AMBITIOUS MEN WHO WANT TO MAKE MONEY BABY TO LEARN. WB MANUJ'AC.. ture and sell our own prod~ Rated over a mtwon In Duns &n4 Bradstreet&. TO~ of yean men that started to work tor ·t SITU ATIOB' W A.lfTBD-X..lLB us tour aco In Cbtcaco .uu with .....,._ __ .....,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ We want men from 16 to 46 yean of ace. Call for private Interview at our WE HAVE SBVBRAL EXCELLENT chauffeurs with many years' experience Evanston Division ofBce room 101-ttll on the north shore. Neat. dlgnlfted, Sherman Ave. Church St. Bldg· willing worken. '.l'lle beet of refer61LTN18·!tc t A. 1L to 4 P. 1L ences. · TAXI DRIVER. IIUS'P KNOW. WIN- FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU Greenleaf Ul'l-5055 netka welt and have good ref. Apply 8t5 Chlcuo Ave. . Cll.TN1f..ltc Black and White . Cab, 55! Lincoln, Wlnn. 57LTN19-1tc WORK. HOUSECLEANING, DAY'S window washing, driving. Or perman58 HELP WT D--XALE A PEIA.LE ent chauffeur-butler poe. 16 .71'8.' ex. ., per. N. s. re-fs. · Wm. Gamble, Glencoe 1513 or ~65.' . . · . · t1LTN19-ttc ·WHITE JS efHERE A · WHI'l'E COUPLE NOW NORTHWEB'I'ERN STuDENT WANTS employed ·n Evan8ton or on the North as tut~f or -companion for chllShore who desires to make· a change? . poattlon dren In .exchange tQr .board and room. We have. a very desirable opening that Addre88 WUmette Life B-57'1· . must be ftlled at once. ·llan must .be · · ' · · 6lL19-ttc butler-hou8eman-chaufleur; · w o m a n must be At OOC)k. · To such a couple HONEST · AND RELIABLE . M AN we can make a mighty ftne proposition. wants housecl~nlng and .w indow washCall us today. refs. · Ph. Glencoe 1.557. FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU . lng. Excellent · . ' · . · : ·. 11LTN19·1tc 8f6 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf ff17-5055 68LTN11-ltc CHAUFFEUR. i5 YRS.··EXPERIENCEany make· of car, do all my tepalra, EXP. COUPLE (PREFERABLYWIDTE) houaework and garden. Beat.:of refs. Man niust be capable . butler-houseman· 61LTN19-ltc Wlnn. 637-W. chauffeur; woman must be flrst-ctaBB cook and do upstairs work. N9rth YARD :MAN, <,lENERAL HOUSEMAN, Shore · or Chicago refs. required. Tel. butler, chauffeur. Fine . north shore Winnetka !f!! Sunday between .lO A. II. . references. Please call Sutton. Drexel a: 1 P. K. or between z·:ao and 4 P. M. UU. . 61~TN19-!tp 58L1t-ttc PAINTING, PAPER CLEANING ·AND .. 81TVATI0lf WANTE~PEXALE gen. hswk.-alBO odd 3Gb&. Wll.. 3428. 61LTU-tfc FANCY DRESSMAKING. . REMODELIng, · dreaalng dolls, chlldren-s clothing, beadJng, com(orta, crocheting, ftowers, CHAUFFEUR AND EXP. GARDNER Good on maintenance work about home. embroidering, drapery, nilllfiaei'Y~ train· painting and repairs. White, married. lng wlth )lo~e adlop and. factory Exp. Mastel' A Lane System at my home or Wll~tte II~. · . ~1L~11-lt~ yours. Phone evenings, Unlv. 10157. 60LTN19-ltc a · ~~T~ WTDf--.ALB & . PB.ALE COLORED )(OTHER AND DAUGHTER GOOD . RELlABLE COL. COUPLE. --Mother prefers !nd work and care of · Gen.- bO.uaework, cooking, chauffeur. children, daughter as cook or gen. hawk. Ken~ 9566. · · 6!LTN19~2tp Good refs. Call :Michigan !4!9. 60LTN19-ttp NOR"~IAN IIIDDLE-AGI.ID WOK- .. _ __ w_ .._ ..... 'J;,..B...,~-·-O~A-B_._D_ __ &_a_o_o_·_..