Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1928, p. 54

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1 ·· . . . . . . . 0~ :hereelt In a pmfe81on where ·ad~nt Ia Umlted ODIJ' · by pei'BOnal abUlty , to. the 811'1 Jooldlll' .tD establish . .~li ltllelf . . ).(!:" ,. ~y:&no· " ' COLORBD ILUD ... Alft'B GIIIIIIRA.L · . Pille. loCal nt...... 'AI· bMulework.. .....,. iiO ... : Glencoe 7&8. .,... work~·-· 88L'rlf18-lt_P . Full BeCome a ~lephope Operator : Balal')" Is paid during training Jncreues are regular Girls over 16 with at least grammar school education are ask-ed to· come In for a pei'BOnal Interview sTAT ·oN FIRST CLASS COOK. place. Good ref. Kenwood, l'lt'l·. · 80LTNl~-ltp wmTE WOMAN WISHEB LAUNDRY or gen. hnk. for Tbul'll. aa4 ·J hi. Ph WIL 389 betW'eeD 6 and 'l P. )(. · 80LTN11·1tc GERMAN GIRL DESIRES BOUSE60Ltl-ttp work. Lakeview 217&2. 2nd ftoor-614 Davis Street-Evanston - or WHITE STRONG . GIRL . WISHES Wilmette Exchange, 'lZ5 Uth St. washing, lronlnc and cleaning by the 66L5-tfc day Pllone Lakeview 1!16. · . . 60LT18-tte STENOGRAPHER TO WORK FOR Public Utility company. Permanent 11 81TUATIOll W A.lfTED-XALB position. Address Winnetka Talk, B-546. 66LT18-ltp ·· R~porte LOA.NS EXPERT INCOME TAX SERVICE MONEY TO LOAN prepared by experienced party at very reasonable rates. Phone ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteoue, Kenilworth 7%6-J after f P. M. confidential service. 1LTN18-ltp :1'08 I.ALB-A.UT08 1614 Orrington Ave., Ev&JUitoD. Unlv. 8381 30LTN16-8tp LATE MODEL 1926 CADILLAC SEdan, 7 passenger. Fisher Custom 1;::;==============~ built body In perfect condition. · f2000. 8teln. Winnetka 1669. fLTN18-ltc tst an~ 2nd MortgageH PACKARD TWIN SIX, DELUXE TOURIng, 7 pauenger, $400. Stein. Win545 Main St., Wilmette Tel. 65 netka 1669. fLTN18-ltc INSURANCE LATE '!6 RFX> SEDAN.. A-1 CON;)0Ll7-tfc dition. Good balloon tires. Low mileap. Veey reuonable. Winn. 10%7. fLTN18-ltc II JllTSICAL INSTBUJIENTS CLUB .EJIBEB8BIP FOR SALE-MARTIN CORNET AND Martin trumpet. Phone Winnetka 188f. GOLF CLUB MEMBERSHIP FOR 35LTN18-ltp ·le. .Must sell my membership In on~ of the prominent North Shore Golf 18 PAINTING AND DECOllATING Clubs. Price reasonable or will trade for one on South Side. AddreBB Wilmette Life B-667. ' 16LTN18-ltp PAPER HANGING, WOOD FINISHING, floor Ht'raplng and general remodeling. C. FRANKEL Pllone Wilmette 3104 EXPERT DRESSMAKING, REMODEL38LTN18-2tp Ing and repairing. Reasonable prices. J(ra. Barker, 46f0 Basel ave., Chicago, PETS 11 oru, block eaat of Sheridan, half block -~--~--------- IIOUth of Wilson. Phone Edgewater FOU SALE-FINE YOUNG MALE . P0·1316. . l7LTNl8-ltp lice. dog. Reasonable, loves chUdr-en. Ph. Wilmette 663. 39LTNJ8-ltc DRBSSKAKER, DESIGNER, $6.50 PER day. Jll88 Klngsrod, 6!1 Hinman Ave. ·t! RADIOS Unlv. 79%9. 11LTN16-3tp -~~-----------CHILDREN'S AND PJ.AIN SEWING at borne.- Mrs. Larson. Phone Wll- IS NOW . AVAILABLE. OUR COMmette f211. 11LTNl8-ltc plete portable testing unit enables us to glve you laboratory service in your SEWING TO DO AT HOME. ALSO ow.n .homei thus eliminating all guess quilted' bags. Wilmette 3154. Dorothy work. Th s setvlce is rea1:10nable and Coake. 17L18-3tc . guaranteed. Open evenings until 9 o'clock. M II8T&UCTIOI . RADIO SERVICE & INSTALLATION Linden A venue and 5th Street T U T 0 R I N 0 BY BXPBRIENOBD Phone Wilmette 4111 teacher. BlemenlarY aad Blah School . 