Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1928, p. 38

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Th11fs4ay, Pel!raar7 'z th~· wu a . · C'J..::."£' b 11 . · ~ ....~ · the Draaiatie dab of New . .. ·· ""'1110, rtl · ~~ - ..:._~uiilllttiiiii&Aii.i.tC~u~aii:i.·.-...Jeiii.i·~.o._ ·. ~-.-.,.-.. .. -.. 1-..~, !ria' 11iJP. edaooL Tbe 6nt ~ of .·~·public eonference, afranced by the RoWaid 1:11.-{IJWD t_c. J1owart 7~ aa4 til! ~~-~IIi~~ to ~eu. Baha'is of the United - States and &nrud u-~ ~ tbl - - DIIU~ useD Pft .oar . ...... .. tbe ~ llltlaiD.u buiEetCanada, wilt be held i~ t~ new :alaThe Dramatic club is made up of the sonic temple, 32 West Randolph street, at.lenta who have parti . "cipate~ in the Chicago, twenty-first floor, Friday eve~ P=:'t a~edsc~. ln. or- Ding, February 17, at 8, to which the ructinp. is ot :=. s:=:-..=':Jl~ .=:-.,::. .-.Ia ·o.e IDaJa aad :,.tcb.:W ~!r.:::r.=att2 :a1&':: sary ~o have had a spca'ia~ ~e;:·~ pub6c innted. · :r\alfo W':LO:. ~ lf :ma-r.: play to have had two parts as a The purpose of the conference 1s de- · ot t. bat Ia tbe ..-...tb baD ....... wtaldl. ftnl~ Ita ....,. .....,..._.,'» The Players, an in!Jel' orpnizatiOD of the Dramatic dub, 11 made up of those who have had two or more important roles _ · ------ sapernamerarr. · es greption Israel were held in the Jane Kuppenheimer Memorial hall, Skokie school, Glendale and Elm streets, Win.: netka, Friday, February · 10. Rabbi Louis L. Maim of the Sinai Congregation, Chicago, spoke. His subject was "False · Gocls"-ncient and modern. This is a change from the usual meeting place for services which have been convening in the Winnetka Masonic temple. The new temple of this congregation wiD be dedicated Sunday, March 4. DEDICATE TEMPLE IIAilCH 4 races and all classes into a realization Senices for the North Shore Con- that this century will witness the fulfilment of the promises of the brotherhood of man." scn"bed as "the consideration of the present day search for Truth and the f . . · newer aspects o the soc1al 1dea 10 Ret:-: wh" h · d . h .ua·On lC IS rawtng toget er aD G. l'aclt C. Wllllama B. WerdeD c. KDaDD tJae llliAD IIIUI'ID 11 to Reaalta of t1ae ftDa1 . . . - are: 7A Stolp (I) . .- 7A Bo~~) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Hipp of m · Chestnut . avenue are planning a spring sojourn on the continent. They expect to sail about the end of March to remain abroad for two or three monttn. Ruhi Afnan is ret~rning from a leetare tour on the Paajc coast where he has been for the past three months, giving many addresses · ·to student bodies at Palo Alta and Berkeley, Ca1 Carhl. Scheffle:. o~ E~Us~~nf wi~ haedct as C a!rman. MUSIC WI uc UmiS by M1ss McNamar, soprano; Mrs. Scheffler, ~ontralto; Mr. Windust, tenor; and Miss Windust, accompanist. the "Binding. Power of Truth," and Ruhi Afnan Effendi, grandson of Abdu' 1- Baha, of Haifa, Palestine, wiD talk on "Unity of Mankind-The Social ~-- 0 f ReuaaOn. t:-: " 1 UCi& 1£ ~ f:~· JR.n!:f:: Men of prominence will address the L. wour c. · · W. Kun· ~o~fere~ce. Dr. ~red Mer_rifield of the . f. it,~ f:8· ~· &~ Umvers1ty of Chicago wall speak on den .Joo8.. referee ,.. ..... Boward lA (11) GJ=IJ'reteree. Prochnow, ~In G. Waldtaer ·. :.