To close Scot;t ~niyersary week Scouta ~tteD4 caurcb ·rYicel ID UDI· with a ~ng, the \vninette Scouts are foi'Ql. · . . NtP.t at 'Wilmet~ s.....,. exhibitiJll' their ability. i'n 'the various 'I :10-Scout BVeDID&' club. · (ScoUta wU1 utaer). , .....,., .1 '.-.-17 It . phases of Scoutcraft .tomorrow after~ I :ao-Area ~utlve Board at · Cennoon and :evening at . the Howard tral Cafeteria. Wilmette. 'l'll·ntaJ',. l'eltnal"J' l l School gymnasium. The exhibit wiD 'I :10-WUmette. Scouttq Ilaatltute tor begin at 2:30 o'clock and will conTroou Committeemen at CoaarecaUonal church. · tinue until 10:30 o'clock in the eve· PrNaJ', :J'eltrU17 17 ning. All of the Wilmette troops are Troop I HJkee to Cabin In the Wood& to be represented. I :SO-Scout Leaden' Round Table and Dinner Dlacuulon at Green Tea CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT DELTA DBJ.TAt~ELTA , The. 'following Merit Badges wiD be Pot, Hll'hlaDd Park. Members of belt& , Delta ' Delta. demonstrated: Trqop 2: Bir4 study, camping, ....._______________. "Soul" wiD be the. subject at the North Sbote Upsilon · alliapce h~ services of the First Church of Christ, their February business me~tiag y-. signatling, and pioneering. Scientist, in Wilmette, Sunday morn..; terda,. at the hOIIIe of Mrs. Webster Troop 3: Handicraft, woodworking, Twvwt I Takea Tnp· to - --r ing, February 12, at 11 o'clock. H. Burke, 616.1 Kenmore avenue, Cilt' and craft work io metal. · Cabin in W ooclt Today cap. Assisting hostesses were Krt. Troop 4: Aviation, painting, print· Many Scout troops enjoy trips to The Illinois Rangers, organized in Lawrenee J. Lindqy, lln. ·Herbert C. .ing~ leathercraft and wood carving. Troop S: Chemistry, painting, and Cabin in the Woods. Troop 33 of 1812, resembled the Texas Rangers in LUIIUDis, Mrs. WilliaiQ . M. Marra plumbing. , Lincoln sch.ool, Highland Park, en- purpose and name, but antedated the and 'Krs. L. Malccitm Seh11reen. joyed a fine overnight hike last Fri- famous Texas organization. donors' tea, with ISO' attending, Was a Troop 7: Seamanship. . · h social occasion of Sunday at the Tri-o Troop 8: Blacksmithing, leather- day and Saturday at the Ca 10 bin t e Delt chapter house on the Woman' work and pria...... Woods. Scoutmaster Walter Borg was The Royal Neighbors will hold a campus. Mrs. Amy 0. Parmelee and Troop Maso_!lry, cycling, carpen- in charge of the group which con- card and bunco party Friday, Febru- Mrs. Geor.,.e R. Roehm were hos- · try, first atd and cooking. sisted of about 25 Scouts. Trt»op 9 of 10 · 1 0 0 F h ao 10 · _ _ ·_ _ · _..;.· · _ ._a_ll_ . ......_____t_es_se_s_._ _ __...;,;_ _ _-.,__...._ ___.;.; The Kent College of. Law will also the St. Joseph's Catholic Church; Wil- ,_a_r_Y__ be there to have a verbal duel with mette, will hold their next hike on the . St. Th~ Military school of February 17 and 18. Troop 8 of ~t. Paul, Minn., on the question, "ReWilmette Baptist Church will also hold solved : That the United States should an overnight camping trip to the Cabin cease to protect by force of arms the capital invested in foreign lands, ex- in the Woods on February 24 and cept after formal declaration of war." 25. The debate is sponsored by the Wil- The Cabin in the Woods provided mette Post of the American Legion for the Scouts of the North Shore Area and the Kent team is the one that has through the generosity of the Cook been debating recently over radio sta· County Forest Preserve, is available for the use of any troop by making tion WMAO of Chicago. · Many Scouts received awards at the reservation in advance. Two spring monthly Court of Honor last Wednes- camp3 will be held during the Easter day and these awards will be pre- vacations and an intensive program of sented as a part of the program to- ~amping will be carried on throughout morrow night.-George Bersch, J un- the summer. North shore Scouts keep !or Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 4. the ··out" in Scouting. ~ ~ ~ . . Weeli . I :10 to 10 :10-&oouUac Bx»c*Uoa at · Hcnrad IDbooL · 'l:~urt o' Bcmor, l!owanl·.,._ .....,., .....,. .....,., .........,. . 9: jUST "PLUG IN'~ THA.T'S Au Mary Pickford's Views on Motion. Pictures Pat-Preaent-Futrue Articles Will Bt Pablisbtd Every Tunday On the Theatrical Pap March 6-April I 0 $1.00 or ..... ' Will bring this series to You and ThrH of Your Friends (I Sn·l Nth ( 6 iaun) to 4 tJltl__,) SPARTON RADIO ..,.. .,... ' .,.,.,,_ ~ $1.00 i, For I Series ' ' will provide for tbt Daily Mailing of tbt Mopitor to one address for the six weeks in which the Series is. published. ( 6 wteb . . to one utlrm) (I ,..,. · WHl IM 6 Wftb) The Christian Science Ortlera mag be left at