Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1928, p. 26

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Y~un· Peoilte'· . · 'BIItUIJ:I Winnetka COqreptiQDII church 11 · · · 1· busily planning a tharlty masked baD Th~re IS every illdicatioD · the for Saturday evening February 18, in blla~ · G~ lu~~~a ~ .~ chca'*!,et ·tho Matz hall, Community House. The e aaven t . "'.....t U;taf'l . .-ans baU is to be given for yo~nt{ ~ople. of House, Winnetka, on Monday, Pebruhigh school age only, and at as beang ~ry and Tuesday, February 21, by looke~ forw~rd to as o~e of the oat- a group of Winnetkans wiU be a most standang soaal events an the school . ·· · year. Jack RusseU and his Kentuck- delightful and popular entertamment. ians an excellent orchestra which has PreparatiOns for a dainty and delicious p~~ed popular with the YQUDJ~er meat are ping forward under the able set, has been engaged for the eve~mg. direction of Mrs. Georg~ Parker. Thls Tickets may be obtained from Mar- will be served by a CC!Ps of pretty tin Cassell, chairman of the ticket sales waitresses led by Mrs. Robert Biddle, committee, who may be reached at assisted by Kiss Margot Atkin. The Winnetka 1313. They may also be cabaret features have been selected by dgment purchased from any one of the follow- the critical ancl discerning ·ing group ·of boys : Bill Bennett, \V'd- of Mrs. Charles Y:ciCianey, who is letts Burnham, John Burdette, George said to have secured the semces of ~ Cogswell, Parke Chamberlin, George the north shore's premiere diseuse, Campbel~ GOuld Davies, James Flem- premiere danseuse, and a troupe .W ' ·· ing, Jerome Huddle, Bill Hughes, BiD premieres comediennes. ' Ridildis, Gustibus, . K~r~ BiD Larkin, Ken Lovgren, John The patronesses include Keidame·: the other ragged, .¥r. and Kn. Georae P. Unger of Mtlton, Bob Meyers, Bob Olson, John Godfrey K Atkin, Robert Gay, A. the discarded Chicago hav-: annoaaeecl the e. . . .- 'Parker, AI Plumley, Bob Pearse, Ted Floyd Oinch, William A. Otis,Frederic of a clod WOIIIcl break the ment· of thar daughter, Helea ll,e, Schultz, and Harold Tarrant. Tickets A. DePeyste~ Clarence · B Randall, of~ ~olefal ~..tale -princess, to Paul William Pretzel, son of llr. wiD not be on sale at the door. . William Op~ Green, B. ... 4iada!nfal · . of the dainty and lin. George .Pretzel, 1035 Bluff The entertainment is being given for Mcilvaine, .. Langdon Pearse, Victor lords aad Jadaes from Tidy Cude are road, Glencoe. Tuesday, ~ay 29, has the benefit of A. J. :Edwards, a young Elting, Prank · Blatchford, · Donald t as ridiealous and funny. ~en chosen for the wedding day. people's missionary in India, to whom Dallas, Ralph Hobart, Gilbert CI9WdWhen "Raeketty Packetty House" ·the Witmetka Young People's club has er, Joseph Page ind C. Colton Daughpea by the college students three Tri Delt AUUuxe II to pledged its support. · A group of prom- aday. AD these · women have enppd .aao one of the newspapers ran: inent women has generously consented tabtes .for their own parties. 'tickets . M ..... C 0 tf)f ontulfl tUd PtUty to act as patronesses for the b~U. ---~_tt7 Packetty House was one of are goang fast and the seating capacity The North Shore alliance of Delta, The fancy dress costump, the dec- is strictly li'!'ited. Mrs. '!~~ ~ delightful things o~ fairyland c~e · The rapt attentiOn of t~e la.ttle Delta, ~ta continues with the month- orati'?ns, and the 1iv~ly orchestra give Channer, ~mnetb 2071, as 1n cliarp ora would have bee~ an snspsra- ly actiril!