· -.Cfi_ ... c . .~ 71 · - Roft R.G. B. VOD der L.G. W. Sonen · Stolp lA (11) --·-! I· -==~ tS: f.· =:g Quinlan. Flnlaylon, refereet~ l'ebraal7 2, StOlp GYJD)I&IIum .J." An4enon L.G. W. GreenhaJI FIDiayaon, QalnlaD, refereea February 2, StolP IC (11) R. PnltOil R. Ball W. CoaeD8 Stolp GfllliUUIIum Boward lA <f) R.P. F. Allcbbacber L.l'. A. Brown C. B. Born ~- ~ t~: J;· fn:n ~G. Central IB ( 1) Howard 5B ( 8) CR.~ B. c~: s-i-F..t Stolp 'lA (11) Howard 7A (13) George Fa.clrt R.F. \. Kramer Charles Knapp L.F. Claude Maine Cecil WUllaiiUI C. Edward May Robert Werden R.G. H. Von der Hoff G. ll'.aeanley L.G. Jerome Nevins G. 'Waldener L.G. Rlchud Steen Clarence StefteDI, referee Boward Gymnulum .Jan. 31 Howard fiB (2) Central 5B-1 (1) Cbarlel Jloreau .RF. David Killer Robert Specht L.F. W. Staekho1111e H. Carrtncton C. Frank Hooper GeoJWe Green R.G. Jolln A.ndenon F. · Grinnell L.G. D. Anderson David Hendei'IIOn, referee Howard Gymnasium Jan. 31 Howard CA (0) Central IC (12) G. Kuwell R.F. Rlebard Ball Walter Foalund L.F. R. Preston , . _ , _ ,...... _ _ _ ; _= ~ · i ! ~ I = = ; ~ p..,,.,.. RejuYenatial Treatment bJ TEN SEVENTEEN GROVE Beautiful luxurious 6 room apartments--2 baths-two apartmma to tht ftoor. . · tion and shopping district. lclrally located, within three blocks of all transporta- 7 story fireproof building Large living room~ 22 ft. x IS ft. Tile baths with showers Vapor Hat A laD cboict .,_tmtnta llf1flil.w. fJOCU. lnaptet roav 1 R,..,.,. Rmfllb. VICTOR C. CARLSON ORGANIZATION, INC. S09 Davis Stmt- Phoae Gmaltaf .A. Kac.Lean Doone Church, referee BA-1 (3t) SA-! (0) Frank Chvdl R.F. William Bruse February 1 SD-1 (!6) 8B-! (0) R.F. Vance Soule H. Howard L.F. W. Larlee Robert Heu C. Frank Riley G. Quinlan R.G. Hugh Saxon P. Williams L.G. J. Stackhouse ~- Zlpperlch A. KaeLean Jones, referee ID-2 ('l) SB-2 (10) R.F. K. .M iller H. Howard L.F. ~- Sta.~khouae Robert Res· G. Quinlan C. Jobn ~w R.G. George Eber P. Wllllamll J . . Zlpperteh L. G. Otfs Gooeh Howard SA (10) Stolp SA (12) Lawrence McHale F Frank Cburcb HeDr7 Specht F John Davidson Leonard Wolff C Wilbert Kunz Jolm Jordan G Ray Kimball Arthur Bayajlan G R. Olltrom . Stolp Elimination Games Jerome Nevtu G Clarence Steffens. referee Stolp Gymnulum, Feb. 3 Howard SA (11) Stolp SA-l (8) La'W'ntlloee JleHaleF Doone Churcb Henry Specht F John Davidson Leonard Wolff C WOllam Kuns Jobn .Jordan G Ray Kimball .Arthur Bayajaln G R. Ostrom Clarence Steffens, referee Howard 'lA (4) Stolp '1A-1 (7) Arthur Cramer F Charles Knapp Claude Maine F George Faekt Edward Kay C CeeU Wllllams H. Von d.~r Hoff G Robert Warden Richard Steen G Allan Ro1181Dan Edward Horne C. Warren Conena F A.Bchbaeker R.G. W. Jlelchoir A.ifred Brown L.G. E. Wanbawskl G. W. Gathercoal, referee Howard Gymnulum, Feb. 2 SM R. o.trom Wllbert Kuna Ray Kimball R. (')selUee Rolaert L.F. Foeter Bennett C. SteriiD« Harper R.G. Robert White L.G. B. Olborne U... .r eferee RENTING NOW FOR MAY 1ST lin. Henry Drucker, 126 Broachray aTeDue, left February 1, in c~ with her clu'ldren for Florida. U::r. Dncker expects to Join them Tlacy will retarn sometime ill )lat.

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