Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1928, p. 38

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Reviews Bill-O-Fare .Jn 44No Jlen·· J..il!· . S~ROIUI : . , _ Wilmtne -" ·.., l(iiJ;lwortiJ "· ICmilwortb 3980-3981 At th.e I The .CommunitY. House curtain rises Canary" on Friday. As a prologue for 'Ufhe Cat and t·he Canary," Burton H. Atwood Jr., director of Community House movies, bas arranged a brief stage ·skellcb of fitting ·atmos~eric nature. P. G. Wodebouse wrote "The Small Bachelor," which, as a short story, was carried in the Liberty magazine. Barbara Kent and Andre Beranger are the. featured . actor,s:· 1..Dazzling Ca. eds" ·of the Collegian series will also be shown. _ 'Ufbe Cat and the Canary" is one of the best mystery dramas shown in recent years. It is an adaptation from the recent stage success by the same name and is just as convincing and entertaining as was its predecessor. Laura La Plante and Creighton Hale are co-starred. · .or-· Extended Cofnment With a limited amount of space at my disposal, it is always difficult to give the individual members of the Evanston Players the credit that is due . them. The current production, "Wedding Bells," affords an opP.Ortunity to comment at greater length on the work of two of those who have been giving Margaret Fuller and Charles George such excellent support during the present engagement of the Players. Because she has always played minor character parts in the offerings of the company, Ann Dere has not been featured in reviews of the various New Evanston shows. Miss Dere bas consistently done ·remarkable work and the necessitous elimination of much comment on it is as much regretted by the reviewer as by anybody. In "Wedding Bells" she takes the ·part of Mrs. Hunter, mother of Marcia Hunter-Rita Zane-and again proves her great ability as an actress. She is ·the most versatile of all the members of the cast and is the one who most f.uUy lives her part the whole time she is on the stage. Whether she plays a slatternly Mexican cook or a female high bat she is what she plap and she convinces her audience that she is. , Her stage presence is always pleasing, her voice ill good, her lines carry to everyone in the audience. It is to be hoped that Evanston playgoers will soon b~ve the opportunity of seeing her in a leading role. Richard Ward, one of the latest ad:ditions to the company is one of its mainstays. He is a better all around actor than Charles George because be acts less and bas considerably more assurance. As yet be. bas not bad an opportunity to demonstrate any great .. Ft Ann Dere, Richard "The Small Baehelor" at Community House Tueaclay ·ward Come in For .. "----------------~- next week on "The Small Bachelor" on Tuesday and "T·he Cat and the 8ahlnla7, Febnar, 18 "Valley of Giants" .............. Norshore "That's :My Daddy" ............ .. Varsity "Wedding Bills" ......... . New Evanston "Main Event" . . ......... Teatro' del Laao . 81ia4a~, Pebnar, It "Shepherd of Hilla" ............ Norsbore '-rhat'.a My Daddy" ...... Teatro del Lago Koa4aJ', Peltnai'J' II "Spite Comer" ............ New Evanston "The 'G orilla" ........... . . . ...... Varsity ..Sailor's Wives" .... .... Teatro del Lago "Shepherd of Hilla" ............ Norshore hel4a~, l'eltnar, 11 : "Sailor'· Wive_.' ........ Teatro del Lago "Shepherd of Billa" ..... ....... Norshore "Spite Comer" ..... ... .... New Evanston "Small Bachelor" ...... Community House "The Gorilla" .......... ....· .... . Varsity w..aellaT, l'ebnar, It "'l'Wo J'tamlnc Youths" .. Teatro del Lago "Tbe Gorilla" ..... ·.. .. . . . . . .... .Varsity "SDite Comern ............ New Evanston ..Shepherd of Hills" ............ Norshore Tllan4aJ", Feltnai'J' II "Valley of Olanta" ...... Teatro del Lago "Sette Comer" ..........·. New Evanston "S epherd of mna" ............ Norahore Prl4aT, Peltnar, ft · "Cat and Canary" .... Community House "VaUe7 of Olanta" ...... Teatro del Lago ..sette Comer" ............ New BvaDst.On "S epherd of Hills" ............ Norshore "Sprlq Fever" .... Glencoe Union Church pt "1 }. p: R MATINEES SATURDAY, SUNDAY IATUJU)AY W SUNDAY Doon Opea 1:30 ...., Starta 2 p. ··· Coatiaaou o: · tJ n ir c p Sl " " llwning· 'Daring 6 :JO Show Btert· 1 p. m. Door· Opn~ w·· E a OGR..UI FOR WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 24, 1. . lat·rta~, l'e'- 'II Give Lecture-Recitals OD Gilbert and Sallivan A series of lecture-recitals on "The Mirth and · Melody of Gilbert and SuUivan," is entertaining a number of Chicago audiences during February, presented by Abram Mendenhall and his daughter, Miss Helen. Opening the program, the former briefly sketches the lives of the three great Savoyards, William. S. Gilbert, Arthur S. Sullivan and Richard D'Oyly Carte, followed by a discussion of the motif of eve!'Y OPera they produced from "Thespas" to "The Grand Duke." The lecture is illustrated by ~us!cal numbers, Mr. Mendenhall smgang the comedy songs. from "Pinafore," "T~e Mikado" and · ot~er operas, and Mtss Mendenhall sangsng Ma.~offin , BYBWI~ -.aq Rtnet" . CUI. Qa»>la C-et~ &wla. . .· Roi.O·waN Cartooa ......... lfo. I" Paille 8aala~, Ten . .noMt r-----------------r ~ t t p -ott COMMUNITY HOUSE T...., F... Zl Barura Xeat Pe'- 1t IIY DADDY" ~ Fri., F.._ Z4 La·ra La Plaale Crel·lltoa Hale ..,... Cat ... c...ry'· Aadre Beraa..r ......_ S...U ·····_, con..... at the psano. him be bas made good and more than ;~~~;;;;;;;;;~~t~h~e~~~p~ra~n~o~~~n~'~s~,~w~~~b~M~i~s~s~L~~~s~~~fu~~~~~ good. Perhaps be is one of those ac; Lle~l "Du~=!~... p:'t,=· HqllH aal XaJT A1tor -rile Ran11ter" -&altll'· ·o4el 811op" · lallll Pa~~tDT CoaedJ -.araao·at New·" "THE FOUR 10 Mile· No~th SEASONS"· Where the Be1t-Meet the Beat 'WBD., PBB. ~· XATINBE w. "I'WO .n.MIDIG YOU'I'BS" C. Plel4t aal Clleater Coakii.Jl "PaatatJ" Color Cla11le "BTeJThodT PIJIDI" WAUK.EGAN ROAD of Glenview, 4 Mile· Weat of Wilmette. DANCING Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday Nights · Mtuic by Four 8eaona OtcheatttJ DINNER. CHICKEN, STEAK aad CHINESE DINNERS. NO COVER. CHARGE. Paltle "Pox 11ew1" ·ntoa 81111 "Do DeleetiQI T...k" Hal Boelle Coae4T "Paaaao·aiNew·" ~QUE CONTEST Briaa ia your olclat Dime. Your olclat Dime may wia you a prize. Cash priza offend. tors whose parts must be chosen witb the greatest care but who, when they are properly cast, quickly earn the plaudits of their audiences and build up an enthusiastic following. Ward is rapidly accumulating this following and merits a column of special praise. These two do by far the best work · in the current show, a comedy that gets funnier as it develops, ending in a rapid fire laugh act. Miss Fuller and Charles George play the leads, Rosalie and Reginald Carter, whose romance, which ended in marriage and later divorce, ·began when Rosalie's dog chewed up Reginald's shoe. (The dog appears on the scene in the last act and a rather rustic audience was child~ ishly amused by whistling at the beast on the openine night.) Three couples are tangled up in the skein of the plot and who is going tc) marry who, who bas married who and who's who furnishes no little su~ense. Other members of the cast are George Pembroke, Lew Welsh, Maynard Brooks and Beatrice Leiblee. . C. V: K... GLENCOE MOVIES ,.,. 10 The exduiYe ue of the Ballroom may bt bad FREE of cbarae for Putill. Baaqaet.ud Diaaen, aay ailht exapt Weclaaclay. Saturday · · ....,. 0pea aD year muad. Come here oa your SJeiab ride DincdoD-How to nacb tht "FOUR SEASONS"-Wilmtttt. wat :"Spring Fever" with William Hainl!s will be shown at the Glencoe Union church next Friday afternoon. The 1927 Illinois com crop is 42,000,000 bushels more than was estimated in August. It is more than 9 per cent of the nation's total. · . -o- · ...... ......... ., .......... . Wau..... ...._ 1~ aila aortb of GleaYitW. lmpd··U, woadnf1d 11.- ~ t.y dlt FOUR. SEASONS Orcba- . , :The Chicago Surface Lines leads the nation in number of· miles ·of track recon~t~cted by urban electric railways dunop·WD~ ...... . . . ... ·-J . .

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