McLar· St· ·i ll ~~ Sanm·i·t . temes of St. -Franas' hospital was -en·" " · ·. . tertaioed by the Sisters of St. Francis The first of the adv1~er-r~m sWJmHomestead, Evanston's newest apart- at a banquet last week. Wednesday ·ming meets at New Tner Hagh school ment hotel, Saturday ~d SundaJ, .. the , evening, .an annftal Thcaslon tot h:bt! was held Friday, February 10, a!ter !b'st days of the openang ·week, .:and ~ h=~ ~ ·aectur~ b=e of the school, between the freshman advaser uaapected the estab~shment. IIOilday hos ital which wu de~orated appro- .rooms. The twenty-yard crawl was and Tues~r . the anterested · crc,wds in the Valetttine ·theme. won by . McLaren, Brown, 2~d, BodODIY aQgbtly smaller. P . d d · . die 3rd, and Norman, 4th-tsme 12.6. BeaWea tb attrac:tiye ~ntrance hall- ·A ~ presented · ~lu';l: Th~ forty-yard free style was wo~ by way, the tea room WJth ats sreat fire- the lei"!*Q o co:rseM~n Mudred McJ4 aren, with Wilcox, 2nd, ~nd AdP~thaacl coayd,l~fnge,hthe adpartdlents Gd a P~~ .rU:,t!r M.i!:s Florence ler and Boddie tying for thtrd and on e. tecon ourt an se-tenth arner, 'VIO n · 1 .1:-- b fourth places McLaren's time was floors were on display·. 9uides were on WMagnRer ~d ,~, mbusalc:a 'tbr~~Al" Y 30 8 Wilcox's · 32.6 and Boddie's and hand to conduct the vasstors about and rs. egana " .a c t~ wa miSS · see · · , ' explain the numerous features of the Walters a~panya~ on the paano Adler s 3~.0. . hostelry. · and a Nading by M1~s Teresa Noon. The thard event was the ~nderarm . · ht t b · k b "ldin · Most of these entertainers were mem- backst ·oke for form, a scormg of 10 g IS en- be . 0 f h · taff · . f 1 b g· ThIS elg -S ory rae Ul tirely Colonial from the southern rs t. ~ nursang 1 · b~mg per ~ct. t was won Y 111!0 n · Colonial porch to the last bit of furniIn a~ditton. a gr~up ~f professton~l wtth a sc?rmg of ten. Boylest?n bea~g ture in the individual apartmenL It e~tertamers ancl'!djng stn~ers, muss- second w1th 9, and Garner, tha~d, wsth was designed by P. A. Danielson, Ev- csans and a .JDallc:aan provtded a pro- 8~ Nelson ~nd K':tcham taed for anston architect, and the interior gram. . . fourth place wath scorangs of 8. decorating was done by his wife, an Dr. B. :M. Conley . of Wdmette, The final event of the meet was the instructor in the Evanston Academy president of the staff, was to~st- relay, which was won by Bredin's of Fine Arts. master. Early days t~e hospital room, the team being made up of WitIn it are combined the most modern history and their handacaps w~re cox, Lindstrom, Boddie, and Nelsonhotel service equipment and aU that described by Dr. G. W. Boot, sensor time, 59.1. The meet was won by goes to make up the charm of the old member of the ·staff.. The . Rev. Stewart's adviser room with 16 points, ti?D~ houses. The furniture in the .·in- R·· M. ~eU~y, S: ]., presadent of Loy~J:l Fogg's group being second with 13 !Hvtd.ual apa!tments has ~een chosen umversaty, ·~ has ~ lauded the sparat points, Bredin's room, third, with 12 1n .accord wath the Colomal style and of cooperatao!' .~tween the doct~rs, points, and Thorne's r90m, fourth, with the entrance hallway, lounge and tea. nurses ·and sasters at the hospital. 2 points. Midge McLaren was high room are also furnished with authentio Other ·speakers were. the Rev. p J.. point scorer of the meet with 10 points things. ~an, Dr. I. H. Chilcott, Dr. H. H. Simon second with 5, and Boddie third The lounge, the entrance hallway, RetSKt,Jojeph C. Northup and Wal- with 3~. The meet was close and exthe !ea roo.m an~ the. apar~ents ~re ter · ve ace. citing, and afforded much interest to provaded wath prmts tn keeptng .'With those watching. the style of the. building. Silhouettes. Hounds," engraved by R. Woodman and Godey prints are used in the a.f ter a painting by: I. Barenger. EtchPREP DEBATERS MEET apartments, etchings in tlae lounge ings in the lounge are from the The New Trier High school debatand hunting prints in the entrance and needles of G. Bradshaw, W. Harry the tea room. Smith and E. B. Warren. The Home- ers team met lfonday, ·February 13, at In the entrance hallway hangs a ser- stead's prints were all attractively the home of Jean Baumgard, 1111) ies of six colorful Bachelor HaD hunt- framed especially for their present Oakley avenue, Hubbard Woods, to ing prints, showing different phases of hanging by the F. I. B. Art shop, practice and discuss prospective dethe hunt. In addition there is a large which also secured a number of them bates. The topic this year is on the McNary-Haugen Bill. print, "T~e Earl of Derby's Stag for Mrs. Danielson. · company of · . Cotl~est 1,. N etD Trier Tank na':ely :U b b/ ~ntire Footwear Stock Reduced February Shoe Sale! . ·$;J.85 Not all ~izes in this group. Odd lots' reduced for clearance. Mark-downs so great ' that these ·stion otfer most substantial savings. Very exception~l values in this large group of smart shoes, selling formerly at $7.50 and $8.50. Not all sizes in all styles. $5.. 5 ,· Very · F;ne Group at ;t , $ 7. 85 ' Including Spring Shoe· · ..:· . .. ........_ · · Ultra ~ fashionable footwear for amart womm at tremenclotJ···· r~acrioasJ · I J . .. ~ · · Foriner pricn$10.50 . and $12.501 AU ·new spring shots -~Em...:.· placed in this sale. .;.