Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1928, p. 28

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-- -- -- ~- ----- --------- - - .. ------ -- call to mind, no matter bow dimly, the ·fact SHORE LlNES that almost two hundred years ago George Washington, the father THE FEARLESS RIDER of his country . was The Father of horn. And m a n y 0, I will ritk to Ia·esfree, Across the blue-dark weir,. His Country · Americans will also Allll hear the harsh fJOice of the trolls, note · the fact that Yet nde without a fear.· February 22, 1932, will be exactly the two hundredth anniversary of Washington's · I mind to ride to Innesfree! birth. My horse is standing ready, Little need be said to the present genera- For love will seal my ears to trolls, tion concerning the character and deeds of And keep my heart-beat steady. this great leader in our war for freedom. -The Blue Warrior The conference on child stu<!y and parent Our school children are familiar with. the ..education held recently in Chicago prodetails of his ancestry, his childhood, and posed as one of its primary objectives the Aad Who'· the 4th Vice-Preaicleat? the period of his service to his country. · making ·of parent"The vice-presidents of the Chamber of Comwork he did as leader of the Revolu· The Tiae Need of hood "more intellimerce believe in increasing the population of viltionary forces, his labors during the years lage," ,f t rr · · gent, more efficient, runs an item in the Winnetka C. of C. bulleof his presidency, fill the most important tin. "1st r'Cirent .1. raanng and of greater use V. P. Bob Doepel, a short time ago, repages in our histories. ported the arrival of a new youngster in the to the children." One thing, at least, every true lover of his family. Then 2nd V. P. Hal Hill did likewise. Now ~at strikes us as particularly refreshing V. P. Vic Killian comes along with a similar country should do. lie should visit our Jrd and novel about this statement is the idea report. Why not be a vice-president of the Chamnational capital twice, once as a child, and ber of Commerce?" of~ making parenthood of greater use to the later as a grown person. We can conceive children. of no more impr~ssive epilogue to the The time was not long ago when the Chaiaed to Freedom study of American History in the grades mere idea of parents' being of greater use St. Valeatftae'a Da7 hroqht hro miaama hither· to their children would have been regarded than a trip to Washington. While there ward. Now, if we were thi~ of capitalatiq, the school child should see all the places Wickie aad Mia Aaoayacnu, as little short of preposterous. A .mother m7 dean, we'd l»e of interest in the city itself, and by all iacliaed to coaaider ..17 aerioulr 70ar ldiMI~ of gre3:ter use to her child ! The very means spend the better part of a day at Mt. aad aw·t4at thea, of coane we area'L idea I As tf she weren't already sacrificing Vernon. The mere sight of the furniture her own ~omfort and pleasure every day and pther articles associated with our first for her child. Who suffered that the child Valeatiae Thoqht president will make not only him but also might be born? Who devoted. her days and Wl·y are you so sad tonight, · the history of his times more intimately most of her nights to her child. Who had Beloved dresden sweet,the child on her mind almost every minute real. H ave you found the ho11rs of love Too sluggish or too fleet f of the twenty-four hours? Why, the Every adult American should make this 111Dther I .And now some expert, probably · patriotic pilgrimage. It will refresh and But I can't waste the time to question, aQ old matd or bachelor, dares suggest that strengthen his love of country. He will For I have this to say: alie be of greater use to her child! . Your clteeks are ivory,· your eyes ever after be a better citizen. Are chrysoprase today. · ,But preposterous as 'th~ idea may seem, tt s a sound one. The chtld's earliest days Whether or not yott live in Wiln1ette you Come, !istell to the songs I sing, are his most easily affected days. And the WJth such a gentle air,will get much useful and pleasant experir~ults reached by scientific study . of the ( M om·beam of "'Y /teart~s dark night) ence out of r~ding JUNIOR LIFE, a regular · Love