__ an, good cook, will do housekeeping tor NORTHWESTERN . STUDENT WILL ! adults. No heavy cleaning or ··launtake . position aa houseman or chaufdry. Write Wilmette Life B-68!. feur In exchanp .for room and board. toLTN19·1tP Addreaa Wilmette Life B-iT&. · . GL19-ttp HOUSEKEEPER. EXPERIENCED young woman. capable. Good plain cook. In motherleBB home or with em- .. · · :I'OB UKT-800~8 ployed couple. A-1 refs. Glencoe 108!. - - - .- - - - - - , _ ; . ._ _ _ell!' \ 60LN19-ttp FOR . RENT-PLEASANT ROOMS, EXP. LAUNDRESS AND CLEANING modeni convenleilcea, rea& priced, near "L" station. .wm arrange to board If woman wishes work Mon., Tues., and desirable. Wilmette 168'1. 16L18-!tc Thurs. Call evenlnca. University ttot-11. 60LTN19-ltp FOR RENT-LIOH'l'~ AIRY, CORNER YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS room and bath In private hOme near all GoverneBB or Companion. College edutranap. SOl' Linden Ave. Tel. Wilmette cation. Beat refs. Sup. 1110 Kyrtle 1808. . HL1t-ltc Boice. Call after 6 P. II. HL'ft{19-1tc CENTRAL . HOTEL-LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. ·u RELIABLE YOUNG COLLEGE GIRL, 13 Kaln street. Phone Wilmette 1080. yra. of age, WIU'ta poa. as nursemaid. HLTs-tfc References. Tel Wino. Dll. 60LT19-ltc FURNISHED ROOM FOR I ADULTS EXP. WOMAN WANTS COOKING AND employed: light and pleasant; bot and serving for special occasions. Best of cold running water : garage IIJ)Itce If refs. Ph. Glencoe . 60L~ 19 _1 tc __ .,_.-!ll_l_red_._Ph_p_n_e_w_ll_7_7s-_ll_.__ H_L_t_O-..;_tf~ 1557 1 WILL FOR RENT-LARGE · FURNISHED DO WASHING, ALSO WASMNG . room--suitable tor 1 or 2. Reasonable. taken home, housecleaning. Good ref& Tel Wilmette '101-R. 66L19-ttp Wilmette S600Yf. 60LT1t-ltc LARGE LIGHT WARM lUI. NEAR tranap. Private bath. Call Winnetka EXP. COLORED WOMAN DESIRES 15fS. HLTN19-ltc work as cook or pn. hawk. Refs. University IZOf-JI. HLTtt-ltp LARGE, WELL-FURNISHED ROOK tor rent. 633 Park Ave. Wilmette 3566. WOMAN WITH SIX-YR.-OLD DAUGHter wants position for pn. hawk. can 16Ltt-ttp Normal '7988. 60LTN19-ltp FOR RENT-BUNNY ROOK WITH DAY WORK-LAUNDRY, SEWING, beauUful view. 1 block from N. W~ houeework. Whl~e. Em. worker. Statton. .Wil~ette. 1000. 61LTN19-ltc :Unlv. 616!. IOL~lt-ltc ROOM FOR · RENT WITH KI'l'CHEN BXPERT COL. LAUNDRB88. mGHprlv. 610 Puk Ave. . Wilmette 1661. ly recommended. Tues., Thurs. or }l'fL . MLtt-ltp Wlnn. lf46. 60LTN19-ltc ua-la&PPY-PJ'OBP81'0U& Our work Ia steady and permanent the year round. CHAVFFEURS llEO SEDAN . Radio Mw battery, I new. tiNa. Run .miiM. Fine mechanical' con41Uon. OlJR COIIPLETID PORTABLE TESTING unit enables us to stve you laboratory ~· ' ttl. .. 4i:JrNJt-1tp aervloe In your own· home, thus· ellm~ ·~.t .... · lnaUq all arueu work. This service Is . :-. ~ .· -~ ~reasonable and guaranteed. BOOKS l BOUGHT' 4Nl> SOLD. 5!8 ODen evenings until t o'clock. .RADIO SERVICE A: INSTALLATION. · Da.t., St., ·JWanaton, c:J-.Iileat sm. 9L'l'Nt9-ttp · Linden Avenue and 6th Street Phone Wilmette ttl'I f!L19-ltc -..a . e ·· UDIOI Expert Ser:vice 1 , ·, 0. 0 -oo·s . . · 0 · I ' ' · COUPLE ·~JQ,i( SPJicULIZI:NG IN HANDRADIO SPBCIALIST Day and nlaht eervJce. Repair service ...... 'cldldten d~ !'J)eelal, ··. ~ Wilmette Ufe B-584. · · · and construction. 96! Pine St., Wlnn. ·~.. ' . . 1'1LTNtt-ttp 189!. ,.!LTN'l-tfc a. If · ,,, . ·····~llfa : tl aBPAIIlllf& 6 RBPilfi8RII& ~NG · IIJ.'O DO AT HOllE: ALSO BICYCLE. REPAIRING. WILL CALL. ~ ~ted ·· . ~!· . baP. Wllinette 1164. Dorothy . 