Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1928, p. 55

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~ .. ' . · :P01i - -. FOR . RBN'f..;;..a ·. P ·BA8Aift' 1 · 71 8ALB-~OU8BI ROOKS _ _ _FOR __ _ _;;,;.,;..,;.;;;;:::.._ __ . tum. tor J._.t houekeePIIW_ or Jarce bedroom .al ble for two.. Pbone Wll· mette 1181. . HL18-ltc Wno~11'\\an.D-. · . IHim..TPM\Jib uuuu\W~GU; 'Will!W\Si FOR R.NT-~RNJSHED ROOK IN $22,{)(X) private home; eka8e to tran8J).; adngle 5 BEDROOMS AND t BATHS man only. Phone Wll. 791-W. 3 blocks to lake, t blocks to school vii· HLll·tfo lage, and main elec. and steam d~pots FOR RENT PLEASANT ROOMS, Hot water heat with oil burner. . modE-rn conveniences, rea& prlced near H ..J\.\'ILAND REALTY CO. "'-" station. Will arrange to · board If 747 Elm St., Winnetka. Ph. Wlnn. n1'1 df>siubiE>. Wilmette 358'7. 66Lt8-2tc OPEN AJ4L .DAY SUNDAY 77LTN18-ltc FOH RENT-FURNISHED ROOM. PH. Wilmette f0%3. 66LT18-ltp HOOM F'OR RENT Winn .. !103. ti' FOR WITH- BOARD. 66LTN18-ttg TO CLOSE ESTATE WINNETKA HOME 1034 Pine Street 5 bedrooms 2 baths Vapor heat-Good condition $19,000 $6,000 cash Bal. 1st M.tge. · IMPORTANT NOTICB .: Must clear my nouse ! Am selllpa every article of anUques at a sacrl~ ! · If you need old Pieces of lumlture, now Is the· time to purch8.8e. Spool, post_A cottage beds as low as f26 a pr·. Od4 beds, $3 to tto. Teaster maple bed, $60.· 6 slat-back hickory chairs ready to paint, $18 the Bet. Cherry hlch boys. blanket cheBts, curley maple table 1c 6 matching chairs. Sewing tilt-top a.n4 droP-leaf tables In all wood& Westward Ho gl·, Pink Lustre, Copper Kettles, Brasses and a new lot or cherry &: walnut 3 and f-drawer chest& WANTED-CLEAN ·WHI'l'B RAGS, tOe MRS. ANN DICKE per lb. 1132 Central Ave..mette. 808 Washington St., Evanston, 1 bl. So. 1 Hfp Main St., near Sherman Ave. Ph. Unlv. 9890 99LTN18-ltp JII8CELLA.NBOtJ8 CHESTS, 4 POSTER BEDS, SECR:Ji-:. SYSTEMATIZE DOJIESTIC PROBI,JIII8 tary, Very Old, Fine Condition. Reas· Let an Intelligent graduate In Jaome onable. Ph. Wlnn. 257!. economics work out a slmpllfted"aebe4· . 99LTN18-ltc ule for your particular home neetlL Reliable supervision of fonnal aa4 In· formal affair& Addre88 'Winnetka Talk. ltt FOB SALE-B8BBLD. GOODS B-532. lHLTNlt-tt.C FOR SALE-OVAL MAHO(}ANY DlNIng table, 6 chairs, mohair seats, about 3 yrs. old. Cane and mahoc, Uv rm. chair. Mahog. rocker with leather UPholstry. 3 piece enamelled and upholstered sun rm. set. Heavy mahog. The schedule for girls' basketball at library table. All this furni. ls in first class condition. Can be seen by New Trier High school has been proappointment. Phone Wlnn. U2'l. gressing and there has been a . great 100LTN18-l tc deal of praise for the new system ENTIRE FURNISHINGS OF 5 ROOM which is now on trial. As soon as the bungalow : 9 piece walnut din. rm. schedule by which the various classes set. \Valnut twin beds, dreSBer and chest. Mohair and trlese davenport have been divided into teams named and chair. Colonial secretary. Odd after some bug or another, has been chairs, tables, mirrors, lamps, silk played through three times, the reguspreads, and draperies. Call evenings lar teams will be chosen and jnter· or Sat. and Sunday, 1018 Ash St., Winn. 2091. 