Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1928, p. 44

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YARD . bUtler, cbautr8111'. referencee. 11eue ltlt. . Kbi, om ou~~ a·.·· IIOI'tb~~, u 1 lt ltu - p HELP WAlfTZD-FJ:IIA.LB A real opportunity preeenta lt8elf to the rtrl loold~ to eatablleh bereelf In a profeulon where advancement le limited only by penonal ~blllty Become a Telephone Operator Full ealary le paid during training Increases are regular CKAUFI'EUR. 16 YRS. EXPBRIENCJ}any make of car. do all my repaln, houaework and prden. Best of refs. Wlnn. Q1-W. 81LTNZ6-1tc EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR AND houseman. A-1 ref. Unlv. !885. . 81LTNZO-ttp EXP. COLORED MAN DESIRES POSI· tlon ae private chauffeur. Rete. Wilmette 1058. 61L!O-ltp PAINTING, PAPER CLEANING AND gen hBwk.~ odd jobs. Wll. 34!8. · 81LTU-tfc Clualaed advertlaementll will . be ac~ ...... rv. cepted up to Wedne8clu 1 o·clock tor IIIII WILIIBTTIII LIJ'B or all three ' I*Del'll; Thunda~ I o'clock tor the WIJIOQI:'I'ICA TALK · and l'rl4a~ I o'clock for the OLENCOB NIIWS. !'II..._: WIIIDette aM or Winnetka 1000-1001. ~ ft:....-41;.,... ~,.., l_......: ··-· ··0111 Girls over 16 with at least grammar school education are asked to come In for · a personal Interview 2nd ftoor-6U PO& 8ALE-AUT08 ]Q)clm tt 9 BlliJ UNTIL YOU HAVE SBBN THESE CARS PRICE REDUCTIONS FOR CLEAN-UP! 1117 llaat~r Six Buick Sedan, cost $1, '126 New, reduced to $1,1'15. ltlt Buick Kaster Six 7-pass. Sedan. Coet $2,600 now reduced to $1,!50. ltH Stalld.ard Buick Sedan, cost . $1,495 New. reduced to $850. New motor, poet paint Job. ABOVE CARS CARRY A 90-DAY GOLD SEAL GUARANTEE TERMS AND TRADES! . N<D>rilln Slh1<0>we BuniicllK C<D>mmJP)sumy 1011 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5981 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS tLTN20-1tc J'OR SALE - STUDEBAKER COACH like new: driven four thousand miles, ·muat be eeen to be appreciated. Ph. Wilmette 1109 between 6 and 1. -4LTNZ0-1tp POR 8ALE-19Z7 FORD TRUCK, acreen body. Cheap. R. Hymanson, 48! Winnetka Ave., Winnetka. 4LTN20-ltc PO~ t SALE 1925 CHEVROLET Coach. Excellent condition, $186. Glencoe ·tssO. 4LTN20-1t~ Packard Six Sedan IN VERY GOOD CONDITION; FOR ale $600, 195 Greenbay Rd., Hubbard WoOds. Phone Glencoe 244. 4LTN20-ltc . POR SALE -CHRYSLER .. 70" ROYAL 1921, like new, completely equ pped. Party leaving town. $1176 takee lt. Coat $1850. Phone Wilmette 911. 4L20-ltp ------------------------- = . lJ NORTH SIDE lc EVANSTON BRANCH ------------------------ BUILDINO a CONTRACTING Davie Street-Evanston HOUSEMAN WISHES WORK FOR or :Monday and Wednesday's. Phone IrvWilmette Exchange, 1!6 Uth St. lng 9118. · 61L20-1tp 56L5..:tfc a SIT. WTD.-li.ALE a FEMALE 1. No. Cea&ai'J' Jean are aot leat LOANS MAN AND WIFE MAID-COOK. 7ears wales· tile In& two lsares Chauffeur refs. Packard Motor Car are dl1'1slltle "' foar. co:, Greenleaf 1200. Phone Drexel 0911. 6ZLTNZO-ltp MAID, GEN. HOUSEWORK. ASSIST with child. Small bunga.low. No laundry. Must furnish A-1 ref. Glencoe EXP. COLORED COUPLE - MAN AS let and !nd Mortgages houseman and butler, wife as cook and 615. 66LTN!0-1tc maid. Refs. Wilmette 1058. 646 Main St.. Wilmette Tel. 86 6!LZO-ltp WANTED NURSE, YOUNG FRENCH INSURANCE girl, care of my daughter 6 yn. , old. GOOD RELIABLE COL. COUPLE. 