Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1928, p. 53

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.~: =--=::::..:::a~·~ ~~~~~~rrrrr~ · ·tl1tr&UoiD ..:r=1 &iE ~ tlaat · · DUaolll, pro tem utb tiN' In the . . aton.lt ..... ...., · . -.at .., IBCftO. 11 Ia ~t for 1iob water worb .. , . _ tile _VIQaae of Keallworth ll1aaU lllae water faacl eeruaa.t.. of ladebteclneea beariDir batereat at the rate of he per cent (("~) JMr umam. Umltecl for tlleJr 1I&JID8Ilt mlel7 to the apeclal · water fWlc1 herelaafter ~vlctec1 for. ID an ~te amcnmt autllclent to ~ tile total coat of ~ . ana ·~utriDa the same u hereafter ucertaiDecl b7 eom=~=Pc~i petltlve bide on 8UCb publlcatiOD of nodee Ia coat ncautntt b7 law, IDclu~ID ~8UCh as total the enslneerlnc and ~ ~~;~~ eKpen8811 lncurra4 In connection then tb. .._.. for ~~~~~ tbe VILLAGB 01' KENIL- All of 81ICh certllcatea .of lnclebte4Deaa lcata of to. 11 IIIUDicl...a co~raUon or- ahall be P&Yable tn ncb lnlltallmenta ana . IBC'DO· 11 Tlae eatlre ........,. arlliplllil!!~- ~· UDder the lawa ot on such dates aa aball be hereafter pre- bqr from the ~ration of the water W8lb . of JiiiDOII. b7 Ita au11 con- ecrlbed b-y ordinance ancJ ehall conatltute 8)'8tem JII'OYicJecl for Ia tlda onJineDM, ·OftCII JIIK . public autboriUea. llu aeter- a ant lien upon the water works BPtem belq ·veab'-lve »er .at (11~) of tile Bealeclt ::..~,r==. avail IUelt ot the provisions of eo to be acquired bJ' the 188U&IIC8 and de- total rates aboYe nfei'N4 to. ·llhall be an ·ot tile 0eaera1 A..embb' of the livery of auch certlftcatea, ana upoa the paid Into ana keDt In a .........- faa4 KeallwoJQ. nu..., M State of IIIIDola, approved April U, 1819, Income therefrom. to be lalown u Water J'uD4l No. I wblch worth .u.em- ~ entitled · AD Act autborlslq cities, towns 8BCTIOlf fl All of ncb certllcat811 ahall ai'WQII be &114 remalll lDYiolate of Kenilworth ·4Yeaue, &114 Oil et ana to build, IJUI'Chue or eztend of lndebtecJneu and the Interest aocru- until aU of the certlftcatea of IDdebteanea Ro1uJ. Keallworda, water wora .,....... lor public and do- lq thereon ana eve.,. lnlltallment of the IIIIIUed and to be tauec1 punuant to tile fore one o·oJock P. K. KOIMI&J'o,~ meatlo Wl8. &D4 to PJ'C)vl4e for the eost principal and Interest of IIUCh certlllcates provisions of thla on11nance and all tn- U, 1118, for the ~tbereot", and UD4el' tbe provllllou of ahall be further secured bJ' a mortpp atallmenta of Interest becomiDa' due worb Qlltem for tJae. ·~~-- .., Bala act aa4 of other acta of the State or deed of trust contalnlnc such provl- thereon, llball be fullJ' IJII14. &D4 no ex- worth In aooortaDae wltll . - -1rtdeta of JIIIDola »el'tlnent to the 1111bJect matter, slona and condition· as an reasonabl-y pendltun shaD be Dilufe tbentrom a- wpeclbtloaa for a.l4 IIIQirOw~.._ ...... to acquire a works Qlltem and Ia n~ fully to secure the pa71ftent of cept to P&7 the neceaaai'J' u:pea-. ot ~ .,.JID8nt for the -.me to llllnle water fund such water certlftcatea. Such certlftcateB operatlnc sueh water worb IIJ'IIba and haw . , . ~ &114 In aocord&Doe wltb certlftcatell of tnaebtecJDea limited · for shall be paid onl7 out of the Proceec1B Dlalntalnlq the ·me Ia aoo4 onter &114 their ~nt aolel7 to the water fund arising from the operation of the water condition, or to IJ87 the laatallmeDta ot the more 61ta"e4 ........ . . .