100LTN18-ltc class games will start. Miss Fogg ex-· pects to chose three teams for each ROUND MAHOGANY DINING TABLE, class. The inter-class tournament will $10. 6 mahog. dining chairs, $15. l\fahog. tea Ca.rt, $5. Mahog. side .. start about the second week in Febboard, almost new, $40. One decora- ruary. U\'e mirror, 5x1 ft., ttO. Phone Wlnn. 1296. 100LTN18-ltc · RENT-APARTMENTS ·· ··oa BF.~T-IIAY 1ST OR BEFOBEun quiet · street In Hubbard Woods, 4rm. apt., 2n4 ft., glased heated sun Pfti'Ch, giazed sip. JICh., large. yard. $75 per month, Phone Winnetka !f80. 87LTN17-tfp Sl\11TH & BROWN 7:16 Elm St., Winnetka, Ph. 142 exclusive agents FOR RENT-! ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, Janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67LTN2-tfc t'OR RENT-FUBN. APTS. - 7'lLTN18-1tc ;~p~(O)(Q) WILT~ CCuJln ·New Basketball Scheme Popular at Hilh School ., HOOlf I'.. URN. APT. WITH HOT wat._.r heat. Wilmette 3082. 68L1'18-ltc FOR BENT-HOUSES HANDJ.. F: 6 Rll. DUTCH COlonial in S. E. 'Winnetka, nr. aall schools and trans. 3 bedrooms., sunroom, 2 extra lavatories, wooded lot, garage. Price _ $16,000. I<'OR RENT-MODERN STUCCO HS ..: 6 rmH., HUn parlor, sleeping porch and 460 ·winn(>tka Ave. Ph. Winn. 1800 'l7LTN18-ltc ANXIOUS TO DISPOSE QUICKLY OF Clark .Jewel stove, 4 burner. Bohn I~ARHF~ OFFICE SUI'i!i'BLE FOR J. W. PANUSHKA, PROP. Syphon ice-box, 100 lb. capacity. KitJlhysician or other professional man 421 4th St. End of "L" Phone 2760 chen cabinet. All good condition. 103f Situated In Winnetka's central busl: 77L18-ltp Pine St. Winn. 1418. 100LTN18~1tc ness sec. Reas. rent. Write Wilmette f~ite B-549. 73LTN18-ltc BARGAIN BIRCHWOOD SIDEliUBBARD V\TOODS board, beveled-edge glass doors. Fine !_. ..OR R~NT--8HOP8 AND OFFICES. New English Brick, nearing. com))lt'lion, condition. Will sell cheap or trade u. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka U. having 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, Frigifor ternan chift'onle-r. \Vinn. 650-R. daire, garage, on a beautiful wooded 'l3LTN8·tfo 100LTN18-1tp lot. You can select the lntt>rio·· dt>coratlons. RADIATOR COVERS-REASONABLY Offered under · Its value at $24,000. priced, beautiful baked enamel finish. POR SALE-PORTABLE GAR. 10%x18~ CRQSBY McKENDRY Aa·Usticall)· conMtru<~ted with built-In ft. No reas. otrer refused. Wllmette humidifier~. 4225 · W. Kedzie. Ph. 2157. 76LTN18-ltc 566 Center St., WinnE-tka, Ph. Winn. 70:l! K(>dzie 3351. 100LTN18-5tc 77JATN18-ltc FOB 8ALE-BOU8E8 lt'OR SALE-7 RM. HOUSE, GLAZED FOR SALFr-SPEC. PIECES OF HOUSEhold furn., wash. mach., phonograph, heated sip. and brk. rms. Excep. high FOR SALE-ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM plano, davenport, mah. dining and bed class and well built. Many unusual ~lid brick bungalow, hot water heat rm. pes., chairs. Call after f P. M.. features. Built by owner 5 yrs. ago for Ia rge lot, near ..L" and golf course: any hour. 1333 Wash. Ave. 100Ll8-1tp a home~ not for speculation. BeautifulOut ~of town ownE-r offers real Yah·~> at ly landscaped grounds. 300 ft. from $1 5,;,00. Terms. lake. Nr. school and transp. Unusual F'OR SALE-MAH. DINING Rl\1. S ..'!T. Adam P('riod. 