Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1928, p. 41

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Girla Battle· _....:.:...~ HO'WIII'U (Continued from page 40) · . 0.. . . ID .. . . . . . . . . Frara The 7A Stolp vs 7A Howard were .. three excatan1 basketball games, one at .Howard and two at Stolp. Stolp won one· and lost· two~ The scores were as . f 0 llo 5 · w · 7A Stolp, 7; 7A Howard, 4--7A Howard, 10-7A Stolp, 8: 7A Howard, 12· The gameos were very exciting and . · LINCOLN the seventh and eighth grades drew a Lmcoln 15 the man, That we aU kno'!· . big crowd. We tried to be good losers. He was our p~esadent long,. Jon~ ago. It is the first time 7A Stolp has .been He helped. a pag th~t was ·I! dastress, held under a score of 14 and it is the And got has clothes 10 a terrable mess. first time 8A Stolp has been held uader Lincoln is the man, a score of 20. That we all know. -Cecil Williams · He is brave, true and strong -----And hu a beautiful ·soul. UNCOLN -Betty Schmidt, Grade 6 Lincoln was honest, Lincoln was brave, We have a new motto for our room Lincoln was thrifty, which is "Enter Each Schoolroom For And was sure to save. Business." -Francis Lankey, SB Central -Joe Hayes, Stolp 7A ~-._ ~...._ Stolp - ·· ·~ ~ The · 7A pis' team of Howard won the seyent~ grade. Howard b!-5~etbaU cham~aonship agaanst 78, WIDDIDI 2 games to I. The final, game was Monday, ,February 6. 7~s score .'!&s 9 and 7B s 6. It was a very excatan1 game and both teams played hard to the finish. "Kelly" Welter, 78, and Alice Nord, . 7A, did some ~xcelltnt work. The referee was Abce Edmoods and the score keeper, Lauretta Anderson. -J~net McConnaughey, 8A Howard D--L.-&1..-11 ...._. IIO&IWC HUS IC0lllU.·' The New Trier coacert .lloadl.y, February 6, was enjoyed by th!_ shore boys and pis. Noi'IIUUI Heu, student of· New Trier, played a coacerto by Camille Saint-Saens. He got a trteat applause by aD. This '!'as the thard ~oncert of the season pen bl the Lattle SYP.,lphony Orchestra o Chicago under the direction of Geor1e Dasch. ' -Mar1ery Simon and Eleanor · Ricb. Sixth srade HOLD OF REVIEW The monthly Board of Review of Wilmette Boy Scouts was held Febraary 8, in Mr. Harper's office. Twelve boys went up for second class Scout and four went up for first class Scout and many went up for different merit badges. Thee were awarded at the Merit Badge exposition Saturday evening, February 11. .:...Lawrence Burckmaster 7B ·' PLAN DANCE EXHIBIT February 17, Miss Chase's room and Miss J ulians' room will do a "Sailor's Hornpipe" dane~. They will be dressed in white trousen, white middies, black ties and sailors' caps. -Janette ~usnak, Qrade 6 aOAao ------------------------------------------------------------ · Two . important basketball ~ea tooi place FridaJ_, February 3, ID tlae StOlp Daaaalium. The fU!1e1 were played bet--. the two riYal school., Stolp and Howard. The fint,~~ was 7A Stolp Y.· 7A Howard. nuwana pat up a cood fiaht ·bat u Stolp -lwl the stron1est team, the finaliCOI'e ~ 13:.:11 ~ favor of Stolp. · The second game that took place was 8A Stolp .va 8A Howard. Here apia Stolp demonstrated' her streqth. The· final ·score was, 12-10 in faYOr of Stolp. In each~ there wu · dif· ference of two pomta in tbe final .-:ore. -Haah BOJde &D · , A GRAJ'J;IIC TALE Preston .,. the Jump. Knocked the ·. ball to Hall · Af~r a hard battle Warren on Preston 1 t~ IUDkhaUoae basket. After a while at was a · The aecond haH Preston aot the baD and shot and sunk it for tile second basket. The score wu 4 to 0 in faYOr of 6C. Soule on 6B'a team shot three one .._..ded shot~ all very close. Herbon on 6B's teant got a free throw and sunk it, after a hard battle 6C won 4 to 1. -Paal Soale, 68 Stolp Said the great orator: How much longer will you abuse ou_r patience? ROMAN FORUM, as a T HE center for disseminating information, was at best a meagre med· ium for spreading publicity--slow and uncertain according to modern standards. What a contrast is presented by today' s methods! All you need do now is to lift the receiver of your telephone, call your home news .. paper and tell the Classified Ad Taker what you want thousands to know. A luxury . that Cicero and Caesar never knew! DESIGNED FOR A PURPOSE Thole who abidy to become Interior Decoraton are learnin1 to create lovely claipa aacb aa are beiD1 ..tel ia the mOlt ·lective d"lea to beaatify the home. In tbia department claip, aa taapr by Mr. ~. Mn. Danielaon ancl Mr. Harriapr, ia a complete ancl perfect foanclation for a life of artiltic KtiYity. Bar in the EVANsTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS daip ia not con&aecl to dine ~a. fOf we reprcl it aa the trae baaia of all artiatic eq.aion. Even in IIICb cla.a as are clrawia1 the aacle &pre. til! pateat empbaaia ia.Jaicl apoa claip. 10 tbat tbe lblcleata aay not in the mel limply have learned ·to ~ what ia before tbna bat they may iacl tbelllRiv· eqaifpecl to hda1 to tbia worlcl ~aad- · fully conceived icleu wtlf claipecl aacl euaatecl. WILME't·I'E LIFE WINNETKA TALK GLENCOE NEWS WILMETTE 4300 WINNETKA 2000 GREENLEAF 4300 For tbe cODYnaieace of aciYcrtiltn wilbiaa to coYer die EYUIIOII rerrirorr we will abo accept Waat A· for .THa EVANS'I'ON RIMBW. THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS

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