42L18-ltc uaDlla brouaht up to crade. Tel. Kenll. 141. . · ULTN11-4tp FOR SAL&-SEVERAL US.~D LOUD speakers, taken In trade on new and later tyJ)t:', · low as $3.00. Radio J:NTEBIOB DECORATING &-r,·ice sho)J, as 18 Prouty unnex. 42I~TN18-1tc FURNITURE REFINISHER Kan with yean· of experience will take RADIO SPECIALIST refinishing . work. Also small decoratand night service. Repair service ing Jobs. Ray Dobbins. Deerfteld Day .and const,.ctlon. 96% Pine St., · Wlnn. 1U-W. Z7LTN18-1tp . 1~92. . UT.TN'i-tfl' 4 McKendry Realty Co. Charles H. Bretholrl MAID, GENERAL .HOUSEWORK. NO WE HAVE SEVERAL EXCELLENT · washing. Must be good plain cook. chauffeurs, with eeveral yean expertGood wages. White only. Refs. Wlnn. ence. Can furnish the best of refer15U 66LTN18-ltc E~nces. We also have one driver that is an excellent A-1 mechanic. ServCOMPETENT WHITE GIRL FOR Ices available Immediately. general housework. Refs. Call Wlnn. NORTH SHORE PERSONNEL .1402. 66LTN18-ltc SERVICE ST. EVANSTON EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GEN- 'i34 DAVIS PH. UNIV. 740 eral housework. Small house. 3 In fam61LT18-ltc Ily. Must be good cook and willing to help with baby. Wlnn. 2674. PAPER CLEANING AND 56LTN18-ltc PAINTING, gen. hswk.-alao odd Job& Wll. 3f28. 61LTlf·tfc HELP WANTED-J(ALE IJOY ·15 YRS. WOULD LIKE WORK OF any klnd. Hall bicycle and can run \V~~N1'ED- LIVE~ AMBI- errands. Ph. Wll. !6!1. 61LTN17-Zte . CHAUFFEURS ·· Painting-Decorating · tious .man having Real Estate experience to take charge of old established North Shore office. A real opportunity and fine future for the right n1an. \Vrite \Viln1ette J4ife, B-569. 51LTN18-ltc Hsewk., Furnaces, Trees TRIMMED 2639. ' etc. TAKEN DOWN. WJNN. 61LTN15-tfc CL1DAN WINDOWS, POLISH PURN., Drive, wash can. WIDD. 1111. 61LTN11-tfc GARDENER. ALL-AROUND GROWER, 8 years of experience, capable of taklng full charge. State all partlculan as to wages. Talk B-56f. 61L18-1tp CHAUFFEUR, 16 YRS. EXPERIENCEany make of car, do all my repairs, housework and garden. Best. of refs. Wlnn. 637W. 61LTN18-ltp AMBI1110US MEN WHO WANT TO MAKE MONEY E·x pert Radio Service · LBTTJ:& 8B&VICE 634 Davis St. i:ucvcLE REPAIRING. wiLL CALL. . G. Soderblom, 906 Linden, Hubbard your 'llbare of new buslneBB? Woods. Phone shop, Wlnn: 29f: houKe If not, conault us. We can help you. Wlnn. !081. f3Lt'1-ztp ~ORTH SHORE LI!."TTER SERVICE (lllu I. V. Rosenberg) ii . .. _ LOST AND. P011ND Direct . mall advertising . TYPING ~..0ST · ._ STUB · TAl~ COLI~IE ANJ;) IWLTIORAPHING - MIMEOGRAPH'G Shepherd dog ·on S1JI)day. Reward: Prof-Jonal Stenography .. Tal. Wl1mAtto .t121. . 51lLT18~1tc RE~P WA.N'l'BD-FB.A.LB ' over ··'WALGREBN'S" Room 1 A. 8 29LT18-ltc .E·vou·GETTING AR - tl' BEPAIRING AND REI'INISHING Univ. 740 .. . EVANSTON mxP. EASY TO. I.;EARN. WE MANUFAC- EXP. MAN-FOR WHITE WASHING and cold water paint basements. Unlture and ~u our own products. Rated verslty 2667-R. 61L18-ltp' over a million In Dum~ and BradfltreetR. 70% of men that fltartPII to work for WORK, HOJlSECLEANING, us four years ago In Chicago fltl11 with DAY'S us-happy- prosperoufl. Our work il" window washlng,~ng. Or · pennanstPady and permanent the YPR.r rnunfl ent chautfeur-but pos. 15 yrs. exper. We want men from 25 'to 45 yParfl o f N. S. refs. Wm. Gamble. Glencoe 15!3 age. Call for private lntervlt>w nt our or 565. 