'fable, 9 chairs, side opp. Owner must sell. Ph. Winnetka Mod~rn 7 room house in central north board, china cloSE't. Call at 234 c._.n. 1919. 7'lLTN16-tfc east loeatlon mld-way betwetc-n statral AvE>., Highland Park. Tel. High· tion and lake. 4 blocks to schools. land Park 2206. 100LTN18-1tc SALE WEST SIDE SUBHot water beat, gas and coal boilers FOR stantial 8 rm. frame house, furnace canvased wall &: cellbigs, large heated heat, garage, lot 55x175, trees, shrub- TWIN BRASS BEDS AND BOX ~un &: sleeping porches. · Owner movery, V(:ry desirable location, $14,500. !iprlng,.. Dresser, chair, bookcal'le, and mg will di~se of this fine homP at. Terms. Wilmette 1582. 77Ll8-ltc ·llshf>s. Phone Wlnn. 1932. attractive ftgure. 1001ATJ8-ltc FOR SALE-WEST SIDE SUBSTANtial frame building to. be moved away. FOR SALE-2 LIVING ROOM CHAIRS, Could be made into a 6 room hout~e, mah. ftnish with brown leather BE"ats. 2 $300. Wllmett~ 1582. 77L18-ltp for $10. Call Wilmette 2777. 340 Linden Ave. Ph. Wil. 68 100L18-ltc 77L18-ltc COZY 6-RM. HOUSE_, FINE LOT EAST Side, Winnetka. For quick cash sale LOUD SPEAKER R. C. A. 100, BIG ~ODP~tn\(()) cc~~lL $12,500. Call Winnetka 1689. leather rocker. PE-rfection (Jil beater. <If~ Ql}\UJ (§l!,&)Hll 7'1LTN18-ltp Wilmette 3%55. JOOL18-1tc bN"akfast rm., hot water hE-at, 2 car garagt>, 2 blocks N. W. & N. S. Con'-'f'R$hm. Tt>l. Wilm.-tte 2488. 69LTN18-ltc 6 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS-COLONIA~ handsome living room and master bed chamber, each with fireplace; heated WILL SHARE MY FURN. HOt.:SE sun and sleeping porches; water heat with .Rmall family until May lRt. with oil burner ; 2 car garage ; side Rea.wmable. Addresl'l B-561. WinnE-tka drive; an attractive home in fine con69LTN18-ltp Talk. dition, near schools, churches and stores ; price $24,500. Terms. ;a fo'OK RENT--8TOBES A Of3ICES \\'ihnette East Center Lake Shore Realty Co. Announce Barnett Euay Award Winner Next Month ·· & About ten essays were submitted for the Otto R. Barnett prize contest at New Trier High school, on subjects pertaining to economics and civics, which closed Monday, January 16. The first prize will probably be awarded about the middle of February, although the judges have not yet been chosen. The prizes have been offered to New Trier big~ school students for the last ten years by Otto R. Barnett of Glencoe in order to stimulate interest in social science. ATTENDS FURNITURE IIARICET G. W. Wehrley of Tally Ho Shop, Wilmette, is attending the tOOth semiannual Furniture Market now being held in Grand Rapids, Mich. The ex· hibition, which opened January 3. wall continue through January 21. This event, in commemoration of fifty years of service to American homes, marks the fiftieth anniver~ary of the founding of the Grand Rapids Furniture Market, and is said to ~e the greatest and most far-reaching occasion of its kind in American history. - Ro IWoJCO>lbumz1t<O>Ilil & CC<IDo ------------.:..:.:.:.:.....:= ;:HILL STONE CLUB HEARS RECITAL The New Trier Music club, which met at the home of Miss Frances Weld, 315 Sunset road, Winnetka, Thursday, January 12, heard a recital by Miss Winifred Mickey, pianist, and instructor at New Trier, who