Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1928, p. 52

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CBARLES N. EVANS Penon appointed by the Preeldellt of tbe Board of Local Improvemenbl of the Vlllue ot Wilmette. Cook Couaty, Dllaola to make aid aueament. Lt'l-2tc SPECIAL A88B88.BIT B'OTJCB v111a1e of wuaeue 8peelal A········* No. Ill Bald Ordlnanee provlda for the ool· lectlon of Bald aaanvnent ID teD (11) annual lnatallmeDbl wltJl &DDaal bateteat theNOn at the rate of Ills per centum per annum u provided by law. Dated Wilmette. mlnoll. Janaa17 20, A. D. 1928. -.r .. ._ · CHARLES N. DY.W., 8 Pei'IIOn appointed bJ' the President of the Board of Local Im· ~veJDeDta of the Vlllan of WUmette. Cook Couaty, Dllnole to make- aald aae181Dent. 8PE~I~L aal court appear on the defeiUie. r i'80D8 A88B88llBIT KOTICII of Wlble&le ,i .VWqe 8peelal A.IH81aea' 1fO. 114 Notice ill hetebY give~ to · aU ·persona the Prealdeot aa4 Board of -Truuees of t~ VIU... of Wilmette, tp t~ OOuntr ot · ~- aid State of 1111not, have or'd~ tlaat tbe roailway between ·the' gutter ftacs ot Pralrle Avenue from the east line of Fifteenth Street to the North line of Isabella Street and ~e roa4:way between the r;utter flags or lnteraectlqg atreeta to the outer line or lines Of Prairie Avenue shall be paved wltb sheet asphalt and otheJ:Wiae Improved, the ordinance for the same being on ftle In the oftlce of the Vlllace Clerk of uld Vlltaae and aald VUiace havlnar applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illlnols for an aaseBBment of the cost of aald improvement. according to beneftts. and an 888888ment therefor having been mad~ and returned to said Court. (Docket No. 2U), the ftnal hearlJUr thereon will be had on the sixth daY of February. A. D. lt28. at ten o'clock A. K. or as soon thereafter as the buslneBB of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may ftle objections lD said court before said day and may appear on the hearlnc and make their defense.. Said Ordinance provide· for the collection of said asseBSment In ten (10) annual Installments with annual interest thereon at the rate of alx per centum \)er annum as provided by law. Dated Wilmette. Illinois. January 20, A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS Penon appointed bJ' the President of the Board of LoCal Imorovements of the Village of Wilmette. Cook County. Illinois to make said a88e88ment. Ll'l-2tc interest~ that SPECIAL A88BUMENT lfOTICE. VWa1e of -Wllaette - Speelal Asse1"8aeat No. Jn OUce even to au penou IDtereQrf'! fjaat dent aud Boanl o F : o f th~ ~mace of Wllmette. ID' the tJ' of QOok and State of DUb& ordefed that a connected ot PortlaDd cement concrete aldeftve ( i) feet aud four ( 4) lnchea ~ be co.UUcted and laid on aortJ Bide of Thornwood Avenue tbe '-~eBt line of Rldse Avenue to eut IPIIe of TWen~-thli'd Street. ex&CI'OIII the ce·tn.r twen~wo (22) of TwenQ-·ftnit Street, on the th Ill of ThOI'Ilwood Avenue from weat line of JUdce Avenue to the liDe of Twen ·tfilrd Street. except the oentra1 'twentJ"-two (22) feet of Twenq-ftnt SUMt, and except from a teq huadred AftJ' (10501 feet east of Twen.,·thlrd Street to a IDe eleven II (1100) feet eaat of Twenusu.8t. where walk l8 now ·lafd. OD~n~·ftnt tbe eaat 8148 and on the weet of Street from the walk Pl9vld84 to be laid on the north of 'l'bornwood Avenue to the walk ln p1aoe on the IIOUth alde of CheatAvewa·~ the oldlnance for the _........,. -on G e ID th oftlce of the Vlllace of Did Vlllaae and uld Vlllaie &IIPlled to tlie County Court of Co._Q'. Dllnola for an aueument CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Vllla~re of ·Wilmette. Cook ~ounty. Illinois to make said assessment. Ll7-2tc