61LTN18-ltp Evanston Division office-room 201-1G21 RhPrman Ave. Church St. RMe- WANTED HOUSEWORK AND PAINT9 A. M. to 4 P. M. 51LTN18-2tc lng. Call University 6859. 61L18-ltp REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED ! Firm of high ·standing has opening fo r SIT. WTD-XALB 6 PBXALB experienced salesman who is willing to . work hard and faithfully for a reaI futurt>. Better proposition than usua1 to right man. Resident of Kenilworth -Oftlce PlacementWlnnt>tka or Glt-ncoe preferred. Box Secretary with f years' legal and varied 191 Winnetka. 57LTN18-1tp experience. Capable, very pleasing personality. 23-25 yra. Experienced WANTED GARDENER AND HOUSE · bookkeepers- correspondent typiststn!ln. whltP. refA. Livlna- near bv. 6!0 Reception room attendante-t~&les and . !'lh··rlrl:m Rll . GIP.IlCOt! 810. 57L18-lto executive ablllty. Initiative, good personallties. JON __ TD...FEJ(ALE _ 1 1_ 1A 11 __ N_' _T_ _T _ _ _w _____ -Club-Hotel-Home Service-HONEST ANn RELIABLE GIRL AS Companions- Practical nurses- secoml nurses- children's nurses-:- supervising lauudr~Ks, . cleanln~ and window wash lng b~· tlw d:ty. C'all Oakland 3101 . . housekeepers. 60LTN18-1 tp NORTH SHORE PERSONNEL SERVICE DAY WORK LAUNDERiNG OR 634 DAVIS RT. EVANSTON cleaning. Tue. and Thur. Call Unl 62LT18-ttc PH. UNIV. 740 "end~y 2882. . 60LTN18-ltp EXP, MAN OR COUPLE DF.SffiE WANTED-LAUNDRY WORK TO DO housework by the week. Refs. Oreen. n.t homt>. Rt>as. prlcefl, exp. laundre88. ~'-' .'I'N1 R-1 t.n 1P.Af 529. Wilmette !6!3. 60LTN18-ltc WA.liTBD-BOABD A ROOX WANTED-LAUNDRY ·WORK TO DO a nt home. Reas. pri{'efl, exp. laundrt>88 Winnetka 1867. 60LTN18-ltc YOUNG A-t LAUNDRESS, WHITE, WOULD \VOttld like work J days per week. Ref8. W11 mette !f48. ~L18-ltp · . Immediately Available - - - BUSINESS GIRL - MAID FOR GEN. usw.K. MtrsT RELIABLE GTRT.. DESIRES cARE oF have Kood refs. 307 Woodstock Ave. children afternoons and evenlne-R Kennworth fllJ~ .~6Lt8-ltc Wilmette ~95-R. 60L18-ltp : lji*iiiiiii-!i!!;;;!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!i!;;;!!i!!!i!!!!!i!i!!!ii!!~-~!!!P!~~~!!!ii;;;!!;;!~;;.J I tS'l' · LA U~RE$S DESIREs by the day. . Good 'refs. TeI. ·. Oreenleaf 1142. . .. . · . 60~~18-ltc wor~ C~AS~ like oleasant room with private familv. Board oreferred. Write Wilmette. I..ife B-570. 65Ll8-ltn 'FOR BBliT-800·1 ·., ····HO· ··n·w. ............ ,....- ., "r ........ .,..... .... ~ ·· atYelu··- .. ........ . 1a ........ WILIDTTB . _ · -·.........,. _, ! ·.·. ~ te CeN IH .T88 BYUI'IO. ........,.~ bYIJIW ..... wn··tte. .. r,tfet, WliiMtb ~ WANTED BY C~PAtJLE WHlTE WO.M an hsw-~ by the ~ay · o,r h«;ur. . Cater Ina- ,done and cblldren cared for. .Ref(II, turn. ·wnrn~te J9U. . &OLTtB-ttc 81~· . WANTJDD ,BY WoMAM ~ OJI', RE .ftne-.nt~ - · - ~SHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTR emplf)J'ed : · light and pleaMnt ; hot an ("f)lil ~nntng watP-r ; lfR.I'R.ge. · II'Oaee. I f de((lred. Phone Wll. '1'16-K. ··· · HLtO-tfp , WINNETKA . . ··tt lie .. ' ' . A'M'RACTIVE WARK ROOK. TR1 MARCELLING AND DRE88KAKINO . P~.llt window. 2 cloi!Jet& Near ltatlo 5f0 Ill. Rd., Wllnaette 1844. tOLtl-ltc Wlnn. 411. lllll'NlS..t a . lllQth~ quallft~ to .UBUJDe entire . reB()C)DalbOtty of hO.i ne and chi1dren In absence of. parent. Excellent refs. Wilmette 965-R. 80L18-ltc . CENTRAL HO'l'Etr-LIGHT OU'$JDB rooms for t1'JI,nslents and resldentlf. :· I It · Kaln street. Phone. Wilmette 1080. IILft-tt

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