·......, hereinafter provlae4 for: works 117Btem acquired and paid for b-y principal and Interest of an eertltlcatM NOW TIIERilli'OD BE IT ORDAINED the laauance and delivery of aucb certlf· 1111111ect punmant to the provlalona ot tlda floaa, _prollleil aD4 dr&wiDP are oa lie In BY THB PRBSIDENT AND THE lcatea and from the proceecla tllat ma-y ordiiUlllce 1trompt17 at maturl~. BOARD OJ' TRUSTEES OF THE VIL- be derived from aDJ' forecloiiUre sale of 8BCTJ01f 71 In order to promote 8114 the omce of the clerk of ial4 YO'- &114 LA.GE OJ' KENILWORTH: such water worka aystem. Such certlf· facilitate the ale of auc11 water oertlfi- are sub~ to Ia~ bJ allf ~~ to bid. ~ tllenO ID&J' ..... 8:BCTIOlf II That the plans and apecl- lcatea of lndebtedneu, when .laanaed, &114 fStea of lndebtecJnHB at the hlaheBt aftll- ....... -.cuNa from tb8 clerk of laid 'VIIIMe ·-tto011 · - 6 -r rk11 _.._ said mortgage or deed of trust wbea able price b7 the contractor or GDDtradon or from Peane. Greele7 1c 11aD8eD. Jlaal· ._ .LOr a .......,., wo IIJa-..:~m pre- executed, &hall not be held or conBtraecl who ma-y hereafter be entitled to noelve I Nortb Jllcblpq Aveaae1._~· a.!te:ita~n:':fnt!~ to refer to. affect, Include or plecJce an1 the aame In pa71ftent for the conatractloa Deer&, Bide mut be aubildtte4 on uae ..oi'IDII and submitted by them to the public au- aaaet of the VIllage of Kenilworth other of such water worlm .,:.~ and to taclll· th0 rid88 0 t th VII~ ... rth than the water works BYstem ao to be tate and Induce the au on ot the low· 0 f K 11 e -ev en wo · constructed and acquired or any revenuea eat available bids for the COIUitr1lctloa Illinois, and entitled "Propoaed pumping trom an7 propert7 right or aaaet of BaJa of &UCh water works BPtem. the Yll· . , the Clerk ot ..a4 "flllaae or . , aald station and llltratlon plant Kenilworth, village except the revenue arlldnR' from lap hereb7 qreea that until the water ei81neer& IJUnola. Peane, GreeleJ' and Hansen, en- such water works system ao to be ac- certllcatu herein pro~cled for are INdd J'or the parpoee of the aubmlllllloa of glneera, 1tJ7", be and the same are here- qulred and · paid for bJ' the laauance of tn tun the vlllap will continue to operate bide and the awanl of contncta. fothe t!.:l&,~v::.Ua.nee ::':~!~i:': the water fund certificates above referrect such water worb Q'lltem to the faD ex- work of CODBtractloD Ill diYided Into ur ....... . of the public tn the oftlce of the clerk to. The IBBUance of nch certificates, the tent of the cJemanct for water wlthiD the dlvlslou a.crtbett u folio"!!~ ........ AI lfl1ter pl&Dt ....... pam..... of aald viiJace. · execution of IIUch mortgage or deect of village limits of Kenilworth, to the encl trust at.d the Da98aP of this ordinance that the largest available Income 111&7 be Bta.Uoa llti'UCtUI'a. -te Dldlloa B1 Water plplna &114 ua r 8BCTIOlf II 8uch water worts IIJ'Stem and other ordinances referring to · the received for the prompt . .J'ID8Ilt of aacb ao to be acquired &ball consist of the fol- same subject matter, shall not be con- certificates and that It wiD not 4o or equipment. lowlq etementa and eonatltuent parts: ..trued aa granting anJ' rights, prlvllecea 8Utfer to be cJone an-y act which wiD lead DIYI Joa· C1 P111D_!I_."! equl~l t Dtdllea Dl .VIOWMJ CODwv -.ua....