Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1928, p. 4

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lili+!iltt~·~~-~~M'tlt;~~·~ leav- of v· · Htdriek . ot· Dorotlty Port1t1U1rl· W··~· The Neighbors met on Tuesd~y, February 7, at the regular hour, w~th of' iade~aite lenat)a. a most dismal and fomp-. day o~tstde -obut a large and apprecaatave audaence -~ " llr·. · James Prentiss, Cumberland within. There has been a change fr~m roacL Kenilworth, has gone to Florida the scheduled program and the ch~ar for an Indefinite stay. man of the department of ed'!cation ., ·. ·. ~ was fortunate to secure the servaces of Dr. Burgess Johnson, of Syracuse Bart Crowe of Kenilworth spent the university as the speaker of the day. . last week~ at Owosso, Mich., where he Yisited his tnother and siste~. After the readinK of the minutes a1_1d -othe reports of the oftjcers an~ commatMr. and Mrt3. James P. Prindle, III, tee chairmen, Mrs. R 1 char~s an~~Odu~ed ERNAU AKELY of Highland Park, are entertaining in the speaker and his subJect Gettal!g PlaniBt T~r AccompaniBt honor of the first birthday of their Education Quickly." Dr. Johnson satd little son, James P. Prindle, IV. Mrs. he was not going to give a lecture but TRIO Prindle was formerly Miss Mayo Meta rambling talk, telling of certain exavailable . zel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. periences with which he hoped to Weddlnp ClubB Reception· Metzel, ?#/ Cumberland road, Kenillustrate points, later to be · ca:u~ht PHoNE WILME1TE 1648 ilworth. to~ether by some sort of mvtstble thread. · He was · a quiet, ·simple, clever, alert speaker and with one or two very good stories told his listeners that while his talk would be rambling it still . would have a definite focus. It is impossible to try to retell has The meeting held on Monday of this week of the Guild of the Church talk or to give an adequate account of of the Holy Comforter was such an all he tsaid. but the impression ma~e enthusistic one and was so well at- was of the futility of the college bfe tended that it deserves special men- as we seem to press it upon our young tion. These meetings have been con- people today. Not the fault of the stantly growing in popularity and in- college, perhaps, but no .matter whose Dainty hearts of either angel food, or white cake, terest, under the presidency of Y rs. fault, a problem with whach we are all George Richards, ever since the early confronted. . . with your choice of colored icing and decorations. With illustrations of men ltke. Wtlfall and one of the reasons, outside Just the thing to touch off that Valentine party for . of the energetic ability and magnetic liam Dean Howells, (with whom Dr. personality of Mrs. Richards, and the Johnson was associated on the editorial children or grown-ups. co-operation of her officers, is the fact 3taff of Harper's Magazine), who that the sewing this year has been oossessed every quality of mind and ~eringue hearts for ice cream or fresh fruit desserts. for charity only anid the members character one would hope his ~on feel a real thrill i~ dropping their would acquire with a college educatiO'l, home duties or sewing to do that bit or of T. M. Dent, the dean of English We will greatly appreciate the placing of your on Mondays for c·hatity. Mrs. Irving oublishers, with his alertness, keenorder a day ahead. Babcock and Mrs. Warren Hillis ness width of vhion and understandwere hostesses for the lun-cheon this ing. 