Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1928, p. 18

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appeared on · the back of the balfot, and to fold the baUot lo that these :~~~--~..,_~.,......._~._'-.._~I initials appear on the outside; (2.) the . ... ., H. · · ·-' cross marks. (x) must be exactly in the T ~\1fo ~ Ji of · Women squares desa~a~ed .fo~ them and no Voten lleif ·pre-primary Citizenship erasures or dastmguashmg marks must . achool on 'Tuesday·:of this- ·week with appear on the sheet or ~he ballot may . Kiss Edi~lt~ Roc~oa,t.· ~ondbctin~ the be . rown out; (3.) if tlie voter makes class. Mass ltockWoOd as a promment a mastake,. he or she tnust ask for a member of the Illinois League of new ballot sheet. Women ' Voted and when · Mrs. SnlIn the afternoon she took up , the dacker introduced her to the Kenil- import~nt C?ffic~rs tQ ~e considered. at ' aroup abe- said that Kiss Roc:k- the pnma~tes tn Apnl, the most ambeen caUecl the brains of portant bea!lg that of States attorney, die league. ·. !or, accordtn#( to Mrs. Rockwood, he Daring the mornins sessiop she took 1s. the publ~c prose~utor of th~se _, the .matter of tfte ballot, describing cnmes. He .·s t~e chaef Ia~ enforctng the ,Massachusetts ballot which the officer and tn hts h~nds hes a great Leape is backing·for use in this state. power for goo~ or tlt He. can en$he tol!f why it would be a better bal- courage or .das~~urage crn~e, she lOt to use and what objections were of- stated. The. ~ndtVJdual for thts o~ce fered against it. must be consad~red ca~efully, advased Among the things she pointed out as the speaker.. Hts term ~s four ye.ars. The next Important m office as the county sheriff, an~ther law enforcing officer. She menttoned too, the mem~ers of the ~oard of assessors and the board of revaew. The election of Governor is one of great interest this year. We, in lUinois, have given the Governor very r portant for the . . to .aote re: .nounced. J{e . ~41is .\ · " lbar~ " . (1.) to. ~ that the ini·l& of t~e )udaea 'the ~entire aover.~uien\ of . t~e ·tate,- DOra ·. , 1 a l possibly then on to Honolulu. ~~~~~~~~~jj!~~~gr~e~a~t~p~o~w!e~~!~M~i!H!~R~oc!~kw~oo!d~~a~n~-~s~o~rt~~of~w~o~~~-~!~!!!!!~~ruld~oo~~~~oc~ ----o- J1owet over .state legiSlature--power to give or withhold services. We also elect the state representa· tives and the issue to keep in mind in this regard is the attitude· of . the ~andidates on the question of Womenon-Juries, Miss Rockwood pointed out. The biggest issue according to Miss Rockwood, is the o~e dealing with publie utilities for with the development of electric~l po~ers a new situation is presented in Illinois. F. L. Streed, the business manager of the village of Kenilworth closed the afternoon session of the school with some data about the duties of a village manager. Mr. Streed is a very conscientious man and evidently is endeavoring to live· up to th~ strict an~ idealistic code of ethics whach, as bustness manager, he is supposed to follow for in this talk to a group of abo~t sixty-five women, with a natural embarrassment at being the only man present, and doubtless . un~ccustomed to making · speeches hts uppermost thought was to sho~ what the duties of the manager are, in a really. sinc.er~, earnest, honest, somewhat adeabstac way. It is well to note the high class type of men who are taking on this of W · · . · ·,f .McGradtea · · . Miss Dorothy Foresman.~nd .Warren A. McCracken were mamed on We~nesday of this week, at 4 o'clock,. tn the chapel C?f the Fourth Presbyter~an church, Chacago. A very charm~ng a~d intiuaate "Trousseau tea" was g~ven by .Mrs. Foresman for her daughter _on Saturday last, whe!l her closest fraends had an opportunaty. to enjoy . seeing some of the beautiful French ~ngerie which formed a part of Dorothy ~ trous~ean and also the lovely. weddmg g~fts from her many fraends. . · . A small. reception followed the weddmg servace at the new apartll)ent of Mr~ and Mrs. Jtichard Kenyon on SuP~rtor street, and after a honeymoon trtp to the So~th Seas, Mr. a~d Mrs. McCracken wtll be at home m Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ball, formerly of Kenilworth, but now of Indian Hill, are leaving the early part of next week for California to be gone about six weeks. Their plans while in the west are indefinite but after some time spent in the southern part of the state they will join Mr. and Mrs. Ira Darl- NO HOME WASHING METHODS ·oR EQVJPMENT CAN DUPLICATE THE . INVITING FRESHNESS OF WASHINGTON LAUNDRYWASHED CLOTHES believe we speak the because W E the standards of cleanliness are so extruth~ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holmes, who recently putchased the Sidney Ball residence, on Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, with their family, have gone to New Mexico for the balance of the cold spring months. ----o- Mrs. John Marshall Roberts of Warwick road, Kenilworth, entertained her sewing club at luncheon Monday of this week. . Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, will entertain the 'Wednesday bridge and luncheon club :next week. -o. Mrs. Tom Dix of Oxford road left Kenilworth last Saturday for two weeks in New York City and Mt. Vernon, New York, her former home. -o-The Kenilworth club is giving a supper bridge this evening. --a- acting in our laundry that they cannot possibly be equaled by the most painstaking domestic nmet~s. · When you wash at home you . cannot give your clothes the benefits of rain ..soft waterthe quick cleansing of articles with a minim.um amount of soap--the protection against hard water scum-and ,the elimination of vigorous rubbing. And your home laundry eq~ipment. regardless bow elaborate it might be, cannot remove dirt as gently as our magnificent equipment does. Over 3,0~0 '!omen send the weekly laundry · to us. wbtcb 11 evidence of the fact that there ia a vast difference between domestic and professional laundering-a difference that indicates that Washington Laundry-washed clothes are cleaner. · · i North Shore Golf School Masonic Temple Winnetka The Most Up-to-Date Golf School In tbt Cbjcago District Private Nets for the Ladies · Expert Instruction Our Indoor Putting Greens Will Improve Your Putting This man-tbt W asbinaton Laundry man - ,will bf alad to txplain in clftail thf . exacting mdboda wt ua in cleanaing yout' clotbn, particularly about oar rain-lOft water proca.. ~ V._ington Laund.y PlUme Wilmette 145 Established , Fof'ty , Years Ml ··· l'at ..._,. Jnl~JD7DY. ILL Johnny Takach Proprietor Ttltpbone WINNETKA 2112

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