17L18-Itc wbOod8. 1,' \ ~· I· i· . r ·· ·, LOAI8 ff G. Soderblom. 904° Linden, Hubbard Phone. Bhop, Wlnn. !9f ouae. Wlnn. !087. 43Ltt-Ztci 8ERVICB ·BUREAU .~ .. · Charles H. Brethold let and tnd Mortgagee 0 ·Mi .. · ~IIi 'IJ \ I 0 St., Wilmette INSURANCE Tel. 66 HL1.7 ·tfc l,c · h .. ·. MQNEY TO LOAN· " · 0 · QN PIR8T OR SECOND MORTGAGES - ~t nuonable rates. quick, oourteou~. ·· HBLP W AlfTBD-PBIALB ooaM·tlal 'llervlee. -----~---------· A prelienta real opportunity Itself , Jl14 Ont·n· Ave., Evanston, Unlv. 8183 to the girl looking to establish IOLTN16-8tp henelf In a profeBBlon where CAN iiiKi PROFITABLE USE OF advancement Ia Umited only . 111-. to 126,000 tor establlahlnar by perionar abtllty Matlolial cllatrlbuUon· of the American Heat' Pruerver deacrlbed on ~ &5. Become a Telephone Operator Jl&ft uaUMI&lly attractive and reFull ~~&lary Ia paid during training ;:m=;~ J:';l!::.n ~. ~aid!:i Increases are recular A!!:. Hubttanl WoocJa. IOLTlt-ltc Girts over 11 wltb at least ....,. grammar acbool education II ' ·vuc.AL DI'I'SUDliTI are asked to come In for a peraonal Interview NBW COURTURIBR TRUIIPHBT FOR .ale. C.U Jlltctlell. Wilmette 11&4. !nd ftoor-814 Davia Street-Evanston ULTNtt-ttp Wilmette ~~p. '1!5 l!th St. OFnCII PLACBX.BT HL5-tfc n ' MRS. FAUST'S CATERING SERVICE FOR FEBRUARY PARTIES Lincoln"& Birthday Saint Valentine'& Day Washington~& Birthday Before you make your plans-come In and talk thlnp over :with lira. Faust. She will make your party a wonderful sue cess, and relleve you of all Worry. TWO PHONES: GREENLEAF ff17-5055 Rea. Phone, Greenleaf 5STO 4fLTNlt-ltc 0 McKendry Realty Co. 1 ·:n YOUNG LADY TO SOLICIT APPOINTNORTH SHORB menta for the Ray Studio. Kuat have PDSONNIDL SBRVICB pleaalq pei'IIOnallty and good telephone (lfla I. V. RoeenbeJW) voice. Preferably experienced In tete~Uw, 8ecntarlal1 . _Stenocraphlc, otphone aollcltaUon. Apply In penon at and professional t16 Davia St., Evanston. ~~ Department. s·L1t-ttc CLUB-'ifOTiL..HOIIE SERVICE . Jlaldll. coaplea. dlaufteura, companions, EXP. STJDNOORAPHER OR BOOKkeeper, one with previous banking ex~ catereaea, aaJ)ervlalnc perience preferred. lluat have pleulng n. cblldren'a nunee, waltpei'IIOnallty and come well recommended. Apply Glencoe State Bank, Glencoe. Ill 'S BLDG:~.-'!_00118 'I a: 8 66LTN19-1tc VPI UfttVBIUJITT '140 11LT1t-ltc ~-,.. .,:~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=~~!!;I WANTED-NEAT, RES P 0 N SIBLE · ... PAilft'D& A DBCOIU'I'D& white ..rl or woman for pn. hawk. and ,.... . to IUIIBiat with children, amall hou~te no laundry. Phone Winnetka 1394. · P~ HANGING, WOOD FINIBIUNG, 66LTN19-ltc uuw- 8CI'&Jiilftc · .aDd p~taJ remodellq. WANTED-YOUNG WOKAN TO As- lY. I'RANKIIL slat In hat abop. Part time preferred. PIMme 'Wilmette 11M Phone Wllln. 110 for appointment. IJLTN18·Jtp 66LIIft.T19 ::.:eeplftlr, ·aea 0 0 · Painting-Decorating . . .~; - -~ltc~ I i·iii-iiiiiii*i--~~!i!!!!iiiiiiii!!ii!i~~;;;;;;;;;;;;!!!!!!ii!~!!!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.;; ..................... - _..._!* ur.. ,...... ,.. · wiw:or.r=. ~ ':·w::. ..ft1t1..... _, ., _, I WILIIBTrE' . . - . .. . .. ............................... ............. ,._ .. .... YOUNG WHITE WOllAM -WANTS laundry. TueL, Weds. . Wino. 2J02. . HL'l'Nlt-ttc MARCELLING AND , DBBSSKAI(ING 140 Ill Rd., Wilmette UK. 18L18·atC