Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1928, p. 18

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Of:i - 'II --:~:-::;,,.,"~;,. ;;.~.. 161 ofj~Prlllls . 'II · Eitlath Gaclen i . Wilmette Schoo I ofehe tra consisting· · of twenty:..five · has been enjoying a very . . rous season. Konday, January Y played at the Highlaod Highland Park ·school The Park -LH~n were so pressed by th· QIIIUUC '" orc ...tra's playing that they i~Yited them to come apin and give a recitaL ~ __ Joot..!-· forward to several au.;~ . . '" IUD· otber ·engagementl in th~ near fatare. AD.Ong some of the paeces they play are: "Triumphal March" from '"Aida" by Verdi; ..Melody in F" by Reubenstela~ and "Waltz of the Flowers" frotn he Nutcracker Suite by TschaikoW·ky. The orchestra owes its. sue._. to its wonderful leader, Miss JCa rine Granquist. tiM orchestra meets every Monday · Thanday and IODletimes when daly are ..un.· rUdy to_:_pla~. thq .-.tJce ev~ except Wedaesday, the Janior orchestra has its un· onm...u · -~ n 11..L JKI T1 , · uy ptaetice. . . -George Jon~s, Howard 8A .· ~ m_ L. Uft...!. ·YI41fi1. .nl .. _,..., , "mte IV . aU , Teeth When It Smiw the 418 pupils at Howard ......_ there is none who hun't ~ ranadaar from fint to eiabtb ftowanl -· .umiaa' ·two .........t in his or her dental ·certifi(ate. There are 356 children who Mft teeth in good condition and 62 1lbo are having work done. A drive ... been going on for quite a time With close c9111Pdition between vari...._ · The rooms 11a..:..:... all their ;dfi'; in at a let .;;-were allowed· to haw the last periOd of the off. llaay of the pupils had theirs back at the os'ening · of the school fear bat 1010e broualat theirs quite late. lic)wac'd u the fint ·school in Wilmette to . a · .,_ cent~ ~ ·· -Janet KcCcliinaaahey, 8A Howard. .. . . · · .~ ·Y a s IPiast 8A'·' oqe. e deei.W . - e toOk place · Wedaaday afteraciotl; J'eb~ 1. 88 won 1rith a score of C-37. The 8A team the first Pille and 8B the second d third. The absence of SA's best yer, Ruth Smith, may have had ethiq to do with their losing the pme. This ·may sound a little e a slam at the rest of the SA's team, is not meant that way. However, team intends to make up for their Ia basketball -Janet KcConnaaghey, 8A Howard t1ae 8A .team of llo1Janl ia · kickball. lr'J: ·1d·. F . Vf'W ·~_ . ..,. _ _.... 'The lirW -IB team of Howard bpt , DID YOU GET YOURS? ' The Stolp building has been for the f · clays in possession .o f a num- ia the hall where th~ Jrirls and to collect their belongintrs. t Ia not clafaMd is to be aent to place where they will be used. 1teft of nauwiam lhoes and other These thine- ·were put on :a The Travelogue club of Howard school has elected the fo~owiog ~fk..uu _, ficers ·John HeUmuth, president; ac ~ssembly on January 1 by Mrs. ~o- The Optimists ~d thle Rhotar~ns the Huct: vice president; Muriel Meyer, lane Stevens of Evanston. Mrs. -Stev- Wilmette had a JOint . uncWeond an cia secretary. and Betty Paddock, treasen! ~eel about poet'>:, and ho~ to Howard school fJlh:asaum e nes wnte at. She talked quate extensavely !:~raarypresenZ:.