Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1928, p. 4

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p,,.d·Rtllllo Tri · to Give Protram tJI C. of C. Meet Radio's stellar performers, Doctors Pratt, Sherman, and Rudolph, will regale the Wilmette Chamber of Com· merce Monday evening, February 6, with a personal appearance program at the Central cafeteria. This populat' . triumvir~te !lf entertairiment is unique in radto ctrcles. ~r. Pratt is known as one of the trto which produces the musical potpourri each afternoon over WMAQ, and is also famous as Russell Pratt, the Topsy Turvy Man. With Ransom Sherman, he presents the celebrated Song Cycle every Saturday evening: Dr . Sherman is heralded as a mustciao ·who plays forty-seven instruments, one at a time. He will bring a flute to the · Chamber of Commerce program, principally because it js lighter than a harp, according to advance notices. Dr. Joe Rudolph has a ·large following among radio fans. He is a well known orchestra leader and allround entertainer. MOTHER DIES Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coyne returned to Kenilwortli Monday from a week in New York City, and upon her return Mrs. Coyne learned of the death of her mother which occurred in the early morning that day as she was speeding home. Miss Margaret Stults, · daughter of 1-fr. and Mrs. E. E. Stults of 433 Sheridan road, Winnetka, was hostess at a smat1 tea given at her home last Sunday evening. Those present were the Misses Mahle Anderson, Inez· Webster, Clarabelle Buck, Margaret Whitsett, Jane Babcock, and Frances :McConnell, aU north shore residents. --o- LEGS OF SPRING LAM· B. We guarantee to you that they are of first quality, and could not be finer. Special for Saturday, January 28 only, lb .. .... .. .. .... . .. . . 33~ PURE HOMEMADE PORK SAUSAGE .MEAT, lb.. SUGAR. The finest grade of Cane granulated. This is not Beet sugar, 10 lbs........ .. .. ~~ .~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ 25c 35C 70c · · F';'!,lt~ P~~~~~~~·. ~~~~~-u.r~. ~~~- ~e.r~~ S1~20 IVORY SOAP. 100 large 10-oz. bars in box, $12.25; 10 bars . .. . . _. . .. ...... :·. Sl 23 The ten Wilmette Bof ~out tr~ps are uniting in a Scoutmg Exposttton which will be held on the afternoon and evening of Saturday, FeJ>rua~ 11, at the Howar~ school. 'froops ~}I demonstrate vartous .Scoutt~g ac~tvt ties including camptng, ptoneenng, woodworking, painting, leather work and cooking. The public is invited to be guests of the Wilmette troops on that afternoon and evening. The Wilmette American Legion Post, desiring to aid in !his d~mon stration has secured and IS addmg to the exhibition as its contribution a debate on the topic: "Resolved- That the United States should cease ~o p~o tect by force of' arms the capttal m vested in foreign lands, except after formal declaration of .war." The debate will be held from 8 :30 to 9:30 P. M. Saturday evening, and wiU be between the Kent College of Law and the St. Thomas .Military school of St. Paul. The public il'. urged to come early in order to. both see the demonstratiOns and wttness the debate. D. C. Leach, deputy commissioner of the North Shore Area council and Wilmette Scout commissioner, and Frank A. Wilson, chairman of the Wilmette Scout association, are in general charge. The exhibits are being arranged under the supervision of L. F. Ba11. S-coutmaster of Troop 3. · aided bv F. J. Ryan, Scoutmaster of Troop 10. ~g>b:~z. ~~~ .i~. ~~~: ~~ :~~ ;............ ·. . FLORIDA ORANGES. 252 size. 'fhere has been' quite a frost in Florida and Grapefruit and Oranges are advancing in price~ Doz. EGGS. I know a man \vho has son1e very fine short held Storagt Eggs. I am selling sotne of thetn. Why don't you try them. for cooking and frying? Doz. . ........... . .... . Apple.. Hubbardson for cooking. 10 lbs. . ............ IIC JUce. Extra fancy. Blue Rose. lb. ....................... 7~'c M·licello Splcecl CaatalCNpe Jut. 1 lb jar. Doz. . .; jar Z5c Aat..iiU p_. ltaliaa OU.e OiL 1-4 gal. can .............. $lAS C.