-· A complete new pumplnc station and or franchise to the holden of IIUch cer- to an abanaonment of the operation of filter plant for the water works of the tlflcatea or to the purchaser at an7 fore- aucb water works ...... or to the alm- ancl eleetrlc wtma.. Bldaen maJ' at their optloD Vl11age of Keallworth, to be located on cloiiUre sale, to operate such water wol'lal lnutlon of Its output an4 eamlnl' power. the lake front at the Bite of the existing ~.vstcm during or .after foreclosure, ancJ If, however, on account of IDcreUiM1 ae- proDO&&IB for &DJ' one or more of -.t4 pumplng station ana ftlter plant, which such certificates are to be IBBUecl and ac- mand for water,· the total output of aucb cJivfslona or for tHe "!..t!..ftml!!,.rlt. .-tb the Each bid shall be ...., .,_ wa Ia In a dilapidated condition and which cepted by the purc-haser thereof with the water worb aptem. operated eftlclentl-y unaeratandlnlr that pqment for tbe COIIt will be tom down and abandoned. The distinct undenctandlng that the v111an ana to Ita ~mum caplaclt7, becomeB Infilter plant will be built of reinforced does not by their Issuance create an-y m· BUftlclent. the vlllap reaervea the 1'181at of natructlon of ricb water worb ~ concrete and will have a capacity of one debtedne88 whatever to be oald from an-y to take lawful meuul'ell for an lncrU.Be 111 to be made In water f1iD4 eerttamillion (1,000,000) pllona per twent-y-four other aource than from such water worts of Ita water euppl7 . to the extent of tbe catea of la4ebtecl- ~-In~ (24) houl'll. It will comprise the following system 80 to be acquired, and from the lncreuecJ aemand. but an-y ad41tlonal with the proYIIdoiUI o.. ....., 1 plant constructed fnr that 'DUI'JOII8 b7 the General ABsemblJ' of the State of ·111 · elementB: Income ana eamlnam thereof. .,AD Act autborlllnl' clUes. (a) Two ftlter units of usual standard SECTIOlf ; 1 All water supplied from vlllap or under Ita autborl~ abaD not nola entitle« --.a 'VJJ1aaea to bullcJ, ~rduule OJ' gravity rapid 118.Da ftlten type, each hav- the water works aystem herein provl4ecl npplant nor tate the place of the water to worb antelllll for public InK' a capacity of &00,000 pllons per !4 for shall be supplied only throuda meten works BYBtem herein provl4ed for ana hours. Thla alter wiD be equipped with of stand a rd mak e approv~ ·. _... b th VIII·- Bhall be operated only when the water ancl domeBtlc 8118 ana to pro~4e tor the Y e _&II ... _ _.._a __.em herein --~....... ·thereof" appi'Oved ADrll . II. tnt, te CODtrollen. I01111 0 f head gauges, a II f y , II rth ra such regulation -va-a a~u· ....__ .,,....,.. - .. - _ eo&t and In force .~..,. t. un. beariDir Inter-- controlllDC valves and PI pe con- 0 n-en wo time und er time to 16 full _, .LV& an~ n..,~~ ~hall from to be pre&erlbed In· e -rated ..... ..., _ . . _.... .·· .. onl· 1 at ave per cent (I") .~::c; nectlona. bv the premdent and board of truateea. for the purpose and to the extent of tur- aeml-aDnuall7. 'bOtta ... f (b) Reaction cbamben of reinforced The total rates to be charged for water nlahlng tbe amount of water uee4e4 be- -yable Prlnctpal betq paJable aolel7 out o a concrete construction having a retention fumlfahed to conaumers and UBP.I'II of wa- yond the maximum caD8clt7 ot the wawater tuna to be created fro~ perlod ot 10 minutes baaed upon the h viii 11 Ita f K nllworth ter works system herein provlaecl for. nominal capa.clb of tbe plant and pro- tP-r within t e age m 0 e 8ECTIOlf 81 The vlllap clerk Ia here- IDP of such water wo~_...!:.... 