335 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka 2260. 30L11-tfc Gen. housework, cooking, chauffeur. 56LTNZO-ltc Kenwood 9555. 6ZLTN19-!tp WANTED-WHITE MAID FOR GEN. ROOM MATES hswk. Ref. req. · Phone Glencoe 1231. 14 ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES 56LTNZ0-1tc - - - - - - - - - - - - -......~ at reasonable ratee, quick, courteous, ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ LADY W"ISHES TO SHARE HER apartment with reliable young business confidential eervlce. 18 HELP WTD-MALE A FEMALE woman. Convenient to all transp. Wilmette 1606. 64LT20-ltc 16U Orrington Ave., Evanston Unlv. 8383 FOB BENT-BOOKS 30LTN16-8tp IS THERE A WHITE COUPLE NOW H employed In Evanston or on the North FURNISHED ROOMS Shore who desire to make a change? F·OR RENT PETS by week or month. Phone Wilmette We have a very desirable opening that !399 or 3345. 66LTN!O-tfc must be filled at once. Man must be FOR SALE-PE.PIGREED COCKER butler-houseman-chauffeur; w o m a n Spaniel Puppies. Kale. Red and red ROOM IN PRIVATE must be A1 cook. To such a couple FOR RENT and white. Telephone Glencoe 1487. home, east sfde. Young buslneu man. we can make a mighty fine proposition. 39LTN20-1tc Convenient to all transp. Wilmette Call us today. 2098. 66LZ0-1tc FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE-BUREAU 845 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf U 17-5065 58LTN20-ltc FURNISHED ROOM FOR Z ADULTS employed ; light and pleasant: hot and COl7PLE, WHITE. COOK, GENERAL cold running water; garage space If housework. Man must be a good driver. desired. Phone Wll. 776-M. 66L10-tfp Good references required. Phone Deerfield 232-M-2. 58LT20-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL - LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. BADIOS II SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE 41 66LT8-tfc ---------------COMPETENT WOMAN WITH BEST of refs. ; good cook would like post- FOR RENT-LARGE, LIGHT, WELLtlon ae cook where 2nd maid Is kept furnished front room. East side. Ph. OUR COMPLETE PORTABLE TESTor tor general housework In small Wll'!. _ J.940. 66L20-ltc Ing unit enables us to give you laborafamily. C. S. p1·eferred. Tel. Wilmette tory service In your own borne, thus LARGE, WELL-HEATED ROOM FOR 663. 60LTN20-ltc eliminating aiJ guess work. This serone or two. Convenient location. Wilvice Is reasonable and guaranteed. mette 2699. 66L20-tfc ELDERLY WOMAN WISHES POS. Ooen evenings until 9 o"clock. taking care of children. Willing to do RADIO SERVICE &: INSTALLATION upstairs work. N. S. ref. Winn. 1020. ROOM FOR RENT WITH KITCHEN Linden Avenue and 5th Street prlv. 630 Park Ave. Wilmette 3651. 60LTN20-1tp Phone Wilmette 4117 66L20-ltp 42LT20-ltc LARGE WASHINGS TO BE DONE AT home. wm ·call for and deliver. Wil. LARGE LIGHT WARM RM. NEAR 1. FIYe: Xedleal, Law, De at a 1, transp. Private bath. Call Winnetka 3689. 60LTN20-ltc Co··nee aa4 lo·raaUsa. 1543. 66LTN20-ltc COMP. WHITE GIRL WISHES GEN. tl BEPAIBING a BEFINISHING hawk. or cooking. Pb. Keystone 0372. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOM FOR --------------gentleman, near transportation. 629 60LTN20-ltp ~ark Ave., Phone Wilmette 345· 66L20-ltc ···tten .Charles H. Brethold MONEY TO LOAN McKendry Realty Co. \\'"HITE COUPLE ·· Expert Radio Service ROOMS WITH BOARD, FOR GENTLEmen. 