SPECIAL .A.88B88.BNT NOTICE vmqe or wnaette S·eelal Alteataeat B'o. Ill Notice Is hereby ~ven to all --nons 1 nterested t h at the esldent and~~"' Board of Trustees of the VIllage of Wilmette, In the County of Cook and State of nunola. having ordered that the central twenty-eight ( 28) feet of J'ol'ellt Ave· nue from the east line of Fifteenth Street to the southwest line of Sheridan Road. except across the right of ~ of thP. Ch=o and Northweatern RaUway, and f'X aero. the tracb of the Chtcaao. No 4 1 8 been l(lade and returned to ....nColl' (Docket No. 209), the ftnal -:!' tiMreon wiD ·be had on the 8ixth o ,.ebi'II&I'J', , ._ D. 1921, at ten A. II. or u ..oon thereafter aa the bllfl»... the=o will ~nnlt. W .»e D8 mq flle objectlona -.14 urt bet aald day and may of the he..-tnc and make their fl ·~ ~ "= :-...:=!i.t-=: :!rt.t..:':=:. a;t Jll~ee ~~· (exC:: havt lltneta Oldlnance p~vldea for the colof Dl4 ...._..ment In ten (10) ..........nta with annual IntertheNCa at the rate of alx per centum umaea u pro..4ecl by law. ted Wilmette. Illlnola, J'anar,. 20, 19 D. CHARLE& N EVANS Penon appointed by the Prealdellt of the Board of Local lmurovementll of the Vlllan of Wilmette, Cook County. Dllnola to ~ke said aeeeBBment. IPECU.L A88B81XE11T B'OTJCB Vlllap el WUae&te the outer line or lines of Foreat Aveauu. shall be paved with sheet &BPilalt and otherwlae Improved. the ordinance for the ·same being oa ftle In th4t alice ot the VIllage Clerk of ·ld VIllage u4 said VIllage having applied to the County Court of Cook County. Illlnola for an aii8888Jilent of the cost of aald Improvement. accordl.n« to beneftt& and an Ule881Dent therefor havl.._- been made and returned to uld Court. {Docket No. Ill) the ftnal bearing thereon wlU be had on the alsth ~of J'ebi'U&I'Y, A. D. ttl8. at ten o'clock A. 11. or u soon tbenatter as the buslneBB of the Court wlll.JMtrmlt. Allr tnoiUI desiring may flle obJection· In 11&1 court before aal4 day and m&J' apC on the heartng and make their d8J;.,w;r- Ordinance provides for · the eollectlon of 8&14 811888111Dent In ten (10) annual lnlltallmenta with annual Inter· est thereoa at the n.te of 1lx per centum per annum u provided by law. Dated WUmette. IlliDotit, J'anua17 JO. A. D. 1911. , ' CHARLES N. EVANS Penon appointed b7 the President of the Board of Local Imurovemeabl of the Vlllue of Wllmette. Cook CountJ'. Dllnol1 to make 8&14 aiBBIIIDBnt. L17-Jtc 8PBCL\L A88W88MWH B'OTICB Street~ [~ VIDap ef Wllllette Notice 18 herebJ' ~lven to all P@raons IDterested that the Prealdent and Board of ·!'J'ustees of the VIllage of Wilmette., In the County of Cook and State of llliDois. having ordered that the ftrst alley north of Central Avenue from the west curb line of Fifteenth Street to the east line of Sixteenth Street be IQlproved by gradlntr and paving with Portland cement r.oncrete and otherwise improved. theordinance for tbe same being on 1lle In the omce of the Vlllage Clerk of aid VIllage and said Vlllage having applied to the County Court of Cook CoUDtY. Illinois for an aBSe88Dlent of the coet of said improvement, according to benefits. and an asseBBment therefor having been made and returned to l&ld Court., (Docket No. 217). the ftnal hearing thereon will be had on the sixth dat or February, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. II., or as soon thereafter as the bustness of the Court will permit. All persons deslrblg may flle ob~lons In said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defenae. Said Ordlnancts provides for the tollectlon of said assessment in ten (10) annual installments witb annual lnterf'st thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum as provide(! by law. Dated Wilmette. Illinois, J'anuar,. 