4eect of fultber bJ' a IDOa .._ .... vldecl with an electrlcaiiJ' driven Btlrrlng =~~be :n: :~\~ ~a!t:u!:te:f bJ' authorised and directed to cauBe tlda tra&t on 88C11rec'l such water worb Qlltem ., to device 80 that the water to be treated nrealcJent and board of tnistees of the VII- ordinance to be publlllhecl once each week atrQcte4. may be Intimatel-y mlxe4 with a chemical 1 h ___ .. F brua- for three conaecutlve WMb In the 'WII· coagulant. lage of Ken !wort ' paGlft:U on e ··~ mette Life, a weekl7 neW~~~~&per of ~~eneral be.,::Oboant of trwtteu naervee the rtPt (c) A _.... --..a 8· 192 "· to-wit. · -.JDentatlon ba... aan of reIn · ..o.~ Metered ...,.ater, fi-t t!O,OOO gallons In c1rcu1a tlon now a -.a ...... or mo... than Ills to reJect any an4 allot bl~ faith each All aa evidence ·~ concrete with a retention period of two .... ·., monthR last ~ regularly p~bllllhed In houn baaed upon the nominal capacity one calendar year thirty cents (SOc) 11er Cook County. Dllnola, and of ~~eneral olr- bl4 Bhall be accompanied bJ' cull or a caahler'a check arawa oa a naponlllble of the Paa.n '- t and ·· --... · 1 0001.000 Jrn.llons and for twenty-five cents (25c) --.. aor t h e purpose of uer Jm.llons aD water fumlahed culat1on 1n th e VIIIatre of a.eDnWOrth· no ma4e pa~le to the order of the ::sw:=.:~:-.\f~~rellmlnary to Ita pas- to the same conaumers In exceBB of t!O.- r:,:'Pilper belnR' pub11Bhe4 In a.k1 vll· bank. pre&lcleat of the 'Vlllap of KenRworth Ia (cJ) Chemical preparation and feed de- 000 allons In one calendar -year, with REC'I'IOlf 11 The vlllap clerk Ia here- amount u folloWII: VIce for dlaol~nc the coagulant and Its a minimum cha~ per meter per -year by a1rectec1 to cause a notice lnvltlq the Division A. twent7-ave buaclrecl dolapplication to the raw water. of ten dolla.rR ($10.00), said charge belnR' submllllllon of competltiYe blaa for fur(e) A reinforced concrete clear .._ter payable quarterl-y. nl11hln~~: and cnnRtructtn~r the water works ~.1.~·'11. two tboUI&Ild 4ollan Bt:orap reaenolr placed undemeath and Unmetered water usecl during constnJc- ~m deRCrlbett In thla ordinance. to be c. ave bua4n4 4ollal'll used u a IIUDPOrt for the fllten which tlon work, one dollar fll.OOl for every publ111hed In aalcJ ne'trBJNI.per ·at lftiCh time reservoir JrlU have a capacity of 80,000 one thoueand dollan ($~,000.00) hof ~~de ana In 1111ch form aa maJ' hereafter be gallons. · co..t of the construction on wh 1c -.. preiiiCI'Ibf!d hy ordinance or ruolutlon. No <'~:vC~. D, ftve buatlnMl dollal'll The pumping equipment will comprise water Ia used. with a mlnlmhum ch~rp of award Rhall be made of the contract for 10 Jaeck &hall be ..vea to aecure.,.-~ the foll~wlng: five dollan CS!i.OOl. said c anrea _!.or un- . fumlahlntr and t-onatructtn.r auch water One eleetrlcaDJ' tr1ftn low lift centrlf- mP.tered water beln~ oayable 1n IIIUvance. works ~m untO this ordinance IJhall ;!\.~ -:&.~ ana ucal PIIDlP h&Yiq aomlnal capacltJ of · For water used b7 the vlllace for munl- have RODe lntn etr~ nor until -the eor360 Pllona per minute 11118cJ for uumolnR' clpal purposes a sum of money ..equal ': norate a·athorltlee by complYIDI' with all comply with the tei'IIUI of ~.. (-.LOO) A CUb 48~ ot 8fteell _,_. ·.L water from the Intake well to the filter five cJollan (15.00) per Y<thearVla.or eac f tbA prnvlslonR of the taw become ftlltec1 11ace 0 with full authorl~ tn cany out the pro- wn1 be ncamrea r:.r.