gave the entire program. Miss Mickey divided her numbers into four groups. ~~~~~~~~~~ FOB SALE-VACANT :\IODERN STUCCO AND FRAME 6 78 ~ooms, glaaed and screened front poi-ch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e::-P Wooded lot, desirable location: FOR SALE-S95 PER FT. OR BEST 0 " nE>r buildlnc larger home. cash otter buys very choice building Price $14,000 sight In beautiful N. W. Evanston; fac· .fllog Lincolnwood Forest Preserve; cor.L'l. ner Ewing and Grant ; must sacrifice ; ··43 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 1544 phone Wilmette 1415. 78LTN18-ltc 77LT18-ltc FOR SALE-LOT 50x243 on Eighteenth St., Wilmette, pric~ below market for Immediate sale. Phone Wllmf>tte 78L18-Jtc 3450. 9 3 BATH RESID. ON BEAUT. 8t WANTED TO aENT-BOUSES ca~ed lot ln choice central east lo· on. Must . be sold at oncE> Un- WANTED TO RENT-HOUSE WITH 4 or 5 bedrooms, preferably ! baths. Write equallf'd value for $30,000. · Wilmette Life. B-5tt. 89L18-1tp BRUNSWICK MAHOGANY CABINET phonograph and records, $26. Phone Winn. 1296. 100LT.Nl8-ltc Ill WTD. TO BUY-B8EHLD. GD8 :;M. OCeimiillWJ<IDriHn IHI(O)llKauma<O>liD & JJellllks· Greenleaf 1617 '17LT18-1tc 513 Davis Street BEAUTIFUL BNGLISH 'l'YPJI BOMB 1 yr. old. 7 nna., I baths. Uvlnc rm. If ft., ~!\ 1~r; Incinerator, 2 car P,r. Beautl· dra--s ndthsca~-Enarllllh carpeting an4 be ....., ro,...uvut ho11118. Bathing da::a ~fo rk for your chllland · p .&. _,.:.Deere Park Rd. Higha ·· - · T1L18-lte -:vate .. WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND furniture and other hot.urehold goods. Highest prices for same. Croat Furniture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., EvSINGS AT CLUB anston, Ill. Phone Unlv. 189. Thursday of last week, Delta Omi... . 101TN6-tfc ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ --~ -~ --~!!"!..!!"!..!'!'!'-~!'!' 1cron, national music sorority, and the FOB 8ALE-·I8C. 'Mothers' club presented Yr. Simons, ttl one of Chicago's favorite tenors, reFOR SALE-HARDING BURNER OUT- cently returned from Rome, in a re· fit complete with boiler, pra.ctlcall7 new, being used only three months and cital held at the Evanston Woman's In perfect condition. Will sen thla out- club. This was the first of Mr. fit at one-half Its actual coat. For Simons' recitals since his return to WANTED TO RENT-6 OR 6-ROO:M particulars telephone Lincoln 0148 and this country. house or bungalow. Immediate occuask lor Blrchl. 102LTN11-fto pancy or May 1st. Wilmette Life B-666. ---------------------~ 89L18-ttp 2 WINTI-:R COATS, FUR . TRUOIBD Walter Etzbach, son of llr. and Mra. perfect condition, siae 38-40. Alao i 'Vatter A. Et~bach, II WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES Elder laae, suits of men's clothing, large 111118. Wlnn. l 027. lOILTNta.tto Winnetka, is doiq very weD a1 a . WANTED TO BUY swimmer on the Varsity ~ 6 or 7 room houee. Must be under FOR SA.LE-SPBNCJIR NO. $20,000. team at the Univeraft7 of··".~DIIMilta;c water Boller. Reuonable. PAUL SCHROEDER A: CO. Walter ia a receat paftati --.·..· -.~ for present owner. Tel. WU. · 418 Linden Ave. 1 Wilmette 698 · · · lOILTHll-ttp Trier. 98L18-1tc , ·t

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