Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1928, p. 5

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·~ V. H. The Kenilworth League of Women VoteN will present an innovation for its members and for all women of Kenilworth on Tuesday, February 14. It will hold an all-day one-day Pre· Primary Citizenship school with Miss Edith Rockwood as its instructor. These schools are invaluable, and have been popular in all the other villages along the north shore and the league feets that · it is offering something which will not only be enjoyable and most instructive hut something every woman in Kenilworth will regret if she misses it. The class will open at 10 in the morning, in the Kenilworth clubrooms and will continue until noon, when a luncheon will be served by the committee in charge of Mrs.]. C. Carpenter. Those who have attended the .previous meetings and luncheons can attest the excellence of her ability as social chairman. As there is some cost attached to these schools which must be met by the league, a nominal fee will be charged which will include the luncheon. The afternoon will be devoted to further instruction and discussion and a skeleton of the program follows : Morning 1. Political Parties and How They Grow. 2. Ballot Making Ballot Marking . Thorough Demonstration; 3. The Significance of Getting out the Vote_ for the Primary. Afternoon 1. Powers and Duties of Offices to Be Filled. . 2. 1928 Election Issues in Chicago and Cook County. The League urges its members to come for thi.; day and cordially invite all others who are interested to attend for it is eager to increase its member: ship so that the Village of Kenilworth will he 100 percent members of the League of Women Voters. Women are constantly realizing the value of these political contacts even though they feel ·they do not have the time ~r desire to do any public work. It IS now a necest.iity for a woman to _know something of the county in wh1ch she lives. how it is managed what relation it has to her state what the public duties of the public ~fficers The ·Kenilworth club held a very succeuful Stag dinner. party lut Friday evening. Bridge was played during the evening. Jale Peterson, former president of the club, had charge of the party. This Friday evening the club b holding a dinner dance with Mrs. Leslie McArthur, Mrs. James Starr: and Mrs.. Paul Bradley as · hostesses. This is the annual Valentine party and there is a special menu, special table decoratiotrs and favors. The entertainment committee of the club announces that on February 24, it will present Carl Sandburg. Mr. Sandburg is a poet and lecturer of international reputation and he will give a program of poetry, music and philosophy long to be remembered. Members are asked to take note of the date. Mrs. S. D. Flood, president of the Kenilworth Garden club, plans to attend the annual convention of the Garden Club of America held in Cincinnati this year. These annual conventions have become so popular that club ·memberships as well as the number of delegates have been limited. Several members of the- Kenilworth Garden dub pl_ a n to attenrl. -oMrs. Noble Gillett, Roslyn road, Kenilworth, entertained the Wednesday bridge club ·last week. The next meeting will he with Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, Melrose avenue, on Wednesday. -o- ... .· .., .......... _.,.. .......... .....a. . . . ............ . .. ...... .......,., .. ........... a..·-... ........ . . ORANCF.S ..... PD.APPLB- CALIFORNIA NAVELS, SEEDLESS Ba.-a, I 11--a y. . . SOAP- . ,.. ............... lie ..................... .._ UD . . . .au·- am. m ..................... ................... ' ·· ·· ................r · fee& ····· deJa l.·rn" .... ua . . 1M. .............. 1lan .............. ... IOAP PL.A.Dia- 80APC1'J'Ital Wlllto, It llan .............. . . :.:~.~·- ......, lui Lib l'rHII. · · I 'fill .ae ................ PB.&III!sha Mftet, caa 11e PBAII~ .... r...-.Delleleula OLIVB 011Aatealal Pan "Ylt· . .......... ~ .... Qt.-· ...... . ................. ...... Qt.-· ... Iliac· Sp1 rW. Faaer . (Lalaet 'I'O.ATOD......... Wllele, l1i Tla. ............. . 'I'O.A'1'0.11...... l'llek, · · I Tla ............... lie ))es. .·..·······.. 81.11 (I~t) .·........ lie ~ .....··..··. ~,. ····DAJI- 8W188 G&UYB:aBBos ....