the be, '"Wbere You are ODce." It you are pecuUU trait, worThe architect ·hasplaeecl In the hands this mlp with ua 10me wtn of th.e BuUcllng committee the completed want to come back. . no · tiM floor plans for the new etructure, as well word do we wllh to PI'OIMIIJ'te from. otber ·as a perspective of both the "est and Christian communions. but If you an an- moral llenieell south fronts. The committee on publicity happy in your r.ruent cburch home aac1 everroae ewa 1110re or sunday Sexapalma tbe Cbarchel uad tMir Is now having cuts made and gathering a cbeert~ _!aomey ·atmoapben, trJ aD4 lllftuece Ill the 9:30A.M. 8unc1ay s c h o o 1 and Bible other material for the prospectus to be want the Wta.tte ~llah Lutheran chureh. . clullea. 1ell4 thelr JDOral published early In March. theteto. To tbla 9 :f& A. )(. :nrat eervlee and eermon. · "Worship ID Wllmette" all7 Invited to 11 :00 A. )(. Second eervlce and sermon. By request, the pastor Is going to re' peat next Sunday morning, which is Our new Church Paper Is ready for acquaint tttelllll81ves Lincoln's Birthday, the · sermon preached distribution. It is called The Wilmette Preab)'terl&n cburdl .. Frlclay, February 10, at 1 :45: Junior and a year ago. · The title for the sermon Is Lutheran. It will be mailed each month munlty. We have ftne r::=~~ Senior Y. P. S. ..The Man for the Ages," and makes use to 300 famllles In our communlt~. It Inc for the 80Cia1 atl4 ~ Monday at 4: Christian Education of chil- of certain characteristics of Lincoln as will carry several pages of local news,' for the 70UDJ 'feOple. dren. a means of showing the larger strength besides editorial oomment by the pastor located at the comer of Ninth Monday at 7 :45: Junior choir. and general news of Interest to all Luth- Greenleaf avenue. Komlq church wor.. of Jesus of Nazareth. Monday at 8 :f5: ~nlor choir. eran people. It is coat fne to any who llhlp, ll o'clock. ~Y BChool to all ft'¥ TuesdaY at 7 :45 : BuslneBB meeting of This church particiQ.ates in the work of desire to place tlieir name upon our departments, 9 :10 a. m. vote!'B. the Sunday Evening club, which is held mailing list. It Is a well-mannered little Wednesday at 7:30: Boy Scouts, Troop 6. at the Congregational church. We are combining, In a vetr baterestiJW The sheet and In case you are receiving It Friday at f: Clasaes for children. speaker for this Sunday evening Is and do not care to have it, we would ap- program for next Sunda~s momlna' eer.... preciate It If you would give the pastor vice at 11 o'clock, the obeervance of. UD· Branson LleCou. a ring or drop him a card and lndlcattf coin's Birthday and Natlopal BoJ' 8aoat Classes for the Christian education of Nearly thirty workers from this church your desire. If you would like to re- day. The subject as announcecl by Dr. children are held every Monday and ceive It each month, do likewise. As far Magill, for the address on this OCC&IIIoa Friday aftemoon at 4 o'clock In the Sun- have ~nrolled In the Wilmette School of our limited supply goes we will send is ··Abraham Lincoln and the Boy-Scouts· day school rooms. Any child 7 years of Religious Education. They and others as or the Citlsens of Yesterday an4 the age or above may enter these classes will join In the ftnal service of this effi- thf:'m to those who first request copies. Cltlsens of Tomorrow." Our Scout troop which are given freely to all who come. cient school Monday night at 8 o'clock. The new church plans are In the hands No. 5 will In uniform attend and particiA graded course of memory work and of In event of their ac- pate in this service. The flowers for last Sunday morning of the architect. Bible and Cate«;hism study Is given. by the congregation, the work were in memory of Mr. B. F. Lewis, Sr. ceptance of building will be event of early Oftlcial board, at its meeting on summer. It Is hopedan The quartet will offer the followinar proThe usual monthly meeting of the The to have the flrart: gram Mo!lday night, took official and friendly next Sunday momlng at the reguvoting members of the congregation will recognition of the passing of this man unit of our new church plant under roof lar hour of ~o.rshlP: by September and ready for occupancy Organ Preludebe held Tuesday evening next at 7 :45 whose membership has meant so much to before cold weather next .fall. This will o'clock. All vote111 should be there, others the ..Intermeuo" (Suite for Organ), Rogers chUJ·ch for more than twenty years. be good news to those" who have waited are also cordially Invited to attend the to see what the little mission would do. Anthemmeeting. "'Stlll, Still· With Thee.. . ........ . Foote The pastor's sermon entitled, "Sermons They are up and doing. They need you Anthemin Stone," is now on the press and will to help put it a~ross. The Bible Hour will not be resumed be in printed form in the near future. ..BleBS Our Land" .. . ......... Cherubini until after the Lenten season inasmuch as The Women's Missionary society will Organ Otrertoryonly one meeting could be held prior to "Swing Low, Sweet Charlot·· .......... . The High School league will meet Sun- hold its next work meeting at the hom~ ..... . . . . _.......... ~ .. Negro Spiritual it. day evening In the Young People's of Mrs. Harry Nevins, 1532 Lake street, House at 5 :30. Mr. West will give a Thursday, February 16. This Is a splen- Solo··Land of Hope and Glory.. . ..... Elpr The Lenten season will begin Wednes- review of Marla Thompson Davies' book did opportunity for women who· are inKr. Miller day, February !2, at which time the on Lincoln, entitled, "The Matrix." terested in a church horrie to become ac. usual midweek lenten services will be quainted with many of our ftne ladles. Organ Postlude··t··estal Postlude" ............ Schmlnke The High School department has great- You will not need to hint for an invitaheld, every Wednesday evening at 7:45. One of the choirs of the church will sing ly f'njoyed the Sunday morning worship tion. The ladles will be glad to have The membershtp of the Junior church at each service. The sermon themes for programs at 9 :30 in charge of the vari- you there. They are an active lot and ous Sunday School classes. Mr. Staf- are doing many tine things for the church is growing. Almost every week ftnda these services will be announced later. ford's elass planned and directed the at home and abroad. If you are bored someone there who has not been present to death and feel blue, you will ftnd a before. Our theme for the month of Saturday afternoon add evening and program last Sunday on the subject, "'The tonic in the presence of this group. Try February is quite naturally that of Good Spirit of Usefulness." They chose the · Sunday next the Northern Illinois DisCltlsenshlp. Last Sunday Mr. Frank trict of the Walton league wlll convene materials for their talks from biographies it. Reynolds spoke to the Juniors and this at St. Luke's church, Belmont and Green- of Edison. Miss Humphries' class will Sunday three of the Juniors will speak \'iew avenues, Chicago. 'l'he opening ses- have charge Sunday morning, choosing about J...~lncoln as the student, the boy and sion will begin at 2 P. M. Saturday. In their materials from the life and works Lincoln the man. The Junior church the evening there will be a banquet at of Charles Dickens. Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road meets at 11 o'clock In the Junior S. 8. St. Luke's Parish House. The special conKenilworth room each Sunday morning. The service The College group will be entertained \'entlon service takes place at 11 A. M. Dr. Herbert L. Wlllett, minister. lasts as long as the Senior church eo the Sunday evening at 6 o'clock in the home Sunday, and on Sunday evening a sacred of children may go home with their parents· Kenneth Osborne, 1428 Forest avenue. concert wlll be given at St. Luke's. MemNext Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, Dr. from the adult service. Warren T. Powell, director of Young berf' and friends of the League are cordi- Dr. People's work in the Board of Church \Villett's subject wlll ~ .. Racial Anally invlt~d. schools, for the l\fethodist church, will tagonisms," a sermon appropriate to the The Woman's society will have Its Lincoln anniversary. The North Shore Zone of the Walther be the speaker. Sunday school meets at 9:45. There Foreign Mission Praise service, Tuesday, league will have Its regular quarterly classes for all, and