· here were about ur;~e first trip of the ye~r was ma~e on r~ythm and readsexamllesdof sn~rThe luncheon started at 12 o'clock. Monday, Janua_ry ~·. al did'erent types. he ouere ': praze h wath dthe aad for the best poem . handed an by Th . I of the sixth and seventh of the new movae mac aoe an . a twoMarc h 1. A e gtr s · The ~am · reel . film Electrac Clark com.s a c1 osmf number! sh e grades acted as waitresses. W from . "t General d the Pimberley ~ead "The Rase of 1776. We .enJoyed feature on the program was Physacal pany. . e vasa e d p· be I w· at v!!ry much and hope she will come Training demonstration by four grades paper malls, locate at · ·~ r eyla, as., agaan f H · d hool near Green Bay. Thu u the rgest · -Emma Bickham, 8A Stolp 0 owar sc · paper miD in the world. It manufacThe first grade demonstrated rhy;; tures paper of aU kinds, paper cups,· .:le v:e·jf·s . . ~hms, "The "s~~!ft&ker ~ance, boxes, plates .etc. The whole process · .,. n , uu; · ...,. Tho'!'e Rosa, Hickory, Dackory, was shown from cutting the trees, Dock. "The ~ourth K!a~e.. played thre~ grinding up the wood, to drying the ll&ter/JIBCBS gam~, Bear 10 the ~at,, Three Deep finished product. Now that we have 1 B~, and Black and Whate. . seen how it is made, a piece of papex 16 . II The seventh grade boys had a lat· is of much more interest to us. We We left the Linden avenue station tle . formal dn11 a~d two games. In are lOOking forward to many other at 12:55. After every one had their the~r - Horse and Rader contest, Claude pleasant trips. tickets we went to eet on the car Maane, horse, an~. Raymond Jones, -Muriel :Meyer, secretary. When we (othid we we~e on the wrong rider, were the vactors. They also . -e. sow~ had to cbanre. played "Swat to the Right." The But Fiada Sturdy On oar way· downtown we looked seventh grade girls had a posture test for the three different Grecian columns and relays. The eighth srade boys Foe in 78 Caae ~tialent and fOQDd a .Jot of all three. put on a fine pyramid building demon- Saturday, January 28, at Stolp gylllWhen we reached the city we walked stration. The different groupings were : nasium 7A-1 basketbaD team played a block and .ca~e - to Michigan avenue, '11le Standing Pyramid, The Fan, The 7B-2. It was expected to be a runthe policeman stopped the traffic for Bridge, The Tulip, and The Pyramid any in favor of 7A-1 because 7A had us to cross. The eighth grade girls did a clog dance won aU their games and 78-2 had lost As we entered the Art institute there that they did last year at the . annual all of theirs. But the score was only were many statutes in front .of us. Gymnasium demonstration. They were 14 to 3 in favor of 7A-1. The cause OQinl( to the ~loak room, there were dressed as negroes. was elose guarding. 7A made the first fots of students drawing. Two other features on the pr~m basket, then "Hod"· Wilkins landed a The first thing we saw was part of attracted much interest. The B<7.s' free throw. The half ended with the the frieze that was on the Parthenon, Glee club sang five songs dealing With score 2 to 1. In the second half things which was very interesting. Then we the Optimist and Rotary clubs. They happened that soon took the form of went down some steps to see some were attired in long black trousers and a 7A win. The score was 8 to 1 in btDaze stalutes that were very old. white shirts. Lucy Murdison, 8B favor of 7A when "Herbe" Naper Jrext we saw some heads of Grecian H'oward, sang two songs, "Roamin' d h Ia B b k t Aft th t people made out of potte,Y. The next in the Gloamin'" and "It's Nice to Get 1 i:n~ ~D A_t 7 as e · er a 7 their season with the and ~last were the large statutes of the Up in the morning'." She was dressed 7B_2 ended Win~ Victory, The Boxer, the l;)isc in a Scotch costume. game. They have lost all their games Thrower, and many others. The success of the program was due by quite small scores, 7A-1 plays 7A ·As the time was going fast we went. to the untiring efforts of Miss Scheid- Howard for seventh grade championback to the cloak room, got our things ler, music teacher, Miss Lucy Reeser ship next week 00 Thursday, Friday a-.t«ft· for home. and Glen W. Gathercoa1, gymnasium and Saturday in a two out of three OD'~wayjhome it was very crowd- teachers. e( 10 many of us had to stand up. -John Demehl, 88 Howard. series. -Richard Pickard, 7B Stolp w~· reached the Linden avenue station at' 5 o'clock and bade our friends goo-1- IDa and 8Ba Divide ow~ thanked our teacher, and tett H~ · ,..