Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1928, p. 36

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Beresford-Kon~ey ·Puzzle. Cle~Jeanne llargoL Garstin-Owls' House. Hart-Bellamy Trial. :Meredith-Rhoda Fleming. O~Brien-Best Short Stories of Stephens-Charwoman's Daughter. Tarkington~ire Ambler. Van Buren-Christmas in Modem Story. Wells-Meanwhile. Wilder-Bridge of San Luis Ray. Sociology- Groves - Wholesome Marriage. Sumner-Folkways. Bell-Europe's Economic Sunrise. Bailey-For the Children's Hour. Cendrars-Afric:an Saga. Coster-Legend of Ulenspiegel. Useful Arts-Jacques - Colettt's Best Recipes. Pratz-Frenc:h Home Cooking. Manly-Drake's Radio Cyc:lopedia. Tosdal- Principles of Personal Selling. . Tallmadge-History of Arc:hitec:ture in America. Litereature-Gay Beggar's Opera. personal view. The material has been taken from Mme. Sand's own writings, · Jut letters, novels and prefaces. As she was one of the most frank and reveal1.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,. ing of writers the material has been I ParfltrtJ/IU 1927. - ~.aciMWonaas Emotional expression in mod- · era art-cleeeribed as the "first reall7 human book on modem art!' Beaatifully iUustratecl. ' . C. I. IJallitt The pros~ctive publishers .of Mar- abundant, it bas been the oflice of the got Asquith"'! · first novel, "Octavia," biographer to take it out and placf' proudly announce that fifty thousand it on a vivid background. dollars, and of c:ourse royalties, are being paid for the English and AmeriTHE SOIL AGAIN can rights. . It only makes us wonder why Margot · bas allowed herself to ·RED RUST" be so hard up all these years instead of doing ~his long ago. ·~eo....-..._ c.Little 11nwa eo. I p 14 a: I tl 9 0 b J: h A II tl c Tlli Grtat Amtrkaa BaadWaaoa aeewate aad HYing caricature of contemporary life in the UDitecl States. Chosen by the Literary G.ild as its February book. A Study of Exaaerations. An c.... .,.,. ..... Day ·········.·· :;1).00 l'--------------...11 EDEN The 91d Nick , . . story of father-who by beiM a coapanion to his three lCD reaU, helped them team to he thar liYes! A book for fatlaers to learn from. a F· .,......n Da..w..lay. Dona WCo. ··· 12.50 . My Pioaa ritacll aad Dtaakta (:ompaaiO.a Aa Antholou' of JoUification Soap, revived by Frank Shay, and uproariously illustrated by JobD Held, Jr., and ·(as he says himlelf) very nicely, too. ~~aca.aa1 ·············· 1i.5o Whitman's Leavu of Grass An attractive little volume for 'Whitman lovers who like their Walt in compact, easily-portable form. £aited by Emory HoDoway. Coutry Lift Pma ······· I ·· 2$ . . . An··· Ridwd Henry Little's book of hitherto uapublisbed material about Lincoln. latrotludion bv Carl,.,.,_, lliltae. Balcb 8 Co. ······ I 1.oo ltaapadn A history of this famous and powerful monk of the Nicholas' reip. Priaa FeUJt Y oaaoapof Tilt Dial P1111 ·········.. l5.oo As the life of America becomes in"THE SEVEN STRINGS OF THE creasingly concentrated in t:ities w~ turn with an ever keener delight, 1t LYRE" seems, to the discovery in fiction oi the more simplified kinds of living. B~ Eliultetla ScJ. .....ra We have discovered in the last few H-·toa Mi&a Co. years that we have in our c:ountry a "New Sweden" whic:h yields as stir"What a woman," sighed Balzac:, ring accounts of the lives of its settlers when, in the wee small hours of the Norway and Sweden themselves. night he left George Sand sitting in as "Gi-ants in the Earth" was Rolvaag's short black coat, red trousers, gold slippers, meditatively puffing at her compared, and rightly, to "Growth of long pipe. "What a woman. Her the Soil," Now Corne6a James Cannovel "Red Rust" will bring forth male is hard to find. She is great, non's something of the same comparisons. gener~ms, chast~, man.y qualities all These comparisons will be less