=~ plant. hydrant. to be paid b7 e One low lift centrlfupl um llavl Kt'nllworth quarterl7. vll'lon11 of this ordinance. ftlter plant retu~ return of nominal capa.clty of 700 arallo:a .,:r mlnu': Of the revenues reeelvecl ~rom :!ta~ve R~CTIOW Ita It Rfter due -publication .:.u~tlc&Uona ~to the boul and actuate4 either bJ' an electric motor mentioned rates for water um t ~ nf thfa ordinance at least once each WMk or a IUOilne enctne WJe4 for rumplnc such water works qatem, 118Ven 7-11ve pe fnr th~ eonNCUtlai weeks . . reaulrecl of opealnc bl~l:;r'be =er..~ raw water from the Intake wei to the cent ('15.,) thereof Is heclreby b.rf u a hY tile afore· Ia act · of th~t Oen-.1'&1 A· folan~ blc14en w1ao bave maae filter plant. charge to coniiUmen -.n uaen .aor BUP- sembl-y, aPDrOvecl A-prO II. 1111. ana aitpoal~ upoa II&J'ID8Dt of coat of ODe .-.1--.a.-..:.. · · · · plylnl' water from auch water works ..,... within twent-y-one (tl) cJa7B after the ftnt haVI ....._..,....._.., driYea centrlfupl pump tem a·~cJ the remalnaer of such revenues ·ubllcatlon. then ahall not hR.ve beAn prlntlq. CLIVB .J. TAYLOR. Jon nc a DOmiDal Cll.paclQ- of 2.800 pi- Ia hereb-y axed u the charp for ~PPI7- flletl with the vlilan clerk a wetltfna uk. . VlllaP~ delr.:-1~ uaea ~or 11the of Inc water throuarh the al&trlbu!!fV, tn.. that the QUelltlon of conatl uctlnc and W8.81dJw the liter: wa r or nc or tem and other facllltlett DO!!_eclOWDto be7 -·a tlettUirln,r BaCh water worlal aptem be Peane, Greele~ lc Buill8n, J.:nalneen. · village. The rates above .,.. tnlbmltted to a vote In the manner ..-nL11-atr Tw1o ·electrlcap, driven high lift centrlf· bJ' connmen for water ana thtere propow:,- viW b-y law. or If &UCh petltloa llhan uga pampa each with a DCPDinaJ capacltJ Uon ao flse4 for aupplylnc wa thl'01ISh have been fllecJ allf1 IIUftla eleetlon Bhall rf 160 pllou Del' llllnute UBecl for pump- aueh water wor'ta ~':a110 t to ~tl= bAYe been ~1a. and In the election I!IUCb Kr. and Mrs. J. H. Lawson, 6tO :rcz.:r.,.Wc,t;n"_,:r reeerwater ot Kenilworth aveaue, Kenilwarth. aa· One tdlb Uti --~-.JnllllP with a tnaebtedne&B .or oP~ · In . .,lther of , IIUCh C... till·. - : : - ; : al._ vii..._ ·o· = =--of m·-.. ·ua.-· oam;: J....,. water :r=r -=.tot::. =·:i =.m: -=-=--=-=-...=.:: =:tt:.az :rba~~=~..=.=:·..: a:.,::: ..!----..... .._.t ·UIDI te: .=.::..-=.ter 1 P:; ea::d ('f>.':J:! !::ii -:,a';:! 1 =': :.cl ::c=:a.,. !!: en- t= m:G::.a 1:: -r:; · v~,r ==r=.~-=~ =::...:~=-botlact-= ~~~~tt ~,'== w.. . . 1D111t '!7 room. llbo'trer ..... eot·-M ,.., O:e= .· , ~o=: of eae1t 1t!'l, ant1 1111 nther On1lllaneM ,In .-llet Deal ~ llveriDi water tJOm tJae lltere4 . water reaenotr Into u.e t1lati11Mifloa Qlltem. t-~enUre PIIID.._ ....Spment and ftl· fl·~ Pluat wllf 1li llialiec1 a a reino._ ~ aDII '*lck IIQP8r-llti'Uet1ln ::-'.:!..~ :'~..:::; or a Daollne egla8 &114 ~ tor ae- :1 ~'":'!nttna~ ~:; 1t :="";.,~· .,'flJt.~0~m~~~ ,:: l·w J)ftt81dent and boanl o nrthelea · '"" the ftlln· Of lnlela _ . . or after J!. ::!;:t ::;t·or~~ ce~~J-tf..reat :.: ~!::!.O::.J'1: ~".":.~a:: := nounce the birth of a lOG, Richard Craig J..awson. Januai)r 10. at the £y.. aaston hospital VlllaP of ICenUworth bri:J&ll, ne re4 an4 mch eleetlon u tbe cue waaJ' lae. . be ana the7 are here 7 em=d ~ tG ABe'I'IOW 111 All onlleaeee ·tltletl lllrected. than( ·b:!'.ebeflu4elor &e 11111 ·An onftnanoe auth~ tlae coalltraelncreaae e ~rath ~rtloa ., tlstWI for tlnn ancl aequ~.....,.t of a water 1Nib of water an.. e ..._ ...._ lh such water fiVRt~m for a.. vma. of =llwertla·

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