Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1928, p. 3

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Patrons of the New Trier TownshU» Orchestral association concerts haft a genuine treat in store for them Moo· day evening, February 6, in the fourth concert of the current season to be given by the Little Symphony orchestra of Chicago under direction of George Dasch. Featuring this program will be the appearance as soloist of Gitta Gradova, pianist of intema· tional reputation. The concert will be given in the New Trier auditorium. Gitta Gradova's playing is described as sensitive and poetic, yet combining fire and brilliance; with a· technical equipment equal to all demands upon it. She has been re-engaged this season for solo appearances with the New- York Philharmonic, the St. Louis and :the Philadelphia symphony · or.chestras, and bas very recently made an extrem~ly successful. 5olo appear-' ance with the Chicago Symphony .or.. chestra, Frederick Stock conducting. She will play . the Grieg P~no Concerto, 1,.. Minor, with the Little Symphony or~hestra on Monday . (vening. F01t7-foar Pia,.. i · The orchestra Monday will again numb.er ~- p~ayers, a~d . the pt~attt' promises to be of unusual interest. It follows: on Overture Solennelle, Opus 73 . .. .....·.· : .. . .. ·.... ., ............. .. ... G~unow From Symphony. No. 4, D Minor. Opus UO · .......... . ................... Schu'JDann Romana Scheno Concertp for Plano and Orchestra, A Minor, (}Jtufl 16 .................. Grleg Allegro · · .~ . · .· .· Adaijdo' ·moderato · . All~ ma~to , ·. · ' INTERKISSION Waltses, · ·"Thousand and One Nights" .. 1 ·· From Suite No. 3, Opua 55 ............. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. _............ .. Tschalkowsky Theme and Variations ........................... Job. StraUBB The third of this season's young people's matinees will be presented Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the New Trier auditorium, upon which occasion the youthful Norman Hes-;, { ,ianist and junior artist pupil of Walter Knupfer, will be the soloist. George Dasch will also conduct the orchestra at this concert. The program ·follows : Overture, ..Oberon" .............. Weber (a) Air from the D Jlajor Suite .. Bach (b) J)ouree ....................... Bach String Orchestra lllnuet from the ..Surprise" Symphony .. Song, ..America, the Beautiful" ....... . ............. Audience and Orchestra From Concerto, G lllnor, Opus !!, tor Plano and Orchestra ..... Salnt-Saena Third movement: Presto Finale from Symphony No. 4. Opus l6 .. . ·. .·.......·........... TachalkowskJ' .·......·.·................... Haydn .............. · f Rollin Peaee Ia Soloiat at Sacred Coacert Sunday A sacred concert wiD be given by '~-------------------------the combined choirs of St. John's Lu- 8. Anthem· a. Lift Thine Eyea-from the ..EIUah" theran church, Wilmette, Sunday eve·. . . . . . . . . ............. Mendelssohn ning, February 5, at 7:45 o'clock. Rolb. I Waited for the Lord .......... . ....................... Mendelssohn lin Pease, well known Evanston bariunser ~ lm Hlmmeltone, will be the soloist and Miss 9. Chorale-Vater relch ....................... . Bach EJecta Austin, organist of the church, 10. Organ-Sonata VI ...... MendeleBOhn a. Chorale will preside at the console. Works of b. Andante SOstenuto Bach, Mendelssohn, Gounod, Roberts, c. Allegro and Scbuecker will be rendered. 11. Choir 1. Prelude. 2. Opentn~r Prayer and Scripture Read· POEII WIN$ ACCLAIM For those who have not already seen the last issue of the "Ladies Home Journal" it WJ11 be interesting to know that the editors of this magazine have given the little poem by Anne Higgenson Spicer of Kenilworth a full page illustration, and in another part of the magazine a column of comment and appreciation of Mrs. Spicer and her writings. The poem is caUed "Nancy Hanks' Lullaby." a. Sanctus ................... Gounod a. The Ninety and Nine ..Campion b. There Is No Death . . . .. I. 4. I. &. '1. lng. Chorale--Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stlmme ........................ Bach Organ a. Chorale Prelude-Wachet auf, ruft una ... .. . .................... Bach b. Prelude and Fugue In F major . ·············.············· · Bach Anthem-Seek Ye the Lord .. Roberta lla1e Quartet-We ))ow, 0 AlmiKbty ············· ............ . Barn~ Vocal aolo-It Ia Bnouch-fro~ the NJDUJah" .·.... .. ...... Kende._,lul 12. Voeal Solo b. Benedlctus ................ Gounod 13. 14. 16. 16. 17. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geoftrey O'Hara1 Oftertoi'Y' · Organ-Chant de J)onheut' . Lemare· Choir-My Faith t.oob Up to Thee' ... . . .... : . . . . . Schnecker O~raAJon ........... ....... . lupiied . · the Wil·ette ComiDWlity sociation i its 1928 fund cdk.W.