-. Roast Santos, lb. . .Jtc C.... My own blend. We do not want to appear egotistical, but I still tell you this coffee is a wonder. lb. . .. ... .. ...· Say! Lady! Do you know that Prunes are awful cheap and fine, and they are plumb full of sugar~ 40-50 size. lb. I U'c . F....da c·aaiw (Maraschino). 13 oz. bot. ec; 1 oz., ZSc; S oz., 2lc; 3 oz~ J»ot. .... . . IZc Wa T.W. Any color. · Any color, 8 or 12 in box Jl!:: Crl IC S..+· Q.... OilY.. FaD quart . .. ... . .......... lie ~~-I IS ll..tani Sanl.ea. Large 3-4 size. Can .... .. lie · .,..,,. P· t ld· Large No.3 an 'No. 2 can .... .. 14c lfti laa Slaalwpe. Wet & Dry pack. No. 1 can. Doz. . .. can ...... . ............... . .Jtc v, Batnct. 2 oz. bot. ............. . . : . ..... .Jtc H A . . . . . . k ...... y . . fi a .... lb. ....... 74c 34c Wilmette Man Ia Married in Freeport January 21 The wedding of Miss Mary Mariorie Oblander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Oblander, 23 West Iroquois street, Freeprirt, Ill. to John P . Willott, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Willott, lDl Ashland avenue, \Vilmette took place at high qoon Saturday, January 21, at the manse ~f the Second Presbyterian church, Rev. A. J. Niebruegge performing .the ceremony. · Following the service a weddinJ! luncheon was served at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Willott will be at home after March I, at 625 lith street, Wilmette. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT "Love" will be the subject at the services of the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Wilmette, Sunday morning, January 29, at 11 o'clock. The North Shore alumnae of ·Alpha Chi Omega will meet today at the home of Miss Ruth Race in Chicago. Luncheon wi11 be served~ 45c Robert Cressy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cressy, 913 Forest avenue, has been very active in · the dramatics at ·Yale. He had part in the "Miracle" given by the play-writing class of Professor Baker of Yale university, just recently, and before that he was a Shamans in the play "The Pueblo." Robert is a graduate of New Trier. -o-- Heiu Apple Buttw. 2 lb jar, 41c; 1 lb. jar ....... .... . ZSc - Nub Deluxe Salted Peanuts. lb. 3lc: California · Shelled Almonds. lb . . .. . . .... .. .. . .. . . ' ... 71c l.argc Washed Brazils. lb. Zlc Camplaell Tomato Soap. Doz. $l.M; can ....... . . .. . . ... lc Bab~ Sifted Sweet Doz. $Z.51; can .................. . .. .. Zic MGUOOD Blood Beets. Large No. 3 can. Doz. $%.51; can Zlc Stuart Tia~ WriakW Peu. Mr. and Mrs. J . F. Comee, 1612 Forest avenue, left last Thursday for San Francisco an,.J Los A.1geles. They will be away a month and plan to return by way of New Orleans. -o-Mrs. Clifton Keith, 222 Ninth street, \Vilmette, is visiting her sister in Lincoln, Nebraska. Mrs. Keith will return pr~bably at the end of the week. --oMr. and Mrs. C. L. Vickeris of Seattle, Wash. spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barry of 1537 .Central avenue. ' Riclaeliea Rae~ Aaae P..cla· ·ss.-; -. Large No. 2~ can. Doz. 3 cans ....... . .. .$1M Ca···· Bait, St.ut Bartlett Pean. No. I can, 8 halves. Doz. $2.41; can ....................... Jic B easiJ Hawaiiua PW.ppl1. .L arge No. 2~ can. Doz. SIAl; can ... .. . . ......... . .. . : . .ZSc M-.ooa A......... Poilata. No. I square can. Doz. $3.75; can .. . .... .. .............. JZc Have You Tried Our Famous Luncheons? ·a The businna men in the viiLip have found oar buinna luncheons "just tbt thing" to. prepare tbtm for a busy afternoon. Ltt as serve your next laacbton. ·After a ibow drop in and try one of our famous undwicha; it will prove to be .a "niaht-cap" so necnury for undistaibecl · sJttp. · PIJ···.. Roell Te&iM.... Fine l...w. · quality and splendi~ pack. No. . 3 can. Doz. SZAI; can .. 17c . No. 2 can. Doz. IJAI; Z ~ans . ·: . .. . . .. .. . . .. ... .. .JSc ........ Large 2 3-41b pkg. e. Aartf:·F. . . W...... S... L. ·B. Confectionery . 637 Main St. Ph. Wilmette 487 ----·' -------------

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