all are welcome. February 14, at ! o'clock. Jrlrs. Emtue A series of Wednesday night suppers is are me~ting at St. John's, Wilmette, Sunday The Young People·s club meets in the CavJLn Crus, a native of the Philippine being planned for the Lenten season, afternoon and evening, February 19. The Assembly ·room at 5:45 p, m. Ligbt re- Islands, will be the speaker. Mrs. Burbegins February 22. It is Intended freshments afternoon sessions will be given over to which will be served, after which dick Is to have charge of the devotionals. a discussion of the. League's work par- to follow the same plan that ran so there will be a period of devotions and SJM)ke t will serve tea. ticularly In this zone. A light supper will succfossfully last year. The methOd of a discussion, led by Dr. Willett. Girl Scout Troop No. 5 will have a bt" served at the church between the af- ser,·ing is called "The Pot-Luck Supper." family represented brings a certain On Wednesday evening at 7:15 the Valentine party next Tuesday aftemoon ternoon and evening sessions. The speaker Each portion of food. This il'l placed on a Teacher's council meets in the Assembly in the S. S. gymnasium at . 3.:f5 o'clock. for the evening Is Pastor 0. A. Gelsemann common anu sen·ed cafeteria style. room for the discussion of problems con- The newly. elected patrol leaders will be of Grace Lutheran church. Oak Park. For ten table weeks last year the attendance nected with the school, the survey of the oftlclally Install~ at that time. His subject is: "'The Hand of God In ran around the hu11dred mark. lessons for the following Sunday, and History." Correction: We have been announcing the presentation of some helpful types of the meeting of the Boy Rangers for Satteaching, by Mr. Carter. urday aftemoon. The time Is 1 :30 FriAt 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening day evening. Sunday school ... .. . .. ...... .. . 9 :45 a. m. Dr. Willett will give the sixth lecture In The spirit of this church lA indicated Morning worship . . . . . . 11 a. m. :Mid-week service: Wednesday evening, series on ..Founders of the Great . with the following famlllar Invitation : Sermon . . .... "How People Hear" tbe Religions." The topic will be, ..Mo- 8 o'clock. "To all who moum and need comfort- Mid-week Meditation, hammad, the Prophet of Islam." The To all who are tired and need restWednesday ................ 7 :45 p. m. last There is to be a Presbyterial meeting lecture In the course will be given To all who are friendless and want Special Mul'licon Wednesday evening Feb. !Z, on the at the Endeavor church, comer of Corfriendshl~r-To all who arP. lonPly and Luther league Male quartet. nelia Paulina avenues, February 11, want compablonshi~r-To all who are Quartet practice .... Thursday 7 p. m. subject, ..Jesus, the Light of the World." at 10 and o'cl~!t. Dr. Clarence G. Salisbury homeless and want sheltering love-To Catechetical school .... Friday a p. m. The Ladies' Guild meets every Monday will be the speaker for the aftemoon all who pray, and to all who do not, meeting. Jrlrs. Cavan Crus, who Is to be but ought-To all who sin and need a Mr. Clarence Lineberger addressed the at 10 o'clock for work in connection with the church on Tuesday, will sine at Saviour; and to all who-so-e'er-will, this congregation last Sunday morning with its program of benevolence. The mem- at bers are asked to come in for as much the afternoon program. ReservaUons can church opens wide Its doors, and in the reference to the $4,000,000 drive for min- time as they :can devote to this admir- be made through Mrs. F. ~r, caD Wilname of Jesus, our Lord, bids "WEL- Isterial pensions and relief. Mr. Linebergmette 770. · COME'!.. er proved himself a splendid speaker and able service. had his subject well in hand. This penPlans have been completed for a series At 10 o'clock each Sunday momlnc-, · The women of the church are eagerly <Jion drive is unique In that it was in- of joint Lenten services on Wednesday the Women's Bible claa meets ·under the looking forward to · a Lenten luncheon stituted and is being put over by the evenings from February 29 to :March 28, leadership of J.lrs. E. S. Schults. Tbe to be held Thursday, Karch 1, at the laymen of the church. It Is being carried and on Good Friday, 4Prl.l 6. On these claBB meets In the church auditorium. Shawnee club. They are hoping to have on simultaneously In all of the congre- evenings tbls church will Join with tbe A cordial welcome Is extended to aU every membE-r of the church and con- gations of the United Lutheran Church churcb_ of the Holy Comforter, the serv- women to attend. gregation present for that significant oc- in America. 