20. SPECIAL ASSBSSKBNT NOTICE A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS Vlllap of Wlbae11a Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Jm8Jedal A.lae88aea& Ne. 111 Drovements of the Vlllaae of WUmette. Cook County, Illinois Notice Is hereby to all PQrBOns to make said assessment. Interested that tbe dent and Board Ll'l-2tc of Trustees of the Vlllace of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, having ordered that the roadway beSPECIAL A8SF!R8KB:NT NOTJCB tween the gutter ftap of Fifteenth Street from the north IIDe of Wilmette Vlllaae of lVII·ette Avenue to the nQrth line of the flrst alleJ' north of Elmwood Avenue. to the west 8pedal A.Jsea·mea& No. 118 of Fifteenth Street, shall be paved with sheet asphalt and otherwise Improved, Notice Is hereby given to all persons the ordinance tor the same being on ftle interested that the Prealdent and Board In the oftlce of the Vlllqe Clerk of aid of Trustees of tbe Village of Wilmette· VIllage and Bald VIllage having applied In the County of Cook and State of Illito the County Court of Cook County, nois. having ordered that the ftnt alley Illlools, for an ae·enment of the coat west of Sixth Street and the second alley of 8&ld Improvement. according to bene- west of Sixth Street from the aouth curb fits, and an asaeBBment therefore having line of Gregoey Avenue to the north line been made and returned to said Court, of Iaabella Street and the flnt alley (Docket No. 216), the ftnal hearlq aouth of Gregory Avenue. connecting the thereon will be heard on the alxth da7 aforesaid alleys be Improved by grading of J'ebruar,. A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock and paving with Portl&Jld cement conA. II. or as aoon thereafter aa the baal- crete. and otherwlae Improved. the ordineBB of the Court will permit. nance for the aame .belli&' on ftle In the All rnone desiring may flle objectlona of tbe VIllage Clerk of said VlllaJre In B&l court before laid day aud may oftlce said VIllage hav(Nr appUecl to tli& appear on the hearlq and make their IUld ~unty Court of Cook Count,., Illinois defeiUie. aor an 8.1111e88Dlent of the cost of aal4 ImBald Ordinance provldea for the tol- provement, to beneftts, and aD lectlon of uld usetmt~nt In ten (10) aueament according therefor having been made annual lnatallments wltll &DDual Inter- and returned to aald Court. (Docket No. est thereon at the n.te of 8lx uer centum 118), the flllal hearing thereon will be per annum aa provided by law. on the sixth c1u of February. A. D. Dated Wilmette. mtnota. lan11a17 20. bad 1928, at ten o'clock A. 11. or aa soon A. D. 1918. thereafter u the bUilneaa of the Court CHARLES N. EVANS will permit. Pei'IIOn appointed b7 the Prealpenona dealrl... may ftle ob~lou dent of the Board Of Local Im- ..All aald court before aald day and may ~vementa of the Vlllan of appear on the hearing and make their Wilmette, Cook County, mlnola defeue. to make laid a11118881D8Dt. Bald Ordinance provldea tor the tel· Ll7-lte lectlon of laid ···e·arnent In ten {10) :mnual buJtallmenta with annual lnterSPECIAL A.88B88JIBB'T B'OTICB ellt thereon at the rate of alx .... oentum pef,.-=a;..!o8 ~vlded by law. v~~~qe or Wlllle&te A. D. Ul8. IIID8U8, mlnobl, J'anua17 JO, ....... Allll. . . ., B'e.lll CIIABLE8 'N. EVANS ~ appointed b7 the PrellNotice 18 herebJ dven to all MI'IIOna - . - tile Board of Loaal lmIDtereM:e4 that the Prelldent and Board 'DI'O'f8DW6ta ot tlie VUJan of · ot '1'I'MtaM of tile -~ . . . . " t CGOil Coullb'. Jlllaoia in the Count7 of Cook aD4 State of 1111to make laid 'a·eaaNnt. nola., h&Vlnc ordered that the roadway . Ll'l·Zte - C vw... ., .

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