·...·.. tie Aw~ouii- Cia···· biJO...... f ... AP&ICOftBDra ..................... Drr), 11a. ......... ae DA'I'BSDN·etaQ, t'-· .lle TAPIOCA&OY.U. I'&UI'l' t~·LA· C.AJD. . .a'l' C.&ft'L._ ~ ..~..~~ · -.-~P,-,-- Mrs. Jule Peterson and family . are leaving this week for Palm Springs, Cal., a spot which a great many Kenilworth· residents enjoy as a resort during the cold spring months. are, and what sort of men or womer. are needed to fill these places. Women have left these matters to the busy husband or tired business man heretofore. either because she wa~ ifldifferent to them or because the law had not given her rirrht to vote, but with the franchise and the realization of the power within their hands they are seeking t~e information which they actually need to intelli~ently vote or tl'scus-.; or think about these things. This one-dav school offers this attractive and interesting means to get some of this information which most of us know so little how to obtain. The J eague of Women Voters is non-partisan. . . . .rt.. I.J.... lie ................ r:-. )[Hs't 8J&~t OIIY-.1:'1-.a~e~. ....... aa... OUYH, Q. .a,ll-. lar, ........ tie l t - . lar, .... lie . .............. lie OUYel, . . . ... lt - . lar ···. lie ·~~......·.~~-~ PLOU:aPIIIIIt·rr or Cen·ta. 16 ltM.It-llalfllt. taek ............. Lll COCOA.lfUTPI'Hil Pael........... &BLA'I'IlfB- ft.._ ~~~~. ~ .~~ KITCBB. LO.LCLJI.A.lfUa- Ltnr-r.rpbebp,l . -....... ........ ... Bolt ............ . ............. ILB·a·a ............. . ltd.., l l - . lar .......... ......· ·us·aoo·s·usBaooJI8r ....rtet ...., ..... .... How (Pl.. ··· ............ -· · . lie T.W. o·c·;. ..................... .._. ....... ·-· ..............·· ...... ........ .............. .,_....... .............. T W 8wM& 8odllll, lar ............. . for ............... tie F..._.S.. 1 ~ F... Cralt··t.-L B. Io. !:-.~.~~·-'= BBUIPnaell bitTlar · ............. De ··&&··., _. ... l.,.. lie ......._y ..... ..... Chi.. Ron D'Oo·nw Ia AaelloYiel Pal&e, ~ c:,:.~~~~1,. JCil& . . . . . . . lie · · l Tla ...... lie ··% caa .... .......... lte lie .................. ....... ···to. ......... lar ............ tao lar .... lie lar ............. . Cll·w CllewC.B. ........ ... ...... caa ...... ... Cw" Bluff Street Ho~~~e, Overlookint Skokie Country Club, for Quick Sale . · A splendid opportunity for those who appreciate an unusual locatiOJI which cannot be duplicated, or tht years of ~are and growth that have pr9(1uced a beautiful landscapIng. The house is exceptionally well built, bas lar·e living rooms and porches, 6 bedrooms and 3 baths. 8 3 ft. frontage on both Bluff Street and Skokie Country Club, S42,;oo.oo, or with 141 ft. frontage, $57,500.00. The property is 4 53 ft. in depth. CBUU·Y·&Jer &nr, bltone· .,...··ta ..· :.~"...~~~ ...~ ............ . .... .&.~~·on.&.- ......... Bo·-·t. La............... . C.mLJ IAUCB--.OX· A8CB- ................. tl.li · 8artlaea, I·Jt- 8lla· AaelloTiel Ia 011- Ca.tar . . . . . .. . . . '1'la ...... ... 8Jari·J... &lui lar ............ lie Fnlta_. - ...._ ·oae "Iter at tl a ............ lie .... =·-~~~.-= p.,_..., ......... ou····lJI'I'-mA- v....... PLOitiDA (Jatlaa alTer) .... .... .,.... 8llaaot ···············-· BAID& POWDBJl- ..... Calf.aia BOT OUD'.A.8Y ... ............. lie tilt-. for ...... lie L.A.IUJB 8.A.HA CL.A.IU. PaUXBIIa. lie, I lltt. lie ··v·u._. .._,naea. c...la KUV'I' IVICB-.._. . . . . . . ItJ'JIIJ'· Dr. Prlee'a.,..... ..... ................. GDGBK AJ.Bcaa..a DI'J', wltll tile Clla·,.... PlaYor, 9UPB IUIC:BWolell'a. 'l'llo :Watloa· ................... al Drlal,_,t. ................ ............. .... r.rweat.Ja&a aiY· er, Tllo 8wMtoll for ............. . OUB'OB8-PLO. . -:1'1111 of ....... I Pan Cai!!J.!ru·tot. ·· ·-- t.i. . .. . . . . . TOJL.'I' PUB._ sa t ... -.e. .. SEND FOR BOOKLET - L. Conwlt vour own broier. Ft1110rtlble t1rma. MORTGAGE 5 ~~ .&:!-1ft·.:.: ....... WBBAT ·ua'l'8'l' ·· .,... ··· Conal, lie . ................... . 18 TBB BB8T '1'1··· ..___. c.I ... .,~ tldl .llr-Jhlt.e"· ... ·ll'i.ilu· niii~ · ....... o:r · - ·Wllli.A.'f. . ... lie cu.ur ·.aatau· ·- Jltr· ..............··· I' t-';-=. ~~= ,.... - ., ··· .... Ernest M. Kimball . 140 So. Dearbora Sr·· R·. 1725, TtL Raad. olio 770 BLUPP STREET. GLENCOE 170 51c

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