~ entered upon this autumn. prom·se of an evenmg of gaiety and of reservations. to the. moat ~fesssonal playen, · In addition t~ ~e regular meetings, . glamour. The proceeds of the benefit will go to the building of a parish house in d the eYJdeat delight of both per- the program for the year indlldes afers ~d aadience was spontaneous ternoon briclp parties given the fourth an isolated and needy community id chU'IIIIIII':" The fan and abandon Monday of each month. The next of Thteabold Pltlflltl to · the mountains of Tennessee With which the etadents are entering these atfairs oeeurs February Z'J, Witb Praent PI,.., fot Club · Jato .t!Je play this year promises a the hostess, Mrs. Howard E. Robin-" · tepetition of its former success. son, 6a) Wayne avenue, Chicago. The 1'he" cast has been chosen for "The W rnnetluln1 OIJ Board The entre-per(ormance luncheon is February ~eeting took place last Wed- Bryde, a mystery comedy by Stuart of Sbat lm 8 · ~· f.Jways a festive affair as it is the nesclay in the city at the home of Mrs Ohver and George M. Middleton, · . ... . ., . . n of many large parties by Webster IL Burke. · which will be presented by courtesy of .Mrs. 4ird .BeD was elected first . -tlael~ chUdren, and alumnae of the Those acting as officers for the alti- the Thr~shold Players of Glen~ on pressdent and Mrs. Charles B. .....re. Several luncheon and matinee ance this season are: Mrs. Frederick guest ntght of the -yvoman's L·brary "' ce~ was el~cted secretary of the already have been arranged. E. McCord of Evanston, resident. club, Thursday evemng, .Fe~ruary 16, · ocational ~ety for Shut-Ins at th~ ..-.....~.,;, . -s f(),. the luncheon are to Mrs. A. D. Bruce of Chicago, Pfirst vice~ at t~~ Gl~ncoe school aud1to':lum. The annual meetmg ~eld Tuesday of last !ft&cle t the college with Miss Vir- president; Mrs. Percy· N. Newitt of eventng 1s for the entertainment of ~eek at .the Chscago College club. Pda Solbera-. Winnetka, second vice-president; Mrs. the husbands an~ pests of members .Mrs: Ertc Scudder was re-e}ect~ lin. Alfred R. Bates, president of Robinson, recording and correspol)ding of the c!ub, and it IS planned to make prestdent, M.rs. Cha~les H. Denni~ ~ II* north alaofe alumnae, is chairman secretary; Mrs. Frederick L. Copeland !he. affatr a ~Ia on~. There wUI be be se~on!f.VIce pressdent, and Wslliam ., aD U1'aiiPIDtntJ. Kiss Ann 11 of Eftllston, treasarer anadental masse furntshed by members S. Kline .wtU be treasurer. lira. Ayres ·~-" is chainua of ticket sale~ · of Marshal Field's orchestra. Boat and Mrs. Daniel Burnham are Jln. Florence S. Capron, of pub- I j fembtnbitt Btitl,.e The cast of the play is composed of mdmbers of the new honorary board, llcity. Attractive posten are being n --··---~ r ·· Robert MacMillan as James, the an among the memben !»f the active iaade by eolletre students and the .-rouuuuwu Huge 8U£ceu butleri Kiss Helen Martin as Kiss Jboardwre lin. Victor Eltmg and Mrs. llore than one-hundred guests gath- Henrietta Travers; Franklin I. Chi- ohn · Scott. aiOthen aad children of the coDetre Cllllldn~'· school are assisting m ered together last Saturday aftem~n chester as Kortime.r, her nephew; Aft~r the election Eusibio Con· · · aewa of the haJ)py e.ent. at the home of llrs. Frank Oelench, Carl L. Lochner as his ~ger broth- choldi gave a program of soap, ac1201 Greenwood avenue, for the one er, Wilson; Kiss Kar)orie Miller as companied by Miss