'or the hi~h ability ~f the you!l'f Phone Wilmette 57 5 . week. emrineer who holds the ht!!hest engmeering position in New York state, he Mrs. Harry Weese, Kenilworth ave- seemed to show. without tryin~ to nue, entertained her bridge club at prove the point, that it was n~t t~e luncheon last Friday. The members of four years spent at colleP'e whtch tn th;,; club are Mrs. George Benson, any wav produced the edu,.ated m~n. Mrs. J ule Peterson, Mrs. Walter for of the three men illustrated, none Knoop, Mrs. Burt Crowe, Mrs. Craig wa~ a co11eve graduate. He drcried the ads in the journals, Ketcham, Mrs. Clyde Ross, Mrs. John Rathbone, and Mrs. Weese. The next and the liJ!htlv veiled ads in the college 113 5 Wilmette Ave. meeting will be on February 17, at the cataloi!s, for ·a college educa_tion at a home of Mrs. Knoop on Warwick road. stated price within a f!iven ttme. EdOpposite the Fonatr Village Thtattr UC'ation is somethin~ to be sought. It . -ois made too easy today, the equipmPnt Mrs. Fraak Young of Cum nor road, is too near and convenient. and the Kenilworth, entertained her bridge cotleve youth puts off 'till t~morrow rlub Friday of last week. anrt 'tomorrow until the sentor year suddenly comes upon him a_nd. he ha·,; only had the surfaces of hts mtellect By C. C. Renn«Jcar WILME'I'I E FOLKS scratched. · d It was a talk to make us thmk an to consider just what parents want IF I'D HAD f ·HQRAL · for their boys and girls and what they ---BUT ON& expect from the .college whee': they ~WEETEN sPnd them on thetr way for educaVOUA. "E'D SIDPP!D t;on." The impu}.;e to lea!n m,?st com~ FAMILY LIFE. ME BEFORE from within. It cannot JUSt happen WITH A 80X or be acquired as if from some sort of "~"... 1 GOT 1D TH' Of' FIHE innoculation. . KAL: The next meetin~ of the ~etghb~rs CAND't will be the birthday celebratton wh1ch FROM·~· takes place each year _in Feb~uary.· A very special progran:' ts pronused wtth · . some excellent mustc. The meeting of the art and ltterature department which is s-cheduled to occur on Tuesdav. February 14, ha·1 been postponed to Wednesday, February 15, ~o that the members can a~t~nd t~e VALENTINES - ·lc TO 60c League of Women Voters Cttazenshtp ~chool The meeting will br. at Mrs. Wllimtaa'1 aad JohaltOD'1 Candin I and Z lb. boxn. Wrapped for the occasion. A. R. Hulbert's home on Richmond Perfa_. aacl Perfume Atomizen priced SOc to ~5.00. road and papers will be read by Mrs. Richard Johnston and Mrs. Frank Cherrv. Mrs. E. F. Snydacker will report on current exhibit'S. to .e possibly a w.aa, Cuba. In New Orleans will be the pests of friends who there. Their stay in Florida will avenat. Xe.Dilworth, is ,atettamina six New of her Delia C...10roritJ ten and ~heir. e~· ~~ dianet this Saturday evenang, preeediq the formal dance to 'be given at the new sorority house in Evanston. · -o- · Wilson DeCamp, son of Mr. and Mrs. David· DeCamp of Abbottsford road, Kenilworth spent last week at home after his mid-year examinations were over. Wilson is a student at the University of Indiana at Bloomington. He is a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. .,u.. Miss Dorothy Foresman has chosen Wednesday, February IS, as the day for her marriage to Warren · MeCracken, of Barringt~n and <;h~eago. ·The service, which wall be watne~s.ed by just the members of tbe famabes most interested, will be .read at four o'clock in the afternoon an the chapel of the Fourth Presbyterian church ~f Chicago the Reverend Herbert Wdlett of the Kenilworth Union church, officiating. A small reception at .the new apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kenyon (formerly Emily Foresman twin sister of the bride) 011 Su~rior street, Chicago, will be held immediately following the ~hun:h service, and the honeymoon trtp wdl take the couple to the South ·Seas, Nassau, and the Bermuda Islands. On their return in March, they will go immediately to their · new home in Barrington, which is now almost completely fw-nished and ready for Ol'cupancy. ·.,.. ci..;CII' "O II· a N·ltl't wetltJeltliJ, IL.-....~~-~-----.... a v-......- H~ . "'tN. 7 Valentine Hearts PATTY SHOPPE Pharmacy Phone ·wllmette 316 mond road, Kenilworth. The choral society of the Neif{hbors will meet Tue~dav afternoons at 4 at Mrs. A. R. Hulbert's home on Rich- :».

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