__ ,. __ __ CENTRAL TRillS HOW.A.RD lA for home:. ·. · · ......... 18 ~,8 uuu~ Central won with a score of 19 to 4. -R11~h Wmiams, 6th Grade, Central Two important basketball games It was a very fast and exciting basket· took place Wednesday, February 1. in baD game. This game was played ~dt Graden Eled the Byron Stolp gymnasium. The first Thursday, February 2, 1928. The game N "'--· f IVJI!. game was the 8D-1 vs 88-2. It was that was played Tuesday, January 31, ew UIVDp 0 VDJcen easy for the 8D's as they had a strong was· another exciting game, too. CenThe class of 8A of the Stolp school team. They "walked all over" 8B. tral won with a score of 12 to 0 (that recently electe·d new officers for the Frank Riley gained the most points game was with Howard 6A, too). last half of the year. Richard 0,-les- for 8D. He made a score of 15 points. Central 6C wins the shield of chambee is now president taking the place ThP. final score for the games was pionship at basketball. of Arthur Weldon. Betty Wilson is 26-0 in favor of 8D. -Frank Hardin vice president, filling the place of The second game was the 8D-2 vs Frank Church. Mary June Killer was 8B-1. The game was a hard fought GOES TO FLORIDA elected secretary in place of Elizabeth one. The 88's were the winners of Katherine Thompson. who is in 7C, Balhatchet. Harry Kinne was elected this game a- the final score was 10-7 who has been verv ill, has gone to treasurer in place of Helen Bower. in favor of 8B. Saratosa. Fla. She will attend a -Harry Kinne, 8A, Stolp -Jack Stackhouse, 8D Stolp Junior High in order to keep up her school. It is said that she does not LAUNCH POETRY CONTEST SPEAKS TO PARENTS like the Junior High as weU as the Mrs. Stevens of Evanston viaited the Mr. Clerk of New Trier High school. Byron She will come home Byron Stolp asMIDbly, January 31. spoke to the seventh and eighth RfadP. toward Stolp. the ·last of Karch or early She .-ve readinp and poems~ The parents on "Preparation for Hisrh April. fir"t penon to write aa ori(rinal poem School." The Boys' and Girls' Glee -Jane :Moore,. 7C-1 will be given one doDar. All contri- clubs sang two numbers each and the hutions mast be h__.ed in bv Karch 1. school Loyalty song. ENJOY INSURANCE TALK Mrs. StCYens it~ from New Trier. -llary _ Lauer. 88 Stolp Mr. F. J. Budinger came to the 1i-Hugh Boyd, 8D Stolp brary of the Byron C. Stolp schooL ROOII FOR DOUBT Mr. Budinger gave the 8th grade boy· WI NTEll In the ~toln ~,.hool roomc of thf' and girls a lecture on insurance. It In winter I ·o out and play, ~eventh and eitFhth t!PI'&des this motto was very interesting.. Mr. Budinger And have a lot of fun an day. "=ts heen 1)at un "Enter Each Room ~rave the most important points. I am t like to pile the anow in forta, for Business." W hether the pupils do sure we all. enioyed him. Which i1 the beAt of winter sports. this or not. t do not know. · -Vanee Soule. 8D, Stolp -Jean llcCalliia. SB Central -Roger Pa1enski, 7A Stolp ( ..... -.... Lite- ~ It) .h-!!'! :;~! i:t!:.N:'i:J;~Part'h:: H· Write ~ ' ~ 117 H . 1 .~ G ·-~ o· ··r· ruues ·ve DemoutratiOtJJ for Travelo~ ·aub .. . . Viait to Gnat M· OiJIimist·RotariatJS · f 0 Z; - · s:·t ,_ G·A rt M · . Jatilale 7A \viaa ·.

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