Sditor, Wu.:~~cru . Lin: ' KENiLWO 17M-VIEW OF LAKE· Spltaclid 10.roOm brick eolonial.- moclem ill every detail, bnt cODitnletioa: lit loor: livin1 rooiD,. .clinin1 room, kitchnl, tile breakfast room, and elm, ( downatain entirely aan.ecl)·. 2nd 8oor: 4 bedrooms and 2 tile baths: 3rd loor: 'aaid'a room aad~batb; many extras. Beautifallandscapecllot: 2 car 1ara1e. Piice S52,500 for ~uick sale. . WIL~TTE Attractive 5 room colonial bun1alow 3 blocks to transporration: 2 bedrooms: bw. beat: I car 1ara1e: lot 50x 125, $9,800, terms. McGuire & Orr Wilmette Olite 348 Linden Ave. Opm Sana,a from ~ Pb. Wilmette 227 to J P. Jl. Olic· 122 Sheridan Rd. Opm ....,, from 11 . Pb. Kenilworth 227 A. Jl. to $ P. Jl. Feb.f'uary Clearance Sale ARCH-PRESERVER SHOES $7.8S ~ $8.85 A select~ ·. Lot of Ladies' styleful Pumps and Slippers 200A, Discount CHILD EN'S SHOES 15" D is co u n t MEN'SFLO~SHEIMOXFORDS ~ s. This is to inform you that at a recent Undaunted by cloudy skies, a goodly meetiJ!g of the Board of Trustees of The North Shore Mosquito Abate- attendance marked tbe Founders' Day ment District. a resolution was passed meeting, February 7~ . of the LoRan-: by a unanimous vote of the Trustees, Howard P. T. A., Wtth Mrs. H ·· ~ expressing their sincere thanks to you Storms presiding. Among several VISIfor the cooperation given The North tors noted, was· our !lorthy . fellowShore Mosquito Abatement association townswoman, ~rs. Lou1s K. Gsll~n_; a during the period of the formation _of veteran in Parent-Teacher act1vsttes. The Howard school, u~der the present North S bore Mosqusto Miss Catherine Granqusst s dt~ectton, Abatement District. We feel that the work ahead of us rendered several numbers ac~eptabl>: is of great importance to the people juniors opening the meetmg With residing in the district, and we hope and "America, the Beautiful," follow~d by expect that mosquito control wiD pro· a waltz, after which the seniors eeed just as rapidly as tax money is played "Spanish Dance," "Melody in available, to the end that the mosquito F " and selections from "Aida." Benuisance will become entirely elimi· t;een the various numbers, Mjss Granquist pleaded eloquently for more nated within a reasonable time. · recruits in the ranks of players, to Very truly yours, take the places of those due to· graduThe North Shore Mosquito ate and especially emphasized the Abatement District possibility of girls, as well as boys, William Edwards, President playing wind instrulftents. Introduced as a past secretary and president of the State Council of P~ T. Mn,. L Paddock Joins A., Mrs. Harry L Fleming of BloomICroD and Smith Firm ington, was t~?-e s~ker. of the ~Y, }Irs. L. Paddock, who has been a her subject bemg, Growu~g Up Wath resident of Wilmette for many years Our Children." She called attention and who resides on Greenleaf ave- to the orchestra as one point of di~ nue, has joined the staff of the Kroll ference between our children's oppor... and Smith Realty finn on Fourth tunities and our own-one of the modstreet, Wilmette. Mrs. Paddoclc has ern ideas being adapted to :nodern had considerable experience in the real demands. For not alone from memory of our estate field on the north shore. own childhood can we train our children, but by carefully considered theories conscientiously practiced from their infancy can we expect to hold them in the "yeasty stage" of adolescence. Using today's tools to solve today's problems, we find magazines full of helpful articles, schools following health programs, and a wide range of recreational activity in which we may truly "grow up with our children." While externals change, the fund~mentals remain, of good taste and suitability in dress and manners, faith in religion regardless of creed. Good qualities in reading matter and movies are more apt to be chosen if parent and child read the same books, see the same shows together, and ideals fostered in childhood will bring the parent ample compensation in the true friendship of the child. Mrs. 1:. E. Colvin explained the meaning of Founders' Day as the birthday of Parent-Teacher associations. As a gift is appropriate on a birthday, a silver offering was taken, to be used for extension work, both national and international. Applause greeted Mrs. Stopka's announcement that the Howard school rated 100% in signed dental certificates, Aprl114 with the Logan school not far below· The attendaace prize was awarded the room of Miss Dorothy Nash, Howard school, second grade, having S8'1o wn.e Dream-Sblp"-Jut bKk of mothers present. · &om bel' trlampllaat world cralle. Now o&".la1Finta.. A CORRECTION cle hare eervke to J!aaoope at ~ng to an error in a photogra-:~re-·ammer Al10 TourlltThW s studio, the wrong photograph was a.. lei'Vice. . aad 'IhW pher sent to Wn.MET'J'£ LIP£ last week and appeared as a picture of Miss Jane Ramsey, daughter ·of Mr. and M:n, R. S. Elworthy, Steamship General Acent. 'l1 E. Jackaon Blvd., Telephone Charles Nace Ramsey of the Linden Wabash 1904, Cblcap, DL, or any Crest apartments, whose engagement local Steamahlp Apnt. For Freight to Philip H. Kemper was just anApply toW. A. Klttermuter, General Weatem J'niPt Aaent. ttO The nounced. WILMI'I'TI Lift regrets this Rookei'J', cta.teaao, m · mistake. ....... c. soon, Empress of Australia .... , .· ,_ ,.......... =-.. ......... p.,,..., ................. ..... Nancy May Hunter, granddaughter of Mrs. ]. D. Wray, celebrated her third. birthday Wednesday with a party given for a group of her friends. ]ack Frost of 501) Central aveo e lef~ Thursday for St. Joseph'a hoapital -o·. fara.Jia -~ · : ·