5,418 congregations will ices all~matlng between the two churches. casion. Mrs. E. H. Hughes has promised have a part in the task of · raising this Addresses wlll be delivered on the sm~ Sun~ay the Ken's Bible c1aa, und~r to serve as toastmlstreBB for the lunch- quota. It is the ftrst concreted effort of eeBSlve Wednesday evenings by Dr. the leadership of Mr. A. L. Miller, will eon, and the special speaker will be Miss all the congregations of this great Henry Hepburn of Buena Jrlemorlal Pres- continue Its aeries of dlscusslone oa the Harriett Vlttlm of Northwestem univer- church. byterian church. Dr. ·James M. Stifter theme "The lfeanfng of Service." The Elity 1Jettlement. A committee Is bmdly of the EvanBton Baptilt church, Rev. claBS meets at 10 o'clock. Come and bring at work planning all the details of the A Waist Social is planned by the John K. Coolidge of St. Elisabeth's Pro- your friends. program. Reservations should be made Luther league. It will be held In the testant Episcopal church, Glencoe, Bisthrough Mrs. E. M. Stafford, Wilmette church parlors February 11. It Is some- hoP Edwin H. Hughes of the :Methodist Thursday and Friday evenlnp are 700-M. thing new In the way of entertainment Episcopal church, Dr. James A. Richards devoted to the recreational PJ'OCI'UD of 'lnd will repay anyone who desires to of the Winnetka Congregational church, the church. The 8. 8. gym Ia WleCl tor The Woman's Home MIBSlonary so- have an enjoyable evening. The pro- and Dean Frederick C. Grant of the this purpose. clety will meet Thursday, February 16. ceeds of the social will .be used to apply Western Theological seminary. The at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. w. F. · on an addressograph which the League Kenilworth Choral society will aBBlst in Boy Scout Troop No. 5 will meet JlonVarney, 10!6 Greenwood avenue. Mrs. desires to present to the church. ~is the music. It Is believed these joint day ev,tnln« at 1 :30 o'clock. There will Holllngsworth, bureau aecretary of the Is a much needed piece of oftlce equ P- aervlces will prove of great value to our be a special propam. . Deaconeas work, will be the speaker. A ment and will prove a real boon to our community. large attenclance Is hoped for The For- mailing problems. You are invited to The topic for C. B. Sunday even eltm IIIBI'Ion'!_ry BOCiety held· an aU-day ·mend an enjoyable Fevbenlng w!~ ~~~. On Sunday mornln«, February 19, Dr. will be ..The Modern 8plrlt." to be meetlnc- Thursday of this week. Luther league on e · 17· a s Willett's toplo wlll be, ..America's Im- by Ed Ryenon. J'ollowlq this your money for the Luther 1eague. mortals," In remembrance of the two tea will be sen·ed by Vera Jolauoia Women of the Woman's Foreign Klsgreat president· whose anniversaries fall Ralph Morrlaon. All the 7'011D&' D80Die A number of new faces have been ~o1nary - 80Ciety, how thankful are you? In February. of the church and eonpepUon ai'e ~ ve acoont~na to your P"&tltude. The seen In the church of late. Theae we vlted. cordially welcome to our fellowship. W~ Thank-<Nrertnc wiD be 8uDcJar. l'ebru&l')' Mrs. P. R. Hart, 623 Greenleaf are hopeful that they feel u happy over !9· Dr. R 0. Dildine will be the speaker The Delta Zeta Mothers' club their coming as we do In having the_l'l avenue ·entertained some of her friends &Or the occaaton. come This congregation hu a pecull.r at a brldge luncheon at the Georgian musicale and tea at the sorority tb record· It . is noted for Its warmth and Th latit Priday. · e women are requeate4 to MVe e cordlal.lty. A ftttln· al-n for It would hotel last week. date of l'ebi'Uar7 a for the Roek River -- Conference Blrthhy luncheon Stevena hoteL · . at ··"··· - Kenilworth Union Methodist Church English Lutheran --------