Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1928, 2b

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meetiaa of the Centra1La u reI Parent:Tea~her iwociation Taesclay eveninf~ _ ~~~ruary 14. His .-ject wiD be '~latioa.'! . Dr. Albert has at .prious times beeo associate publisher of the Minneapolis Tnbune, managing editor of the Washiltatoo Times, publisher of the Colum·· (0.) News, and he was for eleven Jeaft Washington correspondent for the New York Evening Sun and the Baltimore Saa. He is regarded as an expert on citv . analysis and has made surveys of more than 3)0 cities for commercial associations: city governments -and public ~:D·.::,t·Aam D:~u~ !ivaaltOD j)abwiU · be ·tile s~ker ·t ·the . . Se . · Mumps 1 lecl over all other cases . of · eae of ~ the month of Januar>:, and the first ......., coiltagious disease in Wilmette dunng rs "" ~ To·lt/d . I· frogfllrlt , II. · i " atiUttes. AT DAilTIIOUTH CARNIVAL Four Wilmette iirls left Wednesday for New Hampshire to attend the DartIIIOUth college carnival which colil-..ced Thursday and will continue t1ntil Monday. The group includes Virginia Belt, Nellie Gibbs, Dorothy Camphell, aad Martha Swan. ···---------···-······-···· i M. Parteahauser I Painter aad Deawator EstirnCites Without Obligation I · I laCreelleaf fta·Z764 ,.························.! · · ' ( h Cb ~t. f b,. . l'epreaentataves o .t e ~~ . o the l:Joly C9Jnforter, 10 ~end-:orth. The ·delegates for the opemnf ,dinner :U:~y evening were· Mr~ ........d Mrs. ~~e Shipman ltr and Mrs ".charles ~·· . l(r. and' Mrs. · Stanley ~ Knight, Nellon, Mrs~ William J., Tay,lor....at~4 .the Rev. and Mrs. L~~d ·H~ Danforth.' ·· , ·· . · . · ' · · -On ·Wedn~-day, a large group of women f-:o~ the g~ld .w~!'t to. the a~day sess1on . for · anspa~taon 1n the~r WQr.k. a!ld on.,, Thur$d~Y. .._ the Woman s awalaanes of 'the Epascopal churches he~d an ,annual . me~tln(. at St. .Chi)'sostom s church, tQ whac~ delegates were sent frqm the Kenilworth branch. Among. the ~elegates were M!'·· George R·char4J,.~.. Mrs. Burt C~owe, Mrs. StaQ)ey ~~_..t, and Mrs. Uiand H. Dan(oi'th. \:'z·;t:; ·· · .J~... - ··· · · Miss Margaret Whitse.t, daughter of . 830 OakMr. and M rs. R. C. Wh1tsett. wood avenue, entertained at her home last Sunday at a tea. Her gues.s were tbe Misses Mable Anderson, Jane Babcock, Frances McConnell, Inez Webster, Gertrude . Winzenburg, Margaret S.ults and Clara Belle Buck. -oE. L. Belshe and has son, Albert, of SJO Forest avenue drove to Arkansas Sunday, where they will spend a week with Mr. Belshe's son and hi-s wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Belshe. -oCharles -A. Keller, sa) Greenwood avenue. Is leavin~ shortly to spend :a fn·tn=~ht in Davenport. Fla. "Acid Drops" and "Wappin' Wharf," .......HW-an eoavdtiaft week of February totahng 33 cases, acthe first a farce by Gertrude Jennings, at .the St: J..Da Episcopal church. Chi- cordHlthing to . E. ~!feoo::; ~=~ C.,O, Moaday, TueSday. and .-Weclnee- ea com~sswne~. the second a comedy by Charles S. day of this . l'leek which ._.. . attended ber .of cases 1s cons~erably .larger than w.al J?r. durang a correspondang peraod of last year it has not at any time assumed an icl' · ance and its spread has ep em·c appear pped. already been sto · . Eleven cases of scarlet fe':er -were · ~ported dunng the same per·od' provid~g ample proof that the. alarm expressed recently by some residents over a report that scarlet fever was rampant in the Village was unfounded. Chicken Pox cases