has no need of care. cbild, his needs and possibilities, are cerfeature .of the sen-Bhaili. tain!y '!l<?re valuable than those reached by i o r p a p e r, W I Lthe. mdtvtdual nwther.. If the baby is to be Junior Life and METTE LIFE. y 0u tramed and educated tnto what he is capBut, lt'a Leap Year Its Makers will see how well '"Yes, but," comments the scribe at the ftrst desk of becoming, the parent herself, and north west. "Supposln" the 4th V. P. of the Winnetka the school children Chamber httnself too, must be trained in order to be of Commerce ts a bachelor?.. of Wilmette can write, and incidentally of greater use to the children. you will note what items seem to the pu£yea Thoqh He Doea Whippit worthy of publication. pils Said Lincoln, "When ,opportunity comes I Man and ..his car-hast ever heard the equal? As you might naturally expect, sports ball be ready." No one has a doubt as to You can ratl and rant against most any · of his hold foremost place in the hearts of these 1rhat caused Lincoln or any other person to ~ther more o~ less prized possessions, and he'll junior newspaper men· and women./ Thrill- ~tkely a~ n~t stt. back and, though inwardly writbbe ready when opportunity came. He got ing paragraphs, telling of basketbaU fights ~ng, mamtam hts ~aim. But one little disparagready, he prepared. not the hour or day beand victories, occur with pleasing fre- mg word about h1s chosen brand of locomotion be, but years . before. ·noes it happen quency. l:lalf a column in last week's is~ue and, well just try it, that's all. Oft~n that the man who sees a good chance :o tnvest gets the money all of a sudden just is filled with an attractive account of the annual ice carnival. : . Pleue, the SmeiJiaa s.dt. r hen he wants it? No, sir! "The heights 1.....me the ahock ·to aome of oar ···· ···· Like their elders, the JUNIOR LIFE makers iJ. great men gain~d and kept were not at·~_...tea apoa learaiq that tile jua-cruecl tained sudden fhght, but they while their devote considerable space to personids of clitf~U.., ao·called, are tlaroqiq SMI ·tro... slept, were toiling upward in various kinds. We are very sure that if. the to t1ae ~ Uptowa em.: Mati···· eMJa S..da7 to night." financial condition of the promoters per- ...__.. Mtaio, McCormic, Echeais, · to Yiew mitted it, this journalistic enterprise wpuld · DOt Pa.J AU, hut Leaiaalra, piaaiat aad ·7111: be all lit up with pictorials presenting faces plaoa7 coadactor. We'd like to have a flivver plane. One and facts. Which would put it in·the class like the boys had who flitted around Sipa ·o f Spriq of its more mature contempqraries. · ' ~lrot»e some weeks ago, 43 feet wide, 20 Varied are the signs of spring-At Kipp and power, and costing about $2,000. What Then, too, JUNIOR LIFE is ·sprinkled With Shorty, the affluent and affable, are soon to rewe'd have hopping to New York .for $10 poems and jokes. Though the latter have turn from their winter havens at Palm Beach and bop, $5 apiece if two went. We'll order not all the freshness of youth, yet'· ·the New Orleans; our b()ys, the Kodiak (mebbe) Cubs ha~e ente~ed upon spring training on Mr. Wrigjust as soon as we ~n find a suitable poe~s are surprisingly original. 'rhe folley s Mag~c Isle; one detects rumblings of local for taking off. We learned to run ·a l.owtn~ eff~sion wins us with its simplicity political feuds not so far away, and Elmer Selby and stncertty. So I guess we can learn to fly. is out with his annual threat to take up the game of golf. · Oh little green melon ~On ·the 13th of February we received at From the grpund you did spring. home a promise of spring. It was a Here's one vote Helpful Herbert will never And to all colored children twig clipped from a willow tree ; all up have to solicit. It's just as good as in the ballot Great happiness bring. . down the little slip were clinging swellbox. In fact, two, counting Friend Ray. buds ; and at the very tip was peeping ] UNIOR LIFE is a most pn .;eworthy pro- ..... .,.· ,... bit of what looked like fur, the fur duction, bound to bring pleasure to its We're not one mite averae to contrlbuUou for Shore Linea. &J-'U w.. · Mll'lllllf · .· reader$ Qd UDU$ual profi~ to. it~. makers. !de

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