554 Center St. Call Winn. 2420. 66LTN20-2tc WILL DO WASHING, ALSO WASHING ff SERVICE BUBEA U RALPH WATTS, )(gr. taken home, housecleaning. Good refs. IOU HOWARD AVE., CHICAGO J~ARGE, ATTRACTIVE EAST RM. H. Wilmette 3600Y4. 60LT20-ltc MRS. FAUST'S CATERING SERVICE Between Clark and Rlue w. heat. 3 blks. to station. Wlnn. 415. FOR FEBRUARY PARTIES EVAMSTON CHICAGO Lincoln's Birthday WORK BY THE DAY. PHONE WIL66LTN20-ltc UNIVBRBlTY 8t50 BRIARGATE 5126 mette 481. 60LT20-ltp Saint Valentine's Day Washington's Birthday 17 FOB BENT-.APABTMENTS Before you make your plane-come ln II SITU.ATIOlf WANTED-FEMALE and talk things over with Mrs. Faust. She wlll make your party a wonderful eucceBB, and relieve you of all worry. EXP. GIRL . DESIRES POSITION DOLinden avenue at Kerrlll et. Ing hswk. mornings. Refs. furn. Write TWO PHONES: GREENLEAF 4417-5056 Hubbard Woods Wilmette Life B-578. 60L20-ltc Res. Phone, Greenleaf 5370 Now building for May first possession. IBWINO TO DO AT HOME. ALSO 44LTN20-ltc A'part from the buelness section on ~ bap. Wilmette llf)t. Dorothy TWO EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMEN quiet street. Convenient to . Catholic e. · 17Ll8-3tc H wish work together as 1st and 2nd GENERAL BEPAI:a& and public schools. 3 4, and 5 room maids. One Is good cook : other, gen. colored tile baths with showers. Elec~ work. care for children. Good refers. GA8DElfiNG . ----~---------------------trlcal refrigeration. Roll-away beds. GENERAL REMODELING AND REKenwood 1589. 60LTN20-ltp Can now decorate to please you. Priced pairing. Estimate suggestions and PLAN NOW! from $75.00 to $110 per month. Seb plane free tor any job big or small, 2 WHITE GIRLS WANT HOUSEWORK CUBDEN WORK DONE EARLY BY plane. we go anrwhere. COMPETENT PEOPLE. together as tat and 2nd maids. Call McGUIRE AND ORR . PRODUCES RESULTS. Glencoe 909. 60LTN!O-ltp 541 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka GAGE A JORDAN 6 7LTNZ0-2tc 1111 CENTRAL ST. GREENLEAF 29:10 State Bank Bldg. Park Ridge 6531-710 DRESS~IAKER, EXPERIENCED WITH . !OLTN!0-1tc 50LTN20-ttc dresses, suits, coats. $7 a day. Dlversey 4071. 80LTN!0-2tp FOR RENT...:_z ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat. janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette LAdNDRY WORK BY DA~ VERY 1800. 61LTN2-tfc best of references. Wlnn. 2420. 60LT20-ltc T..ARGE LIV. RM., BED RM. ~ITCHEN ette, bath In east S. home. Private t1 SITUATIOlf WANT~D-IALB entrance, porch. Near transp. Ph. Wtlt'lleN ef ··r tatroat wltlllatr to tlaee aa atYerUae. . .a hi 'I'BB Emette 204. 81L!0-1tp BVA·ITOll 81!VIBW, Ia at.l&loa to Wll·ette Life, WlaaeDa IJ'alk CHAUFFEUR COLORED - A-1 REFS., ., a ..... eaDia.5 yn. last place. Expert on all high U FOB RENT-HOUSES grade care. Uniform. Call Frank WILME1TE or WINNETKA . . Uillvenlty 30!9. 61LTN20-ltp Ce'J fer TRB BVA118TOir UTJBW Ia . , GROCERY CLERK. 5 YRS. 7 ROOK HOUSE FOR RENT KAy 1STN. S. exp. Would like connection with . near transportation In choice residence - 1 P. . . oa Taeldar· live Wilmette concern. Add. Wll. Life section. $150 a month. Phone WinB-689. IIL!O-ltp netka 174. 89LTNZO-ltc HARRIS BROTHERS CO. "Cellu-Seal" Lined Garages COTTAGES-HOMES LINDEN MANOR Hendrickson Const. Co. A DW CLA.IWICD SBRVICB! ··we, -· ....... ·, a. ···t .. EXP:-iiAs CHOICE LOCATION

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