~ charity and welfare agencies 'ew corps of . o . ~ · · ele4ct·l. anci committees lpPGift · The sonnet of~.th l9Z8 orpniza"!" · tion has been annOUilced ·as follows: ,: Preiident. Hector Dodds; vice-pre~~~ dent, C. Miles Mcl>ol)ald; treasur Dan G. Stiles; secretar)', Mn. Eth Roche. Advisory board: Herbert Curll, Hector Dodds, Robert Johnston. J. _R. Harper, Harry Kinne, Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, Win- B. Kiaucltson. C. Miles McDo Mrs. Ethel Roche, Leslie P. Gate · John H. Schaefer, A. B. Seibold, U: W ... P; .Serig,. Dan . G~· , Stil~, Ro · . ·. Stoddard. .. . :· Publicity. cothmitt~e : Ralph· H. Dur.. ham, chairman; Joseph Comfort, Dwif:ht Chapman·. D. E. AlleiJ, Jr LloYd· Hollister, Miltdn E .. Relet. . ·~ Budget . cqmmit~ee: .Leslie F. Gate chairman ; Judson F. Stone" , Mrs. E. Pattison Kline, E. F. Scheiden . !A MENT of first q~ty· ~~!J:;. J. R·. Gathercoal, a~. lJ?an . the members of the Campai~ committee : C. Mil Willmt~tJe Chlaml!)er of ~mmerce and McDonald, chairman. : Monday evenmg, February 6; when the .famous. radio combination .~· ~ ~ of ·· Dr' Sherman, Pratt and "The Commumty Chest system h ,;lio: b&ld · Orth nightly· o..tr· pMed a· r~ ·hood a-like to the VJ , Will provide a program of lage and the participating grou ' ~gs, chatter and what-not. which it be~e.fits, a~c~ding ~o ..Pres This .distilglished combination scarce- dent ~!ector ~··· ..It ~ s th . ly, needs. ail iJitroduction to a Wilmette nece~s1ty of drave after . ~.lY~ for on up, since their antics are thoroughly c~anty after another, consenes ~ · "liar to i-adio fans throughout the tame and work o! ~ores of loyal at CQUDt · · ze!IS -~ho lre waU1111' . to dev e ·th '· 'Yt;a: .. .. · · energ~es to such worthwbDe ollJects . . Rus~..- ~tatt 1s t~e ce~rat~ TOJ!IY avoids the . aanoyaace of repeat urvy llan, who, m CORJunction w1th calls · and assures the people bein fbnsom ~~~-. and Joe R~ph. asked to lend t~eir sqpport !O on ;resents ~ llus1cal Potpourn each stith' charities and wtUare proJects .~ftemo6ft of the week. have merited the sanction of th . ~.Ran. ~ is a most versatile thoroughly representative directi jtrformer, said to be conversant with personnel of the Chest. mani~lation of 47 different musical "Under such circumstances," sa blstrume.n ts, which brings him just ten Mr. Dodds, "it is no wonder that ints short of qualifyiuf as a pickle many enterprl$ing residents ·of t ·ptoducet-he does, however, play the villaJre are Wl11in'f to devote th piccolo, by which instrument he will be talents to make it the success it h aCcompanied next-.J.foaday. proved to be. Wibnette has de~ Joe Rudolph is an . . . ..., · ~st strated its ap.,.-ec:iatioJI by the suppolj of note, having at one time heeii alsoa- the campaign· of past years ha ated with the Rainbo Gardens orchestra elicited and will undoubtedly contin. and with tftt: late Charley Erbstein's to do so with still greater emphasi$. celebra~ Wi' AS trthestra. One interesting feature this . year ·~ Next Mondays entertainment, to be the decision of the ·directors to add t in ~ · Central cafeteria in Boy Scouts to eitrht other «*bjectiv ~ Junction With the regular February to which the benefits of the Chest art meeting of the Chadler of Commerce. distributed." .· Cal lleetiq f· Felt. 7 will begin promptly at 8 o'clock and continue for one hour and fifteen min- .A meeting of the Community Ch atesThe. · CL--1..f C bus" directing personnel has been called f llillmJCr o th ommerce meet· ·u foliO terta" aness t t h e even· mer o f T uesday, February 7..· IDg WI w e ·en ·~ · at the ViDage HaD. at wbicll repre:M~ of the Chaumer are ·n~ sentatives of agencies desiriDJ to pat· to bnng women guests to the entertam- ticipate in the 1928 · Chest budget WI ment. be granted a hearinR". The Commuaitv Chest headauarten have been established in' the Chamber NEED 1HINCS TO SELL of Commerce offices in the Cox build~conomy Shop is in need of ing, the telephone number being Wilmette 63. The officers explain that · things to sell. Just anything they can readily use a discarded des that you have will meet the and chair, which, if contn"buted, wil wants of some of our cus- represent a contribution that will materiaDy lessen the ooerating expente tomers. Please let us have of the Chest, which, in 1927, was heW the~ now. instead of waiting down to 4 percent of the total re-· until _.~ouse-cleaning time. ceipts· 1~ a.,a . r· · . . ·.:..·(:, I! Jiven. con- ·' '1- . -Mrs. I. R. Adkins, Chairman. DomiOO' . Lord's Pra7er 18. The lt. Poatlude ' ' . .... ............ ~~1Vld~ · _ .... -~ -- . NEW ORGANIST Miss . Marie E. Briei has been CU1'ed as oran'-t in the WJatette ;4lh Methodist church. Miss Briel ' rieoc , in

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