ran even fewer in number than last year, only 6 cases being reported against 10 for the month of January in 1927. Measles almos· disappeared from the regis.er, only 1 case being reported in contrast to the 6 of January 1927. Diphtheria seems to be among t!te diseases relegated to 'he ~bsolute d·scard not a single case havmg been record~ since the first of the year-and only J cases being recorded during the whole past year. Pneumonia has thus far been registered h ha but h twice and f whooping coug , t t arc enemy o children, but 8 cases. Mrs. D. E. Bull and her son, Daniel, of 1523 Spencer avenue, drove to Decatur, 111., February J, where they spent the week-end with Mrs. Bull's son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Benoyt Bull. -oMiss Inez Webster of Galesburg, Ill., and her mother were guests of Miss Webster's brother, A. S. Webster, 314 Oxford road, Kenilworth. Miss Webs~ er and her mother left last Friday r,..,. the:r home. ·Brooks, wiD be presented on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week in the New Trier High School auditorium by students of the freshman and soph~ more classes. One unusual feature of these performances is that for "Wappin' Wharf" there are two ~asts. On Friday night the play wiD be presented by one cast, and on Saturday night by the other· Following is the cast for Friday: Patch-Eye, John Atwood; T~e Duke, Philip van Ammon; Captam, J~c~ Howe ; Red ] oe, Bob Pearse ; Darlm , Betty Johnson; Betsey, Betty Bayliss; Old Meg, Rosemary Ellison; Sailor Captain, Bruce Kenyon ; Sailors, John Guthrie, Robert Draper and. Gordon Cutler. The same play will be given Saturday by the second cast: Patch-Eye, Solon Reily; The Duke, Kingsley Karnopp; Captain, Park Chamberlain ; Red Joe, Dorrance Hygaard; Darlin', Jean Hall; Betsey, Jane Copthorne; Old Meg, Isabel Macalister; Sailor Captain, Billy Anderson; Sailors, David Riddle, Norman Ross and Tom Carsen. Miss Elizabeth Stanwood and Gordon Van Kirk are the faculty coaches. "Acid Drops," the cast for which is under the direction of Miss Clarissa Bell, will be given both evenings, with the following students ta!dng part : Mrs. Price, Helen Maloney; Mrs. Taylor, Eileen Logan; Mrs. Gilbert, Dorothy Schoen field; Mrs. Dent, Don Minor; Alice, Ellen Katz; Flora, Dorothy Darby and The Rev. Noel Cuthbertson, Paul Powell. OTBE SATURDAY Fresh G~een Peas, 3 pounds .......... 49c Fresh Lima Beans, box ............. : .. 35c Fresh Brockley, bunch ............... ·.. lSc Fresh Eggplant ...................... 35c Cauliflower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZSc and up Rhubarb, pound ...................... ZSc Mushrooms, pound · ................... 39c I In accordance vvith our principle of supplying· the North Shore residents with all the most choice and finest vegetables, we are·off~ring for their approval Brockley, the vegetable advertised for so many recipes. This is being offered at our Saturday Sale prices. Do not 1niss our \veekly list of special bargains. Florida Oranges, large size, dozen ...... 19c Florida Oranges, n1edium size, 3 dozen . $1.00 Grapefruit, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for . .......... 25c Jonathan .A.pples, 3 pounds ............. ZSc Winesap .A. pples~ 3 pounds ............ ZSc Roman Beauty Apples, 3 pounds ......... 25c · Wisconsin Potatoes, peck ............. 35c 1143 Wilm.ette Avenue Oppo.ite Poa Oflice Phone Wil. 2693-2694-823 Foul' Deliveries Daily

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