Marion Black of larae bridge party of the season given Marie Duquesne; Norman Camp as Glencoe. Mrs. Albea t S. Gardner by the junior members of the Woman's Officer O'Brian ; Harry Lochner as poured at the tea that ended the atCatholic club of Wilmette. Isaac Walter Pelham: Joseph K. Ship- ternoon. Under the chairmanship of Mrs. pen as !nspector Gillso~.; and Harry C. ------of tlae larpst nenta of John Pahlman, the atfair was in com- Champlan, In as Dr. Sandross. CGtholic Club 8;JJO,_,. ~ the party tomorrow plete charge of these }'OUDg members. R..:J--. e:.r.:,w., ~f.; the fud of The. hosteaa, II~ Pahl!ftan. S.C, ~ 11-.1-- · ..__ ~...-a_.~ if GIUD'a dab of wa.ette. Attractift president of the JaftiOI'I, was assuted ot ns~ ~'.IVA" The residence of Kri. Ptaak Kutten ..,... lane been prorided aac1 deJec. ~l Kiu Bltelle Enalehart, lliss Clara The Wilmette Arden Shore board at 1101 Chestnut avenue will be open· taltlj'.nfteahmenta are to be serftd. ll~er, .Kiss V¥Una TarnO., and held an ·aD-day meeting Thunday of ed the afternoon of Frida7. Pebra· The neat · u Pftll ·der the aa- IIIII Olive Oelerich. last week at tile home of J(rs. Robert ary 17, at 2 o'clock, for a irifae party of the aad Stoddard at S24 Lake avenue. The given under the auspices of the Wotbe : 'whJeh mlseana ~B..... ,. board members spent their time in man's Catho&c dab 'o f Wilmette u a zeuu.Jy · .,.. .......,.,~ · sewing on litde Ql'lllents, dresses and benefit f~. the St. Francia Xam ·to proride the wherewithal The Wilmette Womaa's dab com- rompers for the children who are com- ~chool buildinr fund. ' ealarlect dabhoaae. mittee for frienclly co-operation with ing as SUJI!Dier cam~. )(iu Anna Kn. Wil&am Leary is chairman ~ "·~,._........ Walter Gore Kitchell, Wil- a-aenice men wiD meet for a lunch- Belle. Ferner, weD known u the the committee which is co _.. .. of Ia in charp of table ratr· eon at the hoaae of lin. J. A. Pan- supenntendent of Arden Shore camp, Krs. Paul Pieberg Kn lt'*n:--~~ Geora'e PattiiOD is coat, 1301 Greenwood avenue, Mon- has left on a ten months' leave of ab- Mn. J. Dowdle, J. day, February 13. sence. . H. Barker, :Mrs; . T. Chamben, aDil _..._ tie tile members of Kiu Laa1e Bra~ 511 ·W'allow road, · · Kn. A. Ohlendorf. ·' · _.llitt4~ . ~ F*P also is in Wmaetb, and Kiss 11. Hadden and D. B. B. Bri4ge · &t.wif · .- - - - : · qe tiCket .ale. · ¥iu Bela Kaloaey, both of tile qrlira. R. S. Smith, 324 Camnor road, DimJear HOlt · · ria8tOD Bftlllton, are Kenilworth, entertains the Caaalrilp· Ehrooclll · ... · ! lfi. ud lin. Lester ,.. BI'UCI! of inf a . . . , ~f New Trier Ptl at a chapter, ~Uahten of the British P.m- of ~s IS dntWeiUiailmlllg a . . , ·· ....,...... at bti4ae bncl«e Valentine~ to be pen at pire at bric18e J'ricJa aft 'Db ..._..... ~ ette eiahth 1111· 1 ·Niill-~ la .._... of'llr. aad Mn. the Orrinatoa hotel, Bvaaaton, oa Sat- ~ 17· . The a&at. is :,e ; y;J: hoJS aact pia at ~ .~ . .cl a · ··;aariY ., 8oiera ~k are a:Uy afternoon, Febraary 11, at 2 :30 benefit for the British OW People's · w~ x':n~· 0 Clock. Kin. ~e. ' day eYeniaa, Pebraaiy 10..... .,....., · li· ~~-.~~~~~mli~~:J ~~ .. Ora · zo, very Wmwn oftf ocre., * aniot w .steDa + To ---L--....:. ·····Dfl ..: Jz f:":.itt:.:..C:.UC ,., _,.,.,.. Jl;._ WJedlla, if':: ._el, E. ·titftaiD· e:- ':fU:t J.S7 · lll:o<'l'fl',~·:.;;:...;..-~-...~~- ~~.. .. ~ .,. ...~ .....,_, , ............... .,_.,. . ... ·~-... ..... - . · .~..

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