA-GIANT ORGAN COMING MONDAY STARTING SUNDAY "Gneawlell VOJap . . .aaee" S·ltll Pa·IIJ' Co·etJ' Para····* lfewt Claa Bow "8·1111'· c······ ALIVALE'S· SOOth Performance Celebration "ft· ......... Ed···· Lowe "NeWIJ'Wetl AdYiee" YeWIJ'We4 Co·e·z "Sterlr 'Exellaap 1v.......,., Pelt. l Kra·r Kat Cartooa l'os lfews NOW PLAYING with the Jazz CollegiaDI ia a Mammoth Stage Rene Thart. ··· Fri., l'elt. I aal I . "Be· Wild Oat" Colleea :Moore "W&J' of All Paatl" Cllat. Cllase Co·etlJ' "Will ~toPrt Ia Parle"--8peelaltJ' Para····t lfewe -'IBBVARS'IOR PLAYBBS Witla MARGARET FULLER aad CHARLES GEORGE ia THE WESTERN PREMIERE OF -ON THE SCREEN- ESTHER RALSTON NEIL HMIILTON ARLETTE MARCHAL eo.diii 'Attnetlo· "ALMOST HUMAN" v. . . .,..1·· ·uNDERWORLD" p...._t AII·Star ·aaN aua· 'THE LOVES OP CARMEN" Dolar·DeiRio "FREIICH DRUIINC· ..... ......... ----~~~~----~----------------~/ EVENINGS at l:ls-PRICES, Sic · 7Sc · ..· MATINEES, WED. _. SAT-ALL SEATS ZSc · Sic A NEW LAUGH-A-MINUTE PLAy sa· Ia "The Spotqht" A colorfal, dramatic com· tdy of Broadway afrer clark. · E·ny · Satarday-Delaxe ~·ale Coo-Coo Cab Matiate, 3 :oo P. M. Bria1 the cbildrea·