just these. But she hasn't a particle of for, while "Red Rust" is a story of coquetry." And again, thinking of her to himself, "Your idea of love is a that pioneer country of N o r t h e r n sort of Heaven, full of noble senti- Minnesota, it is not dominated by that ments and spiritual flowers and exalted same overwhelmingly fatalistic feeling. ·~ ~~uy morality, where two t:reatures united The country and man's struggle with "Kr. Sheehan has produced a story into one angel, can fty on pure wings it, forms the bac:kgrotand of the traof aucb poeb7, lnalsht and charm gedy but the tragedy itself is made up that lat. vendon eeems both more of rapture and poetry." . real and more beauUful than any of the human elements, elements which This expresses a good deal of of the other& Hla Is no superftGeorge Sand. Eccentric:, erratic, sin- might have existed anywhere. clal aUre1 but a dramaUc tale told It is the story of :Matts Swenson, a with a aellcate humor and ftne cere, idealistic, unsatisfied, she will lron7."-The Independent. ... remain for many years more as she poet and creator whose creation is E. P. o.tt- a has been in the past one of the really a new kind of wheat. Matts lives the life of other farmers in his country but intriguing women of history. Elizabeth Schermerhorn has con- with a difference, the difference which lffi~:S:E:=:=:=:=:=::==:=:a;tl tributed a very valuable and above all is given to artists, to those whom the readable story of this interesting wo- world calls queer. He feels the beauty man. one which giv:es a particularly of life. the magic of being able to do ~omething to make it finer, to nut his imprint on the face of the world. His tragedy comes not from the failure to do this but from the old one of marrvChallenging reply to Miss Mayo's incr· one woman and falling in love with lfother India whic:h you c:annot another. afford to miss. Mrs. Cannon has told her storv with a fittinfl sitr.plicity, and an almost A SON OF MOTHER INDIA homely choice of words, vet guided by ANSWERS poetic f~elin~. The re~ult is pleasant. B~ D._ Gap.~ M.._j restful m this age of virtuosity in Disraeli ·········.··· S3.00 literature. E. P. D.ttaa a Co. Andrt M·uroia N. S. VASSAR CLUB Ambition ······...... S:z.5o Members of the North Shore VasArthur Tr·in sar dub, mothers of present Vassar students and members of the governing Rtd Rust ·.·····.··. S:z.5o board of the National Kindergarten and C«mll. J.mea Cannon Elementary College, were guests of the college this Wednesday afterMan of Learniag ····· S:z.oo noon for the lecture given by Mrs. N't.on Anttin Crawford Margaret Gray Blanton of Vassar. A tea followed. Last Post ·······..·· $1.50 GANGSTBR Ford Jluox Ford WHAT A WOMAN a fl II II B e s·· ··· eo. BOOKS of the MUKERJI'S MINU·TE ... ME, In the Children's Room Child's History of the World · A St.JB'I'BilltAN--, .n~.._ A Soa of Motbtr ladia llOBBR.T H. DAVIS. -~ -~ ltllllBIDlT Aaawtn eriae U:ayo'a indictment of ID·-by a man who is certaialy equipped to write it. , . _ GOfllll JIU.ji o.a.. ............... .11.50 . · ·..· ~ ·.······.·· 1].50 Hill~t - An effective answer to Kath- -u.s .................. &&~. . . . . . , . . . . . . . The Jolly Old Whistle ·· S:a.oo Htrxl.l WilliaJa ,........... .....,.,_ .... LORD'S IOOU Chandler's · Fountain Sqaare Evanston Uah.US . . Dam St. -~..,= ~.... ........-·~IWJ ~--~· ··uo~olitaa ............. .......,. ___ Y-',_,._T..... ...._ DIWit.Y "Charla Fnacia .................... , ........ ._ .................... .... ........... ... , ........... _ Coe ... R.Y a 1M , _ -'S:::A......... ........ ........ n. ...... ... . . . . ,... - ........... , ... , nzW..__ .1'N . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . &- r II II _ 5 ....... " a· -· ............. GWI.

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