Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1928, p. 49

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No~ · ~L~ .6.,, ~,. I, P~ tio· Bjll·O·~II··· The Sophoaaore HiP ., "' omore Commercial ;, Hi1iory S 11y 1s - - - - - - - - - . . . . J I U n c k r o d t Hiali achool ·-.ter WUd 'Q.ue, ........... Teatro .-rile t .. .··· ........ . .. Nonhore Four FIWiher" . ...... . ..... Oene~~ee Baatar, laa· ..,. II ::'l'hClte SGopotllabt" .......... . ..... Norahore Y ne WUd" ......... : ...... Teatro 01...... ). . 11 , · The largest show ever presented in the history of the Nonhore theater is to open this Sanda~ The entire ree of the Balaban and Katz ftrftSOUI-.... r· .... ~ duction department have been utilized to produce this me"~~ Protrram. ·s _,.,. ...,.......tatiOn has been proThl a - r·--· duced to honor At Kvale's SOOth perfonnance, and in celebration of the entertainment at tM Norshore Theater. About six months ago Balaban and Katz presented the first of its popular stage badd perfonnances at the Norsbore Theater, and placed AI Kvale there ·,u a reghlar feature. From the firit this method of stage presentation entertainment proved its popularity amonc residents of the great north shore, probably the most discriminating audience in Chicago. AI Kvale's SOOth performance pro~m, combining the stage and the screen, will featur-e many Chicago favorites on the stage, and beautiful Esther Ralston on the screen. Among the featured artists are Paul Small, Al's buddy from the Oriental Theater; Johns & Mabely, Prosper & Meret, Billy Adams, the Gould Dancing Girls, and many others. In Esther Ralston's new piCture, ·'The ~potlight,". which is the picture attraction s-tartang Sunday at the Norshore Theater, the. blonde ~tar · takes the part of a typtcal Amencan gir~ w.ho has t~ face life unaided. Th1s time the gtr:l chooses the ~tage for a ~ar~er. Mrss Ralston bebeves that thts rs the greatest role she has ·ever portrayed. ··Jn 014 1:.-~ar,, 1···17 18 "'1'h 0o11111 Vantt,. ..In eOld .,//t Bell;'· · · · · · ·New Evanston ;:t ············· tryout in basketball on Tu~ afternoon in the school umauiain, llary Louise Byrne the coach, supervisinl' the play. The basketball p-..ta"·~'" Schedule has been so arriDgecl that ~e sophomore teams may practlee every Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. . fi~~;:~;;~;=~=!~==~ ···iaJ, , ···..,. ·-nte Gorilla" ...... ....... . ...... Varsity . Mrs. Alvin ·'Square Crooks" ·······.New Evanston bine a1enue 3)3 Woodentertained the social :~o ~~~~;outia&;· ·:::::·::::a'!: 4:ommittee of 'tlit Wibnette Woman's -rhe SpoUipt· ................ Nonhore club Monday at. a luncheon and Tae...,, laaaa17 11 bridge at the Cbic;lao Athletic club. E. .Biernes of --------piiii...___..._..-...:.~1 :~r~o;~.. · ······· .. New Ev~naton Mr. · ant~- · Mrs. Pr.Jnk A. BroW.. ' ~~ , "The Thirteenth Hour;,· com~ unity He:~: 945 Michipn lftlliie entertained at a ·-rwo Flaming Youths" · · · ... · .Genesee dinner ·'The Gorilla" ................. .Varsity ·~ ~ .. ~= :'.,!,~~t" ··:. ·. ·. ·.·.·.·.·.·. ·.·. ·. ·.'.'. No~h'!: ·-rtae SpoUight" · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Norahore WetaeHaJ', Pebna17 1 partY -o- Fticlay evening. &·.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Adams entertained the E. 0. S. club last Satur·"The Gorilla" · . .. ...... ......... VaraltJ' day evening: ' · · , '"' ·'Two Flaming Youths" ·······. Genesee "Square Crooks" ..... . ... New Evanston .. Tll!r·da7 , Febraa17 s The Noose . . ................ Genesee "Her Wild Oat" ................. Teatro "'The Spotlight" ................ Norshore "'Square Crooks" .... . .... New Evanston PrldaJ, Fe·raar)- 1 "Shanghai Bound" . ... CommunltJ' House ..The Noose" ·. · · · · · · · · · · ·······. Genesee "Square Crooks" ....... .. New Evanston "'Her Wild Oat" . ..... : . .... . .. . .Teatro "The Spotlight" . . . . . .... ..... . . Norshore Ao Act~ of Stilts · A WOflfl« Show ,Piee ~,Great ~tata ·, Miss }.{argaret Wilson of 611 Laurel avenue is visiting her cousin · at La Grange. -o- ~ · · f · -. ' ..., f 17aeatre Mr. · and Mrs. Charles C. Cameron of 510 Central avenue returned Monday from a trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron visited Miami, St. Augustine, and Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. August C. Pearson, Jr. announce the birth of a son on January 3. · -oThe Sweet Pea club motored to Dundee, Ill. Monday, to inspect the Haeger potteries. --oMr. and Mrs. B. H. Maple avenue, announce a son January 18. ,.LII.., ... BB.... BUIO»A.Y OJILT, IA.W. lla Georre Lewlt aal a Gna& CU& Ia UBn.VSBBB" TBU&8.. PBL I'BB. 1,1 ELABOBATB 8TAGB 8PECI&LTIB8 Comed:r & News At-. A4·11· lie· CIIDdrea lie XON., TUBS. a WED. IAN. II, II a I'BB. 1 at a SAT. "THE. FOUR SEASONS" A Rendezooua For the Family and Young Polka, Parties. A8tap 81··"··· setaUUatlar . . . . Bilow "A .JAZZ .JAJIBOVRBB'· wl&ll FRED A&DA.TB A CO. LA881'l'B& B&OS. XeCABTBY 818TBD BOBBY IACKIOW aa4 ollaer atan fro· . Balaba· & Kab Loot 'l'llea&ret Tile "Wow of Waakepa" FRANK 1fALLD aal lilt IOYBOY8 Ia fte Gnat &tap 8a~·- t9 wltl . ldCBA.aD BABTBBL.B88 A.Uee loJ'ee. Llaa Battaette, Xoalape LOTII TBB 8BN8A.'I'IOlrA.L DBA.KA. Ul' JIUUB.T CJ,UJIII WAUKEGAN ROAD 1Y2 Milea North of Glenuiew, 4 Miles West of Wilmette. _oa De aeree.... rile Laarll·Per·····&e Kallllkn& DANCING Wednaday, Saturday and Sunday Nights M usi~ by Fout Seaaons Otcheatra "TWO l'LAIIDIG YC)U'rBI" wl&ll CHESTE& COJU[Lilf aal 1f. C. PJBLD8 Ia a CUoo··Ciluer Batre·e Coaedy aad lfewt BYeatl Ada. A.daltl lie CllDdrea lie BI·IACKBBS-BLilfD 11J8'l'ICJ&- CA.PITA.L PUKISIDIBliTI OliB OP TBB 8CBBBll ACHIEVEMBIIT8 OP ALJ;. 'I'DIBI --4a tile tlap·A T~P TO BOLLA.liDA LaYIIII aad Daaee Crealloa SO.. A "TBB LB Q&ORS" ... &e·edJ' &na&lft ee....,. a llewa Ada. .&.4altl lie CIIINrea lie $1 .50 Gl·m~7ift&J l.J6 for RamMtiona party. SUNDAYS, NooN TILL !I · No COVER CHARGE DINNER 5 TO 9 P.M. S}SO · A.LWA.Y8-A.I BYaat at llle Barloa Oraade Oqaa Note n... speci.J Added Attractiou! ........... tile Dateel EVBBY 8A.'I'UBDA.Y A.T l J· ·· UNIQUE CONTEST Briog in your oldest Dime. Yoar oldest. Dime 011 if brought in btforr FebnuiJ 11th may WID Y a prize. s2 o.oo to the olclat. S1o.oo am to ·the oldat aad Ss.oo for the tbircl olclat. TUBS., IAN. 118T Praak WaDia't R.,JJ · Reu Clalt lor Cldllnal IOilf TRB CLUB! . . . . . . A.D.IT'I'BD TO TBB8. 8PBCIA.L -.&.TIDB8 fow llel a.ldiJellatlaee! Oa tile Stare B. 1. Toltla Celeltra&e4 Brldp BQerl Ia Ulasvated Talk oa &lie e-e A.IIO I· lite The exdaaiYe 1111 of the Ball roo· may be bad FREE of cbaqe for Pania. Banqattl aad Dianm. any night except Wrdanday, ~atar'!aY aad SDiiclay. Open all year ro·ad. Come htrc on yoar ·Singh nclt ·eu. A.U Cldldna to Blrll Bellool .A.p Blr BlltHial .&.ell 1a A.IIIUoa UtUI Prepaa POJ'eW to .., ,... DIRECTIONS-How to Reach "The Four Seasons" Froa Wiaaetb: Willow Road to Waabpa R.oad-tbna Froa Wilmette: Lab or Willlldte AYt. wat to Waakcpa R.oad. FrO. Glnacoe: Daaclee Road to Waabgaa R.oad---dlta south to "The ··lb. IN8TBUCT A.T A. 8PBC1&L BBID&B PA.BTYI P~IB a& eull 'l'A.BLBI GILllrD PIUZBI I'A.VOMI (Lial&el lla·._ of ~--- te Fro. ......... ~ ........ a.._: D,.Jita' to Waabpa Road aoltb . BYB&Y TB1JU. UHUOOW &lJBI'I' XA.'fl···· to "Tile Fou .......... ,. .... . . . .......... ......,. W7 .......... . . . ~

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